Half a Sect Master

Chapter 25

Chapter 24: I Want To Hug You

At eight o’clock in the evening, Bai Fan lay on the bed and fell asleep on time. When he woke up, he took out Yin Rui’s letter today from the dark compartment. There was nothing special in the letter. As always, he explained what happened during the day. What happened, but the last sentence of the letter [It’s been cold recently, remember to put on your cloak when you go out. ] The corner of his mouth twitched fiercely, but he still remembered that the air conditioner was turned on before he went to bed.

Out of the air-conditioned room during the day can make people dizzy, but at night, I was told to add clothes. The temperature difference between day and night is really big. Fortunately, the soul will not catch a cold.

Bai Fan picked up the clothes beside the bed and found that there was a cloak with raw edges inside. After wearing it, it felt pretty good. Such a cloak can only be used in this world. Can be dressed upright.

Bai Fan got up and walked to the desk, looking through the affairs of today’s teaching, most of Yin Rui has already dealt with it, and there is a small part that has not been dealt with. After finishing the processing, he had nothing to do, so he looked at the part that Yin Rui had already dealt with. As a result, he found a request written by the fifth elder to send more people to find Yin Nanhan.

The five elders were extremely loyal to Yin Nanhan. After Yin Nanhan disappeared, he never stopped searching. Even when Yin Rui first ascended the throne, he insisted not to call Yin Rui the leader, but to use the title of the young master. A year later, although Yin Rui has now been firmly seated as the leader, even if the five elders are unwilling, they can only honorably call him leader, but his determination to find Yin Nanhan has never changed. No, look for an opportunity. I asked to send someone to look for the old leader. If Yin Rui did not agree, it would be unfilial and ill-intentioned. After all, Yin Nanhan disappeared, and Yin Rui got the most benefit, so Yin Rui was naturally one of the suspects.

However…Bai Fan propped his chin up, Yin Nanhan’s disappearance was really strange, he couldn’t believe it when he first started, such a powerful person disappeared after saying that he disappeared, although he sat on the The position of the leader is not very stable. I always feel that one day Yin Nanhan will suddenly pop out from a corner, and then see him and Yin Rui sitting on the position of the leader, shouting “you idiot” and slapped to death. them.

Bai Fan shuddered, and decided to stop thinking about it. He sits well as the leader of the sect. He doesn’t need to try too hard to find Yin Nanhan’s affairs. Although Yin Nanhan has treated him well over the years, it is just not bad. Who is more important between Yin Nanhan and Yin Rui, who has become one with him? Bai Fan can clearly tell the difference.

If Yin Nanhan comes back again, the poor one will be Yin Rui, so it seems… Are they taking precautions? Although Yin Nanhan has not heard anything this year, he always feels that that person will not disappear so easily. If one day Yin Nanhan appears again, he and Yin Rui will always have a way to get out. After thinking about it, Bai Fan decided to discuss with Yin Rui a sure-fire strategy, such as digging a secret escape route, or inserting something among those who were loyal to Yin Nanhan.

Bai Fan didn’t know, he thought about it all night and wrote several pages of escape plans, which made Yin Rui smile for the first time after days of gloomy days, and it lasted for a long time good mood for a while.

On this day, Bai Fan stayed in the store with Bai Mu, and Bai Mu talked about how she expanded the store little by little, and what kind of product did she use last time? The marketing strategy beat the competition, and the store’s sales volume and word of mouth firmly outperformed that jewelry store. Bai Fan listened patiently, and from time to time he took the time to flatter him.

Bai Fan looked at the jeweled mother and couldn’t help but feel a little dazed. The changes in the white mother in the past ten years have been really great. Bai Fan vaguely remembers that ten years ago, his mother was a plainly dressed, A mother who does not wear any jewelry. But since I took over this jewelry store, it may have been influenced by the industry and the ladies and jewelry store proprietors who I often come into contact with. Coupled with this condition, I have begun to wear all kinds of jewelry on my body, and it is a must for new styles every season. Dai, it has become a movable type signboard. Bai Fan can’t say whether this change is good or bad, but Mother Bai has laughed a lot over the years, and it’s true that she looks a lot younger under the dress of these jewels.

No matter what, as long as the white mother can be happy, it is always a good thing, and no matter how the white mother changes, the white mother’s love for him has never changed. The words are, son, Mom has taken care of your jewelry store, when will you come back to take over.

Bai Fan looked at Bai Mu and suddenly felt a little hot in his eyes. He stretched out his hand to embrace Bai Mu and said in a hoarse voice, “Thank you, Mom.”

