Heroine Saves A Gentleman

Chapter 11

When Zhou Xiaoxiao woke up, she found herself lying on a large bed with complicated patterns.

On the bed were elegant ink tents and quilted satin mattresses. She opened her eyes and two young girls opened the curtain and asked softly. There was also an older aunt who came forward lightly to check her injuries.

The grandma is not tall, combing a smooth round jacket, wearing plain and simple clothes, with kind eyes, she touches Zhou Xiaoxiao’s forehead with dry and warm palms. Only then turned back and instructed: “Quickly go to the general and his wife, the girl woke up.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao wanted to speak, only to find that the throat was dry and painful as if smoked, and his body was generally weak.

The uncle held Zhou Xiaoxiao in her mouth and said, “The girl is restless and lay down, so you know that you just earned a life from Yan Luo just after turning around at Guimenguan. This will be turned back. move?”

She took a thin bowl of rice soup from the girl, and slowly fed Zhou Xiaoxiao a few spoonfuls.

Zhou Xiaoxiao just took a breath and felt that she had a bit more fireworks.

Zhou Xiaoxiao nodded slightly at her, showing a questioning expression.

“The girl is now in General Dingyuan’s house. The old man ’s family name is Wu, a Langzhong who specializes in trauma. His wife has learned a little bit of fur for decades. The girl was injured on the shoulder, and the doctor was inconvenient to diagnose and treat. Female doctor, I will go to the house to take care of the girl’s injury. Just call me Wu Yan. “

Zhou Xiaoxiao asked Yu Xingzhi with his mouth.

The Wu Yan replied: “The girl wants to ask the situation of Wu Wuye, so that the girl can rest assured that Wuye and you are both big and fateful. That day, Wu Wuye took you with you. In General’s Mansion, you and your two are covered in blood, and you are so frightened that everyone is panicked. Wu Ye’s injuries are complex, and you can fight for the inconvenience of Fengxiang, a remote place. He will arrange a handcart to **** him back to Beijing. Yes. The girl has been unconscious for more than half a month. The other day, Tokyo has written to inform Wuye of his injuries. It is not a problem to think that the Kyoto Xinglin is full of sacred hands. The girl is traumatized and should not be moved, so she will stay here to raise her. More secure. The general and his wife have invited the surgical sacred hand over here, and they specially took the old students to take care of them. It ’s pitiful to see me, I ’m blessed, but I hope you wake up. ”

When Zhou Xiaoxiao heard that Yu Xingzhi was all right, he felt relieved. She even grinned at the good-looking Wu Jiayi.

It was a cheerful and strong child, Wu Min thought.

Her husband was a military doctor under the father-in-law and followed the old father-in-law for many years. After he was retired, he could not let go of his robe and loneliness under his knees. He had no wife and no relatives, so he brought his wife here in Fengxiang. Rooted and opened a medical clinic that specializes in treating injuries caused by falls.

The lieutenant general often came to his house whenever there was a high mountain or low water. After the second grandfather of the Yu family took over the garrison here, he had frequent exchanges.

His family and Yu’s family have this origin, so this time they asked her to do so, they did not shirk, and they also took special care of Zhou Xiaoxiao.

I was talking here, and I heard someone outside the house say, “Mrs. is here.”

Immediately, a little girl opened the curtain, and saw a few girl-in-laws embracing a person to enter the door. This man did not see much luxury, but he had his own magnificence.

Zhou Xiaoxiao knew that this was General Dingyuan’s wife, Xia Qinglian, the second son of Yu Xingzhi.

But seeing her face is like a full moon, her skin is slick, her eyebrows are mild, and her eyes are amiable.

Although walking hurriedly, the skirt was not at all chaotic, like a lotus step. She sat down beside the bed and inquired. Raise your hands and raise your feet, every time you sit and move, there is a clear knowledge of the poem family.

This is the young lady from the ancient clan. In the legend, the ladylike style of everyone can be seen with her own eyes. Zhou Xiaoxiao expressed her conviction.

However, she couldn’t get up and could only smile a little to thank him.

A moment later, two women-in-laws brought up a screen and placed it securely, so they invited a doctor.

The doctor inquired carefully across the screen, and Wu Jiazheng uncovered the wounded package and examined it again and again.

Fu has another girl-in-law laying down her flower tent and holding a pillow, only to let Zhou Xiaoxiao stretch out an arm, and cover her palm with a pat, exposing her veins.

Only then did the gentleman turn around the screen, and after a careful consultation, he got up and saluted each other with Xia Qinglian.

Xia Qinglian said: “Mr. also asked outsiders to speak, and the general was waiting outside.” The doctor said in a dare and quit the room.

Outside, a man murmured in a low voice: “Mr. You, please have tea here.” But it was Yu Xingzhi’s second brother, Yu Xingyi was outside.

After this tedious process came down, Zhou Xiaoxiao wanted to cry without tears.

I have trauma, arrow injury, penetrating injury.

Brothers and sisters, the doctor is only able to touch his wrists with a few layers of clothes. It is a miracle. No wonder my coma is half a month.

Zhou Xiaoxiao groaned back and forth several times in her heart, comforting herself, as she passed through, she could only go to the countryside to follow the customs, and when she came, she would get used to it.

