Hope Coffee House

Chapter 160 - Engraving plan

Wu Liang looked at Si Yifan and shook his head: “I don’t think you now have the power to create a space fault that can annihilate us all.”

Si Yifan looked pale and looked at Wu Liang with a hateful voice: “Yes, I really don’t have the power to make a space fault that can annihilate all of you, but when you just talked with Gong Meiyin, I have lifted the space The blockade has opened this place into my own independent space. “

Speaking of which, Si Yifan looked crazy: “Now we are all in my independent space. As long as I move my mind, this independent space will collapse in an instant, and the three of us will be annihilated together. nothingness.”

“Crush the space, you will die. Before you die, I still want to show you something.” Wu Liang smiled gently, and he got up from the ground in a weird posture behind his hands, and then turned slowly , Turned his back to Si Yifan.

Si Yifan looked at Wu Liang’s back in surprise, Gong Meiyin even whispered in surprise.

It turned out that Wu Liang’s back skin that had been peeled off by Si Yifan’s finely divided spatial faults had not recovered. Wu Liang’s hands behind him were like two iron claws, and his long fingers penetrated through a strip of ribs. Embedded in his back.

Wu Liang pulled out his hands slightly from the body and looked at Si Yifan with a smile: “You said before, as long as you look at Gong Meiyin, no one can resist her ability. I just want you to know, that It’s just that you can’t resist the excuse of your own demon.

As a powerful A-level or S-level, we have countless ways to resist or even get rid of the deadly attraction of Miya Miya, the key is whether you want to do it or not. “

Si Yifan was slightly startled.

Wu Liang’s eyes when he talked with Gong Meiyin just now, Si Yifan remembered it very clearly.

There really are no distractions in those eyes.

Was very puzzled by Si Yifan’s heart, but never thought that Wu Liang was forcing himself to stay awake and calm by hurting himself.

“Are you aware of the key to the problem?” Wu Liang looked at Si Yifan with a slight smile. “When you first observed Gong Meiyin, you once applied to Shancheng Hospital for a trial cabin.

The pain caused by the trial cabin is several times or even tens of times more painful than my self-injury. Such severe pain can clearly keep you awake and completely get rid of the influence from Gong Meiyin.

But you lie in the trial cabin, enduring the ultimate pain, full of excitement and looking forward to becoming stronger, you can completely control Gong Meiyin in your hands.

So at this stage, it is not because of Gong Meiyin’s ability that affects you, but because you have been indulging your own demons. “

“What happened when I indulged my demon.” Si Yifan smiled sadly, “It’s not important anymore. It’s good to be able to turn into nothingness with Gong Meiyin.”

Wu Liang and Gong Meiyin looked at each other, and then looked helplessly to Si Yifan: “Since I have to …

Die together, it is better to satisfy my curiosity. I asked you 0136 before, tell me? “

Jiang Zhenghao told Wu Liang that 0136 was a perfect S-class, and Si Yifan, who silently observed Wu Liang in secret, also heard.

Seeing that Wu Liang still remembered things unrelated to him before he died, Si Yifan gave Wu Liang a deep look and said quietly, “About 0136, I know no more than Jiang Zhenghao, but only a few years older than him. , To understand some old things.

When I first became A-level, I learned lip language specifically to observe Gong Meiyin. Later, when I sent a letter to Gong Meiyin, I was often observing the management’s movements because I was afraid of being discovered.

Of course, there are only three people at the core of the management team of the Shancheng Hospital, Dean Lian Chengtian, director Yuzu and director Su Yan.

0136 is the number that I heard from the mouth of the Yu people. “

Speaking of this, Si Yifan’s tone was full of ridicule, “Yu Die’s crazy girl has always regarded the Yu clan as her own god, the **** in her heart, but she did not know that she has been being Yu people use.

Although Yu Die is the birth daughter of the Yu nationality, it is not the only birth daughter of the Yu nationality.

9 years ago, after the Shancheng Hospital moved from the old hospital to the new hospital today, the Yu nationality launched a project called the ‘0136 Reproduction Project’, personally provided sperm, and screened a pair of high-quality egg cells with gene sequencing technology to do A batch of test-tube babies came out.

8 years ago, this batch of test-tube babies surrogate abroad was successfully born and was secretly taken back to the Shancheng Hospital. Yu Die was one of them. “

Si Yifan smiled: “You should be able to guess the story afterwards. After a group of babies including Yu Die entered the Shancheng Hospital, they began a trial designed specifically for babies.

After a round of eliminations, when the babies were three years old, there were only four people left. The Yu clan gave them a very meaningful name, and together they pronounced ‘breaking cocoons into butterflies’.

Of course, the four people did not know each other’s existence. Interestingly, since the four people were three years old, the Yu people no longer considered their ability to endure their trials, but completely followed a box of old books called ‘0136 Experiment Report’ and proceeded step by step.

More interestingly, in addition to the trial, the Yu people also strengthened their emotional cultivation with the four people, and at the same time began to focus on cultivating their obedience to themselves. For this reason, a professional spirit was established behind the Yu people Control and psychoanalysis team.

Later, the other three people died. Only Yu Die survived. When Yu Die was 5 years old, the box report was used up. The Yu tribe took Yu Die to the test. The result was only B-level.

Because of fear of the disappointment of the Yu clan, Yu Die took the initiative to go to the E zone for a year of trial and became a S-level.

The most interesting thing is that after Yu Die became S-level, the Yu clan ended the secret ‘0136 Reproduction Project’ project ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and left a word of failure in the experimental results. “#B ……

br # Si Yifan finished telling what he knew about 0136.

Although this story is actually about Yu Die ’s origin, the number 0136 runs through.

The importance attached to 0136 by Shancheng Hospital has exceeded Wu Liang’s imagination.

Looking at Wu Liang, who frowned, Si Yifan smiled and said: “Since you hit you into the Shancheng Hospital, I have been observing you. The management thinks that your brother is 0136. The Yu and Su Yan have joined forces just to catch your brother. “

Wu Liang sighed and looked up at Gong Meiyin. Gong Meiyin’s slender and thick eyelashes looked like two small fans, and blinked mischievously at Wu Liang.

“So, I have to get out of here as soon as possible. Even if I can’t help my brother, he won’t be distracted by me.” Wu Liang laughed.

Si Yifan shook his head and smiled, “The people are going to die, how can they get out?”

“Why do you want to die? Do you really want to die?” Wu Liang smiled at Si Yifan, stretched his hand forward, and untied the rope around his hands and feet for him.

Si Yifan stunned, his smile froze on his face, and then turned to look at Gong Meiyin, a little more doubt in the clear eyes: “Yeah, why should I die?”

The world is about to break down, and I can live well in the broken world with my ability … How could I just want to die? “

Si Yifan looked at his bound hands with confusion, then grabbed his short white hair hard and whispered, “What happened to me just now? Why did you heal Gong Gongyin’s dual personality, I Instead, they will die with you? “


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