Hold On, You’re Something Else

Chapter 6


After Rongjing helped send people to the room, he returned to the first floor to check in.

Although he can still go to a budget hotel, he is too lazy to toss, and he still has a sour taste. Thanks to the high quality of the waiters here, otherwise he would have been driven out for reasons such as untidy clothes.

I think so, but when I see a large number of numbers crossed out on the card, my heart is still a little bit. This hotel grabbed the money?

When the front desk got the certificate and registered on the computer, he suddenly took a look at Rongjing, his expression changed from a business to a more respectful smile, and then he bowed and handed back the certificate with both hands.

Rongjing took it without much thought, and he was often on standby when there was no need.

Shielding the surroundings will allow him to save energy consumption.

He saw the number on the card and went straight to the elevator, and declined the guidance of the lobby manager.

When I entered the room, I didn’t rest immediately. Even if I was tired, I almost instinctively chose the clothes to wear tomorrow, hung them up, ironed them with an ironing machine, and ironed some small wrinkles again. This is a living habit he has cultivated in his previous life in order to better welcome the next day.

He didn’t take a good look in the mirror for the three days when he walked into the bathroom.

The person in the mirror is tall, with pale skin, with a pearly luster under soft light, well-proportioned bones, deep brow bones, and a bit of mixed blood. In my memory, the biological father of this body is indeed a quarter. He is of European descent, and his temperament reveals an innate sense of alienation.

Objectively speaking, he is not as good-looking as in the original world, about 80%.

But he didn’t have much regret, after all, a person’s appearance is not the only plus point.

Moreover, even if he was in a daze, he also had a fierce taste. Even if he didn’t do anything, it would make people retreat. At least he won’t frighten the child now, so he can be distracted.

Taking off the top, there is a scar about three centimeters long under the thin pectoral muscles. It was deeply pricked and three stitches were sewn. It was dropped by the original owner to protect his mother when he was a child.

The fierce quarrels, blood splattered, and broken camera lenses formed a fragmented picture.

Rongjing felt the slight unevenness on it, and the sting like a needle **** passed to his brain.

The original owner has left, but the muscle has left a memory.

After bathing, he wiped his hair and walked out naked.

When he was alone, Rongjing was quite casual and unruly. He simply put on a pair of slacks and enjoyed surfing on the bed.

When the battery is charged, the phone will automatically turn on, and I first posted on my Weibo. There are not many fans, only more than 10,000. Among the students of the School of Film and Television, this number is really inconspicuous.

This was applied for when the original host was in university. The original host was studying in the performance department that Qi Ying extremely envied. The original host chose less demanding dance for talent performance, and danced a more difficult folk dance. The physical flexibility and flexibility reached the standard. His appearance was above average, and few alha would choose to dance. This ingenuity made the judges give him the green light.

He had a dispute with the Xie family because of the college entrance examination volunteers, and resolutely moved out of the Xie family for his own ideals. He loves acting, and he performed well at the beginning, but when he reported a performance, he realized that he could not face the camera and the audience. For a time, the whole class became a joke of the performance.

After that, he never took the stage again, and of course no one was given another chance, so he could only practice in private.

Because of that accident, the original owner was dubbed an accident with the nickname Rong.

As long as there is a place for the original owner, the performance will inevitably be overturned. Over time, he has a great reputation and is one of the most famous students in the college except for the star students. His performance opportunities are getting less and less. Even when he graduates, his classmates have their own prospects, some will go to the audition, some will be turned again, most of them are busy in the crew, no matter how many shots there are, there is always a play appointment. of. Only because of the fear of the camera, the original owner never got a formal opportunity.

The original owner did not give up hope. For four years, he has trained himself in front of the camera. No matter how hard he is behind the scenes, once he arrives in front of the camera, he will still give up all his efforts. Otherwise, he would not listen to his mother’s words, and temporarily returned to Xie’s house after graduation. At that time, he had been insisting on his dream for too long, and he no longer knew the meaning of persistence. Later, it was discovered that her boyfriend Qi Ying was half-hearted, and the original owner was very anxious and began to think of a way out for the future again.

This Weibo was also opened during the freshman year, following the trend. At that time, the original owner was still alive for a while because of a university military training photo. More than 10,000 fans grew up at that time, and in the following years they stayed still.

Most of the people in the original microblog are daily life. They occasionally post selfies or about Qi Ying’s daily life. They share what they think are sweet, but they don’t show Qi Ying’s face. Most fans only know that he has. A stable boyfriend.

However, it has not been updated for more than half a year. Since discovering that Qi Ying has a few ambiguous objects besides himself, the original owner has stopped updating.

