Heroine Saves A Gentleman

Chapter 18

“Let me go!” Cheng Shizhao whispered at Zhou Xiaoxiao.

Zhou Xiaoxiao hesitated.

Wouldn’t he just grab me and behead as soon as he untied.

“Quickly untie! The lone king does not care about you! Do you really want to be seen by Xingzhi?”

Zhou Xiaoxiao immediately drew a knife to cut the rope.

Cheng Shizhao braced Yan Yan to stand up.

Only when will the gown be put on.

With a bang, the room door was opened, and Yu Xingzhi’s complexion strode across.

I saw a mess in the room, the table overturned to the ground, Cheng Shizhao and Zhou Xiaoxiao were both dressed in disarray, and both looked at him in surprise.

Yu Xingzhi’s forehead horns burst out, his eyes were red, and his eyes gathered with squally showers.

He grabbed Cheng Shizhao and fists.

The following nine emperor Cheng Shiqi hugged him from the back: “No, no.”

Yu Xingzhi kicked him openly: “You stumped me today in order to facilitate him to do such a bad thing!”

“Hit, let you hit it. Lao Jiu, don’t stop him!” Cheng Shi said in a yin and yang curious manner, “You haven’t dealt with me since you were a child, and today you will get what you want!”

“You!” Yu Xingzhi was furious.

He stretched a fair hand to the side and grabbed his wrist.

Although this hand is small, it is very powerful.

“Don’t fight, I’ve already beaten it, and I’ll kill it again.” Zhou Xiaoxiao said.

Yu Xingzhi turned his head and looked at her with red eyes.

“Look at me, I’m fine.” Zhou Xiaoxiao stretched out his other hand and gently walked along Yu Xingzhi’s back. “Look, I’m fine.”

She opened her hands and made a small circle.

Yu Xingzhi blinked, and then he discovered that something was wrong.

Zhou Xiaoxiao had a well-dressed suit and a clean manner, but her hair was slightly messy. On the contrary, Cheng Shizhao shed her hair, her nose was swollen, her lips were bloody, her clothes were messy, her actions were jerky.

The incoming Wangfu guard was shocked, and pulled out his waist knife, pointing Qi Zhou Xiaoqi together.

Cheng Shizhao’s complexion was blue and white, and she was very angry. He was resentful to hear Yu Xingzhi’s torture and torture because of him, and he was furious and angry because he was beaten by a woman without defense.

Angrily: “Stop, it’s not enough to be ashamed, just follow me!”

After limping, he walked away with the help of the head guard Guo Suren.

The house guards looked at each other, stomped away, and followed.

Guo Suren also said secretly in his heart, he remembered the scene he had run into before, and it turned out that Wang was “bullyed” at that time. But I mistakenly thought it was a hobby of Wang Ye.

I didn’t see it. Looking at it, he didn’t actually come forward to rescue the driver. Looking back, the grandpa thought of how good it is to calculate after the fall.

The room quieted as they left.

Yu Xingzhi’s companion Yu Tong poked his head from the back and asked carefully, “My aunt and grandma, have you really given His Royal Highness Yan to you?”

Zhou Xiaoxiao eyes drift a bit sudden: “That …… that beat all beat up, now how do I pack up now is not the foot??”

Yu Xingzhi’s eyes were flushed, staring at Zhou Xiaoxiao. He reached out and touched Zhou Xiaoxiao’s head lightly, and finally couldn’t help holding her in his arms.

His voice was low and mute: “I’m sorry, it’s all my fault and you’ve suffered so much.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao felt wrong: “Xingzhi, why is your body so hot?”

The person holding her tightly fell down slowly, Zhou Xiaoxiao caught Yu Xingzhi, reached out his hand, and saw that his face was flushed and his forehead was hot.

Zhou Xiaoxiao hugged him in a hurry and turned to ask the attendant Yu Tong: “What’s going on? Why did he suddenly get so sick?”

Yu Tong said with a sad expression: “Girl, you do n’t know. Since Wu Ye returned to Beijing, this injury has not been well-earned. Earlier, he refused to marry his elder grandson, and rebelled against his wife. I hit the board with a dead hand. Poor my fifth grandfather beat Xiao Jinzun Yugui, who has suffered this crime. Then I received your letter from your aunt and vomited blood on the spot. Regardless of the injury, the struggle will come. Fortunately His Royal Highness Yan stopped, desperately, to follow the dissuasion all the way, not to hurry, to ride the car slowly. This is to save my life, come to see you for a while. “

Zhou Xiaoxiao frowned, wondering in her heart, so why write a letter and say goodbye to me.

But this is not the time to think carefully. So Yu Xingzhi was placed on the bed in the back room, and another Yu Tong was sent to extend the doctor.

As the King Yan made this out, everyone in the house was shocked and confused, and Zhou Xiaoxiao came out to appease everyone. Only turned around, the doctor has arrived.

The doctor was an old man with white hair. After checking his veins, he twisted his beard and shook his head.

“It doesn’t look like the poor and bitter family. How could the patient be so deprived of recuperation? The old injury is unhealed, and the new one is overwhelmed.” The doctor sighed again and again. Sad spleen. So now there are two qi and blood injuries, and the qi is depressed, so that it is dry out, and the sun is weakened, and the heat is suppressed. If it was not for the youth, it would have been a long time ago. “

The doctor shook his head while prescribing the prescription, and he gave a lot of explanations about the conditioning before leaving.

Zhou Xiaoxiao sent the doctor away and ordered Xiaomei to go to decoction.

But he called Yu Tong to the small hall.

