Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1619 - Magical Land and Lost


A violent bombardment like a nuclear explosion caused the soil to rise into the sky, exploding a large pit with a radius of hundreds of meters, and the mole was also splashed out.

Dominate the air and capture the dragon.

The magic lock was fired and wrapped around the mole.

This guy didn’t give up, just like a carp caught out of the water, his body flicked violently, his mouth didn’t know when he had a dagger in his mouth, and he scored dozens of silver lines.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The magic lock was cut, and the mole’s body twisted again, and it was about to be shot into the dirt.

“Want to run?”

Downton snorted, flashed behind the mole, and on his right arm, a light blue Titan mottle flashed past him, and then hit him.

Before the fist reached, the strong wind pressure had blown away the debris on the ground, pushing the soil out of a big funnel-shaped pit.

The young woman on the run suddenly stopped, took out a strange-shaped firecracker, aimed at Downton, and pulled the trigger.

Zi! Zi! Zi!

The blue and white light beams are emitted, shooting Downton.

“go to hell!”

Mole drew out a small hand gun while avoiding his fist, bursting into the head towards Downton.

boom! boom! boom!

The golden enchanted bullets roared.

Downton’s shield was opened, but it was easily penetrated. Fortunately, he had expected that his body had become a ghost.

Bullets flew by.


Downton’s heavy punch hit the mole’s head. The guy suddenly rolled his eyes and passed out. The next moment, he grabbed his prey and went after the young woman.

“Help, he wants to force me!”

Seeing the assassination missed, the young woman escaped.

The adventurers who were shocked by the battle came. What I saw was Downton chasing the young woman again, and pointed the magic wand at him subconsciously.

“What are you doing?”

Someone was surprised.

“Stop him!”

The deputy head saw Donton’s discomfort earlier, and now has an excuse. Finally, he can be killed with fairness and integrity, he is terrible. Can be set on fire by so many Pharaohs, and will die as well.


Emma stopped, “There must be a reason!”

“Do it!”

The deputy head urged that this guy’s eyesight was too poor, and he could not see the huge gap between Downton and them, but it could not be compensated by more than twenty Masters.

A dozen magic shots were fired, and at the moment of hitting Downton, they were blocked by the ejected liquid mass. After the increase, she shot at the young woman.


An iris-shaped energy shield popped out, blocking the attack, and at the same time, the black metal liquid flowed through her body, becoming a set of armor, and the power device was fully opened.


The ejector on the back fired a lot of flames, the scorching heat, even the surrounding soil melted and the trees burned.

“Call the leader, make a mistake, and have a terrible goal. Absolutely fearless, ask for support!”

The young woman anxiously sought support from the leader through the communicator in her teeth. She regretted her death now, and should not be confused by the smooth battle conditions before. She felt that the indigenous people of this world are all miscellaneous fish, and now they have reached the iron plate.

“The trigger is almost here, hold on!”

As soon as the commander’s voice fell, the young woman saw the figure flashing in front of her, followed by a long sword, and easily shattered the energy shield.

The stars?

The young woman bit her teeth and raised her hand to stop it. Prepare the gecko to break its tail while staring at Downton. Two lasers were fired.

Downton ducked his head and cut off the young woman’s arms. She cut off her right shoulder again, shook her wrist, and cut her waist in anger.


The young woman’s legs were cut off and blood spewed into the ground.

The woman also wanted to resist, her chest was shining, and she wanted to emit a beam of light. Downton simply backhanded a sword and inserted it into her stomach. Anyway, he would do magic, and he didn’t have to worry about the death of the captive.

“Who are you? Why kill me?”

Downton tortured.

“Quick help me!”

Young woman calling for help.

“Downton, let go of her!”

The deputy head shouted.


Downton’s patience was finally exhausted, and he waved his sword.


A few tens of meters away, the deputy commander’s arm was cut off.

“Ah, I will kill you.”

The deputy commander roared to cast magic, but when he opened his mouth, his mouth was cut with a cross wound, and he could see the esophagus.

Uh! Uh! Uh!

The blade flickered and instantly cut the deputy head into a stick.


Just now, a shot of Faye knelt down and begged Downton to spare his life.

“Don’t be afraid, we are teachers, protected by the Magic Council.” A young man shivered threateningly, “If you killed us…”


His head was cut off before the young man had finished talking.

“Only three people can survive. Choose your own!”

Downton’s cold voice was like a devil.

A dozen or so magicians watched it for a while, almost identical, and chose to kill each other. There was no way Downton was too strong.

The rest of those who saw this scene were glad that they hadn’t shot it just now.

“Now, it’s your turn!”

Downton dropped the blood boiling aura on the young woman and the mole, “Don’t force me to use Soul Search on your body!”

“My mission is to kill you!”

The young woman could not bear the torture of blood boiling, “Leave me alone?”

“Who sent you?”

Downton asked.

“Can’t say, otherwise it will be obliterated.”

Young woman refuses.

“Where are you from?”

