Heroine Saves A Gentleman

Chapter 1

In the coldest month, snowflakes fell from the sky.

In the snow-capped mountain stream, there is a mountain house for wealthy people’s summer shelter.

The manor, which should have been left alone in the winter, is now anomalous.

Li Yan put his hands in the sleeves of his cotton clothes, narrowed his neck and ran all the way into the kitchen.

“It’s up. The sneaking all day long. Grandpa needs water for a while, so hurry up.”

A unkempt figure sat on the pile of firewood.

This man’s eyes were dull, and two mules were combed randomly on top of his head. They were covered with a few straws. His tanned face had two thick red loquats like many hunters in the north.邋里邋遢 can’t see his true colors.

She turned down from the haystack, and uncovered the large lids of the two back pots on the stove, and filled with two large barrels of half-height wooden barrels.

Picking one shoulder, through the falling snow courtyard, along the veranda towards the East Chamber.

She is thin, but walks fast and steady, and the weight of two buckets of water seems to be worthless to her.

Dongxiang’s atrium greeted a handsome young man. The little uncle nodded at her: “Ajuan, you can come in.” The uncle put down his shoulder, a big bucket in one hand, raised his arms flat, and walked into the house lightly.

“This girl has a lot of strength, but unfortunately her mind is stupid.” Xiaoyan stunned.

The atrium is connected to the chamber, which is the place for the owner to bathe and change clothes. There is a carved bath barrel in the center of the room, and pancreas towel screens and other items are smoking cigarettes. Nothing is not exquisite.

Cuckoo lowered the bucket, and a pair of bright eyes in the tangled bangs looked around. If there were anyone in the room at this moment, I would be surprised how this silly girl would have a different and handsome look than usual.

As everyone knows, three weeks ago, the 21st century young female Zhou Xiaoxiao was wearing this, and the cuckoo, who had been demented for more than ten years, seemed like a maggot, and in the past sixteen years, it was suddenly bright.

The two souls merged into one, and Zhou Xiaoxiao, who merged the memories of the two, often felt confused at first, wondering whether Xiaoxiao crossed the cuckoo body or whether the cuckoo awakened Xiaoxiao’s memory.

It took three months to get used to it.

Zhou Xiaoxiao poured hot water into the tub while listening to the sound of whipping coming from the leather whip next door. Secretly murmured in my heart, thinking that these ancients are really abnormal, and when they find a good time, they must leave this place secretly, some other way.

At this moment, the previous junior entered and said impatiently: “But I was so frustrated that I poured boiling water into the tub quickly, and the uncle sweated and was going to bathe later. You ran into the uncle, and you must be involved. Eat a good meal. “

Talking to command Zhou Xiaoxiao to move to the side of the water tank, scoop the cold water by himself to debug the water temperature.

Zhou Xiaoxiao only lowered his eyebrows, made a silly look, and acted according to his instructions.

Being busy, the wooden door connecting the compartments was pushed open.

A burly man with a bare upper body dragged a bruised man and strode in. The man who came was Lin Bingren, the eldest son of Lin’s government. He held the man with the whip marks on the ground and grabbed his hair again.

The man was forced to raise his face. Although he was in such a embarrassing situation, he still could see that he was a young man with a clear face.

Zhou Xiaoxiao pretends to be stupid and slowly exits the house. As soon as I closed the door, I saw Lin Bingren pushing the man’s head and face into the water tank, and he scolded: “If you don’t agree, don’t blame me for handing you over to my second brother. You look right. He has an appetite, and when he says that he should n’t do it every day, he does n’t know how to do it. Even men ca n’t do it. He only has the right to use it as a woman, but do n’t regret it! “

Zhou Xiaoxiao closed the door and lowered his eyebrows all the way back to the kitchen. A brain lying on the pile of firewood, cursing in his heart, is really the three fathers and sons of the beast, the two perverted brothers. Such a handsome young man fell into the hands of the two of them, afraid that they would not be able to live a few days.

The Lin family is a big family here, and many of them are noble.

Among them, Lin Yuanmao, the master of this house, is a master of Wuyingdian University and a master prince. He has gained power in the middle of North Korea. The vast mansion in Lintong City below the mountain is the old mansion of Linfu. The courtyard is of special use.

