How To Say I Love You

Chapter 31.2

Ji Mian sent Chen Pengxin away and brought Lin LeYang back to the office. Then he slowly opened his mouth. “LeYang, I found out today that you have a problem. You are too easily confused. You can’t get out of your mind. As an actor, what you need is concentration. Don’t weld yourself to death because of the external evaluation. After becoming famous, you will face more comments, good and bad, and even malicious ones. Think about it. In your present state of mind, can you deal with it? ”

Lin LeYang hesitated for a moment and had to shake his head. He couldn’t stand a few comments from Huang Zijin, let alone comments from the general public. But as an actor, these are inevitable.

“Ji Ge, I see. In the future, I will concentrate on filming, just staring at the road ahead of me as you said, not at the people around me. ”

“Well, if you improve your acting skills, your path will naturally be wider and your goal will be closer. Being confused by people or objects around you will only lead to many detours.” Ji Mian waved his hand. “OK, go back first. In the future, focus on acting. ”

“Thanks, Ji Ge.” Lin Leyang stopped at the door, then turned back and kissed Ji Mian’s lips.

Ji Mian looked at the man who ran faster than the rabbit and couldn’t help shaking his head and laughed bitterly.

On the other hand, Xiao Jiashu was not as bothered as Lin LeYang at all. He just played and didn’t worry about anything else. After signing the contract with the company, he came home with the contract and announced, “Dad, brother, I have signed the contract and I want to be an actor.”

“What do you say?” Xiao Qijie was shocked and angry, and his face turned black when he looked at him. “You want to be an actor? Yes, get out of Xiao’s house first! We don’t have such a disgraceful thing as you in the Xiao family. It’s not right for the second young master of the Xiao family to run and play around. If your grandfather knows it, he has to expel you out of the house! ” Xiao Jiazu was a doctor from the imperial household, holding many valuable healthcare records. The health care centre was responsible for the healthcare of state leaders. He attached great importance to family rules and retained a lot of feudal ideas.
Xiao Qijie’s marriage to Xue Miao was quite rebellious, and his son’s desire to be a playboy, even more defiant. Xiao Jiazu would be furious if he knew.

Xiao Jiashu was trying to make a point when Xue Miao said coldly, “How rare are we to the Xiao family? Son, go upstairs and get your luggage. I’ll go with you! ”

“Mom, are you really going?” Xiao Jiashu asked stupidly. He never expected her to be so straightforward.

“As soon as you called, I knew it would be like this. I was ready for it. Your father and your grandfather are nonsensical. Let’s go. ” Xue Miao looked at Xiao Qijie and said, “If you want to get divorced or deprive Xiao Shu of his right to inheritance, it’s all yours. We’ve been a disgraceful thing for decades, and we’ve done enough. We won’t smear your Xiao family any more. Xiaoshu, are you willing to give up Xiao’s property? ”

Xiao Jiashu nodded his head without thinking, “Anyway, those are not my things. What am I reluctant to do? I’ve already transferred the shares my grandfather gave me to my brother. The transfer contract is placed in the cabinet at the head of my bed. I remembered to put it away. ”

Xiao Qijie was so angry that he couldn’t speak. His fingers were shaking as if he was experiencing a stroke. Xiao Dingbang, who has been silent, said slowly, “I will not sign the transfer contract. The shares are still yours. If you want to be an actor, you can without dad and grandfather. Old Li, go to help Aunt Xue and Er Shao with the luggage. ”

Xiao Jiashu was shocked that his elder brother would let himself go so soon, which made him a little confused. Xue Miao did not think it strange. Although Xiao Dingbang had a deep mind, he was not bad. He was afraid that Xiao Jiashu would fight for the family property, but he would not take the share that belonged to the small trees without conscience. If Xiaoshu becomes an actor, it was a good thing for him. He won’t disagree. It was up to him to appease Xiao Qijie and the old man.

The housekeeper quickly came down with two suitcases and sent the people away with due diligence. Xiao Dingbang stood at the door and looked at the distant car. Xiao Qijie had just returned to his senses and said in a rage, “You just let them go? You guys always want to piss me off! We, the Xiao family never produced such a shameful thing for hundreds of years… ”

“Enough father, they have gone.” He put on his suit and coat, and said lightly, “I’ll go back to my old house and I’ll also go to my grandfather’s place so, you don’t have to worry.”

Xiao Jia Shu didn’t know what means his brother used. He thought that the old man Xiao would send bodyguards to catch them in the middle of the night, but he slept away peacefully. When he woke up the next day, Xiao Jiashu still couldn’t believe it, but he looked at the small but very warm apartment and breathed the air of extra freedom. His was full of excitement.

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