Hero’s Creed

Chapter 47 - Tier 1 peak

  Time flies, fifteen days, just like the sand on the seashore, walking away from your fingers, no matter how hard you try, you can’t get it back.

   For the dead succubus and the magic book with a long life, these days are like ordinary steps taken in daily life, which can be completely ignored, but for Downton, it is the first and most important stage in life.

  Relying on the faint light of the fluorescent moss, Downton seized every second in this dark and forgotten city to improve its strength.

  Loneliness, loneliness, death threats caused by undead creatures, these negative emotions are all submerged in the massive sweat flowing from Downton, without making a little waves.

In the backyard of the blacksmith’s shop, the dangerous fighting continued.

   Celesce completed the task splendidly, and brought in 36 ordinary ghouls, almost filling a small half of the yard.

   Downton is wearing a set of light black knight armor, holding a large ogre saber and fighting hard.

   Celesis was so nervous to see such a large group of ghouls chasing Downton, and he used the fastest speed to cast the spell, trying to help him ease the crisis.

  The white phosphorous fire arrows are like a crossbow shot, one after another blasted into the group of ghouls, the rotten flesh splashed, and penetrated a lot of body.

   “Selise, your attack frequency is too fast, don’t break them up!” Downton flashed, avoiding the claw strike of the ghoul in front of him, and cut off half of his head.

   The repellency of the Phosphorus Arrow is not small. Celesz’s attack will break up the ghouls, which will reduce the space for Downton to avoid.

   “Oh!” Ceres responded, but she was puzzled by her face and didn’t understand why she was trained.

   “Fool, a ghoul without a soul stamp has not yet been born with IQ, it is entirely by instinct to hunt down prey, and the monster that Downton had gathered behind will be scattered.” Homer reprimanded.

No. 3 and No. 4 serve as flesh shields. Under Downton’s command, they move continuously to carry out card positions. In addition, by retreating and running, he can form a’V’-shaped defense and kill corpses. The ghost group is controlled in front of him.

  The ghouls faced by Downton at the same time are no more than three, which will make fighting a lot easier.

  The ghoul that Celesi broke up, but instead of returning to the team, he rushed straight to Downton.

   “No. 3, move left by three steps, and come back on the fourth, close defense, protect my right side!” Downton timely adjusted the position of the ghoul demon servant, while accelerating the pace of retreat.

   The frontal ghoul screamed and threw himself up. Before he got close, he was cut off by Dunton on the shoulder and half of his chest was cut open.

The ogre saber is up to two meters long, and the arc is slightly curved. Although the above rune magic array has not been maintained for too long, it has been broken and cannot be activated, but as a sophisticated middle-class weapon, it is carefully polished. After that, the sharpness is beyond doubt.

  Although it is not as good as tearing dragon teeth, but it is still easy to cut ghouls. After all, the battle axe is too heavy to use often.

“What you have to do is to try to kill or repel the ghouls that have left the interception of No. 3 and No. 4 so that they don’t interfere with Downton’s running position.” Homer pointed at Ceres and decided in his heart to give The Death Banshee added meals and taught some large-scale attack magic.

   Law systems are all fortifications, and the first class to clear the field. Now it is reduced to a melee paladin, which is really shameful.

  Bang, No.3 was hit and flew, waiting for the ghoul to charge, Downton immediately stepped forward, uh, uh, just slammed with two knives.

  The sharp, broad blades directly enveloped the two ghouls, chopping off their waists, and the remaining bodies had not landed. Downton kicked hard and kicked them to the front.

  The impulse of the ghouls was hit slowly.

   No. 3 climbed up and quickly repositioned, but Downton noticed that his left leg was twisted irregularly, limping, and inconvenience in movement, which also reduced its movement speed a lot.

   “Are you going to break?” Downton withdrew his concession and estimated the change of No. 3. The impact on the battle situation should be controlled to the smallest extent possible.

   “After this wave, let’s replace the devil!” Homer projected the text with emotion.

   These fifteen days, Homer saw what it means to be crazy and unremitting. For the first time, he knew that a person could actually work so hard.

Downton sleeps no more than three hours a day. In addition to hunting ghouls and meditating, even eating, except for the first day of the big meal, he uses simple foods such as bread, cheese, and smoked ham to deal with. , Not willing to waste a second on these trivial matters at all.

   The high-intensity battle made Downton’s sweat cover every corner of the backyard. He supported it, but even the ghouls who had worn five sets of heavy infantry armor began to collapse.

When there were seven ghouls left, No. 3 was completely impossible. In a slam, the two wounded arms were completely discounted, and then lost their balance, unable to defend, and torn by ghouls swarming up. Into pieces.

