Heroine Saves A Gentleman

Chapter 10

The two walked slowly along the way, and finally reached outside Fengyang City, in the distance is the towering ancient city wall, on both sides of the road is a water village, a large white reeds swaying along the way. Both felt relieved.

All because of Yu Xingzhi’s second brother Yu Xingyi was stationed here, and he served as commander of Sanpinwei and was awarded the rank of General Dingyuan.

Yu Xingzhi’s family is prominent, his father Yu Dunsu is defending Guogong with Wuxun, and his eldest brother Yu Xingyong is the son of Guo Gongfu. The Yu family has five brothers Yu Xingzhixing in five rows at the end, four brothers and two sisters.

Chatting along the way, Zhou Xiaoxiao Fang knew Yu Xingzhi’s encounters this time, all due to one person.

It was he who grew up reading the emperor’s six son Cheng Shizhao.

The mother of six princes Guo Dafei and Yu mother are compatriot sisters. Guo Dafei died young early, leaving her only young son.

Cheng Shizhao was lost in his childhood, his mother was not prominent, and he was not holy. His young age was very difficult in the palace.

Mother Yu and her sisters loved each other, and did their best to take care of Cheng Shizhao in her childhood, and she sent her young son to the palace to become the companion of the sixth prince. The two cousins ​​worshiped and studied together under the name of today’s great Confucian Song Ziwen, so they were very close.

Cheng Shizhao and his cousin Yu Wulang are similar in age and complementary in temperament. Both of them are outstanding in appearance and stop being romantic. They were once known as the capital of Beijing.

Cheng Shizhao was lost in her childhood. She was not noticeable among the princes at first, and she was quite cynical. She had no expertise except she liked to mess with flowers and mingle with people who were sacred to the third religion.

Who knew that as he grew older, he began to show off.

In the eleventh year of the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, Cheng Shizhao and his eldest brother Wu Wang Cheng Shizhang expeditioned the Huns, three battles and three victorious battles, showing their extraordinary military talents.

In the thirteenth year of the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, he was ordered to lead the Henan and Shanxi Guards with the Guardian to embark on the city fortification and consolidate the border defense.

In the fifteenth year of the Jin Yuan Dynasty, he was named the King of Yan because of his repeated achievements, and he became a hot prince from the idle prince.

The king of Yan, with his eyebrows sharpened, looking forward to majesty, has a stark contrast between the court hall and the princely Prince of the Palace. In recent years, King Yan has been jeopardized by the East Palace.

Wu Yingdian University’s Shilin Yuanyuan is the first powerful person of His Majesty the Prince of the Palace. His son Lin Bingren has always been vicious and fierce, so he used a trick to draw a salary at the bottom of the pot. He secretly arranged the kidnapping of the government mansion and the youngest king The closest five sons, threatened all the way to Chuanshu, secretly imprisoned, and tortured himself, in an attempt to force him to write a letter to the enemy and sell the country, in order to slander the Yan king.

“The tree wants to be quiet but the wind is not endless. This time when we go back, there will be a gust of wind again in the middle of Beijing. Brother Shizhao just wants to retreat and he has no way out.” Yu Xingzhi sighed gently in the carriage.

“Into Fengxiang City, to find your second elder brother, General Dingyuan, our safety is at least worry-free. The strings that have been tightened all the way in my mind can finally be loosened.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao casually talked in the carriage and carriage.

Her mood was relaxed, and the battle between the superstructures seemed to her like a page in a history textbook, both remote and impractical.

She felt that after sending Yu Xingzhi into the city, she probably had nothing to do with herself, and the sky would be sad and sad, and the cross-class love story between the two would be sad.

He was drowsily drowsing, and suddenly there was a loud breaking sound behind him.

Zhou Xiaoxiao felt like he was hit hard with a heavy hammer.

Immediately, a pain came, and she almost dropped off the horse.

A sharp arrow hit her in the back, passing by.

I am hitting an arrow! She suddenly realized.

Almost at the same time, several sharp arrows came out of the air, and they were nailed to the carriage.

There was a killing sound on both sides of the road.

It turned out that the security along the way was an illusion, and the people who pursued them were lying in an ambush where they had to pass, waiting for the rabbits.

Zhou Xiaoxiao reluctantly gritted his teeth to turn the horse’s head, rushed down the road, and rushed toward the patch of reeds on the side of the road.

Only rushing into the reeds and sneaking from the waterway, there is still a vitality!

Zhou Dujuan’s physique was originally strong and strong, and her nerves were thick. If it was the original Zhou Dujuan, even if she hit an arrow, she could support it for a period of time.

