Heroine Saves A Gentleman

Chapter 4

Skiing downhill is fast.

At about an hour, Zhou Xiaoxiao came to a small town called Lijiatun at the foot of the mountain. This town is south of the mountain, and there are twenty or more miles away from Wucheng, which is located on the east of the mountain. Zhou Xiaoxiao plans to stay in the town for one night and buy a moving animal the next day.

Today the town coincides with a market. Although it has already been scattered, the muddy road that has been busy for a day gathers the villagers who come to the market from surrounding villages.

There are all kinds of simple stalls crowded on both sides of the potty stone road, selling things like food, shoes and socks.

Many people walking on the road are also marked with grass roots, some holding two geese, some carrying a basket of eggs, and some carrying a load of firewood.

Due to the large mountains, there are also many hunters who trade various types of mountain products.

Zhou Xiaoxiao was wearing a binaural dogskin hat at the moment, wearing a quilted cotton jacket, a tiger-skin jacket, a double felt jacket under his feet, two distinct plateau red on his dirty face, and a standard mountain hunter dress . Mixed in the crowd is not eye-catching at all.

Zhou Xiaoxiao carefully observed the circle, but did not see prominent search personnel. Only to relax. It may be that this place and the Linfu Beijin are in the two directions of Dashan, and no one has searched here.

The lively and novel ancient bazaar does not excite her.

She just felt uncomfortable in her heart, and walked annoyingly through the crowd, seeing a medical hall with a sign saying: Buying various herbs.

Zhou Xiaoxiao knocked on the wooden counter for some years. The man in the shop was a twelve-year-old boy. The boy smiled at her and showed a big white tooth.

“Is the guest officer seeking medical treatment or catching medicine?”

Zhou Xiaoxiao put the package up: “I have good tiger bone and antler here. Does the store have any?”

The boy turned his head and yelled at the inside room, “Adi, here comes the herb.”

“Received, what brother has any consignment and take it out first.” Liwu turned out an old Chinese doctor with a white beard.

The old man’s price is very fair. In addition, Zhou Xiaoxiao did not care about these because of the self-defense of Lin Fushun. Very simply let go of the mountains.

“If the younger brother still has some good skin, he can even give it to the old man, which is freezing in the cold, and the old man wants to make this baby a bitch.” The old man pointed at the tiger skin of Zhou Xiaoxiao and said.

Zhou Xiaoxiao remembered the pile of fur that was placed in the cave, and immediately thought of Yu Xingzhi lying in the fur pile. I don’t know how he is doing now, can he survive it.

I always feel that I have done something wrong, and my heart is empty and uncomfortable. When leaving the hospital, Zhou Xiaoxiao brought a stack of medicines, knife wounds, scalds, anti-inflammatory herbs, frostbite cream and a pair of splints.

What did I want to do when I bought these? Zhou Xiaoxiao was thinking without thinking.

She found the inn in the town and went in.

I unknowingly filled my stomach and fell on the warm **** in the inn, but I couldn’t sleep.

Finally fell asleep.

After a while, I dreamed that Yu Xingzhi was caught by Lin Bingren and **** chopped into several sections. After a while, I dreamed that Yu Xingzhi was dead in the dead hole, and the beast had his body dead.

Waking up sweating and seeing the sky bright.

She jumped up from her lap, asked the inn owner to rent a sled cart and eight sled dogs, bought another roll of quilt, and rolled up the quilt with herbs to jump on the sleigh.

The eight sled dogs rushed together, returned along the road they came from, and ran towards the cave.

Back on the hillside, watching the three cedar trees and her leaving the same, Zhou Xiaoxiao felt bright.

She snatched the snow and shelter from the hole, drove the sled dog into the hole, and dragged the sled into the hole, just to call people.

The scene inside the cave made her cold.

The bonfire was extinguished, the stone room was dim, and the faint light shining through the cave entrance could faintly see a person lying on the edge of the fur pile motionless.

The man had a pale back, one arm stretched forward weakly, unknowingly.

Zhou Xiaoxiao murmured in his heart, hurried forward, carefully turned the person over, and saw Yu Xingzhi’s face as gold paper, his teeth clenching, touching his forehead, and it was scary.

Zhou Xiaoxiao finally felt 12 points of guilt.

She blamed herself, why did you become so cruel, and they did not abandon you in the snow and ice, but you left such a heavy wounded in the cave by yourself.

Act quickly while condemning yourself.

The bonfire was re-ignited, and the covering was brought in. The herbs for oral administration were added to the crock pot and cooked. Also cover the hole and place sled dogs. Just in a hurry. Suddenly I heard a low groan | groan.

Zhou Xiaoxiao hurried to Yu Xingzhi.

“you’re awake?”

A touch on his forehead still burned terribly.

“Miscellaneous … miscellaneous.” He began to dream intermittently, “Stop … Stop … Release me.”

It burned so badly that it was all nonsense, Zhou Xiaoxiao was anxious.

“It’s me. I’m back.” She could only comfort him softly.

