How To Say I Love You

Chapter 32.1

After leaving the Xiao’s house, Xiao Jiashu’s entire body became relieved. Xue Miao was also in the same mood as him. At the moment, she was making breakfast in the kitchen wearing a floral apron and humming the hottest pop song.

“Mom, what’s for this morning?” Xiao Jiashu brushing his teeth, popped into the kitchen.

Xue Miao picked up the ringing mobile phone and looked at it. She found it to be Xiao Qijie calls, and immediately declined and said happily, “Tomato and egg noodles. Mom hasn’t cooked for a long time. I don’t know if my skill has gone down.”

“It’s delicious, absolutely chef-level.” Xiao Jiashu said as he sniffed the aroma of the noodle soup, and gave a thumbs up. This was the family life he imagined. There were no luxurious villas and courtyards, no lively parties, only a mother and son in a small sunny suite.

Xue Miao was amused by her son and urged, “Go brush your teeth and wash your face. Food will be ready in a few minutes.”

After brushing his teeth and washing his face as fast as he could, Xiao Jiashu went back to the kitchen and said, “Mom, if only we could’ve moved out earlier.”

Xue Miao patted his head and said bitterly, “I always wanted to give you a complete home, but it hurt you. Xiaoshu, mom wants to divorce your father. What do you think? ”

Xiao Jiashu waved his hand indifferently, “As long as you are happy, I have no problem.”

“Okay, I’ll get in touch with the lawyer.” Xue Miao said. Xiao Qijie, who had been unable to get through couldn’t get through, sent a document. It was a divorce agreement, which said that if Xue Miao got divorced, she would not get any money.

Xue Miao sneered and replied, “I agree. You send the signed divorce agreement to my lawyer, and I entrust him to handle it completely.” She then gave him the lawyer’s business card.

Xiao Qijie thought that she was tough, and soon contacted a lawyer, printed and signed the divorce agreement, and mailed it to the address provided by Xue Miao. The Xiao family was a first-class family in China. He didn’t believe that Xue Miao would readily give up her place in the family.

Me not willing to give it up, you just wait and see! Xue Miao’s chilling eyes stared at the phone screen. There was a good saying – who didn’t meet a few scums when they were once young? If she had known that Xiao Qijie was such a scum man, she would not have married him. Her career, her dream, all ruined by him!

Xiao Jiashu found out that his mother was in a bad mood, so he hurriedly put her in his arms and comforted her with some kisses like coaxing a child, “Mom, there’s nothing to feel angry about. Since we moved out, we will have a good life. Look at you. Your appearance hasn’t changed at all. People still think you are my sister when we go out. You must be better than father after the divorce.”

“Really not getting old?” Xue Miao took out her mobile phone and took a picture. She found that herself bright and charming, and her style was still the same.

Xiao Jiashu was relieved. After saying goodbye to his mother, he went to Yushanxuan to pack some luxurious breakfast and took it to the crew to invite Director Luo to eat. As soon as he walked into the studio, he saw that Xiu Changyu was also there and was talking with Ji Mian.

“Uncle Xiu, Ji-ge and Director Luo, I brought you breakfast.” He and his assistant put a couple of large packs of breakfast on the table, his smile more bright than the morning light.

Luo Zhangwei was a foodie. He immediately came to grab the steamed buns and asked curiously, “What’s the good news for you, Xiao Jiashu, to treat us to breakfast for two days in a row?”

Xiao Jiashu was so happy that he subconsciously replied, “I was kicked out by my father.”
Luo Zhangwei choked and almost coughed to death. What’s with that answer? Happy to be kicked out by your father?

Xiu Changyu, who had been smiling, heard this and said with cold eyes and a deep voice, “Xiao Qijie has driven you out? What about your mother? ” While talking, he took out his mobile phone to make a phone call, only to find that Xue Miao’s line was busy.

Luo Zhangwei, who had just regained his breath, began to cough violently when he heard the words “Xiao Qijie”. He always knew that Xiao Jiashu was big, but he didn’t know that he was the second young master of the Xiao’s pharmaceutical group.

Many special drugs produced by Xiao’s pharmaceutical were classified as state secrets, and those foreign pharmaceutical companies could not even produce the same products even if they were to buy the finished products. It was a true ancient recipe, which could only be mastered by the heirs of the Xiao family, with the support of the state behind it. There were also several world’s top biological research institutes and health care institutions under its wing. It was unimaginably well connected.
If he was born in the Xiao’s house, he would not choose to be an actor. He didn’t understand how Xiao Jiashu thinks. Luo Zhangwei shook his head, and his sense of the young master Xiao became more complicated.

“My mother came out with me, too. Uncle Xiu, stop calling. My mother must be talking to her lawyer. ” Xiao Jiashu took out a steaming dumpling and urged, “Eat it quickly. Before it becomes cold and unpalatable.”

Talking to a lawyer. Why? When Xiu Changyu thought of a possibility, his heart could not help trembling, but he quickly suppressed it. How could he still be in the mood for breakfast? He handed the steamed dumplings to Ji Mian and hurriedly explained, “I have somewhere to go first. Please take care of the Xiao Jiashu. Xiao Shu, don’t be sad. I’ll go to Xiao’s house and ask Xiao Qijie what he really wants to do. ”

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