Hope Coffee House

Chapter 40 - Soul question

At eight o’clock in the morning, Wu Liang and Wang Zhaozhao joined Chen Rong early and went to the factory of the extreme.

When the three arrived, there were already thousands of people gathered in the square directly opposite the door of the factory. The majority of the crowd were between 30 and 50 years old. Most of the rest looked very young, just like Graduated student.

There are already a lot of people waiting in line at the entrance of the extreme factory. Many people also wear red hats printed with extreme signs, and look excited, as if they are coming for sightseeing.

Wu Liang and his two were taken by He Rong, and soon got on a factory bus.

Like a group tour of tourist attractions, as soon as you get on the bus, there is a tour guide person holding a microphone, standing in front of the car and beginning to talk about the historical origins and corporate values ​​of the extreme company.

Of course, it sounds like a smallpox.

The factory’s park is very large. Throughout the morning, Wu Liang and his colleagues traveled around the park’s various locations, Chinese herbal medicine gardens, and corporate culture experience centers. Everywhere, I heard the guides bragging about the magnificent enterprises The vision is to promote the role of Chinese herbal medicine in the world to benefit human society …

While taking everyone to visit the extreme production workshop, the tour guide began to vigorously brag about how popular extreme products are today in the world …

After the morning, Wu Liang heard dizziness and guilty of nausea, leaving only the word limit in his mind.

Wang Zhaozhao, who traveled with him, was also a kind of surly, which made Chen Rong, who was going to continue instilling extreme culture to the two, shut up at lunch.

But Wu Liang had to admit that the extreme factory did a good job of face-saving. The factory covering an area of ​​300 acres looks high-end and high-grade, giving people a very formal appearance of extreme enterprises.

After visiting all the people who had gone through the whole morning of visual and auditory brainwashing, most of them have already recognized that Extreme is a powerful and very regular company.

In the afternoon, the main event finally came.

After lunch, everyone came to the conference center in the extreme factory.

The seats in the venue are designed with a three-dimensional structure, and the space is huge. Wu Liang roughly estimated that it can accommodate almost 3,000 people.

On the huge screen in front of the meeting place, there are eight big characters shining in gold: “Light your dreams and create brilliance together.”

Wu Liang and the three came early. There were not too many people in the venue. Wu Liang pulled Wang Zhaozhao enthusiastically and picked a seat closest to the stage to sit down.

He Rong followed behind the two and saw that Wu Liang was willing to take the initiative to sit forward, thinking Wu Liang was because the factory visit in the morning recognized the limit, and he was more excited, and once again advocated the huge scale of the extreme company in Wu Liang’s ear. .

The three sat for a while, and the meeting room was also full of people. It is estimated that the meeting was about to start. He Rong said to Wu Liang mysteriously, “Mr. Wu, the meeting this afternoon is dry goods. Where you understand, despite asking questions, the directors know more than me, and their answers must satisfy you! “

Wu Liang nodded with a smile: “If you can ask a question, I really have to ask.”

Now I still have 2394 hope coins, and there is also a truth card in the material column that was previously exchanged, but it has been useless. This mission only limits the stealth card and the trust card. The truth card can be used casually. This meeting was a once-in-a-lifetime anti-brainwashing opportunity.

The first person to take the stage is the top director of the extreme nine-level member-Chief Director Li Qin.

This is also the person who can truly stand at the tip of the pyramid to harvest wealth.

According to He Rong, Li Qin is now in his 70s, but it seems that he is only about 60 years old, and his short curly hair looks more spiritual.

After Li Qin came to power, he began to say that he was very grateful for the limit. It was because of joining the limit that he could become the chief director of a net worth of more than 100 million, and he was just an ordinary middle-aged person because of the pressure of work and life. I was sick all over.

The words hit the audience instantly. Some young people were attracted by Li Qin’s net worth of over 100 million. The other half of the middle-aged people felt the same about the situation described by Li Qin.

