Hunter Exam, Eight-Gates Full-Level at the Start

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Eight-foot mirror, Kurapika’s shock 【Seeking flower evaluation】

“The old woman’s words shouldn’t be a lie, right?”

“Two hours? Has it been four hours?”

“Damn it, it’s getting dark, and I haven’t walked under that cedar tree yet.”

Under the night, the moonlight illuminated the deep forest on the top of the mountain, and Leorio, who was walking at the back, began to doubt the words of the old woman before.

“Leorio, be patient, okay?”

Kurapika shouted in dissatisfaction.

“Leorio, taking the Hunter exam requires a lot of perseverance and endurance.”

Gon also reminded.

“Be careful of monsters?”

At this time, Lan Fei, who was walking at the front, found a stone tablet, and the words on the stone tablet could be vaguely read with the help of moonlight.

“It’s another warning monument to be careful of monsters.”

“If we continue like this, can we really reach the audit venue?”

Leorio patted his forehead.


“We have arrived……”

Just as Leorio sighed, Lan Fei was pleasantly surprised to discover that at the end of the path was the huge cedar tree, and under the moonlight, a wooden house could be vaguely seen.

“Okay, I finally found it.”

Gon’s eyes lit up and he raised his hands excitedly.

“Let’s go take a look.”

Lan Fei flickered and swept towards the wooden house.

“Lan Fei, wait for me…”

Gon also sprinted towards Lan Fei.

After a while, the four of them came to the front of the wooden house,

bang bang bang~~~

“Is anyone here?”

Impatient Leorio raised his hand and knocked on the door.

However, no one responded.

“no one there?”

Gon frowned.

“Could it be that the assessment has begun?”

Lan Fei took a deep breath and pushed open the door directly, “I’m sorry for disturbing you…”

After opening the door, the four walked in together.

“not good!!”

“There are really magical beasts, and they are also ferocious foxes, which can transform into human-like beasts with a high IQ.”

The moment they entered the wooden house, Lan Fei and the others realized that something was wrong, and Kurapika, who was well-informed, immediately recognized the monster in front of him.

“Jie Jie Jie~~~”

I saw a huge fox with red eyes showing ferocious fangs, it made a strange and strange laugh, and its sharp claws held a girl, and beside the girl, a young man fell in a pool of blood.

“Damn it, save people.”

Gon was in a hurry.

“The person who fell to the ground should also be given first aid as soon as possible, otherwise, he will lose too much blood and die.”

Although Leorio’s brain is not enough, he is still impatient, but when he encounters this kind of life and death, his doctor’s nature is revealed.

boom! ! !

As soon as Leorio finished speaking, the huge fox jumped up and broke through the roof, holding the girl and swept into the deep forest at high speed, disappearing into the night.

“Please…please your uncle and my wife…”

At this time, the sound of the roof being broken awakened the man lying in a pool of blood. He raised his hand with difficulty, pointed to the roof, and said weakly.

“Leorio, he’ll leave it to you.”

“Let’s go save people.”

Gon’s figure flickered, and the first one rushed out of the wooden house.

“Whether it’s an assessment or not, let’s save people first.”

Kurapika also chased out.

“Beast monster fox?”

“The speed is quite fast, but in front of me, this speed is simply not enough to see.”

Lan Fei grinned, “Eight-foot mirror.”

I saw Lan Fei raised his hand, condensed a beam of light, and then shot it out in the direction where the giant fox disappeared, forming a refracted light track.

Immediately afterwards, Lan Fei’s figure suddenly disappeared in place.

“This fox is too fast.”

After chasing into the deep forest, Kurapika felt a headache for a moment.

“Kuraika, keep up.”

At this time, Gon’s figure passed by Kurapika, and his speed was completely beyond Kurapika’s expectations.

“The deep forest is so deep and dark, it’s really not easy for this guy to be able to chase after the afterimage of the ferocious fox.”

Seeing that Gon was no slower than a ferocious fox, Kurapika couldn’t help but marvel.

“Ferocious fox, let go of that girl.”

Gon, who was at the forefront, shouted loudly.

“Jie Jie!!!”

“Come and grab it if you have the ability.”

The ferocious fox’s strange voice also responded.

“Mom, it’s amazing, he can actually speak.”

Gon stared at the ferocious fox fleeing at a high speed, and his face became more and more excited.

“The monster fox can not only transform into a human, but also manipulate human language.”

Kurapika caught up with Gon explained.

“I see!”

“That’s more fun.”

Gon picked up speed again, chasing after the ferocious fox.


Suddenly, just as Gon was about to catch up with the ferocious fox, a dazzling golden light refracted, passed beside Gon and Kurapika, and hit the fox’s head in an instant.

“This is… light?”

Kurapika was a little shocked.

“Speed of light?”

Gon was also incredulous, the golden light in front of him was too fast, and in the blink of an eye, it shone directly on the fox’s head.

“Where did the light come from?”

The ferocious fox figure that left behind afterimages suddenly stagnated in the air, it raised its head, its pupils were full of shock, and it stared at the golden light shining on the top of its head.

“Want to escape?”

An abrupt voice came from the golden light, and the golden light slowly condensed Lan Fei’s figure.

“Lan Fei?”

Gon was taken aback.

“Lan Fei?”

“How is this going?”

Kurapika stared at Lan Fei in shock, the scene in front of him was incredible.

The golden light condenses Lan Fei’s figure?

What means is this?

Moreover, Lan Fei was the last to chase out of the wooden house, and now he is the first to catch up with the ferocious fox, which is too scary and weird.

boom! ! !

In an instant, before the ferocious fox could react, Lan Fei directly raised his foot, and a light-speed kick swept heavily on the ferocious fox.

“So fast!”

The ferocious fox’s pupils shrank suddenly.


In an instant, its figure fell heavily from the void like a falling meteor, directly smashing the ground into a deep pit, and the girl in the fox’s arms also fell from the sky.


Lan Fei shouted.

“it is good!”

Gon jumped up and caught the girl who fell from the sky.

“What a powerful strength!”

Seeing the power of Lan Fei’s kick, Kurapika’s heart moved.

Bang! !

At this moment, the ferocious fox in the deep pit struggled and stood up with difficulty.

Obviously, it was hurt.

“Damn, this boy…”

The ferocious fox’s red eyes couldn’t help tightening, and it stared at Lan Fei with a trace of fear in its heart. *

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