Heroine Saves A Gentleman

Chapter 27

Ru Yue said, “The unbelievable words are out of the question.”

“Come on quickly.” The three grandmas agreed.

Ru Yue stomped her feet. “The lady means that the lady is naturally the elder of the five grandpas, but since the lady cannot accept her, she is unwilling to be her elder, and she does not follow the sin of disrespecting her elders.”

Wang Tingyu said, “What’s the fallacy? Mrs. Mofei must first recognize her as a wife-in-law before she can be qualified to discipline her?”

Ru Yue said: “She also said that as long as his wife can persuade Wuye to give up first, she will never be entangled.”

Guo Jingyan: “If it wasn’t for the uncle Wu’s refusal to persuade, who would be impatient to see such a pastry shop. This is poking at the wife’s heart, how can the wife not be angry?”

“My wife was so angry that she fought all over her. Unless she was dead, she wouldn’t want to step into the state government again. She picked up the tea bowl on her hand and smashed it.” Ru Yue paused, “It’s strange that the lady from Zhou was so surprised He stretched out his hand, and returned it to the table.

The three grandmothers took a breath together and said nothing to each other.

“The lady came and said, it ’s all her today, no, please do n’t be too angry and hurt your body. The wife is the mother of the fifth grandfather, the hostess of the country ’s government, and she still respects her wife. As long as his wife disagrees, she will not enter the country’s government without permission, making her uncomfortable. “

“She … did she just leave like this?” Liu Xinyi asked.

“But it wasn’t the wife who let her go. It was the old lady who brought Sister Chunhua to take the person away.”

Guo Jingyan touched her chest: “Oh my mother, the drama I watched this year doesn’t add up as much as it does today.”

“How did the old lady mix in this matter?” Huang Tingyu thought to herself: “Yes, it must be the rescuer who Wushu moved to. Wushu is the old lady’s most beloved grandson, so you just have to work hard in front of the old lady. There is nothing wrong with it. “

Zhou Xiaoxiao followed Madame Guo’s main house with a beautifully-dressed girl.

She finally breathed a sigh of relief when outdoors.

In any case, this can be considered a side, although it is not a good first step.

She knew that even if she lowered herself into the dust and made a humble request, it was impossible to obtain the understanding of Yu Xingzhi’s mother.

So it’s better to be honest with your heart and show your attitude. As long as the two have a firm mind, the future can be taken step by step.

The road ahead is long, the road is long and the road is long. Comrades still need to work hard. She joked.

The maid led her and turned to the east, passing through several courtyards of the pavilion, and exposed a low wall made of yellow mud, several green and white tile houses inside, and a green fence blocking the road. This melon shed, chickens and dogs heard each other, a farmland pastoral style, completely different from the magnificent Xuanang elsewhere in the house.

When Zhou Xiaoxiao entered the hospital, she saw Yu Xingzhi rolled up his sleeves and was fetching water near a Doi. There was an old lady with silver hair and a slightly bent back leaning on a cane, sitting on a stone table with a smile. Looking at him.

Seeing Zhou Xiaoxiao coming, Yu Xingzhi beckoned to her and introduced: “Xiao Xiao, this is my grandmother, too grandma, this is Xiao Xiao.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao stepped forward to salute, saying, “Please give my grandma too much.”

The old lady was kind-headed and nodded at Zhou Xiaoxiao with a smile.

Zhou Xiaoxiao relaxed and gradually resumed her nature.

“Xingzhi, let me help you.”

She squeezed around Yu Xingzhi to help, Yu Xingzhi asked with a mouthful, was it okay?

Zhou Xiaoxiao squeezed her eyes and signaled that she had nothing at all.

She was very strong, and Ma Liu drank two buckets of water and poured them into two copper belly-shaped long-necked flowers.

Yu Xingzhi picked up two flower waterings, and went to Nagata to water vegetables.

The old lady took Zhou Xiaoxiao’s hand. “These rough jobs, let them men do it. You are a guest. Come and sit with grandma.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao smiled: “Grandma, this is nothing, I used to do it.”

At the will of the old lady, she sat hand in hand on the round stool near the stone table.

“Now among these dolls, only Xiao Wu is willing to play with my old lady.” The old woman squinted and looked at her busy grandson in the field.

Zhou Xiaoxiao said: “If the old lady doesn’t dislike it, I will often play with you if I have a chance in the future.”

“Okay, that’s good.” The old lady pointed at the snack on the table and said, “It’s all made by you. Xiaowu often brings it back to me for a few days. You really have a heart, and it’s a coincidence. He looks so handsome, he makes the cake tight and tight. “

She touched Zhou Xiaoxiao’s hand, carefully looked back and forth, and nodded, “Nice and good, a good baby, a round face, a pair of capable hands. It is a good breed.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao laughed: “The old lady wouldn’t make fun of me, but I’m going to be shy.”

“What a shame, I like a child like your hearty temperament. Did Mrs. Cai just be so annoyed by you?”

“No, my wife is only a little more serious, she has never been so kind as the old lady.”

“You still speak for her. I don’t know her temperament yet. Don’t be afraid to tell her. We are not a family member of the Yu family. His fifth son was originally from Zhuang Han, and his original name was only dog. Eggs. After fighting, the emperor gave his title to the emperor and changed the name of the fake Sven. He married a daughter-in-law of a high-ranking family and shook the prestige of the country’s government. “

Zhou Xiaoxiao smiled, and said, Is this really a generation between the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law?