  The ghouls have no wisdom and rely on instinctive actions to attack them, even if they are of the same kind, they are also enemies.

   “Can’t drag it down anymore!” Downton slashed and killed a ghoul, immediately put his hand into the first aid kit tied around his waist, and took out a quick-acting magic potion.

   After the depleted magic energy was replenished, Downton began to enlarge his moves, the giant seal came down from the sky, slammed into the ghoul group, and the flesh flew.

  One minute later, the battle was over, and gasping Downton rested on the ground with a saber to adjust his breath.

   Slace floated up and handed over a kettle.

   In the backyard, those ghouls whose heads were not destroyed were still dead, dragging their tattered bodies and climbing, but they were no longer a threat.

   “I’m not thirsty, you take a rest, don’t go to blame.” Downton pushed away the dead banshee’s hand, began to check the battlefield, and patched the ghouls who had not yet died.

   The magic code is suspended in the air, drawing the remains of the soul, and a plume of purple mist floating out of the corpse is absorbed by it.

   “Are you taking a break and actually using the ghouls without painful nerves for scrapping, I am very worried about your body!” Homer’s wording is not very tough, because it knows Downton is very opinionated.

   “I haven’t told a story in a long time!” Celesk nodded hurriedly, and muttered, “What about Romeo and Juliet you promised?”

The undead physique of the dead Banshee can’t stand it anymore. The headache of frequent empty demons has been eroding the nerves, but it is this high-intensity battle that has made her strength increase quickly, single-headed. Ghoul, no pressure.

   “Let’s rest for a long time.” Downton walked up to the third ghoul and saw that it was struggling, but couldn’t get up, and slashed his head with a knife.

   “May your soul rest in heaven!”

   Downton blessed himself, preparing to return to the hiding place, and suddenly saw the magic code burst like a meteor after absorbing the last ray of soul wreckage, bursting out a brilliant red light.

   “What’s wrong with Homer?” Celesz clutched Downton’s arm tightly and looked at the magic book worriedly.

   “I don’t know.” Downton shook his head and pulled Celesce behind him, holding No. 4 in front of him, carrying a saber to guard, “If you have trouble, you run first, don’t care about me.”

   “I won’t leave you behind.” Ceres refused firmly.

   “Am I like a villain?” The light quickly dissipated, as if it had never been seen before, the magic code floated over and bumped Downton’s forehead.

   “Can you hear me talking?” The thoughtful Downton saw the subtext in the text projected by Homer.

   “Yes, I no longer have to endure your bad words to write and paint on me.” Homer made a big exclamation mark, just like being freed from hell.

   “My characters look good, okay?” Downton rolled his eyes, but he was happy for the magic book in his heart. “Yes, there are fewer stains on the cover.”

   “Huh, it’s still too slow, just let me hear what I say, what’s there to be proud of!” Homer is still poisonous, actually satisfied.

   During this time, like a wave of ghouls introduced into the backyard to hunt, there have been more than 200 times. There are too many kills. Downton is too lazy to remember.

  This super-efficient way of killing monsters also allowed the magic code to harvest a lot of soul wreckage. Excluding the debt to the cheap god, the remaining soul power contained in the wreckage made the magic code have been weakly repaired.

  Although almost 95% of the power is still unusable, it is much more convenient for UU to read www.uukanshu.com. At least, Donton doesn’t need to write any more.

  Along the roof, Downton and Celes holding the magic book returned to the den and started cooking, enjoying a short holiday.

“Fourth is approaching its limit, change it in advance, so as not to cause problems in the battle, and get messy.” The magic code scanned the body of No.4 with magic detection and found that many bones were covered with cracks and muscles The fiber is also broken and very fragile.

“Well, it’s time to add a new ghoul.” Downton threw the cleaned apple to Celes, and couldn’t help being depressed. “There are only two demon servants. There are too few to defend completely. Otherwise, using a wave of mass killing tactics can be safer and have more tactical choices.”

   “You can continue to recruit with undead confession!” The magic book fell on the table, covered with thick clothes, very soft, which is what it requested.

   “Oh? My soul has reached the point of bringing another one?” Downton was excited.

   “You have too little knowledge of your body.” Homer criticized, “You work hard, so you have also received enough rewards. The soul seeds are now about to grow to the peak of the first order of the soul.”

   “Doesn’t it mean that I can be promoted at any time?” Downton’s heartbeat accelerated, looking forward to that realm.

   “According to this speed, it will probably be within five days, so you must be prepared to impact the second order. The rule of repulsion when you are promoted is not a joke, it will make you ashes.” Homer warned.


  PS: Seeking recommendation ticket, Sanjiang ticket, thanks!

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