Mother Bai was stunned for a moment, then she reached out and patted Bai Fan on the back, “My silly son, thank you, thank you, if you really want to make Mom happy, just marry a daughter-in-law and come back soon. The biggest pair of diamond rings in my shop has been kept for both of you.”

Bai Fan, who was still immersed in the love of mother and son, was suddenly dumbfounded by this sentence. In his mind, subconsciously, the pair of “Treasures of the Town Store” that Bai Mu got in front of him more than once appeared in his mind “Can that pair of huge diamond rings that can blind people really be able to wear them out?

Bai Fan, who was chatting with Bai Mu, didn’t find it. At this time, another pair of guests walked into the jewelry store.

Wei Mingyan and He Yanyan went straight to the diamond ring counter, and the lady at the counter showed a sweet smile, “What do you two need, we have a variety of couple rings and wedding rings to choose from. ”

Wei Mingyan had lost his arrogance at this time, his mood was obviously not too high, he nodded to the lady at the counter, pointed to a few wedding rings, “This and this, take it out Let’s try.”

“Okay.” The lady at the counter smiled and took out several wedding rings pointed to by Wei Mingyan for He Yanyan to try on.

Wei Mingyan looked at He Yanyan who was concentrating on choosing a diamond ring, gritted her teeth and picked up the most expensive pair and said, “Yanyan, do you like this one? Pick a ring and let’s get married.”

He Yanyan’s expression seemed a little hesitant, Wei Mingyan said quickly, “I have found a new job, although the salary offered by this company is not as high as that of the family jewelry store, but with my experience and contacts , it will soon be restored to the original level, Yanyan, believe me, I can give you a happy life.”

He Yanyan looked at Wei Mingyan for a while, and finally nodded, although she knew she was beautiful, but time was not forgiving. At the age of 30, she had no time or capital to pursue Biwei. Akihiko is a better man.

Bai Mu keenly found something was wrong between the two parties, and could not help but ask, “Fanfan, do you know each other?”

Bai Fan nodded, “Former classmate.”

“Classmates, it’s really fate to meet here, you bought a wedding ring, right? Are you ready to get married? Yo, the bride is so beautiful, the boy is lucky.” Bai Mu looked at The pair praised, and at the end, they began to chat with envy, “Young people today, you should get married earlier, settle down earlier, Fanfan, you see your classmates are married, when will you be able to bring one? Daughter-in-law comes back to see mom, mom, this jewelry store has always been taking care of you and your daughter-in-law.”

Meet Bai Mu, Wei Mingyan and He Yanyan have different expressions, Wei Mingyan naturally knows Bai Mu, the boss of Lucui Jewelry, who does not know who is in this business, mysterious a few years ago Rising, but it has abundant funds, and has an enviable supply of goods, especially the jadeite piece, which is almost the highest level in Z City.

He came to Lucui Jewelry this time to buy wedding rings, in addition to wanting to avoid Shijia Jewelry, he also came for the high quality and fair price of Lucui Jewelry. The owner of Cui Cui Jewelry Store turned out to be Bai Fan’s mother. He also understood that Bai Fan’s words that made him unable to get along in the jewelry industry were not casual words. If it was the weight of Lu Cui Jewelry Store, it could indeed be easily resolved. drop him. But now he doesn’t want to cause trouble. He needs a job in a jewelry store. All his experience and accumulation in the past ten years are based on this industry. If he leaves this industry, he will walk extremely hard. Fortunately, Bai Fan didn’t seem to mention the conflict on purpose today. Wei Mingyan naturally couldn’t ask for it. He politely nodded to Mother Bai and left with He Yanyan.

Bai Fan was stunned for a long time, and it was not until He Yanyan and Wei Mingyan left his sight that he recalled what He Yanyan said. He recalled a scene from a long time ago, when he and He Yanyan were still lovers in college, He Yanyan also inquired about the situation at his home, and at that time he said that his parents were ordinary workers. But at that time, he was telling the truth. Ten years ago, Bai Mu was indeed an ordinary worker, not the current jewelry store owner.

Until today, Bai Fan didn’t feel that he was really tender ten years ago, so tender that he couldn’t even see the real reason why his girlfriend left him.

Fortunately, it has been ten years now, and the girlfriend who was so affectionate can now laugh at her as a wife, and even export blessings.

But even so, in the dead of night, in Yin Rui’s young and energetic body, Bai Fan couldn’t help but feel depressed after thinking about it. In the letter he left to Yin Rui I wrote a sentence, [What should I do, I want to hug you. 】…

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