Subsequently, Li Qin began to talk about his changing heart feelings when his husband persevered and chattered to persuade himself to join the limit more than 20 years ago.

Li Qin’s feelings are like the feeling that everyone in the audience has recently been promoted by relatives and friends. Everyone was quickly attracted by Li Qin’s narration. Occasionally, he was laughed by Li Qin’s funny words. The audience was full of relaxation and joy. The atmosphere, everyone’s face can no longer see a trace of alert.

After, Li Qin began to share the secrets of his success from the trainee director who first entered the limit in 12 years to the current chief director.

Li Qin said that his job before joining the limit was a teacher. He had no clue about how to make the limit. The reason for success is simple. Obedient and follow suit. Her husband taught him how to do it, and he did it obediently. .

These words quickly dispelled everyone’s confusion about worrying about their inability to make the limit. Li Qin’s example tells everyone that as long as they obey and follow suit, they will eventually become the chief director and reach the height of Li Qin. .

After, Li Qin began to share many changes in his physical condition, personal cultivation, and quality of life after he began to do the limit.

For the life described by Li Qin, everyone in the audience was longing for it.

Subsequently, Li Qin’s husband Li Gui also came to power and said that he changed Li Qin’s rhetoric in another way.

After, Li Qin began to introduce several of his own offline. Nowadays, the senior director and business director of the extreme are all relatives of her, and they have also led to a different life because of her.

In the end, Li Qin summed up with emotion, that choice is greater than effort, and success can only be achieved in the right direction. The limit is a very good choice for everyone; after the selection, if you want to succeed, you must work hard, and the struggle process must be Poor and difficult, so perseverance is victory.

This wave of brainwashing by Li Qin is well-founded and successfully made most of the audience under the stage into a frenzy.

Wu Liang regrets that Li Qin is very clever, and brainwashing everyone is false, even though he has left video materials, but these materials can not be the limit is an example of MLM.

Looking at the crowds in the meeting place, Wu Liang felt that he might be able to try another way to solve the problem.

Wu Liang also showed a fanatical state, raised his right hand under the stage and shouted: “Lao Li! Manager Li! I have a question!”

Wu Liang’s shout was so loud that it was very clear and loud in the huge conference room.

In the previous meeting, this designed question and answer session was also arranged. Li Qin was not surprised. With a smile, he passed the microphone and said softly: “Please talk to ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Mr. Li, I Earlier I heard from my family that the distribution methods of health care direct selling companies are actually MLM in disguise. Is our ultimate distribution method really MLM? MLM is illegal! “Wu Liang took the microphone and asked loudly, then pointed at Li Qin used a truth card.

“Yes, our ultimate distribution method really belongs to MLM.” Li Qin replied with a smile.

Hearing Li Qin’s reply, the audience was in an uproar.

“I also heard people say that more than 96% of people who make direct sales earn less than 5,000 a year, which does not count the tens of thousands of dollars they put into it. The annual income can reach 100,000 yuan. There are only three or four out of a thousand people. How many of us have an annual income of more than 3 million? “Wu Liang quickly asked, and then used the second truth card.

“Less than a hundred people.” Li Qin replied.

“The products of the limit are really so effective, can they cure all diseases?” Wu Liang asked again using the truth card.

“It’s useless and can’t cure the disease.” Li Qin replied.

“Since this is an illegal pyramid scheme, extreme products are not useful at all, and even 90% of people can’t make money, and they will also lose tens of thousands of purchases. Then what are you doing here? The limit is all scammers! “Wu Liang shouted angrily into the microphone.

For a moment, Wu Liang’s mind seemed to explode, and system prompts kept coming.

Negative emotion value from Li Qin: +100

Negative emotion value from He Rong: +100

Negative emotion value from Liu Chen: +100

Negative emotion value from Liang Bin: +100

Negative emotion value from Wei Huaiqian: +100

From …


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