It is not like the other courts that are noble officials to use for summer heat entertainment. Zhou Dujuan, who has lived here for a long time, knows that Lin’s court is always used to do some private and private activities.

For example, Lin Bingren, the eldest son of Lin Yuanyuan at the moment, is tortured and tortured a prisoner who was secretly held here for more than ten days.

In a modern society with a stable legal system, Zhou Xiaoxiao came into a backward and barbaric ancient environment, and was naturally displeased with this kind of life-threatening matter.

This Lin Yuanmao was an official in the dynasty. His eldest son, Lin Bingren, looked like a magnificent man, but in fact it was dark and poisonous. He secretly did not know how many evil things he had done for his father.

The second son, Lin Bingzhi, who lives in a nearby city, is a sister-in-law and has the habit of breaking his sleeve. This person is extravagant and sexually abusive, relying on the power of his family to bully men and women against the countryside.

Zhou Xiaoxiao thought about the various abuses that the young man would encounter, and couldn’t help but sigh.

However, at this time, he was still unable to gain a foothold, and was unable to worry about the life and death of an ancient man.

Zhou Xiaoxiao died in a previous life. Disappointed with human nature, consciously dead, blood is cold. Cynical, this life is only willing to be a cold person.

So with a few sighs, she warned herself to be indifferent, set aside this matter, and started to deduce her escape plan. Naturally, she was unwilling to sell silly life in such a sinister house. Slowly planned to escape from here.

Two small crickets dragged a comatose person, who had just been punished.

The man was covered in stains and wounded. He was stumped on the snow at the back door of the kitchen, leaving two little urns to wash him with cold water.

Seeing him silent, a small cricket kicked him and muttered, “Willn’t he die?”

“Can’t die, it’s nothing because he’s dead. Is there a small number of people walking under the uncle?” The other answered.

“This mountain is really a cold individual, and regardless of it, you and my brother go and get some hot wine and use it.”

“Cuckoo, scrub this cricket again, and look into the room, my brothers will come a little.”

“It’s freezing this day, and there are so many people in the village, explaining what they are doing, and afraid to run away? Hurry and walk.”

The two walked away. Zhou Xiaoxiao jumped from the haystack and turned the person on the snow.

The ice and snow fluttered, revealing a bright moon-like, spring-fairy moon-god-like face.

Everyone loves beauty, and the sick and the weak are more pitiful. Zhou Xiaoxiao is no exception.

Seeing his face pale and frowning, Zhou Xiaoxiao couldn’t help showing pity in his heart, and his actions were quite gentle.

She had amazing arm strength, gently lifted a person, and placed it in a warm place near the stove.

Bring warm water and carefully wipe off the blood around you. It’s just that his body is scarred and scarce, so he has nowhere to start. Zhou Xiaoxiao tried to pack up.

He also saw that his wrists were tightly tied with twine and that he was blackened and swollen. Then he gently untied the rope and took off the blood-soaked hemp rope, revealing a pair of terrible wrists.

Zhou Xiaoxiao drank a hot towel and carefully applied it to that wrist.

Suddenly a low throat sound was heard, and she raised her head and bumped into a pair of slowly opened eyes. The eyes waved like Jiang Xin soaked into the moon, and she looked at her like this.

She was swept away by this gaze, and suddenly felt that her heartbeat missed two beats.

Oops, this face value is too high.

Zhou Xiaoxiao knew that he was a face-lifter.

Busy meditation back and forth in my heart several times: Don’t miss beauty, and don’t miss beauty.

Warn yourself that this is an ancient indifference to legal consciousness, don’t inexplicably lose your life for irrelevant people.

Only then cleared out the cold-hearted.

Imitating the way people talk, “I just give you a little bit of slackness, and you need to tie it up a little bit. You don’t have to think about running away. This yard is like an iron barrel, and there are thousands of miles of snow in the outside, and it is difficult to fly. Do n’t be able to run by yourself, you have to burn me with water. ”The man did n’t answer, and looked around, then frowned and closed his eyes.

