Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

Chapter 30 - wardrobe

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I heard Qin Yiheng say a lot, but I didn’t hear anything, but he said that the phrase “not difficult to do” made me feel relieved. So the two of us went back to the house, opened the door, laid out sleeping bags, and sat on the sleeping bags to eat.

I have eaten something, it’s more than 8pm. Qin Yiheng said that I might be going all night tonight, and told me to go to bed first if I was sleepy. The hard part was the middle of the night. I saw that I couldn’t help, so I just got into the sleeping bag and squinted.

Originally, it was difficult to fall asleep in this situation, but when I thought that Qin Yiheng was standing by, I was not so scared, and finally fell asleep. If you hear indiscriminately in your sleep, it seems that the two people are chatting, but it is not real, you can only tell from the tone and voice that the two are talking. The more I wanted to hear what they were talking about, the more I couldn’t hear clearly, and in a hurry, I woke up. Opening his eyes, I found that Qin Yiheng was still smoking against the wall. For a time, I didn’t know whether it was a dream or a real dream. But looking at his calm expression, it was mostly a dream.

I glanced at my watch. It was already 4 o’clock in the morning, and it was going to be bright in a few moments. I asked Qin Yiheng that he would finish his eyes overnight, did he find anything?

Qin Yiheng shook his head and said that in this case, we can only open the closet and take a risk.

After listening to it, I thought about it. The man before me secretly let us come over, I am afraid that things will not be finished like this? But now there is no major event, is it said that the man is ready to help us?

Just when I was thinking about it, Qin Yiheng stuffed me with two eggs and told me to clenched one hand at a time, and then I used a line on the ground to spread something, and told me to stand on the other end of the line. Going to the side of the line, if you feel something wants to get on your body, you bite the root of the tooth, grasp the egg with both hands, don’t let the egg fall to the ground, he is ready to open the closet!

After talking, Qin Yiheng stepped to the closet in one step and pressed his hand against the handle. He acted too abruptly. I was totally unprepared in my mind. I could only scold him with a **** and looked at him nervously after retreating to the line.

At first, he opened it carefully. The door of the wardrobe was only opened with a small slit. He paused a little, took a deep breath, and suddenly opened the door of the wardrobe with a sudden rush.

At this moment, I closed my eyes subconsciously, fearing that a dead corpse would emerge from it. After the door opened, the two of us paused in unison, and nothing happened.

Qin Yiheng lit his flashlight and took a picture towards the closet. Through the light, I really saw a fur coat hanging inside. I don’t know if it was the legendary fox fur coat. This situation made people inexplicably nervous. Qin Yiheng didn’t dare to reach out for a moment. Instead, he swept the inside of the closet carefully with a flashlight. Seeing nothing but this coat, he was bold. He stretched out his hand and wanted to take out the fur coat.

Just as this time, there was a sudden movement from the closet, like a person talking, the voice was very light, but in this empty house, it still seemed very harsh. I listened, and suddenly panicked, this voice is the one in my dream! Am I not dreaming? Is it true that this fur coat can speak?

Qin Yiheng apparently also heard the movement, and took two steps back quickly, tilting his head, as if waiting for it to come out again, but the voice refused to appear again.

I quickly told Qin Yiheng that this voice was dreamed in my dream while I was sleeping. At that time, two voices were chatting, but I couldn’t hear clearly what the content was! I am nervous and I do n’t know if it ’s clear. Qin Yiheng turned his head and shouted at me when he heard me, shit, two voices chatting? More than one lock in this cabinet?

Listening to his shouting, I was completely panicked, not running in the same place, not standing, thanks to my courage to practice a lot, I still remember to hang eggs, do n’t get rid of it, I did n’t lose the chain .

