Heroine Saves A Gentleman

Chapter 44

Zhou Xiaoxiao wakes up from her sleep,

Hitting back from crossing, these days, she always felt Tianming,

Never walk in a dream with fellowship.

Zhou Xiaoxiao once thought that this was no longer possible.

Who knew that she was in a dream, and she came to a dim cell in Yuzhong,

That cell was full of muddy muddy water.

Xingzhi stood in the water and was tied to a pillar.


He is crying.

Zhou Xiaoxiao felt angry in her heart,

She rolled out of bed and put on her clothes,

Knocked on the door of Yu Xingyong and Cheng Shizhao.

The three were sitting together.

After hearing her recount,

Cheng Shizhao asked in surprise,

“You said you saw Xingzhi in a water cell? How did you see it?”

“Well, I can’t explain this for a while, but I’m sure he’s locked in a water cell. The water cell should be set on the ground. Inside, you can see a skylight on the top, looming the shape of rockery on the ground.

“You don’t need to ask more about this.” Yu Xingyong raised his hand slightly. “The younger brother said early, his younger brother has many differences from ordinary people. I believe in it today.”

Cheng Shizhao looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao’s completely changed face,

I thought to myself, yes, she can be resurrected from the dead, and she has changed her face before us. What a trivial matter.

No wonder the eldest princess said that she was not a person in this world.

He suddenly felt that some hairs were standing upright behind him,

I dare not think deeply.

Cheng Shizhao pulled out a brief map of the house’s topography.

Spread it out on the table.

“The sub-rule must be detained at this general’s house at this moment. This picture is a rough drawing of the merchant Luo Tong from memory. However, this house covers a large area and the map is very simple. It is impossible to see where the water prison is hidden. survey.”

The three thought about each other around the map.

Since the fire field met on that day, the three led a carefully selected elite hand, reduced to zero, carefully followed the trail left by Yu Xingzhi, and came to Taiyuan, Shanxi.

The enemy is very vigilant and closely guarded, not only did not find a safe time to save people along the way.

I almost broke the clue several times.

Until Taiyuan, came to Yelu Xiu Ge’s base camp.

Yelu Xiuge and others stopped and detained Xingzhi in the General’s Mansion. Only then did they find a breakthrough.

This breakthrough came from a businessman named Luo Tong,

This man traveled between Jin and Liao for many years to do some fur goods business.

He has a lady like Lin Qiushui.

Coincidentally, due to some opportunities, he conferred with Yelu Xiu, a small boy, and often went to the government to bring some beautiful brocades and new toys to the ladies and young ladies in the house.

When Cheng Shizhao and others left Beijing, just in case, Cheng Shiqi compiled a list of merchants he was familiar with, especially those Han merchants who often traveled to the town of Khitan.

After coming to Taiyuan, Yu Xingyong found Luo Tong, and under heavy pressure and intimidation, he used his net for his own use.

“Is this Luo Tong reliable?” Zhou Xiaoxiao asked.

Cheng Shizhao narrowed his eyes and shook his fist. “He is a person near Kyoto. I have ordered people to hold his parents and children in his hands. I am not afraid of any moth.”

Yu Xingyong added: “The businessman has great profits, and I should accept him. As long as the conditions are right, he will give priority to the procurement of munitions wool. As long as he is not stupid, he should do his best for me.”

As he was talking, his acquaintances met, Luo Tong asked to see him.

When Luo Tong entered the door, he lay on the ground first, and gave Cheng Shizhao and Yu Xingyong some noises.

Seeing the two nobles, sitting on the side of a beautiful young grandmother, and no matter who they are, they saluted first.

Luo Tong hit Cheng Shizhao and others came to his door.

There was anxiety in my heart.

These people want to take people from General Yerut Mansion, it is nothing more than pulling their teeth out of the tiger’s mouth, taking chestnuts from the fire, and it is extremely dangerous. One accidentally confessed to his own life.

Pitifully, he is from Jin, and his family is in the outskirts of Kyoto.

These two shots were fierce, and their parents, Jiaoer, were pinched by them.

I have trouble to say, I have to follow.

But then again, if this can be done, it will be hugging the thighs of Prince Yan’s House and the Government House.

Between these two big men, a little bit of scum just leaked out, enough to fly Huang Tengda himself.

