Handing Women’s Clothes To the Escape Game BOSS

Chapter 23

Ghost: “…”

Goblin: ? ? ?

Seeing Jiang Xiuxiu bending his legs slightly, his arms could not be stretched any longer, one person and one ghost suddenly fell into a deadlock.

Her arms stopped shaking, and the air instantly became extremely embarrassing.

Maybe the ghosts didn’t think about it when they attacked, and it would still happen…

Obviously, Jiang Xiuxiu’s nodding caused the ghost to have the ability to control her arm.

But Jiang Xiuxiu only nodded after all, and the response was not complete. The ghosts were completely out of control at the legs.

However, Jiang Xiuxiu is not tall, and belongs to the petite and cute category.

Originally, she had to stand on tiptoes to touch the books on the top floor, but now she bends her legs and the ghosts are completely useless!

“Books! I want books! I want books!!”

After the child ghost was silent, a high-pitched scream broke out.

“Call me back! Promise me! Call me back!!”

It was shocked and angry, and its voice became a little distorted under extreme emotions.

It seemed that it couldn’t control its temper at all, the screams made Jiang Xiuxiu’s head hurt, and the ground in front of him turned black, as if he had encountered the kind of annoying children on the bus or high-speed train who kept making noise.

Once normal bear children don’t get what they want and don’t get what they want from their parents, they will be noisy and disgusted by others.

Not to mention the moody, ghost-turned child.

Even if it was because of the rules, Jiang Xiuxiu could not be hurt directly, Jiang Xiuxiu was also affected by it.

What the **** is wrong with that book… Why is this kid so desperate to get it?

Is it possible that there are any secrets in it, or what important information is recorded?

In addition to being irritable, Jiang Xiuxiu inevitably became a little curious when faced with the obsession of children and ghosts.

In the following time, the child ghost continued to make trouble for a while in the face of such a situation.

Jiang Xiuxiu gave full play to her ability to survive, smiling at the opponent’s various provocations, she remained motionless, and was as stable as a mountain.

It didn’t take long for the ghosts behind her to succeed, and after four or five minutes of entanglement, they left unwillingly.

It came suddenly and left just as quickly.

After a while, Jiang Xiuxiu sensed that the coolness behind him was gradually withdrawing, and found that his arm was falling down as if it had lost its strength.

She was overjoyed, shook her leg that was about to go numb, and supported the wardrobe next to her to regain her footing.

At the same time, she tentatively glanced back.

At this moment, there was nothing behind her, including the two players who were still there before, and they quietly left at some point.

She was the only one left in the empty study.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiuxiu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew that the level just now, no matter what, she was able to cope with it.

After the consciousness of the arms and legs slowly recovered, Jiang Xiuxiu recalled everything that happened.

Immediately, she raised her head and looked at a book on the top of the bookcase.

This is the book that a child ghost wants to get for a long time.

Her intuition told her that there should be some secrets hidden in this book.

However, when Jiang Xiuxiu stood on tiptoe and took out the book and looked at it, she was stunned.

This book is not a diary or something like she thought, but a very ordinary book—

“The Selfish Gene”.

Its author is Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary theorist.

Judging from the ash marks on the side of the book, the couple who became more and more obsessed with supernatural news should have not read this book for a long time.

Although the book “The Selfish Gene” is not particularly famous, it is not as well-known as “Jane Eyre” and “A Tale of Two Cities”, but it has a little reputation.

Jiang Xiuxiu had heard of it, and had also noticed this book when looking at the bookcase earlier.

At that time, she only regarded it as those look books to decorate the facade, and did not pay special attention to it.

So what does it mean here?

Jiang Xiuxiu narrowed his eyes and opened it to check.

She flipped through it briefly and found that there were no interlayers or notes in the book.

Only some readers make a mark with a black pen when reading a book.

Among them, the place where the most imprints are made is concentrated in the eighth chapter, “The Struggle Between Generations”.

There is a passage in it, all of which have been highlighted with a black pen—

“…’the mother has a darling’, which means that when it invests in children, the distribution of resources is often unequal…”

“…mothers can decide ‘at will’ how these resources are distributed among their children, equally or unequally…”

Below this passage, the book also proposes a concept called “parental investment”.

The general meaning is that the parents, who are also the “parents”, make any form of investment in their children, who are also the “offspring”, at the expense of the parents to invest in other individuals of the offspring. ability at the cost.

To put it in layman’s terms, all parents have limited “assets” for their children, and if they give resources to one child, it will inevitably lead to the sacrifice of the interests of other children.

After seeing the definition of this concept, Jiang Xiuxiu’s brows suddenly wrinkled.

What does this sentence mean?

Jiang Xiuxiu couldn’t digest it for a while, but she quickly thought of the couple’s two children.

A boy, a girl.

One is a sister and the other is a brother.

If there is a phenomenon of parents’ unequal resource tilt between them, it is self-evident which one will benefit.

So, in this family, there is actually a phenomenon of preference for boys over girls?

What does this book, appearing here, want to imply to her?

Somewhere, Jiang Xiuxiu seemed to have received some guidance from the game.

