Heroine Saves A Gentleman

Chapter 2

After two days like this, Zhou Xiaoxiao was sleeping in the back room of the servant overnight, and was suddenly awakened by a bang.

She turned over and got out of bed, only to hear the noise outside.

Someone shouted: “Mountain bandit! Mountain bandit!

I ran out of the door and saw that there was a fire light at the gate of the outer courtyard.

The inner courtyard was noisy and chaotic. There were servants who wore clothes and no flies, and guards hurriedly carrying guns.

Li Xun, who blessed the cuckoo in his daily life, shed his hair at the moment, panicking at Zhou Xiaoxiao and shouting, “How is this good? Cuckoo! Mountain bandits! There are so many bandits!”

Looking at this messy situation, Zhou Xiaoxiao turned her eyes and suddenly realized that this might be a good time to escape.

The bandits looted, and even if they didn’t break into the yard, it was not uncommon to lose someone in the mess. No one wants to find himself after thinking about it afterwards. At this moment, everyone was going to the front yard, and they all went up the mountain from the back door path, and it was convenient to hide in the hole. If you don’t leave at this moment, if the mountain bandits break through the other courtyard and rush in to burn and plunder, I don’t know what will happen.

Determined to act immediately, Zhou Xiaoxiao turned into the room, put on cotton trousers, avoided the crowd, and went straight to the backyard.

Waiting to pass by the East Chamber, seeing that there was no one here, Zhou Xiaoxiao thought about it, quietly touched the door of the East Chamber, pushed the door open, looked at the probe, and it became empty.

She went into the back room with a cat’s waist, there was no candlelight inside, and it was dark and quiet. Zhou Xiaoxiao gently flipped through the cage to find a square box of rosewood Duobao Pavilion, opened it, and built countless treasures and jade.

She couldn’t help but think that in the ancient times where her life was unfamiliar, she would worry about her livelihood in a short time. She picked up some light jade from the box, hurriedly packed a small bag, and was about to leave.

Moonlight shone into the room through the window, and Zhou Xiaoxiao suddenly glanced at the corner with a gaze looking at herself.

Suddenly a coolness climbed up from the back, the pores startled.

She slowly turned around, and saw a long figure hanging from the black hole in the back of the room. A man was hung under the beam with his hands tied tightly. The man’s body slowly turned in the air, and the moonlight was deserted. His eyes were looking straight at himself.

Zhou Xiaoxiao almost exclaimed, staying for a long time to find that the other party was silent, and then slowly calmed his heartbeat.

Walked in with the moonlight and found out that this was the man he had seen the day before. At this moment he was suspended under the beam, but without a word, he only looked at himself with a pair of wet eyes down from a height.

Zhou Xiaoxiao fought back and forth several times in the heart, and finally got up again. Put people down from the beam.

The man was struggling to sustain his injuries, struggling slightly twice, and then fell to the ground.

Zhou Xiaoxiao pulled out a sharp sword on the wall, cut the rope on the man, and took a fur coat from the room and covered it on his motionless body.

“At this moment, the pirates invade, and the chaos is in chaos. You … ask for more blessings.” She left this sentence, then left the manor in the moonlight and dived into the vast snow forest.

The forest on a snowy night, silent, gray sky, tree shadows with open teeth and claws. Infinite darkness brings original fear.

Zhou Xiaoxiao walked deep and shallow on the snow, and regretted it. Although she was very familiar with the forest, she still miscalculated the horror of the snowy mountains in the winter night.

The temperature dropped more than 20 degrees, not only the silence and darkness of this virgin forest can bring endless psychological pressure, especially for Zhou Xiaoxiao, who lives in a bustling city, the silence of this virgin forest makes her Unstoppable fear.

The few hills that can be easily turned over in the day, in this cold dark night, the journey seems so far away. “You can, Zhou Xiaoxiao. Don’t be afraid, you are not a little woman with no chickens at all. You are now Zhou Cuckoo. Rhododendron is a cow with a good body, Vajra Barbie, a tiger hero. There is nothing to fear. “While cheering herself up, she tried not to let herself listen to some strange noises in the forest at night.

But a rattling of horseshoes, from weak to strong, gradually came from behind.

Zhou Xiaoxiao hurriedly hid behind a big tree. I saw a white horse walking along the road, and there was a man lying on the horse’s back.

When the horse got closer, the horse slowed down, and the man on the horse fell down and threw himself in the snow.

Is this man dead? Zhou Xiaoxiao hid behind the tree and observed for a while, came out from behind the tree, and reached out to take the white horse. If you ride horses, you can get a lot faster.

The hand pulled the leash, and suddenly a gurgling sound came from behind, and a cold sharp blade was placed on his neck.

She Yuguang skimmed a man standing behind her, holding a dazzling sword.

The blade was extremely sharp, touching the skin, and she even felt a drop of hot blood running down her neck into her chest. Zhou Xiaoxiao’s body was stiff, and her great fear grabbed her heart.

