Happy Tycoon

Chapter 29

Chapter 29: It can finally be absorbed!

Boss Huang smiled and gestured to Yang Jing and said, “It looks like you know this one well. Since that’s the case, then I won’t say anything else. My normal price for this inner painting pot is 40,000 pounds. If you want it, you can take thirty-two thousand. I don’t make any money at this price anymore, that is, if we look at each other, I won’t tell you the price if you change it.”

Hearing this price, Yang Jing nodded slightly.

This boss Huang is sincere. Although this inner painting pot is not made by everyone, it is perfectly preserved, and the workmanship of this inner painting pot is also exquisite. In China, such a good-looking inner painting pot is about 300,000 yuan. the price of.

Now Boss Huang gives himself a 20% discount, and the national currency is about 260,000 to 260,000, which is a fair price.

Yang Jing quietly activated the ring, and sure enough, the accurate identity of the inner painting pot was clearly given in the interface.

“Material internal painting snuff bottle, 1846, Feng Zhe”

is a short line of words, which directly explains the material, production years and producer of this snuff bottle.

The quality of the material is the name of the glass in ancient China, and the internal painting snuff bottle emerged during the Jiaqing and Daoguang years. Emperor Daoguang died in 1850. This snuff bottle was made in 1946, which is also in line with the era when the internal painting bottle appeared. As for the producer Feng Zhe, Yang Jing doesn’t know about it, but it’s probably not a well-known person. Otherwise, in terms of the quality of this snuff bottle, if the snuff bottle is made by everyone, the price of this snuff bottle is at least Start at seven digits.

After the appearance of    Neihuahu, there have been four major schools of Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, and Guangdong. The snuff bottles made by the famous “Inihua Hu” Beijing School” are now a hot spot in the collectors world.

Ma Shaoxuan, Ye Zhongsan, Zhou Leyuan, and Wu Chang’an are the four famous artists of the Beijing school of internal painting pots. There was once a saying among the people to describe the four famous artists of this internal painting pot, namely, “”Ma Shaoxuan, elegant and popular, appreciate Ye Zhongsan, Yangchun white snow Zhou Leyuan, Wenwu all talents. Changan. ”

The snuff bottles made by these four people randomly took out one and the starting price was seven digits. Like the inner painting pot made by Mr. Ma Shaoxuan, the first of the four famous artists, the average auction price was as high as 5 million yuan.

This snuff bottle was made by Feng Zhe in 1846, which was much earlier than the era of the rise of the Four Great Mingdans. After all, the rise of the Four Great Mingdans was in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty, and this snuff bottle appeared in Daoguang. Last year.

However, although this inner painting pot is not made by the four famous artists, Yang Jing can also feel a rush of heat from it. Obviously, this snuff bottle contains a certain amount of treasure.

Since this snuff bottle is not fake and the price is right, Yang Jing has the intention to buy it.

In this case, it is impossible to pick up the leak, so Yang Jing said happily: “Boss Huang, the price is quite reasonable, so let me wrap this inner painting pot, I want it.”

Lao Huang’s face blossomed with joy when he heard it. This inner painting pot was collected by him at other flea markets a few years ago. At that time, it cost 25 thousand, but after so long, it can be sold for thirty thousand. not much.

But it’s a good thing to be able to sell it. At the very least, a part of the funds can be returned.

Old Huang smiled and said, “Okay, I will wrap it up for you. Also, do you want to sign an agreement?”

Yang Jing nodded and said, “Yes, you can get the agreement. I will pay after we sign.”

“Oh, wait for a while.” Lao Huang said, and rummaged from the drawer. After a while, he found a few pieces of paper, took one out of them, and handed it to Yang Jing. Yang Jing looked at it. , It was an ordinary purchase agreement, there were no loopholes, so he took the pen and signed his name.

After Boss Huang also signed, Yang Jing took out his credit card and swiped it directly to pay the bill.

By this time, this interior-painted snuff bottle with a fairly good appearance is completely owned by Yang Jing.

While boss Huang was looking for the packaging, Yang Jing couldn’t wait to touch the snuff bottle with his left hand.

Whether all the guesses can come true, all in this one!

When    touched the snuff bottle with his left hand, Yang Jing suddenly smiled.

A familiar heat flow quickly rushed into the body through the little finger of the left hand, that kind of refreshing feeling is simply more comfortable than the orgasm…

Obviously, the ring can only absorb the precious energy in it to replenish the energy for the holy ring only if it is completely owned by its own antique play. It is not something of its own. Although the holy ring can be identified, it cannot absorb the precious energy in it.

is such a reason!

It seems that I drank a large glass of iced plum soup in the midst of the dog days. It’s so refreshing, don’t mention it!

Yang Jing let out a long sigh, and said in his heart: “These 32 thousand flowers are very worthwhile! At least the energy supplement problem that has troubled him for many days is finally solved. Well, the appearance of this snuff bottle is also good, even if If you take it back to China and sell it, you can at least sell it at a price of 350,000. If you catch up with what you like, it will not be impossible to sell at a price of 400,000. The value of these 32,000 flowers!”

Yang Jing in a good mood gave the snuff bottle to Lao Huang, who wrapped it up neatly, put it in a small box and gave it to Yang Jing.

Yang Jing said with a smile: “Boss Huang, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, I will look at your stuff here again, don’t you mind?”

How could Lao Huang mind? He wished Yang Jing would look more, if he could buy a few more things, he would be comfortable today.

Yang Jing began to concentrate on researching these things in the shop. Not to mention, these things are basically old things. Although they are not very valuable, they are definitely real things. Just this point is very remarkable.

If it is in China, in such a shop, except for the shop that the boss brought to the town, the other 99% are fakes. Of course, people will not say that their things are fake, they will only say that they are works of art…

There is no way, as the so-called “golden times in troubled times, antiques in flourishing times”, China’s national strength has been flourishing in these years, and the people have money on hand, plus Guotai and Min’an, so antique collections are very hot in China.

Collecting craze will come together, and those with ulterior motives will be cautious, which will eventually lead to rampant counterfeiting.

In contrast, this is rarely the case in foreign art shops. Although there are many fakes in foreign art shops, most of them will indicate that they are works of art. Of course, the authentic ones will also be picked out individually. It is not so easy to find out.

It’s like the things in Lao Huang’s shop. The genuine and counterfeit goods are separated, and you get what you pay for. It’s very clear. It can be seen that Huang spent a lot of effort on these things.

However, even if all the authentic products are separated from the fakes, Yang Jing still found a big surprise after watching for a long time…

PS: One more chapter! If the recommended ticket is strong enough, Lao Mo will add another chapter in the afternoon! Brothers and sisters, please support Lao Mo!

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