Heart Demon, She is Doing Things Again

Chapter 69 - Ome 12

If A Chan is not at the same table as Lin Yuan, probably the desk will often be filled with love letters.

If Achan was initially hostile by girls, in addition to jealousy, to a large extent, it was also a precaution against “single nuisance”. After all, which girl does n’t have a spring, and who does n’t have a crush on the male **** in middle school, the sudden appearance of a charismatic homosexuality will certainly arouse vigilance.

But now Achan is famous, and to a certain extent, the alarm has been lifted. At the same time, her image and everyone ’s negative guesses at the beginning have also formed a huge contrast-there is no use of beauty as a weapon, no power. The land attempted to climb higher, but instead dedicated to the bamboo horses of childhood.

In this way, it won a lot of praise and appreciation.

The girls gradually accepted her, and in the eyes of the boys, A Chan’s image became more perfect.

At noon, the cafeteria was full of students. A Chan and Lin Yuan dine at the double table as usual.

A Chan still maintains the habit of sharing food with A Yuan when she was a child, “A Yuan is delicious, let’s eat together!” She pushed the fish ball soup in the middle, and you and me, Lin Yuan and you Di Lao **** to eat.

It happened that a few ministers of the Student Union just ended up, and they also came to the cafeteria to eat, just across from Achan with only two tables.

They were still discussing the arrangements for the school festival, and suddenly a minister squeezed his eyes. “Isn’t that our school flower? I heard that she has also joined the student union?”

The minister of the logistics department also glanced, “Well, she came to the logistics department a while ago, her hands and feet were quick and easy, and her staff liked her very much. Not exactly because of the recruitment period, she does not have a club, She was recruited into our department. “

“I’m good, I said Lao Qin, you see it is the most honest among us, and the school flower was taken down quietly!”

Several people were very familiar and did not care much when they spoke. The logistics minister tapped him with a smile, “Will you speak, what won, the boyfriend of the family is still around.”

“Hey, seriously, the popularity of the school spent in our school is really high, if she wants to chase anyone, surely no one can refuse it? Hey, I’m sour, how could Lin Yuan’s kid die so well …”

“… He’s okay? Are you sure?” The illegitimate child plus Lingling is not a good thing.

“Ah, that’s how it makes people more jealous.”

The other boys were silent. Is n’t it? Such a charming girl, even if you do n’t have a superior family background and no excellent spiritual roots, you still do n’t abandon it, who loves you purely, who will not long for such a person and such a heart How about feelings?

In their upper circles, most of them are due to the combination of interests, and there are too many temptations to face. It is difficult to have much sincerity. After the marriage, each one plays a lot. In such an environment, when suddenly seeing a “sincere and warm heart” like A Chan, how could it not be touched?

A boy with a dreamy expression, “Hey, it looks like a pretty girl in a comic, and has a warm personality, so pure treatment of feelings, except for Lin Yuan, other boys do not take a look at it, it is simply The perfect goddess only in dreams … why don’t I have such a cute little green plum? “

He and Jin Huai’s boys who were friends of the world joined him, and asked in a low voice curiously: “I said, President, you are not at all interested in girls like Xia Chan?”

Several other ministers also raised their ears.

“Is the task of the school festival arranged too easy?” Jin Huai listened to their gossip, and his face was capitalized without fluctuations. “Hurry up and think about the arrangement of the school festival.”

“Hey … really the chairman …”

Jin Huai cut the steak on the plate, but distractedly remembered how the girl smiled softly at him in the president ’s office.

After starting preparations for the school festival, after club activities, various clubs and student unions have become more busy.

The door of the student union president’s office was buckled, and Jin Huai’s eyes were still reading the plan book submitted by the department. “Please come in.”

“Chairman, I’ll hand over the planning of the Arts Department.”

Jin Huai raised his head and said, “Sister Yin Xue.” He took the folder. “The quality of the art department’s planning has always been very high, and it is hard.”

“It’s my job. But this is also the last time I have presided over the work of the Department of Arts and Arts. After the school festival, it will be handed over to the next minister of writing.”

“I heard that Xuejie has been accepted as a disciple by Professor Xie Wangzheng in advance, congratulations.”

After graduating from high school, the main course of study at the university is to follow the professor. Therefore, it is important to have a strong mentor.

Yin Ru showed a little soft emotion and whispered: “I will go to the field with Professor Xie next semester. His main research site in recent years is the D Canyon on the border. There are many untapped resources and there are Many unknown dangers, I spent a lot of time to persuade my family to agree to me. “

“I admire the courage and determination of Sister Xue.”

“I just want to see you again, I’m afraid it will be difficult.” Yin Ru smiled with a bit of bitterness. “Ai Huai, do you really feel nothing about me? Where am I still not good enough?”