The previous life also died of a sharp blade, a man’s hand. Lying on the cold ground before dying, he watched his horror memories of blood flowing like a tide.

She shook her lips and begged with a trembling voice: “Don’t … don’t kill me …”

“Is it you?” A low voice sounded behind him.

The cold touch on the neck disappeared.

Zhou Xiaoxiao turned around and saw the man who had taken off the room beam a while ago.

He is wearing a big wool coat that Zhou Xiaoxiao draped over him before leaving. Holding in his hand Zhou Xiaoxiao’s sword which was used to cut off the rope that bound him, this sword had almost just cut Zhou Xiaoxiao’s neck.

The man’s left leg seemed to be bad, and he barely stood by supporting his body with a scabbard. At this moment he used the sword to point the ground, dragged his broken leg, and barely moved two steps. Sitting under a cedar by the road.

Zhou Xiaoxiao was annoyed. Annoyed myself in a panic. As long as the scene just calmed down, how could he be scared by such a severely injured person.

Fortunately, this person has a bit of conscience and no revenge. She patted her chest and put the hanging heart back slightly.

“Let’s go,” the man said softly, “The horse is for you.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao was happy and nodded. Good guy, this is a good guy. She quickly turned over, and hurried a few steps before she thought of looking back.

I saw the man sitting under a huge cedar, described as emaciated, with a white complexion, like Mo Mo’s tight eyebrows, drooping eyebrows like fans, and messy long hair dragging down the fur and fur to the snow.

Did he just die here?

Zhou Xiaoxiao’s mind was tangled several times. Still turning the horse’s head, came to the tree, grabbed the man’s collar and carried him back.

I’ll take him for a ride. Halfway through, let him ride away.

Zhou Xiaoxiao thought wildly as he raced wildly.

This really is the world of faces. If he didn’t look so handsome. Can I do this stupid thing? The runaway also brought a towing oil bottle, no, this is a fried | drug pack. He must be left halfway.

It’s a pity that the house leak happened to rain. I don’t know if it’s too cold, the road is too bad, or because he’s not familiar with the Cavaliers. The white horse walked halfway, and suddenly a long hissing sound, and the two stood up and fell off the back of the horse with two unsuspecting backs.

By the time Zhou Xiaoxiao, who had fallen so badly, got up from the snow, the horse ran far away. She could only stunned and looked at the other person sitting in the snowdrift.

The man smiled with a self-deprecating smile, and the snow fell on his body, and he raised his hand and gave a little gift. Opening: “Xiayu Xingzhi, the rules of the word, dare to ask the girl’s name?”

His timbre is very special. At the beginning, it is like a sore throat, and it resounds like a spring chant. Hearing Zhou Xiaoxiao was a little dazzling.

“I … uh … down … uh … uh … uh!” This is awkward: “My name is Zhou Dujuan.”

“Girl Cuckoo, is a person from the capital below. My father, Wei Guogong, Yu Dunsu, currently lives in the Kyoto State Government. My brother, General Dingyuan Yu Xingyi, is now stationed in Fengxiang. If the girl passes through these two places in a day, please be bothered I can tell you. “Yu Xingzhi paused, and said softly,” Just say … just say I’m here. “

What is here? Zhou Xiaoxiao froze for a moment. Suddenly understood what he meant. This is to tell his family himself that he died here, or that he was killed here. All in all, this is the meaning of the last words.

“I’m not there yet. I have a lot of energy. I’ll walk you for a while.”

She is indeed born with divine power. Carrying an adult man is easy. However, in the middle of the night at minus 20 degrees, it is still not easy to walk alone in the snow-covered forest.

The sky was even snowing at this time.

Zhou Xiaoxiao didn’t know how long he had walked in the snow.

Her legs seemed unconscious, her lungs were purring like a worn-out bellows, and her heart and blood vessels in her body were beating violently.

No, I can’t move anymore.

Drop him and go on your own. Zhou Xiaoxiao repeated this sentence in his heart.

However, Yu Xingzhi always said in his ear: “Let me down, Girl Azalea. I will take a while and still walk by myself.”

“You shut up.” Zhou Xiaoxiao gasped and held up a person: “I haven’t seen anyone who can walk with a broken leg.”

If you begged me to carry you, I might have left you halfway, but you just want to talk like that. Zhou Xiaoxiao pulled a little away, playing with a backward character.

“Please also drop me down. You and I meet each other. But I have a girl’s gratitude. I can’t bring a tired person to bury here.”

“Neither of us can die.” Zhou Xiaoxiao annoyed him all the way, and he gasped and said his plan: “I have my own calculations, and then … on this mountain, there are … there are three juxtaposed pine trees, and there is … … There is a cave … Let’s hide it. “

The man on his back was finally silent.

Zhou Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth and stepped on the snow step by step. Suddenly she slipped under her feet, fell to the ground, and suddenly lost consciousness …

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