The old woman patted her hand. “My wife, you see the sky with a stern face, and you have to talk about rules everywhere. You have several granddaughters, all with sharp chins and catkins. The road couldn’t walk a few steps, and the wind fell as soon as the wind blew. I didn’t like it very much. It’s still Xiaowu’s vision, I’m looking for you. “

Zhou Xiaoxiao looked at Cai Tianzhong, and Yu Xingzhi, who was busy with his sleeves, rolled his eyes and smiled.

That night.

In Yu Xingzhi’s small courtyard.

There is a jug of wine under the tree between flowers, and several dishes.

Yu Xingzhi and Cheng Shizhao sat and drank together.

Cheng Shizhao laughed and laughed, “It’s just too much to want to go side by side with you.”

He and Yu Xingzhi touched the glass and drank it.

He whispered again: “Yes, this woman has always been daring, and there is nothing she dare not think about or do.”

Yu Xingzhi raised his lip to his lips, and seemed to groan alone: ​​”Side by side, share the wind and rain. Even if I can’t shelter her from the rain, at least I can’t always hide behind her and take care of her.”

“So, you are determined to go with me this time,” Cheng Shi followed, “I am afraid there will be no compromise with my aunt.”

“I’m determined, I knew it before the father-in-law yesterday. Fortunately, the father-in-law agreed.”

“You have the talents to pass the heavens and the earth. Ten years of cold window, to obtain the name of the fame, only to spring next year, to get off the court. Then slowly walk the sunny avenue you do not go. For a woman, give up writing and martial arts, take your life to fight a shortcut . Is it really worth it? “

Yu Xingzhi looked at the wine in the glass, the moon in the wine, and thought of Zhou Xiaoxiao’s face with a light smile.

“I already owe her a lot, and can no longer waste her Zhaohua in vain. If you go on the career path, even if it goes smoothly, it will take a decade or two to say nothing. Only Wuxun is my only speed. Promotion, a shortcut to independence of the province. This expedition to South Vietnam is a good time, and I should let go. “

“Also,” Cheng Shizhao said, “you and my brother go together and take care of each other, and I will not let you go wrong.”

In the sixteenth year of the Jin Dynasty, Nanman committed a crime and struck Bianyi, causing disaster to the people.

The emperor was furious and sent 100,000 soldiers. He sent the guardian to return to Yuzhang. The six sons of the emperor came out of Hueiji and attacked the Nanban king.

On the day of the expedition, the coach sacrificed the flag and resigned.

The generals were put on horses, drumming out of the sky, and the banner swaggered to enemies.

I saw that the sword of Longwen, the elite soldiers, galloping all the way.

I don’t know how many people along the way are attracted.

Zhou Xiaoxiao opened the hanging window in the attic of the shop and looked up.

Looking for Yu Xingzhi in the team.

After seeing that handsome flag, there was a teenager in a white robe.

Pointed steel gun, hanging treasure bow, hanging geese sword.

The jade horse carved a saddle, and his eyes were bright.

As he passed under the window, he raised his head, his eyes stuck to Zhou Xiaoxiao’s body, and kept on for a long time.

Zhou Xiaoxiao made a happy look and waved to him.

When the jade face turned, Zhu Yan disappeared, and she couldn’t help but want to drop the golden beans.

Xiaomei advised: “Mother, if you are so reluctant, why don’t you persuade Wuye to take a break.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao wiped his face and sighed: “Although he knows me, we respect each other and support each other in order to get along. How can I arbitrarily deceive others?

After a day or two, Liu Xinyi visited.

Zhou Xiaoxiao invited her to the flower hall for a drink.

She looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao again and again, and stopped talking.

So Zhou Xiaoxiao first spoke: “Xingzhi and the grandfather of the kingdom went out, his wife must be very concerned.”

Liu Xinyi raised her eyes and looked at her for a moment. “But isn’t it, Wu Ye gave up his military skills and went to the south wetland, and his wife cried for a few days, and she couldn’t get up in bed recently.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao sighed: “This is what I and Xingzhi know.”

“Mrs. speaks out, and won’t let you enter the gate of the state government anyway.” Liu Xinyi twisted his face, “Do you really … will you wait like this for nothing?”

“Xingzhi has given up writing because of me. He can do this for me, and I can report it with that in mind.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao smiled and raised her hand to add tea.

She is wearing a soap-sugar coat, a white collar and a simple conical dress today, and is dressed as a man.

With a hearty smile, he was handsome and handsome, and he looked extraordinary.

Seeing that Liu Xinyi shook her eyes, she felt that she jumped for two beats for no reason.

She touched her chest and thought, she has been together for a long time, but seeing that this lady Zhou is unique, people like Wu Dao Wu Shu will be convinced by her.

Time is like water.

The people in the bustling Kyoto quickly forgot about the smoke of war at the border.

Zhou Xiaoxiao’s days were spent in an orderly way, and occasionally at the end of the streets and lanes, I heard some news about the tightness of the battle or the news from the good news.

Sometimes when Her Royal Highness Nine His Royal Highness arrived, she would bring her a half-knowing letter.

She always makes a good pot of tea, just keeps it small, and reads it with joy.

In a blink of an eye, the summer wind is gone, and the autumn wind is here.

One day, Zhou Xiaoxiao sat in the small courtyard of the shop, reading a book “Suiyuan Food List”.

Suddenly, a man was wearing armor, full of evil spirits, and came on the wind.

Zhou Xiaoxiao looked up, but it was Cheng Shizhao, the king of Yan who had not seen him for a long time.

“Prince? Why are you back?”

Cheng Shizhao stunned his hem, and sat down on the cross-chair next to Zhou Xiaoxiao, his expression was hazy, and **** faintly remained on his body.

He looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao silently, his eyes were red and hesitated.

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