Heroine Saves A Gentleman

Chapter 5

“Brother, you have to look at the husband like this.”

The old man said: “It ’s good to teach you that you can hear Lin Fu lost a crucial fugitive early in the day. There was a notice in the township from time to time that held the sea catching document and went home from house to house. The appearance of the slave was exactly the same as the one lying down. “

The doctor couldn’t help shaking his head and sighed, “I know that the two uncles in Linfu have always been overbearing. This little brother was so injured again. The healer is kind, but he can’t bear to explain them to you. But there is a Linfu servant today. Searched back and forth in the town twice. But I do n’t dare to leave you here either. There is a donkey cart in the house now, and I can give you two to travel, so take him quickly and leave at night. “

Zhou Xiaoxiao was a bit ashamed. She used a humorous attitude to manage people, but did not expect to encounter a good home. She took out a gift of gold and silver. The old man refused to quit, but pushed back but only took a small amount of medical expenses.

Zhou Xiaoxiao took Yu Xingzhi into a donkey cart, covered it with thick bedding, and left the fur and sled dogs brought down from the mountain in the courtyard.

The teenager looked at the tiger skin and embarrassedly touched his head, “A father, let me drive them to the village entrance.”

The old man said, “Okay, if anyone asks, you say that Wang Da of Zhangjiacun had seizures, please let me go and see.”

The teenager kept sending them far away from the town, and Zhou Xiaoxiao bid farewell to him on the ancient road.

Looking back in a donkey cart, the twelve-three-year-old boy was still smiling and waving his hand in the thick night, showing a big white tooth.

The donkey cart slowly walked all night on the gloomy ancient road. It was still a cold and silent dark night, and it was no longer so lonely because of someone walking with it.

Zhou Xiaoxiao sat in the front of the car, and sometimes turned back and opened the curtain to look at the situation in the compartment.

If Yu Xingzhi is awake, she always stares at her with those starry eyes.

Zhou Xiaoxiao also smiled unconsciously. She touched her bag full of treasures, and thought about Yu Xingzhi, who was stable in the car, she felt nervous and relaxed gradually.

She hummed the song gently, watching the east gradually turn white, and the glow of the morning glow spread out on the ground.

“It’s not far from the city. Lin’s ancestral house is there. His family has a huge power in the city. We can’t enter the city, we have to go around the road, I’m afraid we have to live in the suburbs tonight.” Road, Zhou Xiaoxiao said looking at the city far away.

At this time, there was a dense horseshoe sound behind him. Zhou Xiaoxiao looked back. A lot of smoke and dust was rising on the road behind him, and a group of people and horses came after him.

These people are coming at them!

Zhou Xiaoxiao was shocked and spurred the donkey cart to move quickly, but how can the donkey cart be comparable to fast horses, and he could already hear the voice of “Stop! Take a break!” She was extremely anxious in her heart, but she didn’t know what to do, she could only beat the donkey’s back desperately.

At this moment, the curtain behind him opened, and a pale but bony male hand came out, and that hand took the reins.

Between Zhou Xiaoxiao’s mistakes, Yu Xingzhi took the reins in one hand, grabbed her collar by one hand, lifted her, and threw her across the bushes along the road.

Zhou Xiaoxiao only felt a spin.

She mumbled along the dirt **** along the side of the official road, rolled down the slope, and fell faintly.

When she calmed down, she heard a loud noise from the top of her head and moved forward.

Those chasing troops may be because the distance between them was too long before, and the driver did not find that the driver changed one halfway, not even noticed that she was thrown down halfway.

She hurriedly crawled up the ramp and saw the donkey cart not far ahead turning over to the ground, with dozens of horses around in a circle.

Zhou Xiaoxiao hid behind the bushes near the road, and quietly approached the past.

Looking through the gaps in the trees, there was a man in the tuft of horses.

The man was riding a high-headed horse, wearing a purple-striped tunic, a pair of hanging eyebrows, two black clouds under his eyes, and a flower behind his ears. It was Lin Bingzhi, Lin Family Line Two.

When Zhou Xiaoxiao saw him, the whole person was like a falling ice cave. In the memory of Zhou Dujuan’s body, the second son of the Linfu was a bully who ran away and did all things. He was not only a man and a woman, but also a character. Twisted, cruel means, how many young girls are tortured to death each year by his abuse.

At this moment he was proudly watching the followers turn Yu Xingzhi to the ground.

Zhou Xiaoxiao was lying behind the trees, and she did not dare to move. She was trembling with fear and uncomfortable.

But when he saw the doctors and sons of Li Jiatun, his hands were cut back, and he pushed out of the crowd to kneel on the ground. Lin Bing came straight behind the young man, pulled out a bright goose sword, and burst through the young man’s body.

The country boy who smiled and waved yesterday, fell to the ground with a humming sound, earned a few times, and stopped moving.

Zhou Xiaoxiao shook her mouth fiercely, huge fear and anger rushed to her head, she controlled herself so hard that she did not scream.