“You are excellent … just …”

“I have chased you for almost three years. I know how many people in the background are watching my jokes, but for you, I can endure … Ai Huai, I am as proud as you, but I am willing to be humble for you, I really like you … “

Somehow, Jin Huai suddenly thought of A Chan.

“What do you like about me?”

Yin Ru was shocked.

There was an impulse that Jin Huai couldn’t help but ask: “If I …” There is no family background, no aura of the student union president, or even a spiritual root, would you still like me?


Jin Huai noticed that he was a little sick, and quickly recovered his usual calmness. “No … nothing. Sorry, Sister.”

Yin Ru couldn’t even make a strong smile and hurriedly left the office.


Since Lin Yuan established a relationship with A Chan, the students found that his class had changed greatly.

He had hardly ever heard a class before, and he could always see him sleeping in class, but the exam was basically on the pass line.

But now in class, he would obediently do the questions in the class quiz? ? After finishing the questions, will you seriously check the answers and correct the wrong questions? ? ?

Is this the cool distant brother they know?

What is even more shocking is that in this monthly exam, Lin Yuan jumped into the top five in the class from the bottom echelon?

Feeling crushed IQ :).

The students saw Lin Yuan’s leaps and bounds, but did not know that he put in more effort than they saw.

When working in the clubhouse at night, Lin Yuan pushed the dining car in the empty corridor and took out the paper with the words in his pocket. In his free time, he recites English texts over and over in the utility room.

But this leisure time was disturbed.

The door of the utility room was pushed open and a person flashed in. Lin Yuan looked up and saw that there was a waitress coming in. It seemed a bit familiar. It was only a few seconds later when she remembered that it was the girl who was hiding in the back kitchen last time.

This time she seemed to be in trouble again, with a panic on her plain face, and a mist of water in her eyes. “Lin Yuan, I guess you are here, so I came to find you …”

“What do you want me to do?” Lin Yuan was not surprised that she knew his name. It was written on the badge.

“Just now I delivered wine to the private room. A man pulled me and asked me to drink. As soon as I was afraid, I took something and smashed him …”

“… why are you looking for me?”

The girl looked as big as Lin Yuan, so anxious that Ewha brought rain, “I, I only know you here … I don’t know what to do …”

Lin Yuan’s face was inexplicable, “But I don’t know you. Last time I didn’t say that you hid in the back kitchen, nor was it to help you, but I didn’t want to get into trouble.”

He said he would push the door out, and he was not an enthusiastic person.

The girl grabbed him, “I’m in the same school as you … Besides, are you watching me as a girl being bullied!”

Lin Yuan pulled back his sleeves impatiently and looked at her without emotion, as if he could see through people’s hearts. “If I remember correctly, in order to avoid similar troubles in the club, the male waiters defaulted into the box to deliver wine.”

The girl ’s gaze wandered for a moment, “You also said that it is the default, and there are no fixed rules. There is always no way when there are not enough people …”

not enough people? Is his intercom broken? No one calls him?

“Anyway, we are also alumni …”

“I don’t know you.” Lin Yuan finished her patience and walked out of the utility room after a word.

There was a roar at the end of the hallway, and the manager crossed Lin Yuan with a few security guards and quickly pulled the girl out of the utility room.

The manager followed with a male waiter pleading, “Manager, she was begging me to change shifts with me before I let her go to the box to deliver the wine, I really don’t know she will hurt the guests, please don’t fire me … “

Several waiters at the other end of the corridor probed his brain. After seeing Lin Yuan, he asked him what was the situation.

“do not know.”

Lin Yuan thought that the intersection with the inexplicable girl had ended here, but she didn’t expect to be picked up by the other party at school.

After the spiritual theory class, Lin Yuan was about to go to the classroom next door to find Achan and was stopped by the girl.

“I heard that your grades have improved rapidly recently, and I just want to ask you questions without delaying you.”

“No time.”

The girl held the textbook and grieved grievously: “In … I have been dismissed and will not cause you any more trouble, I just want to ask you a question …”

“Classmate Lin Yuan, I also have a question to ask you ~”

Lin Yuan’s indifferent expression softened as soon as she saw her, “Achan.”

The girl didn’t expect Achan to come over so quickly, her face was a little stiff.

A Chan, like she didn’t see her, took Lin Yuan and coquettishly, “Classmate Lin Yuan, some people have questions to ask you ~”

Lin Yuan was dragged by her to sit down, and she was helplessly and connivantly troubled.

“You took the first class test last time …”

“I don’t care! I want you to give the lecture!”

“Well … which one?”

A Chan casually turned a page and pointed, “Just do it.”

Lin Yuan looked at her with a smile, and had to take out the pen and write out the steps to solve the problem.

The girl stood awkwardly and was ignored completely. In the classroom, her classmates secretly or blatantly watched the lively eyes and walked away with the book in a vain.

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