Horror Resurgence: Ma’am, Please Respect My Profession

Chapter 356

Chapter 356:

There are still 6 days left for this dungeon.

However, after the general task is completed, it can stay for three or four days.

In other words, Su Bai still has about 10 days left.

It depends on what else Cao De has entrusted.

“Sir’s medical skills are so good that even the family can be cured. The family wants to entrust the master to help the family again.”

At this time, the **** chief Cao De spoke again.

Su Bai said, “Please speak.”

Cao Dedao: “To be honest, the current situation in Shouyang Mountain is not optimistic. The little ones under the Sajia family can only avoid losing control by sleeping for a long time.”

Having said that, his eyes turned to the dozens of coffins around.

In these dozens of coffins, it seems that they are all eunuchs under Cao De.


It seems that the commission mentioned by Cao De is not in this zombie tomb.

“But these small ones can be put in the back. They are not in a hurry. The Sa family wants to invite the husband to another grave. However, thinking that there are some dangers in the past, the Sa family can clear the way for the gentleman to lead the corpse away, and then wait for the Lang to take the gentleman there. .”

Cao De Road.

“What grave 180?”

Su Bai asked.

Cao De took out a map.

One of Su Bai, this map is also the map of Shouyang Mountain.

But there are some differences from the blood corpse given to Su Bai.

This map is centered on this tomb.

Speaking of which, the blood corpse did not invite Su Bai to Shouyang Mountain.

There is a high possibility that the blood corpse can’t guarantee that it can bring Su Bai here safely.

Moreover, the blood corpse seemed to have other tasks to complete at that time.

In addition, Su Bai stayed in the dungeon for a limited time, and the blood corpse could not guarantee that after inviting Su Bai, Su Bai would be willing to go, so the blood corpse at that time did not mention this matter at all.

What is the specific situation, Su Bai is not particularly sure.

After all, Su Bai still doesn’t know what happened to Shouyang Mountain.

He wanted to use the ghost detective’s skills to forcibly solve the case.

But after trying it, Su Bai felt it was unnecessary.

Mainly because there are too many career points.

To 2 career points.

This shows that this matter is very confidential, and the level involved is also very high.

That’s why so many career points are needed.

Su Bai doesn’t have so many career points yet!

Even if there is, Su Bai is not ready to use it.

“Sir, please see, this is the location of our tomb, which is on the periphery of the Shouyang Mountain tomb group.”

Cao De points to the center point.

There is a word written on it: Huan.

This means that this tomb is the tomb of the eunuchs.

The **** chief Cao De pointed to the tomb next to him.

“This is the tomb where Youdailang is located, but this tomb has already fallen, and Youdailang escaped from the chaos.”

Cao De Road.

That tomb fell?

Su Bai glanced at the blood corpse and corrected some of his previous guesses.

“Mr. is going to this tomb. The location here is relatively deep, and it has to pass through a long passage. Therefore, the Sa family will create some movement and create conditions for the past.”

Cao De pointed to the icon of a tomb.

On it, there is a word written: country.

“where is this place?”

Su Bai asked.

Cao Dedao: “The Tomb of the National Teacher, the problem of the National Teacher is much more serious than that of the Sajia family, and there are also some risks. She wakes up sometimes but not. After the teacher passes by, first look at the color of the long bright lights outside. If it is green, go in. If it is red, go in. Don’t come in.”

National Teacher Tomb!

The national teacher of this zombie dynasty?

“Hidden extended task: accept the commission of Cao De, go to the tomb of the national teacher, and initially solve the problem of the national teacher to complete the task, task reward: extra score +8, **** chief Cao De’s approval +1.”

At this time, on the game panel, a prompt appears.

PS: Ask for a monthly pass! .

238 A dangerous journey! Terrible Princess Wan! (Ask for a monthly pass)

This time, the entrustment of the **** chief Cao De triggered the hidden mission again. Different from the previous hidden missions, this time it was an “expanded” mission.

The extra game score of the reward has also reached a full 8 points.

The basic score of this copy is not low, reaching 80 points.

The score bonus brought by this hidden task reached 640 points.

Su Bai came in on purpose this time because he was interested in Shouyang Mountain.

