Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

Chapter 1 - Entering

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It must be clear to everyone that the so-called haunted house is a house that had been traumatized in it, and the natural death is generally not counted. Horizontal death is also a relatively popular saying, generally referring to unnatural death, such as accident, suicide, homicide, etc. People who die in this way are said to be unwilling to die because Yangshou hasn’t gone through. Usually, the ghosts will not leave. Therefore, most of the haunted houses usually have some strange things happening. Even if no strange things happen, it will become mysterious because of word of mouth.

The owner of the house is generally very pitiful, because many of them are rented out, so the tenant dies in it, which not only completely affects the subsequent no one is willing to rent, but even if you want to change hands and sell it, it is rarely Someone dared to take it, but fortunately he met an unknown person and sold it to him, and today’s law stipulates that buying and selling a haunted house without knowing it, but if any related disputes go to court, the buyer will basically win the case.

Moreover, even if it is sold to an unbeliever, I am afraid the price will be greatly reduced. Take the neighbor ’s house as an example when I was a child, only because I had died a girl who was trapped in the gas and committed suicide before. The price difference is considerable. And what I have done in recent years is such a business, specializing in exploring where there is such a haunted house, and then buying it at an ultra-low price. Older houses are basically put there for new houses after demolition, which will make a lot of money. For new houses, usually, I also put in a bank mortgage and do some other business. It is a good livelihood to cycle like this.

Because of the frequent contact with the haunted house, it is inevitable that I will be scared by the stories and backgrounds related to the haunted house. Although there are no major life-threatening disasters, we often encounter strange things, so I will talk about my dealings with the haunted house in recent years. Encounter.

The first haunted house I bought has a lot of money. The so-called big money house is not about how valuable this house is, but that the previous rumors of this house are really amazing.

This house is located in a prosperous area. The original price should be quite good. Unfortunately, around 2003, the owner of the house was all robbed and killed in the house. Rumor has it that the family of three died very badly at that time. The male owner died next to the safe, the female owner died on the bed and was raped. The most cruel thing is that the children in their elementary school at that time were drowned by being put their heads into the toilet and kept pouring water. The case hasn’t been resolved, and no one dared to care about this house. At that time, the successor of the house, the father of the male owner, found a worker who was going to renovate the house. Once he could wash away the pain of his death, he also hoped that he could rent or sell it after the renovation.

He found a few migrant workers who had just arrived in the city from the countryside. He did not explain that there had been any deaths in the house. After negotiating the price, let a few migrant workers live in, rush to work day and night, do some big and quiet work during the day, and do some small work at night. During the day, it is always safe and sound, the renovation process is fast, the estimated compensation is not low, and the workers are doing very happy. However, strange things happened at night. When the three migrant workers who lived in the house that night woke up, they found themselves sleeping outside the corridor. The three people didn’t know why they slept outside, and they felt weird. Many people must think that sleepwalking can be used to explain, but even sleepwalking, it is impossible for three people to sleepwalk together and finally choose to sleep in the same place.

There were rumors all over the place, and several migrant workers also heard from the neighborhood that this house had killed three people at once, and they dared not work here again. The host ’s father said something more, added some more money, and found the three people outside to live in a guest house, and promised that they only need to work during the day before they would continue to work here. However, since that night, weird things began to appear during the day. Workers’ tools will wander around bizarrely, but no one has moved. And according to neighbors, this house will be inexplicably lit up at night, like someone lived. At first, the neighbors thought that the workers were inside, and then they learned that the workers had moved out. These things are scary and scary, but after all, there is no threat to personal safety, so the workers are still rushing to work in order to make money, but everyone is more careful.

The decoration is almost one-third, and everything is going smoothly. However, one day, the workers suddenly found an employer together and said that they would not do it anyway. When the employer asked why, the workers all said that they would dream in the night when they stayed in the guest house. They dreamed that a few people with invisible faces surrounded them and said: “There is no bed to sleep, you let me sleep on the floor Ah? “These workers were already superstitious, and they thought of the tragedy that happened before the house. They no longer dared to work anymore, and they just left with a very small amount of money.

The man ’s father ’s father was very depressed, but he was eager to listen to what the workers said that his son ’s family was not reborn. He wanted to see his son again, so he lived in that night. However, something more chilling happened-he actually died in the house, and he lay straight on the floor. It took many days before the neighbor discovered that the body was stinky. Later, some people said that he was taken to bed by his son’s family. The grievous soul of the dead was not recognized by the six relatives. I do n’t know whether this statement is credible, but a friend I know, named Qin Yiheng, was barely a knowledgeable person. My friend gave me an idea and asked me to buy this house.

Originally, I refused, but Qin Yiheng said quite like that. I really wanted to make a lot of money in business, so I talked to a daughter of the old man with a gamble mentality. For a house of more than 110 square meters, the market price at that time was about 400,000 yuan. I only bought it for a little over 70,000 yuan. In fact, after I bought it, I did n’t know what was going on. Qin Yiheng asked me to buy 150 kg of rice and spread the grains of rice on the floor of this house. After waiting for three days, he asked me to buy a lot of roosters again, which must be the kind of roosters that had not been bred. They bleed blood and spilled the blood on the doors and windows of the whole house, and then asked me to wait patiently.