Unfortunately, the sister-in-law replaced Zhou Xiaoxiao’s soul, which was a spoiled master who had not eaten hard. This arrow shot through the shoulder from the back, hurting her three souls and seven souls, and her eyes were black and faint. .

Fortunately, Yu Xingzhi quickly got out of the car, supported her from behind and took the reins in time.

When Zhou Xiaoxiao reluctantly gathered her consciousness from the pain, she found herself and Yu Xingzhi half-immersed in the cold river water, hiding in a dense thicket of reeds by the river. Yu Xingzhi held her and held her upper body water surface.

There was a lot of noise around, and apparently a large number of hunters were searching for the two in close proximity, and the situation was extremely critical.

It turned out that Lin Bingren came with such a hand. Presumably, he had to ambush people on the main road in Fengxiang and Kyoto and waited for them to be hooked.

Zhou Xiaoxiao and Yu Xingzhi, a modern woman and a master of the government, have no experience in rivers and lakes. After all, they crashed into the net with no preparation.

It hurts, and there was severe pain in my shoulder.

It hurts. Zhou Xiaoxiao thought in pain.

I died in the last life, and now I still have to suffer this kind of crime again. It seems that I am about to die again soon.

What’s the point of my reincarnation here? Just for me to rescue a handsome guy?

From her perspective, she saw Yu Xingzhi frowning, listening to the movement of his ears, and the masseter muscles of his jaw tightened tightly. The sweat gathered along his cheeks and dropped down.

Zhou Xiaoxiao raised her hand and touched Yu Xingzhi’s sweaty face.

Yu Xingzhi, who was concentrating on alertness, immediately looked back.

His eyes are so beautiful, with a humorous shape, thick eyelashes, and the eyes seem to be full of stars and seas, staring at his own eyes so tenderly, mixed with soothing, encouraging, angry, and regretful emotions.

Ugh. Forget it, it is better for one person to die than two. Since they have deliberately crossed over, they can’t even report back without doing a good job.

Zhou Xiaoxiao was overwhelmed by the beauty, preparing to sacrifice herself once as great as described in the book.

She wanted to shout, you go here I stand.

Of course she knew it might not be useful to say so. Yu Xingzhi is not a person who can be easily persuaded. Even if you want to die first, it is not easy.

“Let me down, you run away.” She reached out and blocked Yu Xingzhi’s anxious mouth, “Don’t worry, you just listen to me first.”

She took a breath, holding back the pain, trying to make herself clear and not too loud.

“I think you may have noticed. I … I’m not a person in this world.”

As soon as this word came out, Yu Xingzhi’s eyes were instantly frozen, and he whispered in a husky voice, “Don’t say it.”

“No, you listen carefully. I’m not the same as you. I won’t die. I should say that although I will die, I can live somewhere else. It’s … a bit like your legendary borrowing.”

“Do you understand? As long as you keep yourself alive, as long as you don’t die, we will still have a chance to meet.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao felt that she was like a fox spirit in a ghost and a stranger. She shielded the crises close by in this cold pool, touching the scholar’s face, and whispering to the scholar to put down the holy book, believing that she was dead. Can be resurrected, and then talk about the ghost words of the afterlife.

She took out the best acting in her life, seemingly indifferent to the wind, and she was full of numeracy. She was so clever as to deceive to persuade this clever and stubborn man.

Sorry, I actually lied to you, maybe this death is over, maybe I ca n’t return to you even if I cross it again. But I really want you to live.

I beg you to let go of my own life.

Suddenly a drop of water hit Zhou Xiaoxiao’s face.

She frowned and touched her face.

Transparent teardrops fell from the air, flickered in the sun, and shattered on her face.

Once, again.

Why did he cry, I haven’t even cried myself.

Yu Xingzhi showed a sad and painful look on his face: “Since you say you won’t die, try to go together.”

Waiting for her to react, Yu Xingzhi put the prepared hollow reed rods into the two populations, hug her tightly with her arms, and sink into the water together.

Before the bitter cold lake submerged himself, Zhou Xiaoxiao heard the man cry with a slight crying voice in his ear.

“Please, bear with me for a while. Be sure to hold it for me. Don’t die.”

The dim, cold lake water drowned her body instantly, drowning her senses.

She wanted to say,

I want to dive out of here and take me with an injury. How can I do it?

Too stupid……

But the murmur of the lake made her speechless.

The huge pain from her back drove her completely into the abyss of coma.

In the chaos, I could only feel the arms clinging to her arms tightly, like a line hovering a kite. When her soul floated in the world, she always pulled her in time to let her return. The ground does not completely dissipate between heaven and earth.

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