Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1615 - The second stage, despair explodes

The dragon guardian potion varies from person to person. The stronger the user’s qualifications, the stronger the dragon’s power. However, there are too few experimental data. Although there are no sequelae at present, she does not know what the future will be, so she can’t let walnuts take risks. . 》し

Downton is different. His blood of dawn and dawn and the flame of heaven’s holy flame have a very strong self-healing and purification effect, which can resist the anti-bite of the potion.

“It’s time for my atonement!”

Juliet grabbed the medicine and injected it into the body.

The black breath suddenly spewed around like a tide, unlike Downton’s colorful, Juliet’s deep black, like the night, bringing endless abyss and fear.


This is a night dragon that is a little smaller than Downton. It is slender and elegant. At first glance, it is a female dragon, but its strength is extremely scary.

Juliet’s breath is not a breath of flame, but a black breath. They are like a thief of time, blowing on the super beast. These guys are senile, weak, and even dead, visible to the naked eye, and finally become a dead bone, weathered In the main hall.

No super beast dared to fight melee, so hundreds of magics smashed over.

In Downton’s body, dozens of liquid masses emerged, ejected, expanded, and then rebounded after receiving those attacks for Juliet.

Downton was killed, standing, there was a storm of blood and gravel all over him. There was no match for him in front of him.

“Go away, let me come!”

A lion dragon roared in front of it, blocking it in front of Downton.

This guy is sparkling and has a thick diamond skin, known as the strongest defense of all planes, which is why it is fearless.

Downton breathed out, this time it was a green poisonous mist. After contaminating the diamonds, it began to infect.

Fort lion dragon with its claws emptied. A chic turn, his tail swept towards Downton.


Downton grabbed his tail and followed a big windmill slam dunk. Smash it on the ground.


The silver floor of the main hall does not know what the material is made of, and there is no crack.

Downton made a leap. Pressed up, followed by heavy blows.


The mouth full of teeth flew.


The eyes were broken, the eyelids were swollen, and they could only squint to see people.

boom! boom! boom!

With Downton’s constant violent blows, the Fort Lion twitched, and the diamonds on his body shattered, fell apart, and jingled.

“Release it!”

A friend of the Fort Lion came. Before he even touched Downton, Juliet fell to the ground and bit her neck.


Downton tears the chest of the lion’s chest alive, digs out the heart and shoves it in his mouth.

Downton’s momentum scared the super beast army of evil spirits.

After all, these guys seem to have a large number of people, but after all, the good and bad are uneven. Don’t look down on Downton if he is crazy, but in fact it is all acting. The opponents he picked according to the fluctuation of his soul were all miscellaneous fish, so he could do absolute bombing. Deter opponents.

The strong men of Saint Aoxun’s level also began to inject dragon guardian potions.

Life control!

With the help of the soul of the Netherworld, those dead super beasts were reshaped and stood up again, but they all became Downton’s fighting puppets.

The reason why the undead and the Hades are annoying is because of this undead feature, as the war progresses, their strength will fight more and more.

The Super Beast Legion fell into decline. But Evil God had no time to look around.

After the Pope confirmed that they had silver markings on their bodies, they could not save the erosion of the evil spirit’s will. Then he started desperately, bombarding the head with waves of waves.

at last. After paying a third of the price of death, the head was already crumbling.

“All flashed away, life was angered!”

The old monster of the Guice family broke a big hole in his chest. Seeing that he could not survive, he threw himself at the evil spirit and chose to explode.


A strong shock wave swept through the main hall. After the dazzling light fell, everyone found the head shattered.

“Damn, I’m going to kill you!”

The evil spirit was angry, and the silver fragments that fell on the ground squirmed, split, and increased like a liquid, and stretched into the shape of an adult body.

These shapes correspond to a Xitu, as if they were duplicates

“Go find your copies, only the body can kill them!”

Holy Lily shouted, this is the information from Shenghu.

Don’t look at the broken Evil God, but this is the first stage, and even its body can’t be seen.

The eyes of each replica gleamed with strange light, replicating everything on the body, even the bad habits did not fall.

boom! boom! boom!

Downton stormed, the replica was just a blind defense, but this guy’s resistance was too strong, and the damaged part would soon recover.

Suddenly, the replica counterattacked.

The stars?


The replica’s right arm turned into a silver blade and cut across Downton’s neck. Although he avoided it by a small margin, he was shocked by the cold sweat.

