Hope Coffee House

Chapter 35 - Life and death dilemma

Having heard Wang Zhaozhao’s despair, Wu Liang felt he was a bit big.

Is not unable to understand Wang Zhaozhao’s distress and despair, but this problem is really too big.

If Wang Zhaozhao ’s hope value can only be raised to more than 60% and his task can be achieved only if the limit problem is solved, then Wu Liang feels that he can go to despair for a while.

After all, the system clearly shows that his health is only 56 days without disease and injury, and 16 days with a long time, and it is less than two and a half months.

Wu Liang really has no confidence in solving such a complex problem involving more than 3 million people and giants of health care products companies in such a short time.

The system must have hatred against itself. The task released to me this time is really too difficult.

Wu Liang could not directly explain this to Wang Zhaozhao. After all, the hope value is not fake. It is not that Wang Zhaozhao hopes that he is full of hope for the world. Her hope value can really rise above 60%.

On the contrary, Wang Zhaozhao is very kind.

If she knew that she could not complete the task issued by the system because her hope value was too low, she would die after two and a half months due to the exhaustion of her health value.

A seemingly impossible task, a dead end where the end can be seen.

Wu Liang was a little unwilling, no matter what the ending, he still wanted to try his best.

“Zhao Zhao.”


“Although I am only a person, there is no big energy, but I still want to try, let me help you to completely defeat the limit.”

“Good! But you are not alone, I will be with you!”

“… I haven’t agreed to hire you to come to my Hope Cafe.”

“Since you want to help me, of course you have to hire me! Boss Wu Liang! I am your new employee Wang Zhaozhao, please advise me!” Wang Zhaozhao stood up to Wu Liangli, speaking while doing a nondescript job. Ceremony.

“Uh … Zhao Zhao … Can you call me boss Wu Liang … I always feel like I owe you money.”

“Okay, boss Wu Liang!”

“… Zhao Zhao.”

“Any instructions? Boss Wu Liang?”

“Since you want to be my employee, there are some things I have to let you know. For example, this Hope Cafe is not an ordinary cafe.”

“Boss Wu Liang uses electricity to generate electricity, and the coffee house you open is naturally uncommon!” Wang Zhaozhao nodded and raised his thumbs.

“… I’m not saying this! Do you remember how you came in?” Wu Liang asked helplessly.

“I do n’t remember much. I just remembered my grandmother ’s business. I went to my mother again yesterday, knowing that the insurance company ’s 300,000 yuan paid to my grandfather had been thrown into the limit by me. Walking while crying, I came here unconsciously. “Wang Zhaozhao said confused.

“That’s right, this hope coffee house has … part of the supernatural power, only desperate talents will come in unconsciously, and my task is to let these desperate people regain hope. “

“Supernatural power? Let desperate people regain hope? Boss Wu Liang! You also said that you are not using love to generate electricity!” Wang Zhaozhao’s eyes glowed excitedly.

“I said that my coffee house has supernatural power, so you believe it?” Wu Liang surprised.

“Of course you believe it! Otherwise, I would cry and walk on the cold and unmanned road, why did I come in? Obviously desperate, but I met such a good boss Wu Liang, not only lent me a huge sum of money The money for my grandfather to treat the disease, and I am willing to give me a job! “Wang Zhaozhao said.

“… Or would I take you in and out of the coffee shop to feel it first?” Unexpectedly, Wang Zhaozhao accepted it so quickly, Wu Liang was a little surprised in his heart. After all, when he had just taken over the hope of the coffee shop, he still had a lot of emotions for a while. .

Wu Liang took a silver-white key from the material column and handed it to Wang Zhaozhao: “This is the key to enter and exit the Hope Cafe.”

Wang Zhaozhao took the hands quickly and cleverly.

At the moment when Wang Zhaozhao’s fingertips touched the key, the key turned into a white light and was attached to Wang Zhaozhao’s wrist, forming a cloud mark immediately. Unlike Wu Liang’s golden cloud mark, Wang Zhaozhao The moiré mark on the wrist is silver.

