Heroine Saves A Gentleman

Chapter 13

When the crowd dispersed, Zhou Xiaoxiao sat in the neat room and felt very satisfied.

Although the furniture is old, it is simple and rustic. Zhou Xiaoxiao rubbed the cracks and wormholes in the wooden table and chair that have been created over the years. It was not disgusting but rather interesting.

The attic was facing the street, a hinged window opened, and noisy vocals came through the window.

Zhou Xiaoxiao wasn’t too noisy. She sat on a chair by the window and poured herself a cup of coarse tea.

It’s only like this kind of fireworks, she thought, I can live here carefully and earnestly, and save the whole day of sorrow and injury, and it seems that my dream is still awake.

That night, Wu Yan and his wife chatted in the room.

“This week, the girl is a wonderful girl. She was rich and prosperous in the General Mansion. She didn’t see the slightest flinch. She got along with his wife as sisters. “Now living in our ruined house, I looked at it carefully, and she didn’t complain and pity, but was more content with herself.”

Her husband Wu Daoquan buried his head and crushed the end of Sanqi with an iron medicine without answering.

Wu Xun seemed to be used to this, only talking to herself, “I think she has neither father nor mother. She is very lonely and lonely. She is also unwilling to make a concubine for the five grandpas. It is also uncomfortable to live in General House. She wants to rent a house and let her live in our house. We can also take care of her for one or two. “

“Since she saved Wu Ye, we will take care of her and pay back the favor of the old grandfather. Why should you charge her some rent?”

“The head, Hugh is going to be annoyed, but you don’t know. The girl looked soft this week, she was very proud, and she didn’t want to come for rent. She didn’t want to come. I saw her at the beginning, and she was so hurt. But there were no tears, and she smiled at me. “Wu Yan stopped the needle and thread, as if recalling the past,” If our girlfriend didn’t leave that year, she is now as old as her. I think she will live in There is also a lot of excitement, eliminating this house and our three old goods, Lao Chen, it is uncomfortable empty. “

Wu Daoquan put away the medicine mill and coughed, “Stay and live, and mention these old things and do a lot.”

At this point Zhou Xiaoxiao lived in Wu Zhai.

She is not eager to open a shop, visits the market every day, and tastes all kinds of local dim sum.

Then came the craftsmen to decorate the shop and create appliances.

In his spare time, he took all the energy of picking water and chopping firewood for Wu Zhai. He tried to make various kinds of noodles and invited Wu Yan and his wife to taste them.

Wu Yan packed up three meals a day and came to Zhou Xiaoxiao for food.

One to two, the two got closer and closer, it was the old Chen who saw Zhou Xiaoxiao also smiled accordingly.

But Wu Daoquan is still not cold or warm to Zhou Xiaoxiao, and Zhou Xiaoxiao does not care.

One day, Zhou Xiaoxiao got up early and filled the two water tanks first. I wandered around in the courtyard with nothing to do, watching the weapon in the courtyard feel itchy for a while, couldn’t help but take a stick and pat it up in the mind of Zhou’s father, and the dust was dancing in the courtyard for a while , He Hesheng wind, consciously relaxed, and proud.

Suddenly, “It’s messy, there’s a brute force in the air, but it’s useless.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao took hold and could not be annoyed. He smiled and said, “I learned three punches and two feet with my father when I was young. My father died prematurely, but it is not a rule. Since Wu Boshan used a gun stick, please advise me.”

Wu Daoquan didn’t say a word, went to the gun rack, held a stick in his hand, and stood up.

Zhou Xiaoxiao said, “I’m rude.”

Go straight to Wu Dao and leave it with nothing.

The stick was in the air, Zhou Xiaoxiao thought to himself that he was a strange force, and the old man was just a veteran medic. In case he pretended to be a straw bale in the depths, he overturned him with a stick, and Wu Yan’s face had to look bad, so I received seven or eight points of strength.

But I do n’t know how Wu Daoquan moved, Zhou Xiaoxiao just felt that his elbow was rubbed lightly. Suddenly, the entire right arm was sour and numb, he couldn’t hold the stick, and threw his hand on the ground.

Zhou Xiaoxiao was on the spot, with suspicion in his heart. After rubbing the arm for a while, picking up the stick, this time the stacking spirit, using a set of five plum stick method taught by Zhou Dujuan’s father. The stick trembled, and Yingying drew five sticks, just like a blooming white plum. Wuying Wuzhong disappeared silently, but there was a huge power hidden in the middle. Anyone who rubbed a little was uncomfortable.

However, the plum blossom was not fully opened, Zhou Xiaoxiao felt that his heel was hit hard, and suddenly he stood unstable and fell to the ground. Because of the excessive force in his hands, he couldn’t hold his body. This fall fell twice on the ground. Just got up.

Zhou Xiaoxiao climbed up, and turned around and worshiped: “The master is on top. The younger did not know the heights and heights of the sky. In the future, he will ask the master to correct him.”

Wu Dao didn’t answer, and went back to the house with his hands on his back. Zhou Xiaoxiao patted the soil on her body and followed behind. In the hall, I took a stool and invited Wu Daoquan to sit down. I worshiped for three weeks, and I respectfully brought a cup of tea.

Wu Daoquan didn’t pick up the tea, and groaned for a moment, “You are a girl, what do you do to learn to dance with a sword?”

Zhou Xiaoxiao’s people, whenever they really want something, it can be a hundred times more entangled than usual. This will be just like a mouthful of honey, and if it’s nice, open your mouth.