Rong Jing thought, at least to put an end to the unilateral pursuit of the original owner.

He opened the window and took a picture of the night scene against the starry sky and moonlit night, thinking about how to write a breakup copy. Literary and artistic people don’t know how to write. They had a team in their previous life. He was not very good at liberal arts, so he could only honestly add a paragraph to wish the future good, and each one will be well.

Although there are few fans left, seeing him come back to blog more, it suddenly aroused their enthusiasm.

After half a year, I finally waited, and I felt like weeping with joy.

—Oc, the return of missing persons!

-Have you scammed?

—This month seems to be the month of the breakup, how many are they right?

-I felt that your little boyfriend didn’t love you very much before, and most of the photos you took were from the back, so it was strange to look at, so that’s fine! Happy breaking up!

The original owner also followed Xie Ling’s personal account. In fact, it can be seen from this that the original owner is not entirely indifferent to thanking his family, at least secretly following it.

I just saw that Xie Ling reposted a Weibo with a love. Weibo was a photo of a wristband sent by a person named Chichichi Gu Xi. This wristband made Rong Jing very familiar.

Rongjing blinked, he didn’t think you were such a big brother.

Maybe, or Gu Xi’s fan?

But in an instant, the reposted Weibo was deleted, and I don’t know whether it was sent by mistake or for other reasons.

Rong Jing directly looked at the hot search list and saw this top ten hot search Gu Xiying aid. The following comments were more than 100,000. There were fans and passers-by to join in the fun.

Rong Jin also saw the black bracelet on that slender wrist.

I seem to have one too?

Rongjing looked at his wrist with hindsight, when did my one run?

After searching for a while, Rongjing could only give up.

Rong Jing easily clicked his attention, and it was divided into the column of movie stars. It was also at this time that Gu Xi’s attention was 0. Wow, no one pays attention and has personality.

After being struggling, Rong Jing found that he couldn’t sleep well, so he simply found “365 Days of Lotta” starring Gu Xi on the video platform, paid for the online movie, and watched it.

The first scene is a rain curtain, a pair of feet full of silt running fast, splashing water like diamonds, under the dark blue hue, it is a touch of depression and compactness.

A long shot with subtitles appeared, and Rongjing looked in unconsciously.

I was fascinated by it. At this time, a WeChat message came, and Rong Jing looked at the screen with a wrong look.

In the picture, Gu Xi stepped on the snow, forming a string of long footprints on the ground. A hemp rope hung on his thin shoulders. The hemp rope was connected to a basket covered with quilts. The wheels were pressed under the basket and the inside was packed. It was his little sister, pushing the cart in front of him, pulling the basket behind, staggering to the destination, rubbing his hands with the heat, and began to sell hot water to the people passing by on the side of the road.

The hands covered with frostbite were cracked in some places, and some had not healed. They were red and purple, and they looked painful, but he didn’t feel any.

He huffed, looking hopefully at the people passing by, hoping that someone could stop and patronize this small hot water booth, but before he even waited for the guests, there were a few rascals in the screen, and Rong Jing’s heart was full. Mention it.

The person sent by WeChat is Qi Ying. I have already made an appointment for you. Don’t be late at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.

Rongjing was brought into the story by Gu Xi’s acting skills, and he crossed it out without looking carefully, and continued to watch the movie intently.

Qi Ying met with the producer of the new TV series tonight, and also met the legendary investor father Xie Ling, who is known as the cold-faced Hades. Although Xie Ling just happened to have dinner at that hotel and partner, their TV series is just the one from Xie’s family. An insignificant investment project, but this is an opportunity for Qi Ying to climb up.

Only a glass of wine was toasted at the dinner, and Qi Ying did not find a good huatou. Unexpectedly, he was lucky, and later saw Xie Ling in the aisle with the secretary next to him. Xie Ling focused on the phone, raised his hand to let the translation secretary beside him remove the German document, and said to the other end of the phone, “You are always from our Xie family.”

He should be talking to a family member who is in conflict. Such a cold man, his eyes softened when he was talking.

It’s just that the person on the other end of the phone didn’t seem to pay much. He hung up without saying a few words. Xie Ling found him hiding in the corner.

Qi Ying was trying to put a close, weak and beautiful oga like him, even if it appeared a bit abrupt, he could not refuse, but he did not expect that after he reported his home, the other party only glanced at him without any disturbance, as if looking at him. Some obstructive stone on the side of the road kicked it away.

“Choosing you as the lead actor is a matter of the film and television department and the planning department, and people behind you are pushing it, and it has nothing to do with my cultivation. Instead of casting a net in the sea, it is better to study acting.” Xie Ling’s eyes looked like a joke.” Disaccompanied.”

