Hyper Luck

Chapter 94: Cerulean Being (2)

Mose did not return even after 7 days.

The hopelessness and despair came to torment her after finding out that 7 days did not mean the 7 days in the world that she belonged in.

“Khea, are you okay?”

A faint and subtle light passed through the window from the dark sky with many bright stars.

Elsha appeared in smoke through that light with a clear worried expression.

Elsha’s gaze was directed at the spot where Khea always read her book in the giant hall.

And at the end of her gaze, there was Khea sitting quietly in the corner.

A book called ‘The Bard of the Cafera’, which she requested Mose to bring for her, was placed around her.

The faint starlight did not reach all the way to Khea, but her two eyes twinkled in the darkness.

“Mose, he died for me.’

Her voice was filled with sadness and despair.

“I couldn’t do anything back for him in return.”

“That was something Master Mose had decided to do for you.”

Elsha initiated a conversation in order to comfort her.

“My Master is an eternal immortal. He shall return after overcoming death itself, for you.”

“I know, Elsha. I was able to accept the death of Mose’s colleagues, Guile and Swordsman, with ease because of that. “

Khea’s shoulders began to tremble slightly as she said that.

“But as for Mose’s death, I just can’t accept it like that... I know he’s immortal... But still, I just can’t...”

“That is the proof of how much you cherish Master Mose.”

At Elsha's words, Khea silently picked up The Bard of the Cafera and held it in her arms.

“Elsha, the truth is... I made a promise to myself that someday I would say the words on the last page of this book to Mose.”

“When did you decide to make the promise?”

“When Mose did everything he could in his power for my friend, Pharah.”

“May I ask what is written on the last page of the book?”

At Elsha’s question, two twinkling stars fell under her eyes in the darkness.

Then she shook her head in a busy motion.

“It’s a secret...”

Khea smiled faintly. Even in the darkness, her smiling face was very clearly visible.

At Khea’s overwhelming beauty which even subdued the darkness, Elsha couldn’t do anything but remain in silence.

“When Master Mose comes back, are you planning on saying the words you had promised to yourself?”

A moment later, Khea answered Elsha’s question.

“Yes, I am going to say it. I wouldn’t be able to help but say it as soon as I see his face again.”

Then she quietly stood up from her seat. She took off her black leather armor, put her linen shirt and leather leggings on, and a pair of boots that reached halfway up her shin. Khea’s figure seemed as light as the wind on the hooves of a Horace.

“Elsha, thank you for comforting me.”

“I am very glad that you were able to find comfort through my words.”

Khea untied her tightly held hair, and walked halfway across the giant hall as she asked Elsha who was following after her.

“Could you put some light please?”

“Have you found a clear plan to put yourself under a clear light?”

Elsha carefully asked Khea back.

Khea’s voice was back to her usual tone as if nothing had happened.

“I do, just like Bellica rising to the sky every morning!”

As soon as she finished speaking, every crystal ball inside the Sky Lord started to light up.

When the Sky Lord, parked on the slope of the 'Mountain of Fallen Stars' located in the northern part of Azharus, was lit by Elsha's will,

Tens, hundreds, or even thousands of lights began to appear suddenly from the mountainside where only darkness had settled.

It seemed that the lights reacted to the sudden flash from the Sky Lord, and slowly roamed around the boat like fireflies in reality.

The sight was a feast of amazing lights, and it felt as if it was a sneak peek of a secret aspect of the bare face of the universe itself.

“Elsha. Over the mountains of Langeru, there is a ‘dwarf’ that I must find.”

“Is the dwarf your friend, Khea?”

“No, that dwarf is...”

Khea paused for a moment and stiffened her expression.

However, shortly after, a faint smile was put on her lip.

“The ‘Swordmaster of Aspragan, Gantt’.”

Soon, a heavy mechanical sound began to erupt from the inside of the Sky Lord.

The round lights that had been wandering around the boat began to dance around in sync with the mechanical sound.

