Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 317

Chapter 319 The New Headmaster Of Hogwarts

Voldemort’s most loyal team is now squatting in Azkaban, Voldemort wants to achieve a career, these people are indispensable.

Now that he has cooperated with the Witch King of Angmar, it is what Voldemort wants to do most to rescue his little brothers with the help of the other party’s strength.

However, it is not so easy to defeat Azkaban.

Azkaban holds wizard prisoners from all over the UK and is the focus of the Ministry of Magic. Once it is discovered that someone wants to rob the prison, all Aurors will be dispatched directly.

Coupled with the International Federation of Wizards, Wizengamore and Hogwarts are also very concerned about it, and they will quickly rescue if something goes wrong.

If you don’t plan well, it won’t be so easy to succeed.

The Witch King of Angmar didn’t want to meddle in these things. After all, there was a Gandalf on Dumbledore’s side. Although he wasn’t afraid of him, he didn’t want to provoke the enemy with “five-nine-three” for no reason.

However, Voldemort was willing to take out his 10,000 Infernal Corpse as a reward, and the Witch King of Angmar was refreshed at once.

He immediately greeted Goth Morg and asked him to call all the dark wizards of Minas Morgul, and he was going to Azkaban to jail.

However, the excited Witch King of Angmar was persuaded by Goth Mog.

In this way, the past prison robbery, although it may be successful, the loss must not be small. These dark wizards of Minas Morgul are the team of the Witch King of Angmar, and it is a pity to lose in vain.

The Witch King of Angmar calmed down after hearing this. After thinking about it, he decided to follow Gothmogg’s advice and pull Grindelwald into the water, so that he could provide him with some manpower and help.

When Voldemort brought Quirrell to Minas Morgul, Lucius returned to Hogwarts with his mission.

Dumbledore has returned to Hogwarts. After he got rid of Grindelwald, he saw an article published by Lucius in the Daily Prophet and knew that something happened to Hogwarts, so he rushed back directly.

“Mr Saruman had seen me last night, and unfortunately he had no interest in becoming Headmaster of Hogwarts.99

Lucius curled his lips, glanced at Dumbledore with a serious expression, smiled slightly, and said:

“However, Dumbledore, even if Mr. Saruman is unwilling to be the headmaster, you must be responsible for your mistakes, give up the position of headmaster, and the board will choose another suitable wizard to take your place.

Dumbledore did not answer. If the board of directors attacked him on the charge of personally feeding Shilob with serious consequences, Dumbledore would not be able to explain it.

Seeing that Dumbledore’s face became ugly, the smile on Lucius’ face became even brighter.

“Of course, it is not without good news that Mr. Saruman is very willing to come and see Shilob, after all, it is for the children of Hogwarts.”

Hearing Lucius say this, the professors breathed a sigh of relief.

At least temporarily appease Shilob, they will have more time to prepare.

“When will Saruman come?”

Dumbledore was still thinking about chatting with Saruman, but Lucius spread his hands and said:

“How do I know? Instead of worrying about this, think about what you will do after you leave Hogwarts! 35

After Lucius finished speaking, he sneered and left.

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, and led the professors to the office for a meeting.

The students’ classes still did not resume. Artel played with the little witches all morning, and in the afternoon, he hid in the classroom to study the spell alone.

At night, Artel sneaked out of the dormitory and had a friendly exchange with Hilob in the Forbidden Forest.

And Artel’s guess is good, Shilob wants to get Glauron’s dragon heartstring, because she can absorb the power of Glauron and make her evolve more powerful.

Shilob also knew that what she wanted was in Artel’s hands. Although he wasn’t sure of defeating Artel, Shilob still couldn’t resist the temptation to become stronger, so he blatantly chose to grab it.

The ending is also obvious.

With Artel’s Ring of Air and Fire in his hand, as well as the Dark Staff and the Sword of Gramdrin, Shilob was unable to fight back.

Five of the eight spider legs were removed by Artel, and he also stabbed several eyes out, and the whole body was almost cooked by Artel’s flames.

Later, Artel simply forcibly concluded a contract with Shilob. In this way, Shilob, known as the new generation of shadow weavers, also followed in the footsteps of Smaug and the Water Watcher, and became Artel’s most loyal servant.

Entering into a contract with Shilob, allowed Artel to receive an additional 2,000 plot points as a reward.

After Artel healed Shilob with the Elessa gem, he exchanged an Ungoliant poison sac in the system store and gave it to her…

Xilob was extremely pleasantly surprised when he got the poison sac. After thanking him, he got into the underground lair, weaved a giant cocoon of silk, and wrapped himself in it.

Artel checked it with the system, and the information he got was that Hilob was evolving…

Artel left a few enchantments underground and left here.

The movement between him and Shilob was very loud, almost destroying half of the Forbidden Forest, and Dumbledore and the others in the castle naturally noticed it.

Artel smiled in the direction of the castle, then disappeared directly in place.

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