Horror Game: All My Organs Have Their Own Consciousness

Chapter 33

   It’s…so disappointing.

   ignored him, Lin Hun pushed the shopping cart and continued to walk towards home.

   It’s five o’clock now, and there are only three hours left before night arrives.

   He doesn’t bother to waste time on such boring things as bullying ordinary people.

   “I told you to stop! Didn’t you hear?”

   Seeing Lin Hun’s reaction, big blue veins bulged on his bald forehead. The corners of his eyes twitched, and he cast a look at the bearded man beside him.

   The two of them came to Lin Hun together.


   Feeling the movements of the two, Lin Hun sighed slightly.

   “It’s okay to be alive…isn’t it?”

“What did you say?”

   Lin Soul did not suppress his voice. Hearing his words, his bald head and his accomplices became even more angry.

   Originally, they just wanted to grab the wave of the boy in front of them.

   But after hearing what he said, they changed their minds.

   They want to teach this kid a lesson. .

Chapter 48:


   The metal bat made a weird sound, and slammed it towards Lin Hun’s head.

   Another Luohu also waved a hammer and smashed Lin Soul’s right arm.

   The two cooperated quite tacitly, and the shots were fierce enough, it was obvious that they had not done this kind of thing once or twice.

   “It’s really troublesome.”

   Facing the attack of the two, Lin Soul looked cold.

   Faced with the treacherous man many times, I really didn’t like the performance of these two guys.

   Weak power, fake facial expression, simple mind.

   Didn’t they think about it, in this day when no one dared to go out.

   Is he unusual in himself when he walks on the street so swaggeringly?

   The shadow under his feet trembled slightly, and then spread out like lightning.

   Although the shadow double is seriously injured, it is temporarily unavailable.

   But as the master of the shadow stand-in, Soul Lin also has the power to use ghost shadows.

   It’s just not as strong as the shadow double’s control, so slippery.

   But it’s okay to deal with two ordinary people.

   The shadow that the lightning protruded was directly connected to the shadows of the two of them.

   instantly made the two of them immobile.

   “What, what’s going on?”

   I felt like a stiff and cold palm, strangling the touch of my whole body.

   The bald man’s eyes widened in horror.

   He feels that his body temperature is losing, an indescribable but important thing is constantly being lost.

   This feeling of seeing his own life dying openly made him directly collapse.

   “Help, help!”

   Tears and nasal mucus flowed down uncontrollably, and the bald man cast his helpless eyes at Lin Soul.

   “Please, help me…”

   “People pay a price for making mistakes.”

   Looking at the two tearful people indifferently, Lin Soul pushed the car away step by step.

   follow him away.

   The shadow under his feet slowly stretched, and finally separated from the two.

   A heart-wrenching feeling came, and the bald man and the shaved beard directly softened their legs and knelt on the ground.

   They rolled their eyes, their mouths grew uncontrollably with saliva at the corners of their mouths, and there was a whisper in their throats.

   “Abba, Abba, Abba…”

   The shadows behind them have already lost half of their heads.

   “Find the target!”

   Shelter outside the city, monitoring room.

   Yan Wan heard the voice of the monitor and quickly stood up and ran to the screen.

   She saw the soul of Lin pushing the shopping cart on the screen, and the two bald heads who had become dementia on the other screen, and asked the monitor.

“what’s the situation?”

   “When the target was searching for supplies, he encountered other survivors. They had a conflict. The target used unknown means to deprive the other party of their intelligence and turned the other party into the current intellectual barrier.”

   The monitor replayed the scene of Lin Hun’s figure depriving the bald man’s shadow.

   It’s just that under the surveillance, Lin Soul’s shadow remained unchanged, only the bald man and his companion suddenly fell to the ground, turning into a picture of a fool.

   “The goal should be to use the power of the ghost puzzle.”

   squinted her eyes and watched Lin Hun’s wandering around using the ghost puzzle, Yan Wan couldn’t help but think of the other two players on the leaderboard she saw yesterday.

   She compared Lin Soul and the performance of the two players.

  ’S expression changed a little.

   She discovered that Soul Forest is very different from other players.

   Lin Hun had no difficulty at all when using the ghost puzzle.

   is like using one’s own power, easy and simple.

   This shows that his depth of manipulation of the ghost puzzle is far beyond other players.

   How did he… do it?

   Questions flooded in my heart.

   Yan Wan asked the monitor again.

   “Can you lock the location of his current residence?”

   “In Shanhe Community, but the monitoring equipment in that community has been damaged, and it is impossible to determine which building he is in.”

   The monitor retrieved the data, checked it and said.

   “Shanhe Community? You know, from now on, we will closely control the location of the Shanhe Community and the shopping malls near the community.”

   nodded, Yan Wan spoke.

   Know the location of Lin Soul, which is very important to her.

   As long as he knows his location, she can move on.


   Watching the monitor’s busy movements, Yan Wan returned her gaze to the screen.

   “The first place must be controlled.”

   “Even if he doesn’t join the organization, he can’t be taken out of sight.”

   “He…is dangerous.”


   “It should be enough for a few days.”

   unloaded the searched materials, Lin Soul looked at the various materials piled up in the room with a satisfied expression.

   back and forth several times.

   He has emptied all the useful supplies in the supermarket.

   Now he doesn’t have to worry about the problem of hungry.

   “The time is almost too.”

   checked the time, it was now seven forty minutes, and there were still twenty minutes before the horror came.

   “The fourth night.”

   The encounters of the first three nights let Lin Soul know that every night that comes, it means the beginning of danger.

   Even if he doesn’t take the initiative to explore, the photographer who hides in the dark side world will find ways to trouble him.

   But he has nothing to do with this guy.

   “You have to become stronger.”

   Passive beating made Lin Soul hold a fire in his heart.

   The only thing he can do now is to become stronger.

   “Seven strange stories, six have been tackled. Although half of them don’t know how to tackle them, the rest is absolutely extraordinary.”

   Lin Hun looked at the last strange talk called the patient, with a solemn expression on his face.

   “Then, let me see what is going on with the so-called patient tonight.”.

49.Chapter 49

when! when! when!

   The sound of the death knell resounded across the night sky.

   The cold breath rose out of thin air.

   The terrifying night has come, and the city has fallen into dead silence again.

   hum! Hum!

   The sound of a heavy engine sounded, and the dazzling lights formed a blazing sword of light that pierced the thick night.

   A heavy locomotive roared and galloped on the road.

   Sitting in the seat of the locomotive was a young man in black.

   He was carrying a backpack and crouched on the seat of the locomotive.

   While twisting the accelerator, he scanned the map navigation on the rack.

   “For patients, the location should be the hospital. Tonight’s task is to find the hospital where the strange incident occurred.”

   Motorcycle Lin Soul has ridden, but only ordinary motorcycles.

   Like this heavy locomotive under the seat, Lin Hun didn’t know what brand it was.

   But it can be seen from the handsome lines of this car, the complicated engine and the surging sound waves of the engine.

   This car is not a bargain.

   It’s a pity that the owner of this locomotive didn’t know for any reason, he was still driving while wearing a helmet, and it was cold.

   Lin Soul is also not polite.

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