Now that I have the opportunity to come into contact with the former national teacher of the Tiangan Dynasty, I will naturally not let this opportunity pass, and I will respond in one fell swoop.

Seeing Su Bai’s promise, the **** chief Cao De was quite happy.

“Sir, take a rest first, and make some preparations for the family. We will set off when Mr.

The **** chief Cao Dedao.

“it is good!”

Su Bai said.

The last treatment took a long time, and Su Bai was indeed a little tired.

So, Su Bai went to rest for a few hours again.

After Su Bai had regained his strength and strength, the **** chief Cao De also made all preparations.

“Sir, please remember the route first, just in case. There are four passages after exiting this tomb. Sir, you have to go to the second one on the right. Don’t go wrong. When you reach this fork, turn left.”

Cao De took out the map again and planned the route with Su Bai.

“However, the situation inside is not particularly clear. There may be some other changes. This picture box is for Mr., and after Mr. feeds a drop of blood to the worm in the picture box, the worm will crawl to the location of Mr. on the map. , the direction its head is facing is the direction that Mr.

Cao De handed another small box to Su Bai.

This small box is a rectangle with a map inside. The difference is that there is a black bug crawling on the map.

This worm is what Cao De said about the worm.

It seems that this worm can also locate Su Bai’s position in the tomb of Shouyang Mountain.

It can not only locate, but also accurately guide a direction.

The premise is to feed a drop of blood.

After using the ghost detective’s tracing skills once, Su Bai decisively fed the worm a drop of blood.

As Su Bai fed blood, the worm changed, its slender body turned around in a small circle, and its head turned in one direction on the map.

That direction was exactly the direction Su Bai was facing.

It’s not bad to have this worm positioning.

After all, the situation in the tomb of Shouyang Mountain is very complicated, and even Cao De doesn’t know much about what’s going on inside.

“Sir, putting this in your mouth can reduce the yang energy in your body.”

Cao De handed another white bead the size of a grape to Su Bai.

Su Bai took it.

“Okay, let’s go!”

Cao De Road.

Several people came to the tomb.

This time, it was Cao De, Su Bai, and the blood corpse.

Other zombies will not participate, and the participation effect is not large.

Fewer people, but more conducive to action.

Those dozens of players are still on the periphery of the tomb. Each of these dozens of players is a little sluggish, but no one has died yet.

It seems that they have been sucked a lot of yang energy.

Cao De’s situation this time was very different from the original blood corpse.

At that time, the blood corpse was on the verge of losing control, and inhaling Yang Qi would destroy the balance in the body.

After Cao De was cured by Su Bai, in order to recover faster, he chose the yang energy of these dozens of players, but it is estimated that for Su Bai’s sake, or to prepare for sustainable development, he did not treat these players. Blot dry.

“Little Fuzi, open the door!”

When he came to the gate of the tomb, Cao De said solemnly.

With the operation of Xiao Fuzi, the gate of the tomb slowly opened.

As soon as it was opened, outside, several shadows rushed in.

Su Bai took a look and saw that these shadows were all zombies with red light in their eyes.

Not only did the eyes glow red, but the evil spirits of these zombies gave people a **** feeling!

If the suffocation had a color, their suffocation would be downright bloody!

These zombies have obviously turned into corpses!

Seeing these corpses rushing towards him, Cao De’s expression did not change, his figure flashed, and he quickly shot, counted one of these corpses as one, and threw them all out.

“Sir, these corpses are all former members of the royal family of the Tiangan Dynasty. Although there is no hope of recovery, the Sa family can not kill them and try not to kill them as much as possible 々~”

The **** chief Cao De explained.

Then, he stepped out.

“Mr. follow me, you should be careful to protect Mister.”

Cao De Road.

Su Bai put the bead given by Cao De in his mouth, and as soon as he put it in his mouth, a chill quickly covered his whole body, covering his yang energy as a human being.

This bead looks like a good treasure.

You must know that with Su Bai’s current qi and blood, compared to ordinary people, it can be said that the yang energy is soaring to the sky.

But this bead was able to cover up Su Bai’s yang energy so quickly.

The three quickly came out of the grave.

As soon as he came out of the tomb, the door of the tomb closed quickly.

This time, there were no candles outside the tomb.

It was extremely dark all around, and I couldn’t see my fingers.

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