She flipped the paper back quickly, and after a while, in the next few sheets, she found another paragraph with the key point drawn with a ballpoint pen—

“…Old Swallow has a certain amount of parental investment. If it has five children, then it will be divided equally among the five milk swallows, but each milk swallow wants to get more than one-fifth of the share…”

“… As long as Ruyan can drop one egg, it will get a quarter, and another one will get a third. In genetic language, the genes that manipulate the behavior of killing brothers and sisters are in the The gene pool will spread…”

Unlike the previous sentences, this time, instead of a black ballpoint pen, the reader used a red one to make the marks.

Under the dim orange light, these red lines seemed to have life for a while, flowing on the paper, revealing a hint of ominous meaning.

“Clang! Clang! Clang!—”

While Jiang Xiuxiu was contemplating, suddenly, a deafening bell came from the hall!

This bell was louder than the previous ones, one after another, instantly awakening the entire ancient house!

Jiang Xiuxiu, who was immersed in his own thinking, was startled by the sudden voice.

She looked up at the clock in the study and found that it was exactly 8 o’clock in the evening.

Jiang Xiuxiu suddenly realized that she had spent too much time in the study.

It’s getting late, and after a while, it’s time to rest.

The information found today is enough, and it is not practical for her to finish the book in a short period of time.

She’d better take these things back and have a good rest.

Thinking like this, Jiang Xiuxiu put the book on the shelf, turned around and took off the backpack.

She was going to stuff it into her backpack, along with the picture book she had found in the little girl’s room earlier, and carry it with her.

However, when Jiang Xiuxiu looked back again, she found that the book “The Selfish Gene” was gone!

The bookshelf in front of her was completely clean, and there were no traces of anything that had been put on it.

In just two seconds, the book disappeared into the room out of thin air as if it had never appeared.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiuxiu was slightly startled.

Is that book missing?

Where has it gone…will it ever appear again?

After reacting, Jiang Xiuxiu hurriedly searched the study without hope, trying to find out if the book could be found again.

It turned out that, after ten minutes, she had found nothing.

Now, she fully understood that the book itself should be a very abnormal existence, something she couldn’t take for granted.

If you think about it, it’s the same book. After all, it’s the book that kid ghost repeatedly asked her to get.

After thinking about this, Jiang Xiuxiu stopped delaying and left the study soon.

According to the clues she found today, Jiang Xiuxiu had a vague guess about the situation of the family of four in this ancient house.

Next, she just needs to get more information to confirm her idea.

At this time, since it was not too late, some players in the ancient mansion entered the room to rest, and some players stayed outside.

When Jiang Xiuxiu went out, he noticed that the players standing outside gathered together, frowning and standing by the corridor.

Rather than doing things separately, they were observing or eavesdropping together.

Some people’s faces also showed obvious vigilance.

What’s wrong?

Jiang Xiuxiu followed their line of sight in confusion, and found that two female players were arguing outside the corridor.

“Why do you want to separate? Didn’t you say you wanted to form a team with me!?”

The female player who was watched by the other players, was slightly angry at this moment, accusing the other female player.

She has beautiful long hair, and in terms of appearance, she belongs to the kind of woman with a rational personality.

Therefore, she is much calmer than the angry male player before.

Even when questioning, the long-haired female player’s tone was not particularly excited.

It seemed that she had accepted the truth and just wanted an explanation.

“I-I just don’t want to form a team with you,” Facing the accusations of the long-haired female player, her teammate’s words seemed a little lacking, “Is there any problem…”

“How can there be no problem?” The long-haired woman sneered and said, “If you want to form a group, if you don’t want to, you won’t form a group. You think the game is your home, and everyone will let you?”

The two argued with each other for a few words, and finally broke up.

The long-haired female player Dia left and went to find a new room, while her teammates left the place as quickly as they were running for their lives.

Looking at the back of that teammate, Jiang Xiuxiu’s heart moved slightly.

The performance of this teammate was exactly the same as the performance of the “resurrected” male player teammates in the corridor before.

Could it be that the long-haired female player was the one who reappeared after being taken away by the ghost?

Seeing this, Jiang Xiuxiu suddenly had a guess in his heart.

Just in case, Jiang Xiuxiu ran over and asked the teammates of the long-haired female player.

As she expected, she got an affirmative reply.

“Just now we went to the toilet and encountered danger in it,” said the teammate of the long-haired female player. “I remember very clearly, because I was afraid, I didn’t respond, but she came back! She was taken away by that child. !”

Speaking of this, the teammate’s voice paused for a while, and then continued: “…But when I went out of the toilet, she appeared again.”

The rest of the matter, the teammates did not make it clear, but Jiang Xiuxiu could almost infer it.

The long-haired female player must have forgotten the experience of being taken by ghosts, just like the male players before, and thought that nothing had happened.

According to the previous performance of the long-haired female player, Jiang Xiuxiu could roughly see that the character of the long-haired female player has hardly changed, and it is not much different from the original.

Whether it is the tone of voice or the puzzled look on his face, they are all real, and there is no trace of the performance.

Therefore, the two players who had an accident should not be disguised by other “things”.

They are, indeed, themselves.

But they, after all, were really taken by ghosts.

No accident? How can it be!

“Okay, thank you.”

After Jiang Xiuxiu heard the information, she nodded and said thanks.

It’s just that after asking these things, she suddenly raised her head and asked another question unintentionally.

“Did you meet that kid ghost in the toilet?” she asked casually, “Is it one ghost or two?”

“It’s just one.”

The teammates heard the words and answered without thinking: “It’s the one we met at the door before.”

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