“Be careful, these replicas have a genius-like learning ability, and any attacks you hit on them can be copied immediately.”

Washington shouted to remind everyone.

“What should I do? Can I only be beaten passively?”

Othello asked irritably, making Washington, who thought he had found the blind spot, suddenly attack. If he wanted to kill the opponent, he would attack, and if he attacked, he would let them learn martial arts.

“So say, explode them as fast as possible!”

The big brother of the Hohenzollern family answered calmly.

At this time, the fight is about attack power, and walnuts are undoubtedly the best in the mainland, even those old antiques are not as good as hers.

In only thirty seconds, the replica of the walnut was shattered.


The headless silver body exploded.

“I’ll help!”

Walnut pounced on Celes, and threw her opponent away.


St. Lily’s dissuasion slowed down by half a beat, and the replica of the dead Banshee who flew away climbed up again, and the fighting power doubled.

“These replicas carry the power of law and others interfere. They will trigger it. This is a personal battle and cannot be replaced.”

Holy Lily’s words ended quickly.

“What if the body is dead?”

The walnut frowned.

“The duplicate body will absorb all the power of the dead. Then it will be transformed into another Xitu and repeat this process. All the enemies will die.”

Holy Lily explained.

“Wouldn’t it mean that even if we win, we might face another copy?”

Everyone’s face was ugly, the pressure increased greatly, and some people hated it. They knew they wouldn’t bring those miscellaneous fishes.

A replica was exploded, but some marshals also died, in general. Because they cannot support each other, their strength is equal.

“If you can’t win, you will explode and defend your glory!”

The old antiques of the Supperung family said coldly that there was no time to give these miscellaneous fish a chance to fight, because the people who entered the main hall were all irradiated by the power of the evil god. When the silver stripes spread all over the body, they would die.

There was silence.

“How can this be so cruel!”

Thousands of hard work killed the replica Celes. Panting, he couldn’t accept this reality. “They are fighting for the Western Continent!”

“That’s exactly what happened. I gave them a chance to explode, so I wouldn’t kill them early.”

The old antiques sneered, and others were silent, which was the default.

“For the Western Continent, glory will last forever!”

A legend bit his lower lip and suddenly rushed to the replica, the dazzling big explosion, and the silence that made other people struggling, made the same choice.

“No. There is still time, there must be a way to break the game!”

Kindness Celes. Can’t help but want to pull them, “Downton. By the way, Brother Downton must have a way, right?”

Everyone remembered that Downton had not spoken, and immediately looked over, and found that he was still dealing with the replica.

“what happened?”

Everyone was dumb and absolutely ranked in the top ten with Downton’s destructive power.

“Don’t be impulsive, these replicas have weaknesses.”

Downton said suddenly, letting those desperate fishes see the dawn.

“Downton, what are you doing?”

Old antiques are very annoying.

“Listen to him!”

The pope stopped it.

“These replicas are not learned based on the attacks we hit on them.”

Downton’s words caused the old antiques to rebound.

“Nonsense, this is information from the Holy Coffin God.”

The old antiques of the Supperong family reacted the most violently, because once Downton was approved, it would mean that the **** of war was defeated.

“You are making progress, can’t the evil god? Tens of thousands of years have passed, how could it still be the same as before?”

Downton retorted, “These replicas use blood to extract our abilities, memories, and fighting habits.”


Everyone was shocked.

“You think about it, the birth process of these silver replicas is not directly facing the body, but a random random position, why?”

Downton yelled, “Because every piece of change is based on blood.”

Everyone suddenly realized, yes, even now, even the pope is injured and bleeding. It is not too simple to extract information.

“Even if you discover their generation process, what’s the use?”

The old antique accused, “Aren’t you going to kill?”

“No, there are weaknesses!”

Downton’s powerful answer made the old antique stunned, and the others stared at him expectantly.

“I have observed ~www.mtlnovel.com~ These replicas are all the records you are good at, and they are also new habits. This means that he reads everything from the blood and needs it. The longer the time, the longer the time.”

Downton explained.


Someone has not understood.

“Downton means letting you give up your best combat skills and instead use the previous ones.”

Dilan Snow added.

“Although they are your copies and have all abilities, they will also have your own weaknesses. Don’t tell me, you don’t even know your strengths and weaknesses!”

“of course I know!”

The already desperate miscellaneous fish immediately invested in the offensive. They are also the worst marshals, not only a combat skill.

The situation immediately reversed, and the replica was struggling. (To be continued.)

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