Heroine Saves A Gentleman

Chapter 47

Yu Xingzhi’s hands rolled around behind him, and hugged her slowly.

In this severe winter, two young heterosexual bodies, clinging closely to the hot springs where the water mist is transpired, would have easily rubbed the spark of desire.

Zhou Xiaoxiao all felt a little hot somewhere in the body.

However, Yu Xingzhi just held her tightly and kissed her lightly and non-stop, without the taste of **** or desire, and even with a little devotion.

Zhou Xiaoxiao turned around, raised her arms from the water, and hugged the man’s tight waist. She felt a wet head nest on her shoulder, with a magnetic low voice,

“Don’t leave me, Xiaoxiao.”

It turned out that he was scared. These days, I care about breaking the secrets of Dragon Scales, and ignored his feelings.

Zhou Xiaoxiao raised his hand and patiently touched his smooth and clean back.

“Don’t be afraid, Xingzhi. I didn’t want to leave, but if I had the chance, I really want you to see the world where I was born. Take you to see my relatives and friends.”

In this icy and snowy world, this side is as warm as a small world in spring.

The crescent-shaped spring eyes were transpiring white smoke.

A man like a fairy, tenderly holding up the face of a woman in front of him, deeply hugging his beloved one.

Zhou Xiaoxiao came up from the water and put on her own bathrobe.

She is not a person who likes sadness and sadness, and she doesn’t want to think more about the things before her. In a blink of an eye, that bit of melancholy was thrown away and lively again.

“In such a beautiful place, let’s do something happy.” She took out her drawing board and pen. “Xingzhi, Xingzhi, I haven’t painted you for a long time. You just keep me still, just let me draw one Zhang. “

Yu Xingzhi followed her ashore, put on a bathrobe and walked, and said, “Whatever you want to draw, follow yours, and go back to the house first.”

He felt the corner of his clothes being pulled and looked back.

The weird elf wife, with wet hair and a white robe, was sitting by the pool,

He was grabbing his own corner of the garment, revealing an unpleasant smirk.

“Xiaoxiao, in this broad daylight, although no one will break in, but I …” The rituals and engravings that have been carved into the bones for many years made him really unable to let go.

Zhou Xiaoxiao stretched out the special brush in his hand, and slowly opened the belt of Yu Xingzhi’s bathrobe with his pen.

She raised her face and smiled in her black eyes. “In my hometown, everyone recognizes and appreciates the beauty of the human body. Most professional academies who study sketching have the subject of human sketching. This is not a shame. Things. “

“Xingzhi, your body is so beautiful, I really like it and would like to paint it. Let me draw it, now, here it is.”

Yu Xingzhi’s face was white and red, “You … have you painted many people?”

“Yes, a lot, men, women, young and old, countless.” Zhou Xiaoxiao looked at him calmly. “But from now on, I will only paint you on the body of a man, and I only want to paint you, okay?”

Yu Xingzhi looked around and determined that nobody was around.

With his eyes closed and a swipe, the bathrobe slipped off.

“Xingzhi, when you lie down, the stones over there are warm, then lie on top of them.”

“Don’t raise your arms, cover your face.”

“But it’s okay, it’s shameful to cover up, it’s reminiscent.”

“Let the other leg down, okay?”

“Separate a bit more … open bigger.”

“Oh, how did you react then, so I have to wipe it again and waste bread.”

“It’s all right, all right, don’t cover it.”

“Don’t move, don’t move, or I’ll redraw.”

“Don’t be shy, you are beautiful there too. I must paint it beautifully.”

“Look at you, why are you so excited, bear with me for a while, and I will accompany you after the drawing.”

“Otherwise you can touch it yourself, hehe.”

“Xiaoxiao, you … don’t go too far.”

At the end of the year, the chill was strong,

There was news in the palace that the concubine gave birth to the grandson.

Inside the champion ’s house,

Yu Xingzhi handed Zhou Xiaoxiao an invitation.

“The princess is going to do full moon wine in the palace?” Zhou Xiaoxiao glanced and wondered, “Isn’t she banned?”

“After all, she is a princess and she gave birth to the grandson. Her Majesty naturally pardoned her.”

“Do I have to go too?”

“But those wives who are dying are all invited. If you don’t want to …”

“No no no, I’ll go, go with you. I’m more at ease.”

Yu Xingzhi looked a little dignified. “In these years, the rise of my cousin was deeply jealous of the prince. Our Yu family and his cousin are connected by blood, and they are even more hostile by the East Palace.”

“Now, His Royal Highness Yan Yan has made a succession in succession, but his prince has gradually been rejected by His Majesty. The call for abandonment has sounded from time to time. The situation is very tense.”

“I’m afraid the Prince can’t bear it and do something extreme. After entering the palace, the men and women will sit in separate seats. I can’t be with you. You must be careful.”

“The prince should not dare to host a banquet in the palace. I follow Princess Yan tightly and eat nothing and go nowhere.” Zhou Xiaoxiao remembered the princess of Princess Yan, and patted her breast. I take care of my watch. “

At the banquet day, Zhou Xiaoxiao dressed up according to the product and entered the palace with Yu Xingzhi.

