Hope Coffee House

Chapter 159 - I\\\'m late

The story of Wu Liang is finished.

Si Yifan’s complexion, his teeth clenched, said: “A bluff!”

“I also hope that my story is false.” Wu Liang looked at Si Yifan deeply, “but the truth of the story, you know best with her, don’t you?”

Miyamiyin in the corner was already crying, and seemed to want to vent all the pain and despair of these years.

Si Yifan took a deep look at Gong Meiyin, and then looked at Wu Liang, his eyes showing a mad look, hate channel: “As you said, the fault of this matter is all with me?

But do n’t forget, it ’s because I saw her at the age of 8 and was fascinated by her ability to be fatally attracted. This is what happened afterwards!

It was Gong Miyin who shaped me! The original sin of all this is Gong Meiyin himself! “

Si Yifan’s words were right in the middle of Miyoshi’s weakness, and Gong Meiyin was disappointed in his back, and his eyes showed infinite despair again.

“No, it’s you who shaped you,” Wu Liang said coldly. “Gong Meiyin just had an irresistible lethal attraction. When you first saw her, there was no way to appear beside her. She can only be regarded as a temptation for you.

Life is full of countless temptations. Everyone will encounter this situation. In the face of temptation, some people choose to exercise restraint, while others choose to sink.

At that time, you were already A-level, with countless times more powerful than ordinary people. You can obviously choose to restrain yourself, no longer observe Gong Meiyin, and even resist the influence of Gong Meiyin’s ability by trying your strong will.

But you chose to sink into it, and even gave birth to the terrible idea of ​​going into Gong Meiyin’s life, completely occupying her, and put your own life to realize this evil idea. All the original sins are all It’s you. “

Si Yifan sneered, and a pair of purple eyes was filled with a crazy look: “Wu Shan, you are talking about lightness, you are also an A-level. Seeing your recovery ability is even close to the existence of S-level now, why Gong Meiyin came Have you dared to look at her for so long here?

Still said that the so-called restraint temptation you just used was farting. Are you afraid that after facing Gong Meiyin, you will sink like me out of control? Even do the same thing as me? “

Wu Liang smiled slightly: “I am a good person and rarely kill people, so I used to explain more before killing, so that you can understand more about everything. Now, everything is your own decision and has nothing to do with Gong Meiyin.

On the contrary, your painful torture of Gong Meiyin has created a powerful and perfect Gong Meiyin. “

Powerful and perfect Miyami.

This is what I long for the most and is also the most distant from me.

In order to protect her in her body and watch her live freely in the sun, she even chose to continue to succumb to the demon Si Yifan.

Gong Meiyin’s eyes twitched, …

There was a little light of hope.

Wu Liang looked at Gong Meiyin gently, and there was no such confusion and unabashed craziness in Si Yifan’s eyes at Gong Meiyin.

Wu Liang’s eyes are clear and clean, like a vast ocean that can contain everything, calm and calm, Gong Meiyin can even see his reflection in Wu Liang’s eyes.

“Powerful? Perfect? ​​Are you really talking about me?” Gong Meiyin looked at Wu Liang in disbelief and asked in a low voice.

“Yes, it’s you.” Wu Liang leaned against the wall, his hands behind his back, and smiled: “In countless painful ordeals, your will is also growing. Now, you are a truly powerful and Perfect S-Class. “

Miya Miyin shook his head and said, “I can’t even control my own abilities. Where can I be powerful … if it’s her …”

“She is you.” Wu Liang interrupted Gong Meiyin’s words with a smile, and said softly: “Did you not find out yet? She is you, and her appearance is your growing will to give birth to save you New ability! “

Gong Meiyin looked at Wu Liang blankly, his eyes full of confusion.

Wu Liang’s hands behind him scratched his back and smiled, “You think about it, what can her abilities do?”

“Mind Control …” Gong Meiyin replied confused.

“Then think about it, what is the reason why you have been able to live alone all the time?” Wu Liang Xunxun said.

“Because I can’t control my ability, everyone around me will be affected by me …” Speaking of this, Miyami suddenly stopped.

“Do you understand?” Wu Liang smiled slightly, “She’s appearance means that you have finally grown into a strong and perfect S-class, and you can live freely in the sun from now on.

Every time you see another person, you only need to use your mental control ability a little bit, so that everyone who sees you can no longer be affected by your deadly attraction ability.

At the same time, your lethal attraction is your protective umbrella. When there are other S-level strongmen who want to kill you, your lethal attraction will be instinctively enhanced to resolve the enemy’s killing intentions.

As for how to use the mental control ability when facing the enemy, it is up to you. You can use the mental control ability to completely resolve the enemy’s killing intentions for you, or you can use the mental control ability to kill the enemy invisible. “

Gong Meiyin’s eyes became brighter, and his heart ignited hope that had never been seen before.

“Accept her, she is not the object you need to look up and envy. Her existence is to achieve you and make you a perfect S-class, a strong man who needs the look and envy of everyone in the hospital. .com ~ Wu Liang looked at Gong Meiyin, his voice was gentle, and his eyes were full of encouragement.

Gong Meiyin looked at Wu Liang gratefully, nodded gently, and closed his eyes.

Si Yifan, who was bound to the side, looked more ugly, but did not make a sound. A pair of purple eyes drooped slightly, and I wondered what to think. #b ……

br # Gong Meiyin’s breath began to change.

In her body, the two characters wake up at the same time for the first time, silently looking at each other.

Gong Miyin shed tears and looked at her softly: “It turns out that you came to save me.”

She looked at Gong Meiyin, her indifferent eyes full of warmth: “I’m sorry, I’m late.”

Gong Meiyin threw herself into her arms, crying loudly, with endless grievances and happiness in her voice.

She held Gong Meiyin tightly and patted Gong Meiyin’s back with her right hand, as if she was comforting her sister who had been wronged.

The figure of the two slowly overlapped and then merged together.

Gong Miyin slowly opened her eyes.

In the eyes of the water and spirit, there was no consternation, only a warm and calm.

“Successful?” Wu Liang asked, smiling at Gong Meiyin.

Gong Meiyin nodded gently and smiled for the first time. She looked at Wu Liangwen and said: “Wu Shan, thank you.”

Wu Liang shook his head and smiled: “You thanked the wrong person, I will introduce myself again, my name is Wu Liang, kind and kind.”

“Do you think you won in this way?” Si Yifan, who had not spoken, suddenly showed a desperate and crazy look, and looked at Gong Meiyin: “If it can’t be with you in the future, what is the point of me living? So why not go to **** together! “

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