“Master, you do n’t have a boy in our family. You have the right to treat your disciples as men. Anyone who can learn the master ’s skills,” Zhou Xiaoxiao knelt down on the ground and held up his tea again and again. At that time, if some pickled thieves came to the door, the disciples would support the door, no need to be a master or a pro? “

“Xi Wu is not juggling, and can’t tolerate sneaky tricks.”

“If you are lazy, but punished by the master.”

“So,” Wu Daoquan just picked up the tea and took a sip. “Friday will be up tomorrow, waiting in the yard.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao was overjoyed. Since then, Wu Daoquan and his wife have been called masters and maids, and the two have salute. Wu Daoquan also taught Zhou Xiaoxiao eighteen martial arts from the beginning.

Wu Daoquan was really a martial artist when he was young. It is best to dance with a knife. He was recruited as a military doctor when he was enlisted in the army for generations. His martial arts were of little use. He had no children in his life. His only daughter was also at war when he was young. in. So when I first saw Zhou Xiaoxiao, she was strangely qualified, she was very good in qualifications, and was a good material for Xi Wu. Seeing Zhou Xiaoxiao now as a woman, she is not afraid of hardships, smart and eager to learn, but also happy in her heart, and she inevitably has a heart that teaches a unique skill.

Gossips and gossips, Zhou Xiaoxiao got up early to learn martial arts from this day. In the afternoon, he bought manpower, decorated the facade, prepared pastry shops, and flew away, the snow and ice melted, and the spring breeze started.

One day, Zhou Xiaoxiao carried two food containers to the General Mansion to pay a visit to General Xia Qinglian.

Xia Qinglian welcomed her into the room, held her hands warmly for a while, and looked at them for a while before the two sat down separately.

“It’s been a while, and my sister looked more and more energetic.”

“It is often I miss my sister. It is with these newly-made snacks that I specially invite my sister to taste a fresh one.” Zhou Xiaoxiao opened the food container and brought out a dappled black-glazed porcelain plate. “I also want to I will use the wife ’s golden mouth to give her a taste, so the younger sister can go back and improve it. “

On the black coarse porcelain plate, there are six exquisitely shaped cakes. They are delicate white plum-shaped, milky-skin-like autumn chrysanthemum shape, and mud-like jade tender leaves. The six cakes are small and exquisite. The shapes are different, and there is a hint of tenderness under the pink or translucent appearance, and a faint fragrance comes out.

At first, Xia Qinglian heard that Zhou Xiaoxiao was going to open a dim sum shop, but she didn’t really think so, but she thought it was just some rough cakes and hard cakes. At this sight, she was so surprised that she couldn’t help but be surprised.

“Unexpectedly, my sister has such a clever skill, which makes me hardly bear to eat them.”

“My sister was born in a family, I have never seen any kind of fine food. And don’t make fun of it, give it a try, give some advice is serious.”

Xia Qinglian stretched her fingers and nodded Zhou Xiaoxiao, and then smiled and twisted a plum-shaped dessert, and saw that the cake was clean and tender, with a realistic shape, as if snow had piled up in the first place. When I get to the entrance, I only feel the skin is fragrant and smooth, but the inset has a slightly sour and sweet refreshing taste. Xia Qinglian’s diet is light and light, not too sweet and sweet. This snack is just right to her appetite.

Yin asked, “The filling here is bergamot?”

“It’s the bergamot. After pickling, take its light taste to combine the sweetness in the cake. I wonder if it can be made?”

Xia Qinglian nodded, but said in her heart, unexpectedly that this younger sister had such a skill, not to blame her for standing on her own. It’s a little embarrassing to her.

I picked up the piece of cake that was pink and tender and shaped like a leaf. It was originally a common mung bean cake. The taste is no different from what is popular nowadays, but the texture is particularly delicate, the mouth is more sweet after eating, and it has a sense of refreshing heart and lungs.

Xia Qinglian paused and said, “It’s really good. It’s novel and old-fashioned, but what’s the point?”

“This set of cakes has a total of 12 types. Because of the seasonal flowers and fruits such as roses, white lotus, bergamot, mung bean, etc., a common name is called December flower **** cake. It is intended to be the main food in the store .So my name is also called December Bakery. “

“It’s a name that is both elegant and popular. You have a clever hand and a bright mind. It seems that I don’t have to worry about you.”

“Well, I’m here to ask my sister for help.” Zhou Xiaoxiao opened the second floor of the food box, took out a plate, and said, “These snacks are quite laborious in terms of workmanship. If they are in the market, I ’m afraid it ’s powerless. I only hope that the ladies and wives of the big families in Fengxiang City can favor one or two in order to have the hope of maintaining it. ”

Xia Qinglian glanced at her with a smile and went to see the dish first, and saw that the dish was still displaying six snacks, three meringues and three milk crusts, round and square. The first pastry, round and smooth, was covered with a golden oil crust and sesame seeds. Seeing that it was a bit cute, Xia Qinglian held a small silver knife to cut the cross, and saw that the outer layer was stacked with crusts thin like cicada wings, and the middle was delicate red bean paste, but the inset was a Salted egg yolk with oil.

“Oh, girl Zhou’s ingenious thought, it is rare to use egg yolks for filling.” The big girl who was waiting in the room couldn’t help but praise.

Oh, I have n’t even seen the Qinglian family. It seems that in this era, dim sum and Cantonese-style moon cakes have n’t appeared in me, but Zhou Xiaoxiao thought.

Xia Qinglian tasted a piece and passed the rest to the girls to share the food, and everyone praised it.

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