I’m hesitating, Qin Yiheng has retreated to me and told me that we can’t stay in this place now, so we have to go out immediately. After we finished, we both had no time to pack up, so we stumbled towards the door. The house should have closed the main gate a long time ago, so there was no electricity. At this time, because of the rush, the flashlight light was also very unstable. We came out of this bedroom to the door, just a few steps away, but we did not walk smoothly. I just ran out of the door, but Qin Yiheng did n’t know why. When I ran to the gate and turned around, I found out that he had n’t left the bedroom door yet, so I hurriedly shouted twice, he also Not agree. I said in my heart that Qin Yiheng was knocked down inside.

Now I am in a dilemma. Now I don’t know what is in this house, and I can’t leave Qin Yiheng to escape. I glanced at the bedroom inside again. The flashlight Qin Yiheng was holding was still on, but from the light point of view, the light source was still, like it had fallen to the ground. This is obviously not a good sign, because he will never throw the flashlight to the ground for nothing, and the bedroom is not big, he just climbed, and he came out of it. Thinking this way, I was even more frightened, and my legs began to soften a little, but I had to go back anyway. I pondered, and then went back, nothing more than a few steps away, simply fight this time, Qin Yiheng always said that my life is tough, at this time I can really check it.

It’s quite easy to make a decision, but I really want to take a step forward, and I really have no idea. I stopped after a step, took a deep breath, ran a few more steps, and rushed back to the bedroom.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Qin Yiheng lying on the ground at first glance, as if he had no consciousness. I put the egg in my pocket and patted him with my hand. He still didn’t respond. I didn’t dare to delay too much, picked up the flashlight in a panic, picked him up and walked out the door. Qin Yiheng didn’t look strong, but he didn’t expect it to be so **** heavy. I almost didn’t get angry after walking a few steps. I opened the door, dragged Qin Yiheng out of the house, and dragged it to the outside of the building, before daring to collapse on the ground and gasp.

At this time, I freed my hand to illuminate him with a flashlight, and quickly tried his nose with my hand. Seeing that he was still breathing, my heart dropped halfway. Under the flashlight, it was obvious that a large bag was swollen on his forehead, which was already purple.

I was wondering, how did this obvious trauma get done? Was there someone who knocked him out when I came out just now? Think of it this way, when we ran out, the movement was actually quite big. If someone attacked him behind him, as long as he started with a steady and ruthless attitude, I am afraid it would be hard for me to hear. But this analysis was wrong. After I ran out, I kept at the door and no one came out of the back room, and every window of this house was equipped with security windows. Although it was on the first floor, there was no possibility of jumping out.

However, now it is not time to think about this, I drew Qin Yiheng a few mouths to see if he could wake him up. This seems to mean a bit of private enmity, but I really have no other way. Qin Yiheng was pumped a few times, actually awake a bit, his eyes could open a slit to see me, but he was speechless.

I estimate that most of him had a concussion. This symptom is better if it is not dangerous for two days, but it is dangerous. Once there is some hard injury in the skull, it is still very life-threatening. I told him not to speak, and took out his mobile phone in preparation for an ambulance. Who knows that Qin Yiheng saw me take out his mobile phone, and suddenly he became energetic. He actually slightly extended his hand and pointed at the mobile phone, but he just passed out before he could speak.

The situation now is ridiculous. Frankly speaking, I did not expect that it was not me, but him. Fortunately, this community is not remote, I hit 120, and an ambulance arrived shortly after. I sent Qin Yiheng to the hospital. But after checking for a long time, the doctor told me X-ray film, Qin Yiheng was only a skin trauma. If there was a problem with his head, the death was a slight concussion. It was possible to say that there were signs of vomiting. It’s impossible.

This time I was completely dumbfounded and thought about it carefully. If the normal medical investigation could not be found, would it be that he was acting? Having experienced so much together, I can already think with some of his thinking. However, why he had such a big reaction to watching me call before, but I couldn’t guess one or two.

I smoked a few cigarettes in front of the hospital, and finally I seemed to understand something. The thing I related to Qin Yiheng’s mobile phone recently is that mysterious text message. Is he referring to this text message? He wanted to remind me to go to Yuan Zhen, or should he remind me to be careful?