Walk to the palace door and walk. See the princess of Prince Yan standing at the gate waiting for her.

Concubine Yang Yan is gentle and kind.

Zhou Xiaoxiao has been interacting with her since she got married and gets along fairly well.

At this moment, when she saw that she was waiting for herself, she stepped forward happily, saluted each other, and held her hand: “It is a sin to have to wait for me.

Yang Yan gave her a smile and patted her hand gently. They were about to bid farewell to Yu Xingzhi, and suddenly they hurried to a palace person in front of him, stuffed a bunch of things for Yu Xingzhi, and hurriedly ran. Already.

Yu Xingzhi started to look, his face changed greatly.

Zhou Xiaoxiao stepped forward and gave a glance, a sigh in her heart.

The two exchanged glances, knowing that something was bad.

Going back earlier, Cheng Shizhao took Princess Yang Ye to the palace for dinner.

At the gate of the palace, twelve palace men were waiting to carry the cloth. This is a special honor given by the emperor after King Yan recaptured Tongzhou. It is only slightly shorter than the prince’s honor in the palace.

Cheng Shizhao said to Yang Yan: “Looking at it like this, the couple haven’t come yet. I’ll meet the Father in the first place. You can wait for them here. Cousin she doesn’t know much about it, you take her with you, Keep mentioning her, don’t let her make any appearances. “

He watched his wife salute as usual, and responded gently.

Could not help but add a sentence: “That woman can’t do anything else, but martial arts is extraordinary, if there is any change in the palace, you just follow her.”

Cheng Shizhao was sitting on the step, because in the palace, Guo Suren, who had been with him since childhood, was only by his side.

On both sides are long red wall liuwa, and the snow on the ground has not disappeared.

Cheng Shizhao looked at the palace road that day, and remembered his childhood memories, “Lao Guo, you have been with me for more than ten years.”

Guo Suren bowed slightly: “The villain is the son of Guo’s family. At the age of fifteen, he was fortunate enough to choose to serve next to His Royal Highness.

Cheng Shizhao laughed: “When my mother-in-law died, I was young and ignorant. My aunt had a lot of choices. I picked you out as a guard from the tribe. A lot of trouble. “

Guo Suren said with emotion: “His Royal Highness was still a little snowman-like doll. I always accompanied His Royal Highness on this palace road.”

Suddenly he became alarmed and stopped. “This way is wrong! Where are you going to take the temple?”

The man in the front of the palace was a familiar face. He bent down and said in a soft voice: “Prince Prince has a few words to ask Prince Yan to let the servants take him down to find him.”

Cheng Shizhao scolded: “Nonsense, Your Majesty called me to go to the holy place before the feast. How can I delay and return quickly?”

The smile on the eunuch’s face was gone, and with a wave of his hand, a few eunuchs who lifted up and stepped down, stepped down, and hurled away.

Cheng Shizhao, Guo Suren knew something bad and turned to retreat. But I saw the palace door behind them yah yeah closed, banged, someone was locked outside.

They were in a long aisle with high palace walls on both sides, and the terrain was very bad.

Cheng Shizhao sank in his heart. The prince was so brazen that he forced the palace to rebel!

Father Huang, I do not know what the situation is.

I saw more than a dozen archers standing on the palace wall, and to say nothing, the sword rain radiated during the stroke.

The two went to the palace for a banquet, carrying neither weapons nor armor, and there was no hiding place.

Guo Suren rushed to the wall and took care of Cheng Shi under himself.

Cheng Shizhao squeezed between the blood-red palace wall and Guo Suren’s body, and heard the muffled sound of numerous sharp arrows pierced into the flesh and blood.

“Lao Guo.” He called out softly, but knew in his heart that he had completely lost the close guard who accompanied him from an early age.

“Hi lord, go forward, there is a door …”

Cheng Shizhao bent down, leaned on Guo Suren’s body, and ran forward against the palace wall. He heard intermittent noise from Guo Suren above his head.

“Her Royal Highness, don’t be afraid. When I was a child, my Highness often did this. I hugged Your Highness and walked here … I can’t think of it … now, and this opportunity …”

The voice stopped and stopped.

Cheng Shizhao bit his teeth, his eyes turned red, rushed to the only small door on the side of the palace wall, kicked the door open, rolled over and rolled on the ground.

He envisioned ambush behind the door,

But I could n’t think of a huge fishing net behind the door.

No matter how evasive he is. Under the hood of that overwhelming net, he was bound in the net.

The net was covered with bright and dazzling blades, Cheng Shizhao only felt severe pain in his whole body, and was suddenly cut into distant flesh and flew in the air.

I saw a pavilion in front of me, and two people stood on the second floor. At first, they clapped their hands and laughed, “Sixth Brother, Sixth Brother. I still have you today.”

It was the prince Cheng Shicheng and the horrible Lin family Yu Lin Lin Bingren.

Cheng Shizhao reluctantly cursed: “Cheng Shizhang! You as a national reserve and Lin Tingren, a treasonable Liao dog, have been treacherous. In this forbidden palace, you are committing rebellion!

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