Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Silver

Until noon, the number of dead last night was counted. The result was much better than Zhou Shixiang had expected. Only more than 100 residents of Luoding died due to the fire, and more than 300 people were injured. Another 100 people were killed by the Qing army and robbers. This result was far from the 1,000 casualties estimated by Zhou Shixiang in advance, so he could barely feel better.

On the Qing army’s side, there were 150 or 60 corpses lifted from the ruins of the barracks, and most of them were burnt to immortality. In addition, more than a hundred corpses were found one after another in the city, and those with heads and those without heads were all carried together. Combined with the number of captives who surrendered, the approximate number matched the number of the Qing army, the difference was only 20 or 30 people, and they must have been hidden among the common people.

Among the people in Daqiao Mountain, Zhao Sihai was a little more refined, so Zhou Shixiang asked him to lead people to screen out the people, and be sure to search out the Qing troops hiding among the people one by one, so that no one would have the opportunity to slip out of the city to report the news. In order to prevent the people from panicking due to the search operation, Zhou Shixiang asked Song Xianggong to send a few minor officials to assist him.

Compared with the Qing soldiers who were hiding among the common people, the nearly 100 Qing prisoners in Zhizhou Yamen were the real threat. Therefore, Boss Hu let go of the affairs of the city to Song Xianggong and Zhou Shixiang, and he led the people to stay. Guarded in the yamen, and always kept secret, so that the prisoners headed by Shao Jiugong could not know the truth, thus avoiding chaos.

In order to increase the shocking effect, Zhou Shixiang also led a team of young men to go back and forth in the Zhizhou Yamen many times, and called Ge Wu. ”, to perform the play to the fullest. As a result, the prisoners did not dare to act rashly, thinking that the current city was really a brigade of old thief Li Dingguo, sitting in the cells honestly, not even daring to talk in a low voice.

According to Boss Hu, the number of prisoners was several times his own. It would be too dangerous to keep them in the city. It would be safe to kill them all. However, Zhou Shixiang firmly disagreed with this. Song Xianggong also said that killing the prisoners was ominous. Under the dissuasion of the two of them, Boss Hu could only press down the idea of killing people, urging the two of them to quickly settle down in the city, and then discuss what to do next.


When Peng Dazhu led people to search the Zhizhou Yamen, he found that there were some Ming army uniforms and flags piled up in a room. He called a small official to inquire and learned that these uniforms were left by Li Dingguo’s troops and horses at the beginning of the year. Hundreds of them were discarded by Li Dingguo’s army because of serious damage.

After Kong Guoliang led Jiangxi Green Battalion troops to station Luoding, in addition to occupying the prefecture’s yamen, which had no owner for the time being, as a sleeping place, he didn’t care about other things in the yamen, and naturally he would not bother about a pile of tattered clothes. A group of small officials did not have the backbone of Shangguan, and they felt guilty about Kong Guoliang, Qiu Baqian, every day.

Seeing that Zhou Shixiang had been staring at these tattered clothes, the clerk thought he was disgusted, and hurriedly said that he would take someone to clean it up, but Zhou Shixiang stopped him, and then went to the house and took a few pieces to look at.

These military uniforms were seriously damaged, some were stained with blood, and they smelled a stench, presumably worn by wounded soldiers. The flags are also damaged, or torn a hole, or a corner is missing, and none of them are complete. However, if a little repair, these clothes and flags may not be useless.

Right now, the people in Daqiao Mountain still remain true to their bandits. If they want to transform them into real soldiers, they must first have a complete military uniform, so that they can slowly change to the role of the Ming army. Otherwise, everyone dressed like a bandit, even if you preach in their ears all day long, these people will not treat themselves as the Ming army.

People want clothes, Buddhas want gold.

Furthermore, Daqiao Mountain is too weak, with a serious shortage of people, so it is impossible to take the initiative to attack the Qing army, and it is impossible to rely on them to defend Luo Ding, so it must be recruited in Luoding City to expand its strength. In this way, military uniforms are particularly important and indispensable. After all, there is no good family in this world who is willing to follow a gang of bandits.

After making up his mind to withdraw from the house, Zhou Shixiang instructed the clerk to find some women who knew how to be a girl, and then put all the clothes in a pot and boiled them in hot water. , if the cloth needs to be mended, ask Master Song for it.

“Hey, little one, let’s do it!”

The little official didn’t know why the young “Ming Army” general in front of him wanted to mend these tattered clothes, but the other party told him, and there was a murderer with a knife beside him, so he didn’t dare to neglect, and immediately went to find someone.

Luo Ding knew that the state yamen occupied a lot of land. The former yamen and the latter yamen, plus the prison cells, could have hundreds of large and small houses, some of which were empty, and some of which were piled with things. Zhou Shixiang couldn’t check one by one for a while, so he asked Peng Dazhu to take charge of the matter. He instructed him not to take care of it if he didn’t need it, but if he needed it, he had to record it in the book.

Zhou Shixiang originally hoped to find a large sum of money from the warehouse of Zhizhou Yamen, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, but Peng Dazhu repeatedly searched and found nothing. As a last resort, I had to go to Song Xianggong with a belly of depression, and told him about it. I didn’t want the other party to look like “I knew it long ago.”

Song Xianggong smiled and told him that Luo Ding had only been transferred from the Ming army to the Qing army for three months. Even if he had money, he had the Ming army take him away, but the remaining points were also copied by the Qing army who came later. Now, where will there be money waiting for them!

Zhou Shixiang was right when he thought about it, he had already robbed it a few times, and it was no wonder he still had money!

But thinking about it again, I am still unwilling. If the yamen can’t get the money, Ge Wu’s gang will definitely be screaming to rob the people, and this is the last thing Zhou Shixiang wants to see. If you want to stop Ge Wu and the others from looting the people, they must have enough money to feed them, otherwise everything will be in vain.

Without money, and unable to drag it on any longer, Zhou Shixiang was a little anxious.

When Duke Xiang of Song saw him like this, he didn’t hang him, and said with a smile, “I don’t have it in the warehouse, but others have it.”

Hearing this, Zhou Shixiang regained his energy and said hurriedly, “Mr. Song, please don’t betray me, I’m in a hurry.”

Song Xianggong said: “I heard from the people in the yamen that Kong Guoliang and the others came to Luoding with a sum of money. I heard that the money was allocated by Geng Jimao, the King of Jingnan in Guangzhou. The money should have been sent to In the hands of those soldiers, Kong Guoliang relied on his eldest brother, Kong Guozhi, to be the general soldier in Nangan, so he swallowed the money and kept it in his hands without sending it down.”

“And such good things!” Zhou Shixiang was overjoyed, “How many?”

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