Heroine Saves A Gentleman

Chapter 46

Inside the champion ’s house,

Wei Guogong Yu Dunsu and his wife Guo Shuxian sat a little restlessly in the courtyard where Yu Xingzhi lived and waited.

Mrs. Guo rubbed her hands and stood still, if not out of order, she even wanted to meet directly at the gate outside Hou Fu.

Yu Dunsu said: “Mrs. Xiao Wu ’s child is suffering too much. Yonger’s letter from earlier was unknown, but only Wu Wu’s wife had an accident. This time Xiao Wu came back, you follow him, don’t do it again Custody. “

Mrs. Guo twisted Zhaizi hard and said, “I know, this time he comes back, I don’t care about him anymore, as long as he is happy, whatever girl he likes is his preference. Xiaoxiao is also a poor child, so Without fate, I’m afraid that Xingzhi’s temperament will get into the horns of the horns and get out. Hey! “

A dusty carriage drove into the gate of Houfu and went straight to the main gate before stopping.

Yu Dunsu and Mrs. Guo couldn’t help but go out to meet,

But when the curtain of the car lifted, a beautiful and pleasant woman came out first. The woman jumped out of the car, turned around and raised the little white and tender hands, and took Yu Xingzhi out of the car.

Yu Xing knows the color, but there is no sadness on his face, and he smiles gently at everyone,

There seemed to be no support under his feet, and he stumbled a little.

The woman hurriedly supported him, picked him up, and, in the eyes of everyone’s stunned eyes, went into the bedroom lightly.

Along the way, Yu Xingzhi’s voice that was not really resisted was left: “Xiao Xiao, let me down.”

Mrs. Guo frowned, “This … this?”

The accompanying Yu Xingyong coughed, “It’s a long story, wait for the baby to enter the house and return to him.”

Kyoto’s lady circle has recently added a new hot talk.

The civilian lady of the champion Hou, because the previous husband’s expedition to the Northern Expedition, missed too much, and could not afford to get sick.

Although three months ago, the champion Hou Desheng returned and became a hot newcomer in the North Korea. She also cared for her in every possible way, and sought out famous doctors for treatment.

However, the lady’s condition was still no improvement, after all, she was going to leave the world and go to the Elysium.

“Some people have a fateful life and can’t stand the wealthy riches. It’s pitiful to say it.” At a private dinner, Wang Bihua, the second grandmother of a left university scholar, said with some gloating tone.

“In her capacity, Hou Yezheng’s martial arts can marry into the door and enjoy the glory and wealth of these days, it is worth it.”

“I heard that Lord Yu Hou was too sad and could not afford any illness. It wasn’t until Mrs. Guo’s wife decided to find a civilian woman with the same name and same personality as that of Mrs. Xian Hou, and filled the room for Lord Hou. Get better. “

“What? The champion is here to continue? My wife said the other day that she wanted to take my three sisters … cough.”

“Hou Ye is really an infatuated person, but I don’t know which woman is cheaper.”

“What infatuation is not infatuation, men are the same, with new people forget the old people. This corpse is not yet cold, so it continues.”

It doesn’t matter what other people are talking about.

At this moment Hou’s house, Yu Xingzhi and his “new wife” Zhou Xiaoxiao are tired and crooked in the room.

Zhou Xiaoxiao sat on the edge of the bed, holding a pot of white jade cream for blood circulation and stasis, and carefully applied medicine to the wound on Yu Xingzhi’s body.

She stretched out her tiny white and delicate fingers, picked the milky plaster, and carefully applied it on the whip marks that had begun to scab, and raised her mouth to dry the plaster gently.

“The medicine given by Siji is really effective. It looks much better today than yesterday. I saw the wound a few days ago.”

“It’s just a wound of the flesh. Look at it. You don’t stare at it for a while. You lose your appetite and take a break.”

“Look what the relationship is, Xingzhi, you don’t know, you are too beautiful and look good everywhere.”

Because of the medicine, Yu Xingzhi took off his clothes and lay on the bed.

Zhou Xiaoxiao’s brilliant eyes looked back and forth on the unobstructed jade body unscrupulously.

“No wonder Lin Bingren was so perverted that I couldn’t help but want to bully you.”

“You … give me your clothes.” Yu Xingzhi blushed.

“Wait a minute, I haven’t finished the medicine yet.” Zhou Xiaoxiao held him down and promised, “I won’t mess up, just apply the medicine.”

She pretended to be serious. “Does it hurt here? I’m lighter?”


“What about here?”



“No … no pain.”

“Here? Here? Whoops, Xingzhi, what are you thinking about?”

Zhou Xiaoxiao prone to Yu Xingzhi’s ear and whispered in a sultry voice, “You see, you are hard. This is still sick, you can’t make a fool of yourself.”

Yu Xingzhi grabbed her hand, turned over, and pressed her under her.

“Don’t make a noise, don’t make a noise.” Zhou Xiaoxiao laughed. “Don’t make a noise, your injury is not good yet.”

“I’m not as weak as you think.” The low male voice sounded.

Zhou Xiaoxiao was afraid to run into his wound and was afraid to move, so he was “bullyed” obediently. The man soon ignited the desire deep in her body,

She looked at the tight, scarred body that was pressing on her, and her pale skin was sweating slightly. The man’s good-looking eyebrows continued to bow down and kissed himself.