We all say that wealth insurance seeks.

Thinking of this, Luo Tong felt itchy and entangled in his heart, and he was so anxious that he was loyal.

“The villain found out that although this yelu dog thief had married a ten-year-old sister-in-law, Xu was too innocent and gave birth to only daughters. Only Mrs. Zhengfang, who had a little boy, was seventeen years old . Be regarded as a treasure by Jerelius.

“Unfortunately, this person is weak in urination and ca n’t understand the martial arts skills. He only spends his leisure time in the house. There is only one hobby, he likes painting and painting, and likes it. He likes beautiful pictures. The villain called me yesterday In that room, he gave him a copy of Gu Tu, the girl, and he couldn’t help but let me look for the truth, and I will meet on another date. “

Zhou Xiaoxiao heard of it, turning his eyes, thinking about it, and leaning towards Yu Xingyong: “Shizi, the water jail that holds Xingzhi must be guarded and difficult to attack. But if we can make the plan earn this little boy of Yelut, Is it possible to exchange hostages? “

Yu Xingyong looked at her for a moment and nodded.

To Luo Chengdao: “In this way, you can arrange for you to be like a lady with me … This subordinate, a trip to the house, a look at the truth. If it is best to seize the little boy out of the house, I Another person will send a response. There is no need to worry about the cost of this matter, I will allocate a thousand dollars to you. “

Luo Cheng’s lady like Lin, Qiushui.

Character is alert and dexterous.

Since marrying Luo to become a concubine, as the husband goes north and south,

He often walks in the houses of these Khitan nobles, selling gold and precious goods from the south.

Years of experience made her seem to be able to cope with these noble wives.

Gradually made a name, and a little face when walking daily.

Therefore, although he is getting older, Luo Cheng goes out, but he still does not take the beautiful lady beside him, but always takes her with her.

This time, however, her husband was upset about this big thing.

At this moment, she lowered her head and walked on the path in General Yerut’s house, her heart pounding.

The young lady who followed her seemed extremely calm.

The little lady was wearing an ordinary dress, holding the goods in her hands, posing as her maid, and hurriedly followed behind her.

Sleek eyes, looking around without trace.

Obviously in the environment of Memorabilia.

Sometimes, she was also close to the girl-in-law who led the way in Fuzhong: “Sister, your general’s mansion is just like Tiangong, and it’s too beautiful. I’ve all looked at it. Oh, look, that rockery is so beautiful.

The girl-in-law laughed: “I haven’t seen a small hoof in the world. There is a front yard. The main military plane where the general handles business affairs. Let me say you, or we will not let you in and out. If you accidentally break in, I lost my life, my sister did not remind you. “

Zhou Xiaoxiao pulled her thankfully, and stuffed a packet of osmanthus candy from Wangfulou in her sleeve. Quickly became familiar with that girl.

Under her influence, Lin Qiushui slowly regained his composure.

She remembered Luo Cheng’s promise to her,

If this is the case, justify yourself.

The late wife’s family did not dare offend the two nobles.

Thinking of this, she didn’t panic, her legs didn’t tremble, she raised her head and raised her chest, and took Zhou Xiaoxiao toward the yard of the little boy of Yelu.

Yelu Abao turned over the silk painting brought by Lin Qiushui, and was full of interest.

“It’s wonderful to think and write God in form. This is for everyone, it is for everyone. Unfortunately, there is only this volume of silk paintings.”

He turned the silk painting page by page, and suddenly a small piece of white paper fell out of the album’s interleaf.

“Well, what is this?”

Yeluabao followed the sheet of paper,

There is a sketch on that paper,

Just outline the features of a woman,

The facial features are exquisite and lifelike.

The artist skillfully painted the curled eyelashes in reverse.

There was a slight trembling in the sun,

A drop of tears fell under the eyelashes, and the crystal clear almost rolled down from the paper.

That light nose bridge, slightly sloppy lips,

The beauty of the country is heavenly, and the touching beauty is on the paper.

“This, who painted this?” Yelu Abao was surprised and happy, pulling Lin Qiushui’s sleeves straight.

Lin Qiushui glanced at it, seemingly inadvertently: “Little boy, this person is an unknown painter in our city, surnamed Wu, weird character, everyone calls him Wu Weiren.”

