Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1617 - Hypocrisy and reality

Western Continent, Bavaria.

As the commander of the Allied Logistics, Princess Sissi devoted herself to her work. However, she still couldn’t let go of her worries. She hated herself so much. Why didn’t she work hard to improve her strength? Coupled with the royal resources, even if you can’t become Saint Ao Xun, being a legend is more than enough.

“Princess, the Holy See sent an urgent report, and the Pope airborne to the top of despair, leaving a message to let you fully support the Allied attack.”

The governing minister hurried into the office in a hurry. In a word, all the secretaries were stunned. Everyone is a senior, so I understand that the Pope’s expedition means the meaning of the representative.

“What is stupid, do it!”

Siqi stood up, and shouted towards her subordinates, then looked at the minister with expectation, “What about Downton, any news from him?”

The minister was silent.

“The attack should be smooth, otherwise why would the pope go?”

Sissi comforted herself, tears slipped down, but quickly wiped off, and walked out of the office, “I’m going to the front to war!”

“No, it’s too dangerous.”

Not only the ministers, but also the secretaries were frightened. In case the princess lost out, if Downton triumphantly came back, he would surely peel everyone’s skin.

“I have to go and supervise the commanders and let them attack with all their strength.”

Sissi looked firm. “This is the only thing I can do for the expeditionary army.”

The more violent the Allied attack is, the more they can contain the Evil God Army and prevent them from returning to the Temple of Despair. After all, the Expeditionary Army is fighting a time difference.

“Downton, I will be with you!”

Sissi silently prayed.

Hypocrisy and reality!

The great magic of the evil gods, not to mention Downton, even the old pope. I couldn’t resist, and my eyes went black until I opened my eyes again. I have found myself in a strange place.

“What the **** is this place?”

Downton’s brow furrowed and he could pinch a sea crab.

The silvery main hall disappeared. Instead of a lush forest, it should be in the south, because unlike the cold winds of the dragon hills that are enough to freeze the bone marrow, the air here is humid and hot, making people irritable from the inside out.

Powerful insect-songbirds call, and the strong and strong breath in the soil is written with music of life everywhere.

The mirror stopped the water from radiating out. But within tens of thousands of yards, nothing was detected.

“Elaine! Walnut!”

Knowing that no one answered, Downton still yelled a few times, no way, he needs to vent his impatience.

“Homer, is this an illusion?”

Downton clenched the soul of Ningguo and told him intuitively that this should be a real world, but he could not determine.

“I don’t know, but the concentration of magic energy in the air is so rich!”

Homer marveled.

“Right. In your history, what year is this?”

Downton remembered the age of the end of the Western Territory, which was transmitted by the soul of the Netherworld. Evil God may have used the same method.

“Uh, yes, Nesreal, known as the Western Continent, the most glorious and brightest era of magical civilization!”

Homer said, it was another burst of emotion. Although Downton did not have those knowledge reserves, but the angle of thinking about the problem was too sharp.

This is the innate talent.

“No? First, find an indigenous torture!”

In an unfamiliar place at first arrival. The most basic principle of action is to collect detailed information as much as possible. Hide yourself, but Downton is in a hurry. Coupled with strong power, he simply rubbed Lin Hai at low altitude and exposed himself to expose him as a bait to lure enemies.

The water stop of Ding Jing has been extended to the limit, and no details will be overlooked.

The ground in the rain forest was a mixture of decaying leaves and corpses of insects, and it smelled disgusting. Five minutes after Downton flew, a head suddenly appeared.

The stranger wore a pair of black glasses and walked directly through the dense branches, showing Downton’s figure.

“The head of the report found that the indigenous person should be the mission goal.”

The stranger’s voice was low.

“Continue to monitor!”

The head responded.

“Mole understands!”

The code-named Mole man forgot the direction of Downton’s departure, vigorously twitched his nostrils, sniffed the scent remaining in the air, and dived back into the mud again.

The tropical rain forest is very large, just when Downton is losing patience, the explosion of the elements is faintly heard, and he rushed over immediately.

“It’s dead! It’s dead!”

A ten, seven or eight-year-old girl was running in the jungle in embarrassment, sweating all over her, with arrows flying around her constantly.

Ao! Ao! Ao!

Behind the girl, there is a lizardman screaming excitedly.

“Come on, you can do it!”

The girl was self-motivated, but the magic robe was hung by the branches. With her effort, she snorted and was directly torn. She also plunged into the bushes because of inertia.

call out! call out!

The arrows shot directly and directly stuck on her thigh.

The young girl who just got up screamed and fell again. The crystal staff also took off. She reached out and grabbed. As a result, a lizardman with a height of three meters jumped up and stabbed the javelin.


The girl’s arm pierced!


The scream of sorrow sounded.

“Don’t be afraid!”