After a while, the Sky Lord soared into the sky, and then rapidly disappeared toward the opposite side of the mountain.



At the main gate of Lundebarun, the Allied Forces consisting of the Asparagan Imperial Army and the ‘Mage Society’ dispatched from the League of Sorcery were forming a firm defensive formation

“The ‘Mage Society’ only brought 300 people?”

Asparagan's Imperial Army commander ‘Vedu’ expressed his discontent with the representative of the Magic Society sent from the League of Sorcery.

The representatives seemed not to be bothered by his expression of discontent.

“I can guarantee you that the 300 of us will be stronger than 2000 of the Imperial Army that you lead.”

The leader of the Society covered his eyes with a black cloth, talking down on Vedu.

Veins began to appear on Vedu’s exposed forehead, which expressed his anger.

“It seems that you are still unaware of the true power of the Imperial Army that I lead! We have homunculi which are considered ordnance in the army.”

“And it is also a part of our job to create those homunculi.”

A sharp tension began to flow between the two.

Vedu was staying sharp on his nerves because of the fact that the Imperial Army had to take the lead.

And the Mage Society was showing condolences because the number of imperial troops taking such a vanguard was too small

“How about using that clever magic of yours to dig up information about the enemies who came from another world this time?”

At Vedu’s question in a rude tone, the representative of the Mage Society answered in a shabby tone.

“As a result of our clever magic, we’ve found out that all that came from another world were just hundreds of ‘scavengers’. To be honest, I'm not sure if it's a big enough deal for us to be dispatched, but we're in a position where we have to do whatever our superiors tell us to do.”

Hearing the answer, Vedu seemed relieved and continued speaking indifferently.

“That would be enough for us to take the lead, I just hope the immortals won’t intervene.”

“Yikes, didn’t know you were a Lid Tel.”

“Nonsense! Do not associate me, Vedu, with such radicals! It’s just that the prestige of our imperial army is about to fall to the ground due to the activities of the immortals these days. I’m saying that we have to handle this properly and save the face of the Imperial Army!”

“Fufu, then it seems that we wouldn’t even need to spend our mana in the first place. Should we cancel the casting spells that we have loaded already?”

“Of course. Make sure to take a good look at the power of the homunculi.”

With Vedu’s confidence, war cries and shouts started erupting from the army from various places.

After a while, the hideous creature, which appeared with a busy pace as if jumping out of the forest, could not handle its running speed and began to rush towards the Imperial Army, dragging itself on the ground several times.

“The garbage from the otherly world always makes me throw up. Like the bread made in Vargal.”

The representative of the Mage Society made a gesture of throwing up over a deformed four-legged creature jumping out of the forest.

Vedu immediately drew his sword from his waist.

“1st Array! Forward!”

At the end of the exuberant slogan, the soldiers in the front row guarded their spears with flashing golden armors as they moved mechanically.

The soldiers holding their position, seemingly unaffected by the hideous appearance of the Scavengers, began to thrust their spears forward piercing the Scavengers.

Vedu started laughing out loud as he watched the dozens of Scavengers taken down in an instant all at once.

“You said that there were hundreds of them, but it turns out there were only dozens of them! The detection spell of the Mage Society isn’t as good as it used to be, huh!”

The representative of the Mage Society tilted his head in question.

According to the magical tool that they brought, the size of the Scavengers reached hundreds.

As the representative was starting to have doubts and questions, more busy footsteps began to be heard from the front.

The representative of the Mage Society put a cold smile on his face after hearing them.

“Not so fast, our detection spell is always perfectly accurate.”

Vedu started to command the soldiers, trying his best to ignore that remark.

“1st Array! Forward!”

The soldiers with their spears heading forward were waiting for the approaching scavenger

However, a moment later,

The Scavengers started falling down by themselves. The Scavenger vomited blood from its mouth located in various places on its body, and then it died right away.

The scavengers that followed after began to fall down to the ground.

A soldier approached one of the corpses and held it up.

