Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 20 - Bison (Part 2)

The bisons in this world look very similar to the bisons on earth. Generally, the adult bisons are about 2 meters long, with thick and sharp horns. The only difference is that their body hair is not as dark as the earth bison. On the contrary, under the sun, their fur will show a moving smooth texture, like golden brocade, beautiful and beautiful Gorgeous eyes.

It is precisely because of this beautiful fur that has brought such animals endless disasters. The fur made from this beautiful fur is much cheaper than fur made from other animals, so it has always been favored by some serious women in the family.

The meat quality of bison is also more delicious than that of domestic cattle. Therefore, under the heavy money, people often go to the forest to hunt. However, trying to catch a bison is not a very easy task.

First of all, although the bison inhabit the outer periphery of the forest, they usually move in small groups in the forest, at least no less than 10 per group. Secondly, although they are mostly in the morning and evening, or at night, and rest in the shade during the day, but their sense of smell and hearing are extremely sensitive, although their temperament is docile, they are not afraid when they meet the enemy. If you find someone approaching, you will quickly escape. When being shot and injured or forced into a desperate situation, it will become fierce and attack people. Therefore, the people who hunt bison are usually some warriors whose lives are below level six. No matter how bad, it is also a strong hunter with rich hunting experience.

Little boys like Fafer and Romon, not to mention hunting a bison, even hunting animals smaller than the bison ’s body, will also become the object of surprise to others.

However, at this time, Fafer and Romon had no time to think about this. They were lying in the grass, their eyes tightly locked on the bison drinking by the river.

Although there is not much hunting experience, it does not mean that they do not see the strength of these three bison. The action is a bit slow, the whole looks a little weak, plus there are only three together, obviously a weak bison who has fallen behind! What’s more, it’s still one big and two small!

The two looked at each other, and both saw surprise in the other’s eyes.

“Romon, it’s three bison who have dropped out of the team! We can send it this time!” Faffer’s excited little face turned red, as if he had seen a big gong silver coin in front of him. He happily touched the arrow behind him and started shooting with a bow, but was stopped by Romon on the side.

“Don’t move first.” Luo Meng looked at the three bison still drinking water by the river and whispered. “It’s hard to meet the bison who have lost the team, but you can’t scare them away.”

He licked some of his dry lips, and then said: “At such a long distance, the effect of using an arrow may not be very good. In this way, I touched it and gave the big sudden blow, the two small ones, just I ’m handing it to you, do n’t you bring the rope. If you catch them alive, you can tie them back and bring them back. The live bison is more expensive, and although it ’s not a problem to kill the adult cattle, it ’s too small to kill Just do n’t kill … “

Said that Fafer was not allowed to object at all, he leaned down the grass, carefully leaned towards the three bison.

Got closer to him and found out that the two calves seemed to have been born shortly before, and when drinking water, their four legs were slightly shaking.

The adult bison is also a weak look, all wounds are covered with scars, and it is also purulent. Obviously, because of the lagging behind and the protection of the bison, it also encountered a heavy killer-any carnivore They are all interested in such a single cow, and they don’t know how many fights it has passed.

When Luo Meng leaned over, he had just finished drinking water, flicking his tail weakly and walking towards the shore.

good chance!

Romon gripped the sword in his hand tighter, and walked towards it more lightly. This sword is the one used by blacksmith Lao Weier. Although it may be more appropriate to use a machete when hunting, but in this world, weapons are not cheap, plus he also has a debt of hundreds of silver coins. Therefore, at the moment, this sword can only be used.

As for taking out the machete in the space, this is not allowed, not to mention, although the machete is easier to use when hunting, but for a person who currently only knows how to use swords, using a sword can protect him more.

Because Romon is a druid, he naturally carries a natural and peaceful atmosphere, which is not only useful for plants, but also very useful for paralyzing animals. After all, who would be wary of a plant? Therefore, when he slowly came out of the grass and walked towards the bison, because the bison was facing away from him, at the beginning, he was not noticed by the bison.

Until he had come to the front, raised his sword, and the sudden burst of murderous intention finally let the adult bison discover the danger, and he wanted to escape, but how could Romon release it? Take such a prey!

Raised his sword and slammed the sword on the bison. The weapon was good and the penetration was very deep. The bison screamed loudly and turned it over.

Romon was taken aback and jumped away quickly. His extraordinary agility exploded here.