I can’t help it, I really want him.

In front of outsiders, Yu Xingzhi will always be a model of a gentleman. Only Zhou Xiaoxiao knew that whenever he was in bed, he was a fire, a fierce beast. On the battlefield of the two, he had no extra tricks, only a long-lasting and explosive impact galloping. Instead, Zhou Xiaoxiao, who had complicated moves, was sometimes defeated.

Zhou Xiaoxiao held his shoulders, turned the two of them over, and imprisoned him in bed.

She is like a light cat, with dexterous limbs, pinching on it, making a whispering sound,

“Xingzhi, you are not good yet, let me come this time. I promise … will make you uncomfortable.”

She waved her eyes, licked the tip of her tongue, stared at the tempting food in front of her, and slowly and enjoyably swallowed the whole person, swallowing her belly a little bit.

Yu Xingzhi gave up his resistance and endured a sweet torture.

After the clouds dispersed, Zhou Xiaoxiao sighed contentedly, lay on the bed, and put her face on Yu Xingzhi’s warm and dry hands.

This love is so sweet, it makes people forget to die and indulge in it.

But life is so vast, but it’s not just this feeling.

I can’t help it before.

Today, although still very slim, after all, I know that it is possible to go back. Let her stay here for her own pleasure, but she can’t cut off her blood relationship for more than two decades.

She closed her eyes, enjoying the gentleness of the palm gently stroking herself, no longer avoiding talking about the feelings in his heart,

“Xingzhi, I have recently settled down, and I am often a bit confused. I often do n’t know where I am when I wake up. I can only feel true if I am by your side.”

“I’m in my heart, I can’t let go of my parents, but I can’t put you down.”

Yu Xingzhi took her into her arms and kissed her hair lightly: “I heard that Her Royal Highness Princess is back, and we will visit her tomorrow. See if we can find the best of both worlds.”

You don’t have to worry, no matter what, I will accompany you to face and bear together. I just hope that you can treat me like you are today and be honest with me, so that I can also enter the world in your heart and stop being alone.

On the second day, the eldest princess Cheng Chiba met them in her living room.

Cheng Qianye beckoned Zhou Xiaoxiao to sit beside him,

“I’m the only fellow you have, so let’s just follow the etiquette of our hometown regardless of respect or inferiority.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao took a seat next to her and said what she had seen and heard in this world.

Cheng Qianye held a lamb fat jade-burning white porcelain pot and injected a stack of clear tea into Zhou Xiaoxiao’s tea cup. Zhou Xiaoxiao extended three fingers and thanked the desktop.

Cheng Qianye smiled: “You have learned even this custom, it seems that I did go to my hometown.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao: “Your hometown is a very impressive island city.”

“So, brother, he is still the same as when he was young.” Cheng Chiba showed a look of nostalgia, she raised her glass to her lips, and drank all her nostalgia for years.

Yu Xingzhi stood up and saluted respectfully: “His Royal Highness can have the best of both worlds? If we can fully love my husband and wife, we won’t let Xiao Xiao lose the filial piety of others. Xing Zhi should exhaust his life to find it. “

Cheng Qianye gazed at Yu Xingzhi for a while, and took a pendant from his neck. The pendant was thin, round and simple, dark and flowing, not like anything.

“This is a dragon scale. Legend has it that by chance, I can communicate with both realms. I have traveled all over the world, and I only have this one. But I have been searching hard for many years, and I ca n’t crack it. Now I ’m old, I ’m here. There is no longer any concern, and I will return to my hometown every day. If I do n’t come back, I will leave this thing to you. ”Cheng Chiye put the pendant gently in Zhou Xiaoxiao’s palm.

“Your Highness, are you going back? How do you go back?” Zhou Xiaoxiao asked puzzledly.

“I have my own way.” Cheng Chiba smiled and touched her hair lightly. “I see you when I think of myself when I was young. It is really nostalgic.”

The glory of the dragon scale is reflected in her gray hair, which makes her faintly show her youthful style.

When the first snow fell in the early winter, there was news of the passing of the founding princess.

The emperor heard it and cried, “Aunt abandoned her and left her alone, leaving her alone without a close parent.” The grief was excessive, and it was not until half a month.

The eldest princess has a hot spring courtyard in Xishan, which has a spring eye. It is shaped like a crescent moon and has a constant temperature in four seasons. Originally a royal garden, Emperor Dian gave it to the princess exclusively.

This spring has a special feature, it has wonderful effects on the bone and bone damage, cohesion and stasis. Long bubble, there are many effects such as rotten new, beauty and beauty, Qufeng and dampness.

Because Yu Xingzhi suffered from the cold in the water prison, Zhou Xiaoxiao borrowed it a few times, and the eldest princess stunned her tomorrow son, and transferred her to the champion after she died.

In the past few days, the wind has gradually risen, and the sky has fallen.

Snow-capped above the West Mountain, the entire silver world, Yu Qiankun.

Zhou Xiaoxiao was soaking in the hot spring comfortably, and her white arm was picking up a large block of white marble on the edge of the spring.

Lift the dragon scale hanging on the neck and look at Xueguang.

“It seems that soaking water is useless. What exactly is a coincidence? Xingzhi, do you think the eldest princess has really passed away, or is she going back?”

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