Hope Coffee House

Chapter 42 - prize activity

After leaving the extreme factory, Wu Liang and Wang Zhaozhao directly changed their flight back to Yucheng and did not stay in Suicheng.

He Rong didn’t want to miss Wu Liang, a big client, so he and Wu Liang returned to Yucheng together.

On the plane, He Rong and Wu Liang sat side by side, perseveringly told Wu Liang about the benefits of joining the limit.

Different from his attitude when he was in the extreme factory, Wu Liang gradually developed some interest in the extreme, and asked some questions to He Rong from time to time.

After returning to Yucheng, Wu Liang and He Rong left each other on the phone, saying that they can meet with He Rong’s superiors next time, and talk more about the investment limit.

After Wu Liang and Wang Zhaozhao returned to the Hope Cafe, Wang Zhaozhao immediately said excitedly: “Boss! Your performance today is really too handsome! Because the poisoning is not deep, most of the people in the venue are gone, The chief director surnamed Li from my stand is all green! “

Wu Liang shook his head and smiled: “It’s just a trick to cure the symptoms but not the cure.”

“The boss just helped so many people. I now really believe that the boss can push the limit! It’s me, and it didn’t play any role as a spy.” Wang Zhaozhao scratched his head embarrassedly.

“Your role is not small, this is not because your mother has not given up yet, and I was also brainwashing on the way back.”

“Boss! That surnamed Li’s performance on stage must have something to do with your supernatural ability? How did you do it? Is your soul directly occupying her body and talking for her instead? Or do you give her What spells can control her like a string puppet? “Wang Zhaozhao asked curiously.

“It’s not as evil as you think.” Wu Liang smiled helplessly, “I just let her tell the truth, but we still have a lot to do to break the limit, and now there is a very important thing Things need you to do. “

Wang Zhaozhao did not notice that Wu Liang deliberately diverted the topic, excitedly said: “Good boss! Please instruct!”

“You go to find out what kind of health products or micro-business products are distributed in the same way as the limit. Every time you hear one, you will have 200,000 cash on hand and want to start a business investigation project, approach them and let them Seeing the opportunity to make big money on you keeps brainwashing you. “

“Then the boss? Do you want me to get the information of their MLM?” Wang Zhaozhao asked excitedly.

“This is just one of them. By constantly understanding their products and business models, you have to show some intention but hesitate, and inadvertently reveal to them that your home is a demolition household, and your brother is more News like money. “

“Why is this boss again?”

“This is your most important task, find a way to catch their online, bigger fish, and meet your brother and me.” Wu Liang laughed.

“Time is pressing, you only have ten days, and after ten days, I will meet them one by one.”

“Good boss, I will do my best!” Wang Zhaozhao said excitedly.

Wu Liang walked back to his bedroom, exchanged 20,000 yuan from the mall, and came out and handed it to Wang Zhaozhao: “This is funding. Do n’t forget to pack yourself. Those people are ridiculously silly about MLM. , But it was very savvy when developing offline. “

The task is important and urgent. Wang Zhaozhao did not refuse to take it. He took out his mobile phone and started to check various information.

Wu Liang called Chen Wei.

Although the two didn’t contact each other for a few days, Wu Liang felt as if it had been a long time.

Because Chen Wei ’s father was still undergoing intensive treatment at the time, he had just entered a new work unit, so Wu Liang did not tell Chen Wei about Gao Qi.

Now Chen Wei’s father has successfully surgically removed the lesion and was discharged home.

Chen Wei is also very proficient in the new company and is highly valued by leaders.

Wu Liang was very happy and told Gao Wei about Chen Qi.

Can’t think of Gao Qi’s mischief. Chen Wei was very surprised and somewhat emotional. He couldn’t help but think of the words his mother once said: good and good, good and bad, but it’s not time not to report.

Wu Liang also analyzed with Chen Wei. Compared with Chen Wei this time, Gao Qi ’s previous killing methods were significantly more harsh and poisonous, and it took longer time. I guess that Gao Qi ’s choice of Chen Wei was made temporarily. There may be other reasons behind the decision.

But Chen Wei thought about it for a long time, but he didn’t think of any unusual things around him before and after meeting Gao Qi.