“It’s amazing … is this supernatural power?” Wang Zhaozhao looked at his right wrist in surprise.

“As long as your faith moves, imagine you leave the place where you want the coffee house to go, and you can go out. When you come back, you just need to …”

Wu Liang’s words were not finished yet, and Wang Zhaozhao’s figure had disappeared.

This girl, just went out? Does she know how to come back? She hasn’t exchanged contact information with her. If she doesn’t know how to come back, how can she send the two hundred thousand on the table? Go to her school to post a notice …

Wu Liang was speechless. While Wang Zhaozhao was away, he took a look at the staff lounge.

Sure enough, as stated in the system, the staff lounge has been automatically expanded in silence.

The former employee lounge entrance was a spacious bedroom, and now the employee lounge entrance is a spacious living room with sofas, TVs, water dispensers and other items. The living room can lead to three bedrooms. Before Wu Liang The bedroom where I lived all the time.

Wu Liang took a look at the other two bedrooms. One was decorated in a more suitable style for girls. Most of the sheets, walls, tables, and chairs were in pink tones. The other was close to the style of Wu Liang ’s current bedroom and was clean. Neat blue tones.

If Wang Zhaozhao could come back, it would be just right for her to live in this pink staff lounge.

Fortunately, Wang Zhaozhao quickly returned to the Hope Cafe, pulling Wu Liang’s sleeve and excitedly: “This is also amazing, boss Wu Liang! I just thought about going to the toilet in our school dormitory. It ’s here in an instant! Then I thought about coming back, and I came back immediately! “

“In the future, you must go in and out of the coffee house in a hidden place. Don’t let others find it. In addition, for insurance, don’t use the hope coffee house for cross-city activities.”

“Yes, rest assured, boss Wu Liang, I won’t let others discover it.” Wang Zhaozhao nodded.

“Wang Zhaozhao?”

“Yes, what did the boss Wu Liang tell me?”

“I will say it one last time, don’t call me boss Wu Liang, or you will be deducted a month’s salary.”

“Okay! Wu … boss!”

“Well, it’s only three o’clock in the morning. I’ll take you to the staff lounge to see it. You can rest for a while. It’s dawn and go to the hospital with money.”

“Good boss!”

After Wang Zhaozhao went to his room to rest, UU read a book www.uukanshu.com Wu Liang sat in a chair alone, thinking about the next action plan.

Making Wang Zhaozhao like his team is both unexpected and unexpected.

Want to pull the limit, Wang Zhaozhao’s help is indispensable. After all, she has a mother who is a senior manager of the limit. It will be very helpful for her to quickly enter the limit.

Time does not wait for others, and every minute is important.

If you want to solve the limit, you must first understand it.

Wu Liang took out his phone and started searching for information about the limit.

Limit is a subsidiary of Caizhenxiang Group. It has been established for nearly 30 years. It is a health products company with a direct sales license, integrating R & D, production, sales and service.

And the ultimate parent company, Zhenxiang, are well-known fast-selling product tycoons, well-known wholly-owned enterprises in Hong Kong City, with annual profits of tens of billions.

Over the years, Extreme has not never happened. There have been several times, and its subsidiaries have been fined for suspected false propaganda, illegal direct sales and other illegal acts, ranging from tens of thousands to millions.

At the same time, there are dozens of lawsuits related to the limit.

Several heads of extreme branch companies were jailed for MLM activities.

As a result of taking extreme products and delaying the treatment of the illness, which eventually led to an accident, the victims’ families posted numerous messages online.

These incidents were finally sanctioned by law only by the salesperson who directly sold the product to the victim.

The salesman ’s charge was false propaganda, which required financial compensation for the victim. Although Extreme Company is a direct sales company, its direct sales business has been regulated and legal. The false propaganda is the personal behavior of the salesman. Extreme does not assume any responsibility legal liability.

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