Zhou Xiaoxiao saw that he didn’t change anything. Thinking about this person’s state, even if he wanted to run, he could not be his opponent, so he felt relieved.

Find a piece of **** in the kitchen and smash it, then go to the cabinet and touch a piece of brown sugar, and cook a bowl of thick brown sugar **** water together.

Heat it into the bowl and help the person get up: “Come. Get rid of the cold. Make up for it while nobody sees it. Drink it soon.”

Feed him slowly. The man finished his drink, sighed, looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao, and said nothing.

Zhou Xiaoxiao didn’t care about him either. He took a cold parchment, replaced the hot towel, and alternately applied it to the man’s wrist to promote blood circulation and stasis.

I was busy, and suddenly I heard a low voice: “Thank you.”

Although the voice was extremely low and light, Zhou Xiaoxiao was sure she heard her. She didn’t show her voice, but couldn’t help feeling: “This ancient man is different. In this case, you can still remember to be polite.”

It is estimated that the caretaker is about to return. Zhou Xiaoxiao picked up the twine again, and bound it back as it was. The man did not resist and let her do it.

The hands were tied like this again, the blood was blocked, and I was afraid it would be waste.

Zhou Xiaoxiao thought this way, and couldn’t help but loosen and loosen the hemp rope, only about to tie it up.

She filled the stove with firewood and let the man lie by the warm stove. Lie back on the pile of firewood in the corner and read the sentence: “Please ask for blessing, I can only do this.”

It didn’t take long for someone to take him away.

Zhou Xiaoxiao clutched the straw, leaned Erlang’s legs, and lay on the haystack in the corner with her eyes closed. While scolding the dark old society in my heart, I silently begged the gods and Buddhas from all walks of life to wear themselves back to the good times of the new century.

The daddy of this body of Zhou Xiaoxiao was originally Lin Fu’s one-week nursing home. In his later years, he had a daughter named Cuckoo. Who knows that this woman is cautious and insane, and foolish and silly, but there is a peculiar thing is that she is born with natural divine power.

Zhou Lao’s wife died early, was bored in her later years, and enjoyed teaching her daughter to practice martial arts. Although Cuckoo was stupid, Xi Wu had no talent. Although he could not learn the profound mystery, he was very handy when walking through the forest and hunting and picking treasure .

Zhou Lao only taught her superficial moves casually, often taking her hunting in the forest, chatting and comforting her loneliness in her old age.

After the death of Zhou Zhou, the host still remembers the old feelings and still allows her to do some superficial energy work in other hospitals. She also runs around the mountain in her free time. She can always catch some wild game birds back, which is amazing. .

Rhododendron mixed in this mountain forest from an early age, very familiar with this snow mountain.

Previously, she stumbled upon a cave in the mountain. The entrance was small and secret. There was no place in the cave. This hole is unknown.

After Zhou Xiaoxiao crossed, the cuckoo’s memory was fused. Make no arrangements for this cave.

She stole a few grains of rice from the kitchen several times and hid it here, because the cuckoo was a habitual fool who hadn’t noticed, but it wasn’t found, and accumulated a lot of materials in the cave.

Zhou Xiaoxiao was lying on the haystack, with silent calculations in his heart. He had learned about the life habits of the locals over the past three months and imitated them. The ants had accumulated a lot of food in the cave as well as some daily necessities.

Since she came, she has deliberately hunted down many exotic animals.

Most of the valuables are hidden in the hole, peeled and dried, or simply made. Now there are many velvet mink and even tiger skin and tiger bone in the hole. Just pick up a little and take it back to the villa.

Now I just need to be patient until Lin Bingren leaves. It is customary that if the owner of the villa leaves, there will be several subordinates on duty.

At that time, I took the opportunity to go into the mountain alone, and I couldn’t hide from this hole.

The Zhuangli people couldn’t find her, so she should have died unexpectedly in the mountains, but a silly orphan girl, no one would have minded.

Hidden for a few days, and then came out of the cave, disguised as a hunter in the mountain, went to the village below the mountain to sell fur and prey, put in a few dollars, and entered the hinterland of the Central Plains through Lucheng, and another livelihood.

Leaving this dirt-sucking place, an ordinary person will go freely.

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