I waited so uneasy for a few days, until he told me that it was almost ready to go back, and I followed Qin Yiheng back to the house. As soon as I pushed the door, the scene inside almost scared me. Although I am not an atheist, I have never been in contact with this kind of thing so closely. I saw blood fingerprints on all windows and doors, and there were many on the walls. It was like a person who touched the chicken blood that I had poured before, and wiped it all over the place. Qin Yiheng said that those former injustices are now dissipated, and he used a suffocation method, that is, trapping them in the house, so that they have nowhere to hide, as if suffocation, in the end, they can only disperse, No ghost can do it. He explained that this is a very vicious way, but there is really no way, because if you use other methods, it is too difficult to remove these injustices. I said nothing to him, but the handprint in front of me told me that all this seemed true.

Finally, Qin Yiheng said that the house was clean. I can sell the house I live in now and then move in. Although the saying is so, but just died here, how dare I live? I thought about letting it go for a while. In order to treat him, I invited him to a big meal in the evening, and then he left very late. Qin Yiheng’s phone came after just returning to the door of the community and walking home.

His voice was anxious, saying that he had misread it during the day, and there was a little ghost and an old ghost that were not removed. I am afraid that the two of us were already attached to me when he entered. The adult who leads the child-no matter what it is, must not be close.

As soon as he had finished speaking, I shot a shock all over my body and hurriedly looked around. Fortunately, there was no adult who led the child. It was almost midnight by now. In addition to the illuminated supermarket and mahjong hall, where is there anyone in the community? However, I still felt terrified in my heart and walked home all the way, every step of the way was trembling. When I finally entered the house, I hurriedly closed the door and immediately collapsed to the ground.

I called Qin Yiheng and wanted to report something safe or something. In fact, I am also guilty and want to listen to personal talk to calm myself down. He told me to be home, and told me not to cover the quilt while sleeping, only the bed sheet. If you hear any noise in the evening, don’t look at it, as long as you cover your head and sleep till dawn, everything will be fine.

Hearing what he said was as light as possible, I still had no idea. I knew it was so scary, and I would n’t buy that house. I let him come to accompany me. He said that such small things are not necessary to encourage teachers to move the crowd, and do nothing as he says.

I put down the phone and drilled under the bed sheet. I also prepared an empty mineral water bottle predictably, in case of urgency. According to Qin Yiheng, the ghost hiding under the sheets would not see me, all it saw was the bed. I do n’t know what the credible heresies are. I do n’t dare to challenge “authority” anyway.

I didn’t fall asleep at all this night. I waited until dawn, trembling, and I could hear the birds outside. Looking around, I quickly put on a suit and ran out. I dare to go back at noon. Recall that last night there were no strange movements, it was completely scaring myself. However, when I got home, I realized that Qin Yiheng was not talking about alarmism at all—through the sunlight, I saw many footprints beside the bed, circle by circle, as if turning around my bed.

These footprints cannot be mine at all! I obviously didn’t hear any noise last night, but footprints came out so strangely. At this time, I completely believed what Qin Yiheng said, so I hurried out to find a car.

Find Qin Yiheng and tell him the footprints. He comforted me for a long time before I was a little calmer. Then he said that he would help me get rid of the two ghosts on my body.

Afterwards, the so-called ghost-removal rituals were not the same as those performed on TV or those magic sticks. Qin Yiheng found a rope, hanged me upside down, and then pounded my whole body with a small wooden board. My cell phone and key fell out of my pocket.

After about ten minutes, my head was already congested, and he put me down, gave me another coin, and let me go out to spend, and no one left.

It ’s easy to spend money. I went to the supermarket and bought some things. I spent all my money, but I felt very puzzled. When he spent the money and went back, Qin Yiheng was ready to wait for me with a pot of water. As soon as I entered the house, he dragged me to the toilet and drowned from head to toe. The water was so cold that I started sneezing non-stop, one by one, I couldn’t stop it. Qin Yiheng has been standing by and smoking a cigarette looking at me. Originally, I still wanted to complain. As soon as he looked at his serious expression, I was embarrassed to say something.

It took a while to sneeze. Qin Yiheng handed me a cigarette and told me that the board that hit me was a shoehorn. According to him, he used a shoehorn that was a long time to hit an inverted person. Souls are likely to be shaken out of the Tian Ling Gai. This is to shake the two ghosts and make them less attached to my body. The coins I spent were the merit money in the temple and had a certain mana. When they were spent, they could take part of the evil spirits out of the body. In the end, the water that drenched me was even simpler. It was boy urine and rice water. By the time I finished sneezing, those two ghosts had been completely squirted out of my Qiqiao.

After he finished speaking, he looked at me with a bad intention and smiled. I didn’t have the courage to ask him where the boy’s urine came from, but I can think of it by looking at his expression. It ’s disgusting to think about it, but it ’s the only way for your own life.

I do n’t know who taught him this method of exorcism. Although it does n’t look very reliable, I know him as a man who knows how to do it. Even if I do n’t believe him, I ca n’t find any other expert. After this incident passed, I never saw the footprints next to the bed, and when I went to the house again, the gloomy feeling as soon as I entered the room disappeared. Two more months later, when I saw that the house was quite peaceful, I found the courage to live in. In the first week, I took Qin Yiheng to live together. One was to brave myself, and the other was to borrow his fairy spirit. And I rented the house before me, the rent is ok, at least life has stabilized.

Seeing that it is profitable, I plan to use this method to get a few more houses. I am thinking about using these houses to mortgage, so that I can do a bigger business. I discussed with Qin Yiheng, and he also agreed. So we started to search for such news around the country, and it really made me encounter many similar houses.

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