How Can My Hyakki Yagyo Be So Cute (It’s Impossible that My Evil Overlord is So Cute)

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: I am a big star (3)

In Xu Shenxing’s words, Song Yu has reached the pinnacle of life.

—It should be like this.

Since acquiring the blue pearl, her life has gone smoothly. She has gained an astonishing number of fans all over the country almost instantly, and several well-known record companies have also rushed to sign with her.

Even though she is still in a state of being up for sale under the advice of her parents, the daily announcements have come in an endless stream, and she even has to ask her a distant cousin who is said to have learned this aspect to act as a broker. People, handle this part of the affairs for her.

An encounter that ordinary people could not ask for in a lifetime did not make Song Yu lose herself.

Indeed, at the beginning, she did feel happy because she was recognized and liked by so many people, full of sense of accomplishment. But over time, after the initial impulse calmed down, she became sober.

She once quietly put the beads up, and found that her singing was still beautiful, but she didn’t have the magic that madly attracted others. It can be said that everything she has now is a castle in the sky built on that pearl, which makes the girl feel unreliable.

Not only that, even the star life that I had dreamed of was different from what I imagined. For the time being, regardless of the paparazzi and fanatical fans who quietly followed her, the seemingly endless variety of entertainment made her a headache.

Not to mention the filth hidden under the surface of the prosperous entertainment circle that can only be discovered after entering the circle.

“Listen to your cousin, that big developer is always rich, just going out for a meal. He is willing to pay you to support you, which will be of great help to your future career.”

After becoming famous, Song Yu naturally would not continue to live in the school dormitory. After finishing a day of work, she returned to the small villa she temporarily used to settle down. The agent’s cousin was still chattering to persuade her to go to dinner with a famous real estate king. She had obviously rejected the other party three times, but the other party still stalked her.

“But I don’t like the way he looks at me.” Seeing his cousin’s disapproving expression, Song Yu suddenly became angry, and his words were not as implicit as usual: “He doesn’t care what I do. Yes, he just wants to **** me!”

Then let him do it.

Although the cousin didn’t say it, the expression on her face made it clear.

Song Yu felt a sense of emptiness in her heart suddenly.

This is not the life she wants.

The girl left the bag in her hand to her cousin with some excitement. She ran out of the villa and drove out of the villa area in a BMW M6 that had not been bought for a long time.

“Hey, this kid…” Her cousin chased out the door, but she could only see the rear of the car disappearing around the corner, and she couldn’t help but hate iron and steel.

For some reason, Song Yu subconsciously drove to the campus of Jiangjin University.

Fortunately, it is still school time. Except for the playground, there are almost no people on campus. She walked through the grove and returned to the small lake where everything started.

The artificial lake is the same as before. The breeze set off sparkling waves and brought cool air currents to dissipate the heat of the lake. In the middle of the lake, a small lotus planted by someone has already blossomed, and the pink petals are exceptionally set against the green lotus leaves. beauty.

Song Yu didn’t sit on the bench by the woods, but hugged his knees, and sat on a grassy floor by the lake. She took out the pearl she had placed next to her body and looked at the sun about to set in the west.

She has done similar things countless times in the past few days, but every time she loses her mind for the vastness and depth of this pearl like the sea.

The sun shines through the blue pearl, casting blue ripples on the girl’s face.

Song Yu wanted to throw away the pearls and end this illusory and luxurious life, but she felt a little reluctant in her heart. This contradictory mood made her even more irritable.

“Found it! People are here!”

The voice of the man who suddenly remembered behind her made Song Yu slippery, and the pearl fell into the water.

But now she didn’t care about the pearls carelessly. An unconscious glance made the girl notice a few suspicious burly men wearing black suits and large sunglasses on their faces, walking through the bushes and approaching her.

She stood up in a panic, facing the black-clothed men and asked vigilantly: “Who are you!”

The other party did not answer her words, but continued to approach.

So Song Yu took a deep breath, opened his mouth and prepared to scream loudly—Jiang Jin University is a school after all, so many people don’t say it, and as young people, the passion of the students has not been worn away by life, and so is Song Yu. When a celebrity in the school finds that someone wants to do something bad to her, 80% of the students will help.

The man in black obviously did not expect Song Yu to be so decisive, and the girl could even see him frown.

But that was all. In the next moment, the black-clothed man who saw the bad situation rushed to the girl one by one, punched Song Yu’s abdomen, and slammed the girl’s scream back. She could only fall to the ground, clutching her belly and retching.

Although Song Yu has also learned a little bit of women’s body protection, she still majors in vocal music and dance. In the face of a real practitioner, not to mention not enough to look at the fist and embroider the legs, it is solved without even using it.

“I’m still awake… I advise you to save a bit of effort, and it’s better to take care of my boss later.” Seeing the unwilling look of Song Yu’s discolored eyes, the man in black sneered and said disdainfully. : “I have seen a lot of self-righteous women like you, and in the end it was not that I couldn’t even let the fart come out.”

“You are from that developer…” Because she ran away from home without having dinner, she just spit out some acidic water and panted well so that she could speak normally, but her hands and feet were still weak, and she couldn’t even stand. Can’t stand up.

“Gutter her mouth and take it away.”

The black-clothed man obviously didn’t intend to say anything to Song Yu, and his expression was grimly instructed by his subordinates.

At this moment, a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared in the center of the artificial lake. A huge monster appeared from the inside like a mussel. Several tentacles shot out from the shell of the clam and pumped randomly towards the shore. A man in black who couldn’t dodge was drawn to the ground and fell to the ground, knowing his life or death.

The man in black who was still taking the lead reacted quickly, pulling Song Yu back for a moment, avoiding the tentacles.

But then the target of the giant mussel immediately fell on them.

“What the **** is this!” The head of the man in black, who has done a lot of mess under his boss, obviously hasn’t encountered such a situation, and roared loudly to cover up his panic.

Seeing the tentacles of the lake monster shoot at them, he hesitated for a moment and kicked Song Yu’s waist, kicking the girl to the lake monster with an angry face, and he took advantage of this opportunity to turn around and escape. The bushes.

Could this be the punishment you want to get for nothing?

Seeing the tentacles drawn towards him, Song Yu flashed this thought in his heart while desperate.

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