Downton had seen this kind of energy weapon similar to that used by young women in his dream.


The young woman hesitated deliberately and lowered her voice to distract Downton.

Downton was not fooled, and the instincts of the war-torn warlord told him that the crisis was coming, so he didn’t think about it, and at the same time, he succumbed to the soul of the Netherworld.

Three black enchanted bullets were shot silently towards Downton, and the mirror could not catch it at all.


The mole with her hands and feet bit the young woman with her mouth, and dragged her into the ground, but before she fled, she fell down.


The ground broke a trench, the mole and the young woman. Be beheaded on the spot.

Downton jumped through the forest and rushed to the attackers.

“Head, the rescue failed. The mole and the snake were dead.”

The missed trigger immediately fled.

Star Eyes!

Downton’s eyes flickered like stars. Everything in the forest suddenly became clear.

“Look where are you going?”

Downton turned into a breath of night, chasing after him like a ghost.

An hour later, the trigger appeared on a river bank, and after confirming that no one was following, he walked into the camp.

“How about the leader?”

The trigger glanced and frowned, and the brown bear didn’t even enter the tent. Is pressing a wolf girl, shouting hard ~ moving down ~ body.

“Go hunt another target.”

The brown bear patted the wolf girl’s buttocks, “Do you want a haircut? Very enjoyable!”

“Still play? Moles they are all dead.” The trigger cursed angrily. “The goal of this mission is the fearless. We should cooperate with other teams, otherwise we will definitely die.”

“That’s how the leader took the idea. I just charged and charged.”

The brown bear pouted, he was clearly at the moment of the outbreak, no longer took the trigger, but pinched the wolf girl’s neck. Speed ​​up the sprint.

“Haha, so cool!”

Looking at the painful expression of the wolf girl towards death, the brown bear showed a perverted smile.

“Xiong Da. Let’s refresh ourselves?”

The men in the newcomers looked at the brown bears in favor.


The trigger scolded and wanted to leave this ghost place, but the strengthened sixth sense suddenly felt bad, and immediately pulled out the pistol, “Be careful, enemy attack.”


As soon as the trigger was finished, Hell of the Netherworld pierced his chest.


The brown bear responded super fast and grabbed the wolf girl. Threw at Downton, followed by armed power armor. Prepare desperately.

The newcomers also scrambled to pick up their weapons and shoot at Downton.

“All die!”

Downton had intended to lurk. When the leader returned, the wolf girl suffered miserably, which made him unable to bear it.


Downton, who was full of firepower, turned the spark of the brown bear’s armor into a single face-to-face, directly deformed, followed by grabbing his head, and vigorously poured it on the ground.

boom! boom! boom!

The armor was smashed into pieces of iron, and minced meat and blood flowed from the gap.

Seeing the death of many brown bears who killed many indigenous people, the newcomers fled, but unfortunately no success.

“Do not kill me!”

A girl in a purple tights cried pear flowers with rain.

For a moment, Downton’s heart softened, but after seeing the wolf girl’s bruised body, he still cut off the girl’s head.

When Downton used Soul Search to read the memories of these people, their bodies were exploded, and nothing was left, including weapons and equipment.


Since he is the target, the enemy will definitely come to assassinate himself, so Downton is too lazy to stand by and wait for the rabbit. When he returns to the camp, the adventurers have run out, leaving only Emma waiting for him.

“You are miserable, they will go to the Magic Council to sue you.”

Emma was very worried.

“Pissed me off, I will tear down the council.”

Downton is not worried.


Listening to Downton’s domineering manifesto, Emma’s eyes were full of little stars of worship.

The closest city to the wind and rain forest is Baigang. Downton caught a horned beast and spent most of the day rushing back.

Because of the sea, the fishery is developed, and the whole city is fishy.

“The person you are looking for, I will ask you for it.”

At the intersection, Emma reluctantly said goodbye, “Are you really not going to live in my house?”

“I’m in trouble recently!”

Downton waved his hand.

“Alas, he is a man who is not a princess but also the eldest lady of the noble family. How could I have a chance?”

Emma lost her soul.

Looking for a day~www.mtlnovel.com~ didn’t get anything. At night, Downton went to the largest pub in Baigang. This place is crowded and always well-informed.

Dancers wearing only underwear and wearing light veils twisted their waists on the high platform, and every time they tempted their breasts, they could exchange a large amount of whistles.

“I saw a handsome guy just now!”

“It seems to be very rich!”

“Who is going?”

Behind the scenes, a group of dancers tweeted, and if they saw their favorite men, they would occasionally work part-time as a prostitute.

“Of course I am!”

The gold dancer of Xia Ying Tavern lifted her plump chest and walked to the hall. At the moment she saw Downton, she was moved. This kind of man with excellent temperament was willing to accompany ~ sleep even if it was money.

The fame of the dancer’s sociable flower spread far and wide, walking in the hall, someone immediately greeted and reached out to sneak her ass, but they were all shot away. (To be continued.)

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