Fry the anti-inflammatory and analgesic herbs well, Zhou Xiaoxiao lifted up the weak patient, and carefully poured it.

After taking the medicine, I just turned around.

There was a vague voice behind him.

“Don’t … don’t leave, don’t leave me.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao felt a little sad.

She sat next to Yu Xingzhi, holding his hand, and said softly, “I’m not going, don’t be afraid.”

However, the man was so confused that he could not hear the outside voice, and only made a few low-pitched throat sounds from time to time.

Zhou Xiaoxiao thought in his heart that if you begged me like this when I left before, I might not be able to bear it.

You just want to say goodbye to Sven, so I can’t say anything back. The fever is so severe at the moment, what use is there to say it again.

Ashamed in her heart, she took care of Yu Xingzhi more carefully and wiped his neck, armpits, limbs, hands and feet with cold water. The forehead of the ice pad changed one after another. Until his heat finally came down, he slowly woke up.

Yu Xingzhi opened his eyes and saw Zhou Xiaoxiao. For a moment, his eyes seemed to be shaking. It seemed like a thousand words and a thousand words could not speak. In the end, only a weak smile appeared. This shallow smile made Zhou Xiaoxiao feel his frozen heart With this smile, a crack cracked, and a few green shoots were drilled from the slit.

Yu Xingzhi’s injuries were repeated. Burned back and burned, burned back and back, again and again.

People are sometimes awake and unconscious. When in a coma, he always felt a warm body holding his hand beside him, whispering and encouraging him.

When you are awake, you can always see a busy figure feeding and changing medicines, and then drowning in support, no shyness. A pair of round and glaring eyes always smiled frankly when they saw him looking over.

She cares so much for me.

If … I am fortunate enough to retrieve this life, I must ask to marry this girl, so as not to damage her reputation. He thought groggyly.

He slowly woke up after another fever subsided.

Yu Xingzhi saw that Zhou Xiaoxiao was packing up the contents of the hole. The young girl quickly piled her fur on a sled car, and slid a sled dog reins.

She was going to go again. Realizing this, Yu Xingzhi felt that his heart was sinking into darkness. He wanted to open up and save the cuckoo girl, and asked her to stay with her, not to let herself be dark again. The cold cave was tormented by illness until he died.

However, good education made him unable to speak, and he was unwilling and could not drag a young girl into a dangerous situation. So he quickly reluctantly controlled his emotions. Get ready to say goodbye again calmly.

Zhou Xiaoxiao set up the sled dog, and when he looked back, he saw a sad and sad expression on Yu Xingzhi’s handsome face, but this expression quickly disappeared. He replaced it with a calm face, and even barely posed himself. A little smile. Zhou Xiaoxiao walked over, rolled up Yu Xingzhi with his quilt, and placed it on a sled.

Yu Xingzhi was taken aback: “You … are you taking me?”

“I’ll take you to the doctor.” Zhou Xiaoxiao put his dogskin hat on his head and fastened the belt. “You can’t die.”

Yu Xingzhi felt like he was rolling in the warm spring. At the same time, he knew that such an action was too dangerous and would affect the girl, and he should quickly refuse.

However, when Zhou Xiaoxiao’s round eyes were close to his face, he smiled at him, and stretched out his hands to squeeze the fur bedding on him, he felt a warmth that made people miss, out of his craving for this warmth, Out of desire for life, he did not finally say what he refused.

When the toboggan started and went down the mountain, Yu Xing knew that only half of his heart was immersed in the happiness of being rescued, and half of his heart was immersed in a deep sense of selfishness.

The two arrived in Lijiatun in the evening. Zhou Xiaoxiao went straight to the previous medical hall. The teenager was dropping the door and saw them. She quickly put down her work plan and helped the patient into the inner hospital together. The old man examined Yu Xingzhi’s injury, scratching his beard and showing a solemn expression. Zhou Xiaoxiao quietly held a wrist-wrapping knife on the back waist, if the situation was not right, she used force to force him to treat Yu Xingzhi.

“Baby, go and drop the door, the fire in the front yard goes out, and close the door.” The doctor said to the boy, “Hurry on, hurry on. Burn some hot water for later use.”

He said to Zhou Xiaoxiao, “I need a little brother to help the old man.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao slowly let go of the hand holding the knife behind him, and said in his mouth, “Thank you, Mr.” While keeping alert, he gave him a shot.

Yu Xingzhi has a tough personality. Even though the healing process was very painful, he didn’t say a word, just gritted his teeth and closed his face.

If it weren’t for the fist-stretched hand that couldn’t stop shaking, it would even make people think that the wounds under the doctor’s hands were not the same as him. It wasn’t until the doctor connected him with the leg bones that he finally couldn’t help snorting, his head sweating, and his face was astonished.

Even the doctors who saw more injuries couldn’t help sighing: “Well, this forest is so overbearing. It will humiliate people like this.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao, who was rubbing sweat for Yu Xingzhi, heard this, and was startled, turning her head to look at him vigilantly.

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