Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 12 - death of a slug

“Huh, it’s here, it’s finally out.”

“I finally encountered fresh air. The air in the passage is really disgusting and a little unbearable.”

The white fog is hazy, leaving the underground passage is like entering a world of white fog. Fortunately, these white fogs cannot completely block the sunlight.

When everyone left the underground passage, the sun carried a trace of warmth, or it should be said that the dry heat shone on most people’s faces. Although it was a little hot, most people did not feel disgusted.

After all, they had been in the underground passage for a long time before, and in the dark underground, as long as they stayed for a long time, they would long for some sunshine.

“The Lost Merlot Wetland, also known as the deceiver’s lair, to go to the second test venue, we must pass here, where there are all kinds of strange monsters.”

Perhaps after accurate calculation, when the candidates left the ground and came to this wetland, the white fog here had begun to disperse, and the examiner Satz also began to popularize this place for the candidates.

“Most of the monsters here live by deception, you have to be careful, if I am deceived, I will die.”

Although he said that you should be careful if you are cheated, you will die, but the examiner didn’t have the slightest worry. Maybe it was his confidence in his own strength.

There is no one else to worry about here except the candidates.

The examinees present were a little frightened by the atmosphere.

And Ron, who was standing beside the aisle in the crowd, was identifying his customers. At this time, he had a smile on his face, which was a bit elusive.

“Help me, pull me out.”

He didn’t care at all about the people who asked him for help in front of him. Seeing that the iron door in front of him was closed, Ron finally determined the number.

“Lord Ron, there are 33 dead clones.”

At this time, the little slug turned into its slender body again. It used to be Ron riding it, but now it is riding Ron. While lying softly on Ron’s shoulder, the slug reported the current situation.

Although it is his own clone, the little slug doesn’t look uncomfortable at all. After all, the clone is actually being manipulated by it, and it took some mind power and physical strength to create them.

After they reached the end, they had already discovered that many slugs still in the passage began to die.

This really caught their attention.

“I see. It seems that our customers this year are very interesting.”

This number is similar to what Ron counted. He saw that there were only 27 customers who were still carrying slugs.

Having a slug and hoping to pass the hunter exam, it is impossible to leave the passage. The only possibility is that the candidates are messing around.

After all, as for those clone slugs, although their abilities are good, their own combat power is too low. They were not created for fighting.

“Slug, start charging our medical bills.”

Thinking that the candidates for this level may die in this wetland, Ron doesn’t seem to continue to wait. His investment cannot be unrewarded.

He needs to determine how much he will honestly pay for the medical bills.

“Yes, Lord Ron.”

When Slug answered Ron, there was a little disturbance in many places among this group of candidates.

“What’s happening here?”

“Go away, don’t even think about it.”

“Who would reduce their lifespan honestly? I originally wanted to make more use of you bug, but if it’s useless now, just die for me, hahaha~~~”

Many of the candidates who were originally excited to pass the hunter test turned a little weird and unsightly.

Most of them did not resist and accepted it honestly, while among the remaining people, there were a few others when Slug proposed to collect medical fees.

Stealing and cheating, and even attacking the slug directly.

“It seems to be organized.”

Naturally, these people are all under Ron’s attention.

Under Ron’s watch, many people naturally stared at him closely. Those who had helped them before by Ron were now surrounded by a large number of people.

With the few people who joined later, the number has reached 37.

Each one of them looked at Ron with a joking and weird smile. There was malice and provocation in it. Maybe, maybe it was the number of people that made them a little bloated.

In the passage, Ron lit up his muscles more or less. If it was just a few people, he would definitely not have the courage to do such a thing.

This situation, the candidates around him naturally saw it, but he didn’t care about the organization. What Ron did in the passage before had already aroused the disgust of many people.

Although they didn’t plan to deal with him, they were quite happy to see Ron in trouble, and they acted as one more drama for this boring hunter experiment.

“The creatures here basically live by deception. Candidates, in order to avoid being deceived, it is best to follow me closely.”

As the examiner for the first test, Satz naturally knew the situation in his group of candidates, but he had no intention of intervening.

Continue to explain the situation here in detail.

As long as no one attacks him, as an examiner, he will not intervene in this hunter test. This is his own rule.

“Che, it’s nonsense. How could you be fooled if you knew you would be deceived.”

In the crowd, standing next to Kurapika, Leori said a word disdainfully, and then looked in Ron’s direction.

“That guy, UU reading is in trouble.”

“Well, it is true, but according to that person’s style and the current situation, if there is no accident, the unlucky candidates should be those candidates. Judging from his appearance, it should be about to shoot, let’s stay away, go first Tell Xiaojie and the others not to be affected.”

When Kurapika heard this, he nodded. This time, although the dozens of candidates seemed to be numerous, they were all ordinary guys.

Facing the Ron who he couldn’t see through, Kurapika really didn’t think they had any chance of winning.

Seeing that the distance between them is not very far, and Ron is obviously planning to act, Kurapika also made an opinion.

“Well, looking like he’s about to take action, let’s talk to Xiaojie and the others first. That guy, I really don’t want to have anything to do with him.”

The conversation with Ron in the passage made Leo Li have no good impression of him.

Now he just wants to watch the show well, and to take revenge for the other party watching his show before, it’s better to watch him get beaten up and give him a few panda eyes on his face.

Leo Li cursed inwardly.

“Don’t be deceived by him.”

Just when Leo Li was about to move, a man with short brown hair and a slight scar walked out from the wall next to their underground passage.

Looking at it like that, it was obvious that he had been hiding there for a long time.

“That guy is lying.”

As soon as this guy appeared, he spoke in an angry tone, and while speaking, he pointed at the examiner Satz, who had stretched out his hand for everyone’s attention.

Fortunately, Ron had been standing beside the passage and counted the number of people before. This guy came to Ron as soon as he came out, blocking the body that Ron wanted to move forward.

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