Qi Ying didn’t understand it at first, until the other person disappeared, he didn’t understand the plain irony and the full of disdain for him, as if to say, what gives you the confidence to come to me?

Qi Ying’s face blushed. He had never seen a who didn’t give a face like this.

But no matter how unhappy he was, he knew he couldn’t offend Xie Ling.

When it comes to capital, who can have more capital than Xie Ling. The first heir to the wealthy Xie family, he made a name for himself while he was in college and was named the wolf of Wall Street.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, such a noble person, perhaps only those who are truly relieved are the weak underbelly.

Seeing that it was too late, Xie Ling took the people around him directly to a nearby hotel under his own name to rest and discuss the progress of the project by the way.

After discussing it was approaching midnight, the assistant whispered a few words in his ear, and Xie Ling frowned. “You said Xiao Jing opened the room a few hours ago and brought a drunk oga? What is he doing? What does he want to do?”

Xie Ling usually didn’t talk much, and suddenly a bunch of them came out.

Could it be that that incident has hit him to this extent? Xie Ling found that she had overestimated Rongjing’s psychological endurance.

Originally, an honest child would abduct a drunk oga, don’t you know it’s illegal? And he opened a room in his own hotel stupidly, for fear of not being able to find it.

One inadvertently, a criminal is going to come out of the house?

Xie Ling realized the seriousness of this matter and immediately called the manager.

After understanding what happened, he knew that Rongjing had opened two rooms, and Xie Ling had no urge to “catching traitors”.

Knowing the room number, he led a mighty person all the way to the 17th floor.

In the silent hallway, Xie Ling came to Rongjing’s door.

After thinking about it, I lie down by the door and listen to the movement. The sound insulation is too good to hear.

The assistants behind him silently lowered their heads, pretending not to see the perverted behavior of their vice president.

Xie Ling looked at his watch again, it was already twelve o’clock.

“Let him sleep, I’ll talk in the morning.”

Rongjing, who was in the room at this time, slowly fell asleep watching the movie. The light of the picture changed constantly on his face, completely unaware of a group of people standing outside the door.

Xie Ling walked a few steps and muttered to herself in a low voice, “What did he pay for, and he still lives in a normal guest room. I won’t forget that I bought it.”

Oh, how is this possible.

This acquisition was also selected as a gold case three years ago, and it went viral in the industry and was regarded as a typical case.

Xie Ling “…”

So, what does paying for the room mean is to draw a line with me?

What’s wrong with this kid, wanting to rebel?

Sleepless, many people don’t sleep well.

Rongjing slept well, and after sleeping in the shelter, this was his best night.

Chenguang came out through the heavy curtains and turned off the phone alarm clock in his ears.

Rong Jing has a characteristic, that is, when his brain is most empty when he just wakes up, it takes a few minutes to wake up.

He got out of bed slowly, holding a chicken coop, slowly brushing his teeth, washing his face and shaving.

Putting on the clothes I ironed yesterday, I slowly wake up, my thinking is functioning normally, and I think of today’s itinerary.

He needs to go back to school today. The original owner chose this year’s film school for the postgraduate exam. Even if he had no way of continuing to perform, the original owner still thought about finding another way out. Rong Jing still recognized the original owner’s attitude of not giving up. .

The process of the postgraduate entrance examination is different every year. This year is the same as last year. You have to pass the individual subject line and the total score to enter the retest. Today is the day for results.

Out of the bathroom door, I was about to open the curtains, and suddenly felt a figure appearing by the window, because there were only a few rays of light entering the room, and I could only see a cloud of darkness over there, and my face could not be seen clearly.

Rongjing took a deep breath and asked sharply “Who!?”

Rongjing quickly reacted to the attack, and his aura suddenly became dangerous.

What’s going on in this hotel, can thieves come in casually?

Alha, who was lying in a false sleep, suddenly felt a strong breath coming straight towards him, enduring the restlessness of the counterattack, slowly opened his eyes, and coldly rebuked, “This is your attitude towards your eldest brother?”

Oh, it turned out to be the eldest brother.


No, you come here to watch me get up? What’s wrong with you?

After Gu Xi got out of the car, she looked around for a while, making sure that no one was following before she walked into the hotel.

He put on a hat, mask and glasses, and came to the address stated on the phone in full gear.

After the dubbing ended last night, it was already four o’clock in the morning. Only then did he find out that his friend Guan Hongyi caught her boyfriend cheating, and had a lot of trouble in the bar, and then disappeared, no one knows where he went. Gu Xi didn’t sleep at all, looking for people everywhere. He made the phone all night and only got through just now, but Guan Hongyi’s voice on the other end of the phone seemed to be dead soon.