“The ladies’ pictures of Gu were collected from him, and it took a lot of effort from the slave family. This paper was probably brought in by accident. He recently said what ten beautiful pictures to draw, and the house was scattered everywhere. This piece of paper. “

“Here, this person is in our city, please come and see him soon.”

“This man is weird and never goes out to entertain. He refuses to come. The little boy likes his paintings and waits for him to buy them after he finishes painting. But this man is slow to paint, and he can’t make it out a year or two A picture. “

“No, no, I should go to see these holy hands.”

Yelu Abao’s next-to-be close-minded bitterly said: “Master, you must not forget. Master recently told you to stay in the house, and forbid to go out and play.”

“What do you know, Dad’s business is busy, and we sneak out as usual. How can we tell Dad to find out.”

Lin Qiushui put together the front road: “This man’s residence is in Yanghua Lane, only half a column of incense time from here. If the little boy is going, the slave’s carriage will stop outside the door, and it will be cheap to bring the little boy over. “

In the water cell at this moment,

Lin Bingren opened the prison door and slowly walked down the slippery steps.

Looking at the water, Yu Xingzhi **** on a pillar.

He sneered, taking a long whip from the attendant,

The leather of the whip body is tightly woven,

The whole body is black and shiny, and the colors are secretly flowing.

He shook the whip and slammed on the water prison floor, leaving a mark on the hard bluestone surface.

Lin Bingren lifted Yu Xingzhi’s chin with his whip,

“Well, it’s a beautiful face. My brother is straight and always likes you.”

Yu Xingzhi said, “You don’t obey General Yelu’s orders and torture me without permission. Don’t you be afraid that your new master will blame you.”

Lin Bingren laughed: “Do you expect him to save you? Unfortunately, he is not here at the moment. Besides, he wants to use me now, and I just killed you. Is he still going to kill me for a dead person? You are just a prisoner now, do you think you are still the crown prince? “

He raised an eyebrow and said half-madly,

“I remember that year, my father had just entered the official state of Kyoto, and he was still a kid. My father took me and him to a flower time feast at Yang University.”

“At the banquet, you were surrounded by everyone like Ming Jewelry. You saw that you were beautiful and liked it very much. You wanted to come forward and talk to you, but you were surrounded by the six princes. Push down the steps. His fool rolled two or three times on the steps and got up indifferently, and wanted to squeeze in front of you. The funny thing is that there are too many people holding you. . “

He suddenly woke up from his memories, violently flung the whip in the air, broke it, and drew it on Yu Xingzhi’s chest.

Yu Xingzhi’s fair skin immediately appeared a purple whip mark.

He tightened his body, bit his teeth, and let the painful voice leak out of his throat.

The cold sweat on my head couldn’t stop dripping.

Lin Bingren nodded his whip and sneered: “The name of this whip is Dragon Tail. The last person who used it woke only 20 whip in my hand and was killed by Huang Quan. Haha, Lord Yu Hou, I want to know How much can you sustain? “

Yu Xingzhi closed his mouth tightly.

He felt sad,

Xiaoxiao, I’d love to see you again, but I don’t know if I have the opportunity.

Lin Bingren reached out and touched Yu Xingzhi’s face. “I really regret it. I should have sent you directly to Bingzhi’s bed so that he could make the most of it. For example, today I am a brother, and I want to follow him once Wish it, too. “

His face was twisted, his veins were bare, his teeth were hoarse,

“Being straight, he likes to hold a beauty like you in your arms, all kinds of love. I’m different! I only like to tear down your fake kaolin flower, step in the mud, and tear it! | Hmm! Tortured to death! “

Lin Bingren struck Yu Xingzhi’s jaw, forcing him to look at himself,

“I give you two choices.”

“One hundred whip. Or, like a woman, a female protrudes under me and pleases me.”

He sat down comfortably in a chair behind him,

“Don’t blame me for not reminding you, a hundred whip is death.”

He tilted Erlang’s legs and nodded his whip.

Looking at the embarrassing Yu Xingzhi.

“Choose it,” he said. “If you don’t speak, just choose the latter.”

Yu Xingzhi closed his eyes and spoke hard,

“One … hundred whip”

Xiaoxiao, sorry, I may not be able to wait for you.

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