Hunter’s Burial

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: : Vibration Force

“Boom” “Crack”

The two consecutive voices made Pam wake up from the lost soul, followed by exhaustion and severe pain, hitting Pam like a tidal wave.

Pam, who was originally standing, sat on the ground in an instant.

Seeing that he was covered in wounds, the bones in his left hand should have been broken, because Pam could no longer use his strength. The qi in his body is also completely consumed.

Looking at his state, Pam was also bewildered, not knowing what happened.

Didn’t he practice his mind power well in the room? What’s going on? The confused Pam directly used the absolute power of mind power to tighten and isolate the qi and aura of the whole body, so that his sense of existence changed. to be weak. In the absolute state, although the defense power of the mind attack is close to zero. Entering a state of extreme fatigue can help restore physical strength and relieve injuries.

For seven days in a row, Pam didn’t take a step out of the room. The food and water were brought in by his subordinates. Although Pam’s wound gauge on the surface had healed, but the broken left hand, Pam estimated that at least One month of recovery time.

After re-invigorating his thoughts, Pam found that his thoughts could already be turned into the power of vibration, but he also understood that his injury was also caused by his own thoughts, the power of vibration.

Because Pam discovered that using the power of vibration has two conditions:

①: The power of the vibration force is determined by its own strength and the amount of air it uses.

②: If you want to use the power of vibration, your body needs to bear the damage that the power of vibration can bring.

In other words, the greater the power of the vibration force used, the greater the damage to the body.

When Pam thought of this, he had a headache, but the path he chose was still in tears and crying.

“Bang! Bang! Bang bang bang…”

A year and a half has passed in a hurry, and it has been two years since the sperm hole was opened.

For more than a year, Pam has basically practiced boxing in the no-man’s land outside the station, using the power of vibration to exercise his body. The sound coming from the air was exactly the sound produced by Pam using the power of vibration to vibrate the air when he practiced boxing, and the surrounding vibrations also fluctuated as Pam punched. Originally some thin body also exercised at will into six-pack abs.

With two years of mindfulness training and physical exercise, Pam has been able to refine and develop the application skills of mindfulness for more than 3 hours, and has initially learned all the advanced application skills of mindfulness: condensing , Round, Hidden, Zhou, Flow, Firm, Hard.

Although the advanced combat skills, Zhou, Flow, Hard, Hard, are only a preliminary grasp, and it is a little difficult to use in the ever-changing battle, it is also a huge improvement and an extraordinary improvement in strength.

Zhou: The application technique of “wrap”, which uses the technique of wrapping one’s own mind to wrap it around the object that is in contact with the body, so that the properties of the object are strengthened, called “Zhou”.

Flow: The technique of changing the body’s offensive and defensive power by adjusting the amount of Qi in a specific part of the body.

Jian: The advanced applied skills of “winding” and “training”, using more chi than usual to wrap the body to strengthen one’s own offensive and defensive skills.

Hard: It is a high-level applied skill that combines the five skills of wrapping, training, absolute, hair, and condensation.

“It’s time to go back…”

As the sun went down, Pam’s day of practice came to an end. In the past month, Pamu has found that her strength has become extremely difficult to improve in all directions. This is what Pam calls the limit of talent, a person’s aptitude and potential. Pam also discovered that his vibrational power had entered a complete limit state since three months ago, and he also discovered that the continuation of the burial itself has limitations:

The limit of ability development and use is the upper limit that the burial person has during his lifetime.

“Master Pam! You’re back!”

As soon as he returned to the station, the guard at the door greeted Pam, who nodded slightly.

“Lord Pam, Lord Banses, if you come back, let you go to him.” The guard said again.

“Okay, I see! Go and inform the helper! I’ll go when I get back.”


The guard just walked away.

After a while, Pam came to Banses’ house after taking a bath.

“Help Master, what do you have to do with me?” Pam opened the door and asked Benzes who was sitting in the house.


‘sit down!”

Pam just sat down.

“I’m going to leave Meteor Street, Pam!”

“Oh! Is that so? Congratulations!”

There are two ways to leave Meteor Street. One is to get a Meteor Street pass after being approved by the elders. The second is smuggling. That’s right, it’s smuggling away.

But the second method is very difficult, as long as it is discovered, it will definitely be a life-or-death punishment. The elders will never allow anyone to challenge their power and status.

Pam didn’t ask Benzes to leave Meteor Street in that way, just congratulated him.

“Are you willing to leave with me?” Banthes directly stated the real purpose of looking for Pam. And stared at Pam with burning eyes.

Pam lowered his head and pondered for a while, then shook his head, ignoring Banses’ eyes and evil thoughts that turned to cannibals,

Refused: “It’s difficult… I don’t want to leave here.”

Hearing Banses’ invitation, Pam already knew that Banses definitely left Meteor Street through the second method. UU Reading

In the past, it was not that no one thought of leaving Meteor Street by smuggling. But every time, it was just a corpse that was sent back by the Council of Elders. Even if Pam wanted to open it, he would only pass the first method. Find a way to get a permit.

“I don’t want to collect the body for you.” Pam said again.

“I don’t have a choice!”

“Then I wish you good luck! After tomorrow, I will take over all the affairs of the gang…”

After speaking, Pam turned and left.

Without a choice, Pam knew that Banses was definitely not a native of Meteor Street, but a person who was abandoned on Meteor Street by the outside world, not a forgotten person like Pam.

According to the rules of the elders, the abandoned person must not leave the Meteor Street for life.

Although, Pam now has a certain strength, but he understands that he is definitely not the opponent of the elders for the time being. Since he can’t beat him and wants to leave, he can only use the first method.

Pam took over the affairs of the Blood Wolf Gang in an all-round way, but it was just a cover for Banses.

Walking out of the room, Pam also figured out why Banses would be so angry when he heard that Neville was killed a year and a half ago. And it was not surprising that Neville’s “resurrection” appeared again later. Turns out he already knew…

“Tusi, come find me tonight…”

Pam decided to forcibly help Tusi open the sperm hole until he gave Tusi an order.

At least the danger of opening the sperm hole… Tusi will naturally take it.

At about ten o’clock in the evening, Pam, who was sitting in the room, was practicing.

“Knock, knock, knock, Lord Pam, here I come!”

Tus’s voice came from outside the door.

“Come in! The door is unlocked…”

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