Heart Demon, She is Doing Things Again

Chapter 73 - Ome 16

The day before the vacation, Lin Yuan ’s family members were directly picked up from the school.

At night Lin Yuan was told to go downstairs and have a meal together. Lin Zhang, the head of Lin’s family, was sitting at the table and waiting.

He saw Lin Yuan showing some kindness, “Come back.”

Lin Yuan responded and sat on the chair pulled by the maid.

“Why can’t family studies come down?”

“It’s been asked in the past, come down immediately.”

As soon as the words fell, I saw the Lin family studying in the restaurant. He saw Lin Yuan at a glance and immediately pulled his face down. “I said why did you want me to come down for dinner today, it turned out that there were unexpected guests coming.”

Lin Zhang displeased and said, “I teach you to talk like this?”

Lin Jiaxue sat down and continued his yin and yang freakishness, “He used to come only once a year and a half, how come he is getting more and more diligent? Is it less than three months?”

“A Yuan’s treatment plan has been adjusted.”

“Oh …” Lin Jiaxue sneered unkindly, “If you want me to say, dad, don’t waste your energy, I haven’t heard anyone’s spiritual roots can be cured.”

He loathed and squinted Lin Yuan to the extreme, “I haven’t improved at all for so many years, it’s better to admit my fate, the waste is the waste …”

Lin Zhang suddenly slapped the table with a palm, and the dishes clanged for a while. “Enough is enough!”

Lin Jiaxue was stunned by Lin Zhang ’s sudden anger, and after his reaction, his temper also came up, and his eyes were incredulously incredulously, “Dad … are you mad at me because of a wild seed ?!”

He used to not ridicule Linyuan in front of his father, but Linzhang just meant to say nothing about him painlessly and never shouted at him.

“I can’t tell you anymore! I heard that A Yuan has made great progress in his semester this year. You can look at you again! Cheng Tianjing and those who don’t learn and do not know how to do it are troublesome!”

The Lin family scholar was stubborn, choking his neck and Lin Zhangbang, “So you are seeing the potential of this wild species, so you are anxious to draw it, right? Why, want to train him to be your heir?”


Lin Jiaxue simply raised his hand and waved the dishes in front of him to the ground, and got up and left. “Can’t see me, can’t I go!”

Lin Yuan looked at the farce of the father and son in front of him, there was no fluctuation from beginning to end, but there was a little irony in his heart.

Lin Zhang seemed to be very angry, and had no intention of eating. He suppressed his anger and reluctantly said to Lin Yuan and Yan Yue: “Family school is spoiled by his mother, don’t understand, don’t worry about it. If you want to eat, tell the servant. Have a good rest after you eat, tomorrow I will Accompany you to check your body. “

After a few words of formal concern, Lin Zhang went straight upstairs.

The dissatisfaction and dissipation of the Lin family didn’t affect Lin Yuan. He kept a faceless meal at the empty long table and wiped his mouth slowly with a handkerchief. Go to the room provided by Lin’s house.

Lin Zhang returned to the room and received his wife’s overseas call within a short while. As soon as it was connected, the head-on confrontation was her question.

“You took that small wild seed home again today? Also because he scolded family school ?! What are you going to do! Family school is your serious heir, but now you are more and more concerned about the wild seed, you let What do you think of family studies? “

“What is there to think about? Lin Yuan’s existence will not shake the status of family studies. A person without a spiritual root, the rotten old men of Lin family will not succeed him as the head of the family, what can threaten him! “

Lin Zhang’s tone was impatient, “You’re used to the irritability of the school’s irritability and impulsiveness! He should also grind his temperament! A small family arrogance, it is difficult to become a master after being so spoiled!”

“That can’t be wronged because of his family studies! I don’t care how much you have debts outside, but it can’t provoke our mothers! Lin Ling’s little hybrid’s spirit root still cures nothing, it’s a waste of money! Our family Not much money is wasted like this. Besides, what is the need for governance? Do you really want to add another threat to family learning! “

Lin Zhang ’s eyebrows had a deep wrinkle embedded in it, “His mother does n’t care about him, and I ’m his biological father regardless of how I say it. I do n’t care. You do n’t have to worry about anything else. I have no plans to cultivate him.

The next day Lin Zhang personally took Lin Yuan to a private hospital he invested in.

Before the routine examination and treatment, Lin Zhang also paid attention to him.

“I know that the treatment process is painful, but for your future, bear with it. The doctor said that it is already developing in a good direction, don’t give up.

Later, when you graduate from college, I will arrange for you to join the company. You are my son, and my shares will have you in the future … “

Lin Yuan did not fluctuate in the heart of the cake he painted, and entered the operating room silently without rebuttal.


Lin’s family also gave Lin Yuan a half-month leave. During this time, he took good care of his recovery. He didn’t need to spend money on the VIP ward in his own hospital. He also hired senior caregivers.