“What the...”

Vedu’s expression started to distort from that point.

The Scavenger’s body was half ripped off.

This must have been done by someone else.

“Is it the immortals again?”

After Vedu’s fretful complaints, he suddenly began to feel a great vibration coming from far away.

And the vibrations started getting bigger and bigger.

From then on, Vedu’s expression became more serious.

And that applied to the people from Mage Society too.

The sounds of footsteps coming from the distance in front of them were at least thousands, at most, tens of thousands.

They were beings that could not be detected even with the detection spells, who could they possibly be?

There were way too many of them to assume that they were immortals.

The representative of the Mage Society could not shake the anxiety off.

After a while, a cerulean man appeared over the hill.

He trudged down the hill alone, then stopped the footsteps halfway down the slope.

“Who are you! Reveal your identity!”

Vedu drew his sword and shouted at him.

However, the representative of the Mage Society, who was standing next to Vedu, fell to the ground without realizing it.

“Th... This is impossible...!”

His jaws dropped and his face was instantly filled with despair.

“1st array! Forward! I ask you again! Who are you!”

The blue skinned man did not even flinch at Vedu’s shout and stood still on the spot.

“Attack him!”

Vedu commanded.

A line of homunculus units approaching with their spears in front immediately thrust a spear at the blue man.

But in that instant,


The blue-skinned man shouted fiercely.

And after him,

“Hoo!!! Haa!!!”

A very loud shout was heard over the hill that overwhelmed the Imperial Army.

It seemed that all the blood was drained from Vedu’s face after he heard the battle cry.

After a while, two huge blunt weapons appeared in both hands of Rebaccan, who was standing at the vanguard.

“Kill them all!”

With that command, a great vibration from beyond the hill struck the Imperial Army first.

The vibration grew large enough that the insteps of the greaves they were wearing began to rattle with the vibrations of the ground.

And Vedu was able to confirm the source of the vibration.

A huge blue wave appeared from over the hill. A huge number of blue soldiers with the eyes of berserkers withered in battle attacked the Imperial Army in an instant.

Even so, Vedu didn’t fall into panic at the sight. He calmly raised his blade and looked forward.

The Imperial Army that he was leading included the fearless homunculi.

Although the scale is small, the units of the 1st array of the Army that are currently at the forefront were considered to be the strongest shields of the Imperial Army.

“Stop them!”

In response to Vedu’s command, the army of homunculi instantly positioned themselves and pointed their spear forward to greet the rushing

The blue waves intensely rushing crashed directly against the wall made by the golden Imperial Army.

At that moment, blood began to spurt everywhere.

They successfully managed to block the first rush of the Rebaccans.

Unlike the looks of it, they were able to take on the warriors of that race that came from the otherly world.

That was what Vedu concluded, then as he was about to give his next order.

Something strange started happening from the frontline.

The eyes of the Rebacaans who were bleeding began to turn red, and black smoke began pouring out from the corners of their eyes.

What happened after that broke Vedu’s common sense.

The Rebaccans began to tear all limbs of the homunculi standing in the frontline, with their primitive and simple, but relentless movement.

Soon, the walls built by the Imperial Army began to be torn down helplessly.

Although the Imperial Army was outnumbered, it seemed that they wouldn’t stand a chance even if they were the same in number.

The vanguard of the Rebaccans ripped the Imperial Army consisting of the homunculi.

It was the moment when the Rebaccans, who had reached the main unit in such an instant, raised their vicious weapons.


Arrows with blue light began to pour out from the sky.

The arrows struck the heads of the Rebaccans from above, leading them to their demise.

After a while, the sound of a horn broke through the air.


“Let’s go!!”

Soon, numerous players pouring out from the left began to strike the side of the army of Rebaccans.

Vedu couldn't help but marvel at their movement that was not afraid of death, and the way each individual moved organically, striking their enemies.

That was the true nature of the immortals.

It meant that the players were warriors who could not be compared with themselves in the first place.

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