Gu Xi went to the room number that Guan Hongyi said, knocked on the door for a long time, and almost asked the waiter to open the door directly. The people inside finally came over to open the door drunkenly.

The exquisite makeup on Guan Hongyi’s face has been spent, and the wig was thrown on the ground, and his whole state was decadent.

When Gu Xi saw that he was okay, he relaxed the tension all night.

There have been several headless corpses in the suburbs recently. The victims are all young oga, and their deaths are miserable. Some people suspect that the driver of the night car did it. The case is still under investigation.

Gu Xi glanced at the person in the quilt again, took off her attire, went to the bathroom to wet the towel, and came out to wipe his face.

Guan Hongyi pointed to the bag on the ground, “make-up remover and cotton pad are in it.”

Gu Xi took it and said, “You drank like this yesterday, so you can come to the hotel?”

Guan Hongyi propped his chin and laughed, “Someone sent me here, a super handsome and super an alha.”

Gu Xi didn’t get angry and said, “Go on to sleep, you can have more dreams.”

“You actually satirize my daydreaming, no big or small, hum! Why don’t you believe me, I haven’t seen me like this since I was born. It exudes an aura of abstinence. It’s the kind of temptation all over, but no one else. The indifferent taste of sex, with a sense of flavor!”

“The most important thing is that it’s really moral, and it’s not a place where you shouldn’t stop. This kind of breed that is hard to see for a hundred years is too attractive!” When he entered the taxi, he still had a little impression that alha carried him. At that time, it’s really well-behaved. Generally, in this situation, which a can bear it.

Alas, I fainted later, otherwise it might be able to develop.

Gu Xigang wanted to say that there is no such alha in this world, but suddenly thought of something, and stopped talking.

Guan Hongyi took off her makeup, slowly revealing her original delicate face, watching Gu Xi tidy up the mess of clothes and bags on the floor, with a serious expression, “Your contract to eat people without spitting out bones is about to end, right? ?”

“Expires at the end of the month.”

“Be careful, I’m afraid they will counterattack. You are their most precious cash cow.”

Gu Xi didn’t reply. Guan Hongyi knew Gu Xi’s temperament and wanted to resist everything by herself.

In order to hide from debts, Gu Xi used to make a living by picking up food near the trash can. Sometimes he dumped all the trash to another one, then went into the empty space and curled up to sleep for one night. I don’t know if it was too many times. Found by Guan Hongyi, who lives nearby, Guan Hongyi looked at Gu Xi who was deliberately smeared with mud, and looked at him stubbornly, and asked him, “Little devil, do you want to come to me?”

Gu Xi stared at him fiercely, like a desperate little beast.

Guan Hongyi said again, “I can only give you something to eat and a place to sleep. You can go whenever you want.”

Gu Xi silently refused without hesitation, and never followed him.

He didn’t take this extremely stubborn child to the hospital until he was hungry and fainted once.

This little leopard, who can only bite, is never easy to get close to.

Guan Hongyi still remembers that it took him many years to gradually let Gu Xi accept himself.

Gu Xi half dragged Guan Hongyi out, and when he waited for the elevator, he felt that Alha was passing by behind him. Alha’s aura was always so arrogant all the time. Gu Xi’s whole body was tight again, which quickly became his reflex condition.

Just then the elevator came, and Gu Xi took Guan Hongyi and walked in quickly.

At this time, there was a clear voice not far away, as if speaking to the person beside him.

“I haven’t forgotten, I have already bought the clothes for the dinner party.”

Gu Xi’s eyes narrowed slightly, this voice…

In the previous impact, he didn’t see the person’s appearance clearly, but he had a vague impression of the sound.

Gu Xi immediately opened the elevator door, but he was still holding Guan Hongyi, restricting his movement.

Only took a step, and vaguely saw the slender and tall silhouette at the corner, and soon disappeared again.

Guan Hongyi rarely sees that there is no business smirk on his face, only Gu Xi who is a little worried, “What’s wrong with you?”

Gu Xi was startled and shook her head.

“Nothing, I read it wrong.”

The author has something to say thanks to the 12 little angel Mingjun who threw landmines; Xun Zhuoyi, Mianmian Dabai, Gu Cha, nana, Jiu, Wuqianmo, Qingyou, er1;

Thank you for the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution without paper in white 30 bottles; 6 bottles of glutinous rice **** without filling; 5 bottles of Yunying; ∼1 bottle of being born as a human, clear ink and light shadow

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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