Handing Women’s Clothes To the Escape Game BOSS

Chapter 3 - (fixed)

This voice, even if she dies and turns to ashes, she will not necessarily forget it!

Jiang Xiuxiu’s body froze, not even daring to move.

“Did you come to find me?”

Perhaps seeing that she didn’t respond, the boss asked again.

His tone was calm, no anger could be heard.

“No no no!”

Jiang Xiuxiu was shocked and quickly reacted.

She wanted to cry without tears, and subconsciously replied, “I’m just a passerby…”

“Is it?”

After a while, the young man behind her said softly.

“Yeah…” Jiang Xiuxiu said dryly.

Her palms were sweating, and she turned around with difficulty to face the boss.

This is the first time Jiang Xiuxiu has faced the rumored BOSS face to face. Compared with the tip of the iceberg seen in the recording screen before, the appearance of the boy at this time is a little clearer.

Good-looking little white face, this is Jiang Xiuxiu’s first impression of him.

It’s just that his skin is too pale and lifeless, and with his pure eyes, it gives people an indescribable feeling.

At this moment, in the empty classroom, the teenager was sitting on the table in the center of the classroom, staring at Jiang Xiuxiu in every possible way.

Seeing Jiang Xiuxiu looking over, he smiled at her.

It looks surprisingly easy to get along with, Jiang Xiuxiu thought to himself.

But she knew that this was just the most insignificant aspect of BOSS’s character.

But now, after listening to her words, this seemingly gentle and harmless boy restrained his smile.

“But I think…you’re lying.”

In the next second, his figure flickered and completely disappeared in front of her eyes!

Seeing this, Jiang Xiuxiu trembled with fright, and subconsciously took a half step back.

Then, she felt her back against a cold and stiff object.

The three cold fingers, like thin snakes, unknowingly crawled behind Jiang Xiuxiu’s neck, bringing a slight chill deep into the bone marrow.

The fingertips circled around, and finally pressed against her throat at the moment when the boy’s voice fell.

The tingling sensation spread quickly through the skin to the top of the head, followed by a sharp suffocation.

In addition to panic, Jiang Xiuxiu had never felt so clearly the indifferent killing intent from his descendants—

He really wanted to kill her.

The person in front of her was just a set of data. Before entering the classroom, she was still looking at the game with a playful attitude, but at this moment, Jiang Xiuxiu truly realized a kind of feeling that came from the depths of her soul. An irresistible shudder.

And this all stems from her physical fear of death.

“I don’t like someone deceiving me.” The boy lowered his head and said lightly.

When he spoke, the cool breath fell on Jiang Xiuxiu’s ears, and Jiang Xiuxiu was separated by a layer of cloth, and he could clearly feel the tensed muscles under his thin body and his ready-to-go movements.

The two were so close together that when Jiang Xiuxiu was nervous and scared, the only thought in his mind turned out to be:

He is so close to her!

She and her brother have never been so close!

It may be that he has accepted the reality that he is about to die. After Jiang Xiuxiu’s mind was emptied, it was rare that he calmed down.

I’m still afraid, but this is just a game after all, and the other party can’t really hurt her.

Die here and quit the game, isn’t that what she always wanted?

In particular, the boss doesn’t seem to want to torture her at the moment.

It’s not a loss for her to be able to see this face of the BOSS before leaving the game, and to have intimate contact with such a little white face.

After being single for more than 20 years, Jiang Xiuxiu blushed and couldn’t help swallowing.

In the silence, her slight “grunt” sound was exceptionally clear.

The young man heard the voice, and saw Jiang Xiuxiu’s sluggish eyes that were clearly wandering. He was slightly startled, and then he laughed.

“You are the most daring of all the people I have ever met,” he said.

He didn’t seem to have expected Jiang Xiuxiu to have other thoughts under such circumstances.

Jiang Xiuxiu was incoherent: “Thank you, thank you for the compliment?”

Her pain level was only 10%, and when the boss pinched her, she didn’t feel anything at all.

Although she tried her best to show a painful appearance, she obviously didn’t deceive the boss…

Hearing the words, the boss narrowed his eyes suspiciously and looked at Jiang Xiuxiu.

Jiang Xiuxiu didn’t want to wait any longer, she turned around, stabbed her neck, closed her eyes and said to him, “Come on, give me a treat!”

But at this moment, an accident happened!

Maybe it was because Jiang Xiuxiu made too much movement before, or because the pockets of the school uniform were too narrow. As Jiang Xiuxiu turned around, a small pink envelope fluttered out of her school uniform pocket.

It was so light, like a feather, it swayed in the air and landed in front of Jiang Xiuxiu and the boy.

At this moment, the air suddenly became unusually quiet.

Jiang Xiuxiu: “…”

Jiang Xiuxiu: ? ? !