Zhou Xiaoxiao sat in front of Yu Tong, knocking on the table with his fingers and saying, “What’s going on? Why is that? When Doctor Cai was diagnosed and treated, you also saw that his trauma was more than just a loss of adoption? It’s just letting go!”

Yu Tong patted himself: “It is the fault of the slaves. How did you know that Wuye didn’t care for himself so far? After Wuye returned to Beijing after being seriously injured in Shu land, there was another quirk and no longer allowed They took care of themselves. They changed clothes and changed their own medicine, and they all refused to fake other people’s hands. One day, the boy missed the tea, spilled the sleeve of Wu Ye, and was anxious to pack it for Wu Ye before touching Wu Ye’s hand. Uncle Wu was furious, and made a good meal. Since then, no one dares to go beyond half a bit. “

He looked puzzled: “More than that, the villain has noticed that Wuye seems to be extremely repellent to others in recent days. It is unpleasant to touch him during a joke of a little savvy brother. It can make Wuye very unhappy. The girl is Wuye For those who love the heavy, you can ask the girl to be comforted and enlightened, or you can solve the knot in the heart of Five Lords. “

Zhou Xiaoxiao listened, and was very puzzled, and gradually thought about it.

Yu Xingzhi woke up in a drowsy state, and saw himself lying on a bed in a compartment. There was a lamp like a bean in front of the bed. There was a person sitting under the lamp, a person with a dream in his heart.

When the man saw him waking up, he leaned against the edge of the bed, holding one’s white and round face with one hand, and slowly extended the other hand in the light, touching his forehead.

Yu Xingzhi felt a hot surge in his chest, blocking his throat and unable to swallow.

He went gently in the wrong direction.

“You are so ruthless.” A soft, waxy voice blame him.

He couldn’t help turning his head immediately. I only saw Zhou Xiaoxiao’s white hands resting on the head of the bed, and her small chin rested on the back of her hands, her lacquered eyes gazed at him, shattering the stars and lights, fascinated him.

Even though he knew that when Zhou Xiaoxiao spoke softly, he must have had some weird idea in his heart, but he still couldn’t look away.

“You left me here alone, you don’t need me, and you didn’t tell me in person. Listen to your second wife saying you want to marry another girl. I feel uncomfortable in my heart.”

“NO, I have not.”

“Then why did you write that heartless letter to me? After I saw it, I hid in a quilt alone and cried for several nights.”


“If you have anything to say, know me clearly, all right?” Zhou Xiaoxiao looked at Yu Xingzhi’s eyes and whispered softly, “For example, if you don’t like me anymore, or think I’m too rough and unreasonable with your temperament Disagreement, or you ca n’t stand by me under the pressure of your family. As long as you tell me frankly, I wo n’t think about it, and I wo n’t be so uncomfortable in my heart. ”

After waiting patiently for a long time, Zhou Xiaoxiao finally heard Yu Xingzhi’s deep voice.

“I …” He clenched his fists, his face bleak, and said hardly, “I can’t be humane.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao froze completely. She thought about all kinds of answers, but heard an incredible answer.

“It’s impossible, when will it happen?” She blurted out.

Yu Xingzhi’s face turned red. He closed his eyes and turned his face to the side.

“Since I fell into the hands of that thief, the two of them were so humiliating to me, and Xu was the cause of my illness. After returning to Beijing, I only felt sorrowful, the night was difficult, and my blood was gradually losing. I hated others closer, but I did n’t mean it. The people I touched, men and women, made me anxious. That day … “

He paused for a moment before continuing.

“That day, in order to cut off the relationship between you and me, my mother instructed a maid at home to ride on the night … Climb up to my bed in the middle of the night. I woke up in the middle of the night and faced nephrite Wenxiang, only to feel that I was standing upside down and sickened. I could not help but spit the dirty thing into the bed, scaring the girl to crawl away. After that, I couldn’t find myself, and secretly sought medical advice, with no effect. The alliance vowed in this life, but only with shame. “

Having said that, Yu Xingzhi couldn’t say any more, he could only hold his fists tightly, making himself knuckle pain.

Such shame was originally sworn to death and would not speak in front of his sweetheart. But now, just for Zhou Xiaoxiao’s heart is not upset, so as not to be misunderstood and abandoned for no reason, so that she feels self-pity and sorrow. He endured humiliation and spoke without reservation.

At this moment he just felt that a sharp blade cut open his body and held all the ugliness inside in front of others. My heart felt dark and boring.

Zhou Xiaoxiao calmed down a bit. She carefully recalled the days when she fled. During that time, she took care of Yu Xingzhi, who was inconvenient to move, changed clothes and changed medicine, and drowned each other, and did not avoid it. She didn’t notice that Yu Xingzhi was “normal” in some aspects, even a few times, at a moment when Yu Xingzhi was not sober, he glimpsed a bit of the male’s physiological response.

“So when I met you, did you feel sick?”

“You are naturally … different from others.”

Yu Xingzhi thought frustratedly: When you were by my side, I fell asleep and slept soundly. You know that you and I are different, I have never had a night’s sleep. I just hope that you will always be by my side and stay with you all your life. Even if I disobey my parents and be abandoned by my family, I will do whatever I want. I only hate that this person is useless, even if the heart is like a knife twist, I can only endure pain and sorrow, and can not burden your life.

However, at this moment, this can no longer be said, nor need to tell her.

Zhou Xiaoxiao is recalling all kinds of details. She disagrees with Yu Xingzhi. But she intends to verify that she is not in a hurry to tell.

“You don’t have to be too anxious. This should be a psychological problem, not necessarily a physical reason.”


Yu Xingzhi didn’t understand. But at the moment he was ashamed, but also lazy and thinking.

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