The old doctor slammed on his son, crying, and yelled: “Animals! I’m so vicious! You said that if you found this person, you would spare me and my child’s life, and I have led me to wait for you with conscience. Who expected you The demon killed this day killed my child! “

Before he finished speaking, he only heard the sound of the knife breaking the wind, and a huge opening cracked at the neck of the old man. The blood spurted out. He wanted to curse again, but he only made a gurgling sound from his throat.

Eventually fell on his son’s body.

The Lin Bing looked at the two bodies lying in a pool of blood with interest, and said indifferently.

A crowd of people carried Yu Xingzhi on horseback and walked away in the direction of Wucheng.

After the crowd walked away, Zhou Xiaoxiao slowly crawled out from behind the bush.

She lifted up the old doctor who was still breathing.

The old man saw her, tears in his eyes, and said hoarsely: “Yeah … I can’t help it. They found no trace of you and threatened me with a baby’s life.” Then he closed it eye.

Perhaps the extreme anger will make people out of fear, Zhou Xiaoxiao’s tremor gradually stopped, and she even felt calmer than ever.

She found a piece of cloth from the run-down car, covering the bodies of the doctor’s father and son.

“Your father and son, because I am innocently involved, please go all the way. I will report this hatred.”

She knelt down and struck her three heads. She carried a pack of medicines and supplies in the carriage on her back, and rushed towards Lucheng all the way.

After entering the city, relying on the memory of his body living in Linfu when he was young, Zhou Xiaoxiao quickly found the location of Linfu and surveyed it around the wall.

At this moment, if anyone, you will see the bamboo forest outside the corner of Linfu’s wall.

A young girl crouched on the sand and outlined a map with a bamboo branch. She seemed to be deducing something silently in her heart, and gently touched the sand with that thin branch.

Although the young girl in charge is young, she exudes a sense of coldness that does not match her age. Her cold eyes sometimes look forward, and she seems to be able to penetrate the wall and enter the deep courtyard.

Then she stood up, stepped on the sand map, and returned to the city to buy the required materials.

That night, a small figure in a black dress appeared near the high wall of Lin Fu.

The figure propped on the ground with a long bamboo and jumped lightly onto the wall.

I saw her holding a dagger in her mouth, looked at the wall, then rubbed herself and jumped down, leaving only a slight buzzing sound when she landed.

The figure fell into the shadow of the trees as soon as it fell to the ground, and quickly touched the inner courtyard along the shadowy road. It seemed to be very familiar with the environment here.

This person is exactly Zhou Xiaoxiao. She thought carefully during the day and occupied the original martial arts skill of Zhou Dujuan. She searched Zhou Dujuan’s memories of her father’s residence in Linfu as a child, and came to rob someone at night.

Two nighting family members in the inner courtyard were walking around with lanterns, and there was a slight snoring noise in the grass.

“Is it a cat?”

One of them looked at the lantern.

Suddenly there was a dark shadow in front of them. At the same time, they felt a strong attack on the back of their heads. They suddenly lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

Zhou Xiaoxiao appeared behind the two, dragged the unconscious two behind the rockery, and stripped them of their outer garments.

Put yourself in one set, and put the other back in.

I touched the storeroom lightly and found the oil and oil lead, etc., poured the oil on the concealed place, pulled out a long lead, and set up a mechanism to calculate the time of the fire and ignite the lead.

With all this set up, Zhou Xiaoxiao’s cat walked towards Lin Bingzhi’s residence.

In a gorgeous and extravagant bedroom, Yu Xingzhi lay on his back on a carved round table.

Opposite to him, a man sat comfortably, looking at him with disgusting and obscene eyes.

The man’s tongue licked his teeth from time to time and made a whimpering whisper, saying quietly in an excited and depressing tone: “Don’t say I won’t give you a chance. I’ll ask again, who’s helping you escape from my brother. come out.”

Yu Xingzhi turned his head without saying a word, but he did feel deep fear in his heart.

He didn’t dare to think about the strange shame and humiliation he would suffer.

When the cold and disgusting fingers like snakes crawled to the skin of his face, he hated himself for a moment and was weak, and did not end his life decisively before falling into this abnormal hand.

He closed his eyes, that person, she should have escaped safely. This was probably the only thing that was fortunate before falling into the abyss.

Lin Bingzhi was very excited at this moment. He reached out and clamped Yu Xingzhi’s face. He remembered that when he went to Kyoto with his father and elder brother, he had seen this Yujia Goro far away. At that time, he was held by everyone like a pearl. Eligibility to speak.

Today, the most glamorous young boy in Kyoto has fallen into his own hands and let himself do whatever he wants.

“Since you don’t know how to deal with it, don’t blame me for being ruthless,” he said with a smile on his face like a blue jade, “I will make you regret being born.”

However, instead of seeing the imaginary fear in Yu Xingzhi’s eyes, he saw that Yu Xingzhi blinked, revealing a surprised expression.

At the same time, an icy dagger pressed against his throat, and a cold voice sounded behind his head: “You touch him half a second, I can’t make you an instant man!”

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