Just a few steps away, Luo Meng realized that because of the scars, the movement of this bison was already very slow and slow, but kept making a sad crowing sound

Romon immediately threw himself up, constantly filling his sword, blood splashed, and finally, the cow shed a big tear, obviously knowing that his death time has come

Seeing these tears, Luo Meng violently moved, but when he thought of Nick, he hardened his heart again, pierced it with a sword, and penetrated the heart of the cow.

Luomon looked at the fallen cow on the ground and was satisfied with the strength he had gained from practicing swordsmanship these days. He wiped a few drops of blood on his body.

Fixed these, he stood up, and just saw Fafer holding two small bison and came over with a smile.

Then, the two of them were busy together, peeling off the skin of the bison in place. At the same time, put the beef that has been divided into several large pieces into a burlap bag prepared in advance.

Luo Meng did n’t want to throw these things into his own space more easily, but now he is not alone. Although Fafer is his good friend, the less people know about this kind of space. it is good.

“I’m really lucky this time! Peeled?” Fafer looked at the skeleton on the ground where there was still a lot of meat, and said with regret: “None of these?”

Luo Meng smiled and patted the pocket on the ground. “Don’t look at that. It takes a lot of effort to go back. It’s almost noon, let’s go back quickly. If you go back early, take some money back, you may still be able to eat it. Meatloaf! “

Faffer thinks about it too, so I won’t say anything.

The two of them led the cow, and the other resisted the beef.

It can be said that this hunting operation was a great success. Not only was there no one injured, but also the hunting of bison, which was usually difficult to catch, was standard of luck.

Even Romon couldn’t help but hummed the song. Humming is some popular songs on the earth.

“Romon, what kind of music are you humming? That’s really nice!” Faffer said a little enviously. “Can you teach me?”

Romon gave him a stunned look. “Don’t you always dislike these?”

Faffel scratched his head shyly. “Next year I’m going to have a ceremonial gift …”

“Oh, I see! You kid miss the girl, don’t you? Hahaha!” Luo Meng immediately understood and immediately laughed.

Faffer’s face was even redder, and he was annoyed and said: “Don’t teach it! Really!”

Then, angrily walked to the front.

Luo Meng suppressed a smile, stepped forward, patted his shoulder. “Don’t be angry, I won’t be able to teach you back.”

Faffer’s face eased down. However, his face soon became difficult to look at again. “Romon, it seems that there was a personal shadow just now.”

“Is it?” Romon stopped frolicing and looked around carefully. “Nobody. Did you just dazzle?”

“It’s possible.” Fafer is not so sure: “Oh, I heard that Miss Alina is very kind to you. Will you definitely be able to work in the church in the future?”

Seeing that his partner had looked at himself with envy, Romon could only pat Faffer’s head and smiled bitterly: “What does this have to do with being able to work in church? But …”

His eyes seemed to show Eleanor’s quiet and beautiful face, as well as the exquisite female body: “… Miss Elleni is indeed very nice.”

Fafer smiled and said, “Aren’t you going to like Miss Alina?”

If this can’t be said at ordinary times, UU reads www.uukanshu.com. After all, Miss Ellini is a noble and a priest. The identity and their civilians are more than a little different, even if Romon is a druid Climb high.

However, there are only two of them now. Moreover, Fafer just wanted to get back a game, and wanted to have a chance to laugh at the opponent.

“If you can marry Miss Aleni, it will really be a step forward! Miss Alini is not only beautiful, but also gentle, but also kind. In the future, she will be the priest or the daughter of the lord. , Do you really dislike her? “

However, Romon’s performance disappointed him. The calmness of his face seemed as if it was not himself who was related to the recognized angel just now.

“Romon, didn’t you hear who I just said? I said Miss Ellini, beautiful and kind Miss Ellini, who like angels, do you really not like it?”

Romon again shot Fafer’s head. “What nonsense, this is simply impossible, do you forget the identity of the other party? Cut.”

After making a look of contempt, Romon quickly walked to the front.

“Hey! Romon waits for me!” Fafer hurried up with two calves.

“If you really don’t like it, why do you intentionally have a face on your face, it’s too obvious! Say it, we are buddies, and I won’t laugh at you …”

“Romon …”

The two people were noisy and farther away. Behind them, countless blood drops remained on the dirt road, extending from the sackcloth bag of Luo Mengkang to the farthest.

Until the two of them are far away. A young man in a wide robe came out from the side.

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