Wait, what the **** is this?

The pink appearance, the appearance of a small envelope, and the stickers of peach-colored hearts? ? ?

Jiang Xiuxiu looked at the letter, and a bad premonition rose in her heart in vain.

It… wouldn’t be a love letter, would it?

Why did this thing appear in her pocket, when she was wearing clothes that were changed by dress-up art? !

Jiang Xiuxiu’s eyes widened in disbelief, and couldn’t help but read the description of the “dressing technique”.

[Special ability description: In each game, players can perfectly clone the clothing of any NPC or player and wear them instantly. 】

After reading this sentence over and over three times, Jiang Xiuxiu finally found something wrong.

“Perfect clone” of any NPC or player’s clothing?

…So, Dress-Up can clone not only the NPC’s clothes, but also the things inside the clothes?

So, when she asked a girl who passed by before, she had a love letter in her pocket at that time?

Recalling the unnatural blush on the girl’s face when she came out of the teaching building just now, Jiang Xiuxiu was in a complicated mood, feeling like she was beeping a dog.

“You came here because you wanted to give this to me?”

When Jiang Xiuxiu was at a loss for words, the BOSS behind her tilted her head and asked curiously.

The young man’s pale and handsome face was not gloomy at all, his dark black pupils were like a clean and thorough pond, gentle and pure.

Even Jiang Xiuxiu, who knew his true nature, was in a trance the moment he met his eyes.

“Do you like me?” the boss asked.

I don’t know when it started, but the strength of the fingers that clasped Jiang Xiuxiu’s throat quietly loosened a lot.

Jiang Xiuxiu’s face turned green after hearing this.

You can eat indiscriminately, but you can’t talk indiscriminately?

“No!” she denied, “I took it for someone else, not mine. If you don’t believe me, look at the signature!”

This letter, like her clothes, was copied, so there must be the girl’s name in the inscription!

“That’s it.”

After listening to her rebuttal, the boss blinked, not angry.

With great interest, he stretched out his hand to pick up the small pink letter on the ground. Instead of opening the letter, he turned it over and showed the front to Jiang Xiuxiu.

Jiang Xiuxiu took a closer look and saw that there were just two lines of graceful handwriting on the front of the pink envelope.

Not the love poem she thought, but a toothache-

【To my beloved boy,

Someone you know who is. 】

Jiang Xiuxiu: “…”

No, if you don’t write your name, who knows who you are? !


Facing such a scene, Jiang Xiuxiu was speechless, and for a while he didn’t know how to continue to refute.

At this time, the BOSS beside her suddenly raised his head if he felt something.

“It’s almost time,” he whispered.

time? What time?

Jiang Xiuxiu was dumbfounded when she heard this.

She turned her head in confusion, only to see the BOSS withdraw his gaze and take a serious look at her face.

His expression was gentle, but his eyes were very cold, without the slightest warmth. When he landed on Jiang Xiuxiu’s face, he seemed to be looking at a cold object, and he seemed to be trying to see clearly through her feigned calm expression. her essence.

“I remember you,” he said. “My name is Xu Bai.”

After speaking, he moved his hand to Jiang Xiuxiu!

Jiang Xiuxiu only felt that her back was being slapped hard. This unexpected attack made her unable to stand firm for a while, and her body fell forward uncontrollably.

The whole world was spinning, and the dizziness came instantly.

But when Jiang Xiuxiu raised her head again and was about to stand up again, she was surprised to find that she had come out of that classroom.

In front of her, there was no longer the old wooden door, but a clean corridor.

The empty and numb reading sounds of the students in the next class were heard neatly through the classroom, making Jiang Xiuxiu wake up quickly when he was at a loss.

She actually… was let go by the boss?

And she also knew the other party’s name: Xu Bai.

A somewhat unexpected name, simple yet unexpectedly fitting for him.

It’s just that Xu Bai didn’t seem to return the love letter to her?

Also, did Xu Bai believe her defense… Why did she feel so suspended?

Jiang Xiuxiu was a little confused, but she looked down and found that the duration of her dressing-up technique was only a few seconds left.

Seeing this, she didn’t even think about it, and hurried to the corridor next to her.

As for that letter, it will naturally disappear after the dress-changing technique expires.

For the next few hours, Jiang Xiuxiu had been in a state of doing nothing.

She tried to find the NPC girl, but for some reason, she couldn’t find it after several rounds of searching.

As for the other students in the academy, all of them were the same as Mu Mu, no matter how she asked, they kept their heads down and didn’t hum.

Later, she searched for ropes and knives, but found nothing.

Because the way the player logs out of the game, he must die or clear the level, so when night falls, Jiang Xiuxiu can only admit it and go to the teacher’s apartment for the night.

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