After chatting with Chen Wei for a while, Wu Liang asked Chen Wei to do a favor for himself. After listening to Wu Liang’s narration, Chen Wei readily agreed.


Ten days of time is fleeting.

In these ten days, Wang Zhaozhao was very busy.

Every day from 8:00 in the morning until 12:30 in the night, she is constantly chatting and meeting with health care products direct salesmen and some micro-business agents.

After twelve thirty in the night, she will also check the chat records of the day, and organize the information of various products into notes on the computer.

In these ten days, Wang Zhaozhao only slept four hours a day.

Now, she has successfully contacted 23 major distributors of products and aroused their interest.

Most of these people are senior directors of products, the general agent of the country, and countless offline.

Nine of them are direct selling companies of health products, which are extremely similar to the extreme, and some product categories are even more abundant than the extreme.

The remaining 14 are micro-business products, most of which are slimming products, such as diet pills, meal replacement shakes and so on.

Of course, Wu Liang has not been idle in these ten days. He spent 20,000 coins of hope, exchanged 2 million cash in the system mall, met many people, and did many things.

At 8 o’clock in the morning, Wu Liangshen shook his phone refreshedly and smiled at Wang Zhaozhao: “Look, I’ll send you on WeChat.”

Wang Zhaozhao quickly opened his mobile WeChat, and Wu Liang sent a link to the webpage, and the title was abruptly written: There is a prize event! 1 million cash rewards! Talk about the most amazing product in your circle of friends, this activity has been notarized and is truly effective!

Wang Zhaozhao’s mouth twitched, this title looks like a lie!

After opening the title, the first photo I saw was 1 million cash laid out as a hill.

Followed by a lot of photos of the authentic and valid documents of this activity.

The rules of prize-winning events are very simple. You only need to share the most amazing products in your circle of friends. You can upload text, pictures, audio, and video. Each user can only participate once.

The awarding process is also very simple. Within 20 days from today, you can publish the most amazing product in your heart and tell why you choose this product.

Everyone’s shared content will be synchronized on the webpage in real time, so that everyone can confirm whether they have shared successfully, and also let everyone see what other people are sharing.

The system will count the top ten product brands that have been shared in real time. As of 20 o’clock in the morning, the number one product brand will be successfully promoted to the winning brand.

All the shared products belong to the users of the winning brand, you can enter the second round of voting.

In the voting section, there will be a separate voting interface on the webpage. All submissions from users who share the winning brand will be listed here. Each user participating in the event will have a vote that they can vote for the best share they think. user.

Ten days later, the user with the highest number of votes will get 1 million cash rewards. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Of course, if you want to participate in the event, it is very simple, you only need to use your mobile phone number, real name, and ID number to register as a participant. The reason why you need your real name and ID number is to protect the rights and interests of users who participate in the event. Prevent someone from maliciously brushing tickets.

Wang Zhaozhao watched for a while, and was a bit confused: “Boss, are you going to …?”

Wu Liang’s mouth turned slightly and squinted with a smile: “I made an appointment with your mother yesterday. I will see her business director and senior director at nine o’clock. You will know when you go with me.”

“Good boss ~” Wang Zhaozhao took out a small book and said: “After seeing the director of the limit in the morning, we will go to meet the business manager of Gerong at noon. The video conference of the national distributor. At 6:30 in the evening, we went to see the diamond members of the Seven Star Leadership Award. At 8:30 and 10:30 in the evening, there was a national mask micro merchant and a meal replacement milk micro merchant. The agent held a video conference with us … “

“The schedule is tight, is it too late?”

“Relax, boss, I’ve stepped on it well near the meeting place, and recorded the video of the hidden place, then we can just pass it through the Hope Cafe!” Wang Zhaozhao laughed.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhaozhao not only worked very hard, but was also very careful. With this execution ability alone, Wu Liang felt that his staff had not lost.

“Go, let’s go!” Wu Liang laughed.

“It’s only eight o’clock, it’s too early to start now, is the boss?”

“Work is so desperate, of course my boss has to give you some benefits. Let’s go to have breakfast first. I’ll treat you!”

“Okay, okay! I want a beef box! And spicy soup!”

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