The girl didn’t give up resistance, reaching for the dagger, but just made a move, and a large, thick leg covered with scales was kicked on the chest.


The girl rolled over and couldn’t breathe in pain.

The Lizardman Brigade rushed up, holding the spear, and stabbed into the girl’s heart.

“It’s over, it’s going to become the food of these underground people.”

On the verge of dying, the optimistic girl even lost her mind, “I don’t know if I can sprinkle some spices when it is cooked. I like cardamom!”


A lizard man dripping with disgusting yellow saliva at the corners of his mouth, with a greasy expression on his face, made a weird laugh and was enjoying the pleasure of catching prey, an iron fist sticking out from the side. Slammed heavily on its face.


The power of the fist was too great, the lizard man’s cervical spine shattered, and his neck turned a dozen times. In the process, the chin shattered. The teeth flew all over the sky, and then the hard cheekbones also shattered, the bloodshot eyes flew out, and finally, the lizardman flew out with a spinner, hitting a tree dozens of meters away, and smashed a bone.


The nearby lizardmen roared and killed the robber. Then the girl saw what was called a real warrior. These lizard men with strong bodies like steel were all smashed into a rotten flesh by the handsome man.

With one punch, it is as easy as breathing.

“Are you OK?”

Downton glanced at the girl’s wound and threw out the healing technique.


The girl’s mouth is wide open, and she is surprised like a drowning catfish, such a violent macho, shouldn’t it be a violent battle full of brain muscles? How can the magic be released?

Could it be that the goddess of flame has recently become obsessed with muscles~ sticks?


Downton frowned.

“Oh, oh. I’m fine, minor injuries!”

The optimistic girl jumped up, even though it was a dying serious injury. After Downton’s treatment, it was all right.

“What is this place?”

Downton asked, while examining the body of the lizardmen, listening to Homer said that this is a race that has long been destroyed by the underground dwarves and the drow elves.

“The wind and the rain forest, don’t you know?”

The girl was a little surprised. If the wind and anger rain forest was only famous in the south, then it became a well-known place after it was revealed that there was a lost magic city, Feileng. In order to collect all benefits, the powerful magic council even stipulates the adventure group to enter. A large deposit must be paid, and the team must be supervised by a magician.

“In your time. This place has long become a grand canyon.”

Homer explained.

“Warrior, please, save my companion!”

The girl’s magical robe was torn, naked~ her delicate arms and long legs could be seen, but she could see the underwear, but she couldn’t cover it, holding Downton’s arm and begging like a homeless kitten.

“lead the way!”

Downton is not hypocritical.

“My name is Emma Roberts!”

The girl self-reported, “Do you have a magic drill? I want to add magic energy to perform flying.”


Downton grabbed Emma’s arm and shot in the direction she directed.

“Ah, can you fly? Is this epic martial art?”

Emma marveled, knowing that flying martial arts are the best in any era, not to mention the era of Nesreal magical civilization.

During this period, the magician’s blowout and the warrior’s situation were unprecedentedly low, all of which had the nickname of war~. In the team, it was equivalent to carrying a pack of cattle.

Flesh shield? No joke, Master Fa spitting can summon a bunch of magical creatures, not to mention alchemy creations.

Emma joined a medium-sized team of more than 60 people. In order to find Emerald, he strayed into the lizardmen’s den. Although he killed a little lord, the head of the most powerful combat team also hung up, and then he fled .

“What a tough muscle!”

Being grasped by Downton, feeling his full and firm muscles, Emma’s face flushed, and there was a snack like a deer bump.

“There is cooking smoke!”

Downton said that it would speed up.

“It should be a lizardman’s camp. Let’s land first, then dive in to see the situation.”

Emma instructed that, in her opinion, her companions were fierce, but the voice had not yet fallen, and she saw Downton landed directly in the camp.

Lizards set up a simple animal skin even as a tent, lying in it~ Hey, doing pre-meal exercise, and some cooking food.

On the dozen or so bonfires, there was a golden human body that was leaned on, with a lizard man’s mouth greedy, and a piece was tossed into the mouth and panted.

Beside ~www.mtlnovel.com~ there are several cages where the adventurers are held. Those who died are not wasted. They are hanging up and peeled and ripped.


The lizardman blew his whistle, picked up his weapon and rushed to Downton.

“It’s Emma!”

The companion screamed.

“Are you stupid?”

The deputy leader was mad, shouting with his throat, “Will you sneak in and ask for help? Do you think you are a hundred people?”

In the view of the deputy head, these two guys are looking for their own way.

Titan Wanhua was launched, a magical energy sword condensed, Downton grabbed it, and took advantage of it.


Countless stars burst into burst, rushing towards Downton’s more than three hundred lizardmen, and suddenly the first level separated and rolled to the ground. (To be continued.)

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