Fortunately, there is this Wu Jiazheng, probably because he is quite old, and has been with the husband who has been a military doctor for many years. His ears and eyes are really handy, and the dressing change looks like a decent look.

Xia Qinglian looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao and looked upset. She also said that she was worried about the injury, so she comforted her with words, and said that she just rested there peacefully. If the girl-in-law didn’t tell her carefully, she just wanted to use whatever she wanted. Say something.

Zhou Xiaoxiao was grateful for her mild words and sincere heart. Xia Qinglian comforted for a while, fearing that Zhou Xiaoxiao was thinking about burnout, and only then led everyone away. Wu Yan and a few maids were left to look after her.

At this point, Zhou Xiaoxiao was recuperated in the General’s Mansion.

Gossip breaks, more than a month in a blink of an eye.

Due to the careful care in the Fuzhong, coupled with Zhou Xiaoxiao’s strong bones, less than a month, he recovered as before.

About all kinds of nourishing foods are used much more, and they don’t need to work in the wind and the sun. The color is more fair and shiny than before the injury, and Rong Guanghuan started. Living in Fuchu and the wife of the general also get along well, the two are daily sisters.

One day, General Dingyuan Yu Xingyi’s barracks ended at noon, returned to the mansion, and saw his wife Xia Qinglian sitting in the room, holding a letter, frowning between her brows, seemingly worried.

Then he asked, “Where is the trouble of my wife?

Xia Qinglian handed a letter: “Today, my mother sent me a home letter, but it was difficult for the slave family to have a good life.”

After reading the letter, Yu Xingyi frowned.

Xia Qinglian considered and said, “The five uncles have always been gentle and courteous. They have never heard of any slight rebellion. I do not know why they have angered my mother here? There is almost no room.”

“The situation in the DPRK and China is so urgent that I have the mood to think about these birds. They are really …” Yu Xingyi closed his mouth, one was Gao Tang, the other was a younger brother, and the swear words used in the military camp had to be turned back, “First No matter what his mother thinks, what do you think of this girl Zhou?

“If it is only about character, Sister Zhou is very special.” Xia Qinglian thought for a while. “None of the women she knows is as hearty as she is, but she is not vulgar and rude. I have a relationship with her for more than a month. A bit of a deed. “

“Mrs. is very pure and honest, and I rarely see you complimenting others. In that case, I am writing a letter to reply to my mother. After the fifth brother picks up his wife in the future, we will send the girl Zhou to Beijing for a few tables of wine and hire as good friends. That’s it. After all, there is a life-saving grace in front of him, and his province is left out. “

Xia Qinglian couldn’t help laughing, she knew her husband was a bit slow in these areas: “If it was just a good job, why not. Isn’t the husband carefully reading the letter?”

“Marriage is the result of the two surnames, respecting the words of the parents’ matchmaker. The five younger brothers are the sister-in-law of the government of our country, and both have their own deeds. How to marry the people is ridiculous! His rebellious words, Hugh wants to mention it again. It is expected that he was just a young man for a while and was not ignorant of world affairs. His mother was too nervous, and his fifth brother was sensible since he was a child.

“I do n’t think so, and Wu Shu is considered to have grown up from a young age. Everyone said that he was gentle and gentle, but he did n’t know that he had pride in his heart. He was a hard-working character. Change. “Xia Qinglian frowned.” Not to mention, this week, the girl is afraid not to hesitate. “

Yu Xingyi was displeased: “Can it be that she is still looking forward to being the foremost grandma of our government?”

Xia Qinglian reached out her finger and nodded her husband’s forehead, and said with a smile: “Did you think that only men in the state government can marry? Would you like to find another good person and be a flat-headed couple, a lady in the house?”

“Can she think about it?”

“According to the observations over the period of time, Girl Zhou is so.”

“Since this is the case, I’m annoyed by my wife to accompany her to see her. Aside from this matter, after all, she gave her life to save her five brothers. I need to thank her in person.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao lived in General’s Mansion these days, but never saw General Dingyuan Yu Xingyi himself.

On this day, Mrs. General’s wife was invited personally, and General Dao met.

She rectified her dress, followed Xia Qinglian all the way, walked to the main room, and entered the main hall.

I saw an eight-foot-long official standing in the room, wearing a silver-patterned tunic, gold crown, hair, ape-arm bee waist, and his face was similar to Yu Xingzhi’s, but added a bit of fighting spirit.

Zhou Xiaoxiao knew that this was Yu Xingzhi’s second brother Yu Xingyi, who was about to cross his arms and salute, but was supported by Xia Qinglian. Please sit in the middle of the hall.

Then Yu Xingyi pushed Jinshan down to Yuzhu and turned to worship for six.

Zhou Xiaoxiao was startled and was about to help each other. Suddenly there was a flash of light in his mind, and he instantly understood the meaning of this move.

If Yu Xingzhi and I can continue to communicate with each other, his family would not be like this. Since his elder brother is a member of the Sanpin family and worships, then there is the meaning of liquidation and love.

After thinking about this festival, Zhou Xiaoxiao slowly sat down and accepted the six gifts. Then she stretched out her hands and promised: “The generals did this gift, and the slave family could suffer. I’m sorry. “

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