The days when I could n’t see A Chan were very long. The young couples who were separated from each other took the time to send messages every day, and A Chan called Lin Yuan after school.

“Ayuan, how is your side? Does it matter?”


“Why did you take such a long vacation?”

“It’s just a little weak to recuperate, but it’s okay not to recuperate.”

“Are you bored every day?”

“… a little.” Lin Yuan paused. “I miss you mainly.”

“Hee hee, I miss you too ~ Boom!” Achan kissed the phone several times. “Are there any computers on your side? My friends recommended a game to me these two days. I plan to play it. Would you like to be together? “

He glanced at the laptop by the bed to pass him time, “Yes, okay.”

“Great!” A Chan cheered. “I’m going to play the game, A Yuan, you too.”

It takes more than an hour to play the game, and A Chan continues to chat with Lin Yuan.

“Oh, do you remember the Yangyang in our class when we were in kindergarten?”

Lin Yuan thought about it for a moment, and was not too impressed. “It seems there is such a person, what’s wrong?”

“He and I are classmates in elementary school and high school later, and the relationship is not bad. This time is also the game he introduced to me. Let’s add a voice for a while, add him.”

Lin Yuan was silent for two seconds before he uttered “Oh”.

The voice of the game was turned on, and the voice of Xiaozheng Taiyangyang, who was the playman of that year, had become Qinglang juvenile sound, and his character was still very lively.

In the game, A Chan chose the career of the black hand assassin in the game, and Lin Yuan chose the cold and cold swordsman. Ah Chan was too lazy to think about the game name. The direct input of “A Chan”, Lin Yuan secretly hugged the idea of ​​the couple’s name, and also directly used “A Yuan”.

As soon as the two entered the game, they saw Yangyang who was waiting at the birth point. His image was a swordsman carrying a big sword. The id above his head was a very naughty elementary school student “Wolfmaster”. A Chan couldn’t bear to see his name. Depending on.

Zhuo Yang also seemed a little embarrassed himself, hehe smiled, “Just call me the old wolf in the game.”

A Chan: “Come on, Er Gouzi.”

“Achan …”

The jokes between Zhuo Yang and A Chan are familiar, making Lin Yuan feel so clearly for the first time that he has been missing in A Chan’s life for many years, and he knows very little about her past growth.

And she is so cute, naturally he will not be attracted to her alone.

Lin Yuan always talked less, and A Chan did not pay much attention to his silence.

After playing all night, A Chan and Lin Yuan were already at level 20. Although Zhuo Yang played one day earlier than them, after all, it was the student party, and they could only go home from school at night to play for a while, and now the level is only a few levels higher than them.

“It’s too late so fast. You have to go to school tomorrow. Achan, go to bed earlier.”

“Well, it’s in vain ~” A Chan turned off the computer indefinitely, still thinking that she could make a copy tomorrow after more than 20 years.

After playing the game, A Chan followed Lin Yuan on the phone for a while before getting asleep.

What Achan didn’t know was that while she was still having a boring school life as usual the next day, Lin Yuan held the notebook all day to learn programming.

After their game went offline on the third day, Lin Yuan suddenly said on the phone that he used the game loophole to try to make a plug-in, which can be quickly upgraded, and asked her if she wanted to try it. A Chan readily agreed.

After Lin Yuan got Achan ’s game account and password that night, he double-played the game and logged into his account and Achan ’s account respectively, and hung up automatically according to the program he wrote all night. He got up again the next morning to see the role Already full.

A Chan was very happy after knowing, “Great! A Yuan, you are so powerful! So we can go directly to the copies of the Manchu!”

A Yuan smiled across the phone.

A Chan remembered Yang Yang, “Oh, the Yang Yang level is a little bit worse than us, then it is not impossible to make a copy with us.”

“Yeah.” A Yuan unconsciously slid the mouse wheel, the page moved up and down the tutorial page, and he lowered his lips and raised his mouth silently.

“Ayuan, can your plug-in be used by him?”

Lin Yuan’s mouth straightened, “… oh, okay.”

“You are the best! Mua ~”

“Then I will send it to him later.”

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yuan stared at the phone for a few seconds, and suddenly searched the web page, dialing the game customer service phone.

“I found a loophole in the game, and there is a patch.”

When Zhuo Yang got the news after school, he happily got the plug-in sent by Lin Yuan and clicked to run, and found that it was not easy to use.

Lin Yuan: “Oh, isn’t the game urgently maintained for a while this afternoon? Maybe the loophole was fixed at that time.”

A Chan: “Then there is no way, Yangyang, you should try to upgrade first, come on ~”

In the game voice, Zhuo Yang cried, and Lin Yuan looked down at the text message, and the official reward of 30,000 yuan from the game official arrived.

Well, it seems to have found a good way to make money.

The author has something to say: Lin Yuan: Report myself.

In the past, there was a monk who studied formation, and now Lin Yuan is studying programming.

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