My impression of Yuan Zhen is actually not bad. Although this person looks a bit like a profiteer, but after several cooperations, I have tried my best, and I have n’t played with anything. Frankly speaking, I didn’t quite believe what was said in the text message. Instead, Qin Yiheng pointed a bit before coma, which made me start to have some doubts. But now I am alone in a foreign country, and I don’t know any friends. The best way is to ask Yuan Zhen. After all, he has contacts in all parts of the country and can definitely help me.

I thought about it again and again, and felt I could not let Qin Yiheng stay in a coma. I always wanted to do something. In the end, I simply stomped my teeth and called Yuan Zhen. This call is very much like gambling, but I really have no other choice.

Yuan Zhen answered the phone, and I told him briefly. Of course, I did n’t elaborate. I just told him that Qin Yiheng had something wrong while looking at the house. Now he is in a coma. I want to ask him if he can come up with a solution or introduce someone who can help me. After hearing this, Yuan Zhen told me that he was in a nearby city, let me wait for him with peace of mind for a day, he came over as soon as possible. His tone is still warm, and I can’t hear anything strange, and I feel a little relieved, because even if he can’t solve anything, it is still good for someone to come over and help me think about it.

Early the next morning, Yuan Zhen came to the hotel to find me. I did not expect him to act so fast. After asking him, he realized that he was going to see the house in a city next door. There was a house there just a while ago and something happened. He just got the news and went to inspect it in advance. On the return trip, when I received my call, I turned around and came straight forward.

I took Yuan Zhen to the hospital and saw Qin Yiheng. Yuan Zhen looked around the hospital bed and was full of suspicious clouds. Finally, he told me that no one could tell what happened to Qin Yiheng. However, it is now necessary for us to take him out of the hospital. Yin qi is very heavy, in case of being impure here by the imp, it will be difficult to handle.

I thought about it for a while, and the two went through discharge procedures for Qin Yiheng and transferred him to the hotel. Yuan Zhen and I summed it up in the hotel again. Only then did I tell him the details of the house we went to. After hearing this, Yuan Zhen was even more puzzled, saying that he had never received news of the house, but in our own ability, it is better not to go back. Let’s first see if there are other solutions at the moment, that can only be used as the worst plan.

It was another three days after this, and the two of us were still helpless. Finally, Yuan Zhen reminded me that he had heard of a method. Qin Yiheng seemed to be rushed into his body and suppressed his veins. He heard that he was only looking for two big red candles who had been married and came back to the house. I lit it in here, and burned some sunflower leaves, maybe I could blow away the yin. This method is just hearsay, not guaranteed, but at least it sounds worth a try. So, I made a special trip to find out where to get married. Most of the weddings are now Western-style, so this kind of red candle is not easy to find. Finally, I finally found a family and gave a red envelope of 500 yuan Take the candle back. As for the leaves of sunflowers, it is not difficult to handle, but it also delays some time. After the two are complete, it takes another two days.

Without further ado, I lit the red candle that night, and then roasted the sunflower leaves one by one on the fire. This kind of leaf is already full of moisture, so it is not easy to burn. When one piece is finished, the candle has burned a lot, but the house does not smell anything.

I was a little disappointed, but I didn’t want to give up. I simply roasted all the leaves, but Qin Yiheng remained helpless. Both Yuan Zhen and I were downcast, and as a result, we could only take Qin Yiheng to find some people who knew what to do. But I have no connection in this area, Yuan Zhen also blacked out his eyes, this time completely out of control.

Seeing that Qin Yiheng didn’t mean to wake up, Yuan Zhen shook his head and went back to his room to sleep, saying that he would wait for the long day before discussing. For convenience, I booked a three-person suite with two beds outside and one bed inside. Yuan Zhen slept in it. When Yuan Zhen had just entered the back room, I thought about it and went to check on Qin Yiheng, and I fell asleep myself. Unexpectedly, as soon as I walked to his bed, he suddenly reached out and grabbed my arm, and compared me with a boo Gesture, and then pointed to the back room.

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