Haikyuu: Opening Super Workout System

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Under the double infection of teammates and opponents, Asahi gradually recovered his state.

“Akan! One more ball! ”

When the smash was stopped, what he did was no longer to escape.

Instead, bravely face the net and challenge again!

Unlike Jiang Ran, Although Xu could not buckle out of the high ball that was difficult for ordinary people to block the net.

But the strong body gave Asahi super strong slam power!

This type of strength type of player is the most difficult type of attacker to deal with.

But at the same time, it is the easiest attacker to deal with.

Because those attackers who choose a roundabout style of play will use the method of bypassing the net or the beater out of bounds to score points.

As long as you figure out this kind of player’s scoring routine, it is not difficult to stop their ball.

And these powerful attackers, even if you see his ball path.

In the case of insufficient physical fitness, it is impossible to stop his smashing!

But it’s not without reason to say he’s the easiest attacker to deal with.

As long as the physical fitness is strong enough, it is so strong that the ball he has slammed cannot open the arm of the net blocker!

Then this kind of player will soon fall into the predicament of not being able to score!!

It’s like the race between Uno and Date Industries in the past.

When Asahi’s slam ball could not break through the enemy’s net… Then he won’t be able to keep scoring!


And now the situation is, except for ginger and earth.

The other four were physically inferior to the standard of being able to stop Asahi from slaming!

This allowed Asahi to score points in quick succession at the beginning!

But, soon.

Asahi’s way of slaming the ball was figured out by Jiang Ran!

In the next few balls, he always appeared in front of Asahi’s slam ball in time!

The shadow mountain on the side of the look was in a cold sweat.

“This guy!”

“No matter what time, you can keep the clearest mind!”

“Always the fastest to find the biggest weakness of the opponent!”

“Being against him always has a feeling of panic!”


As the game went on, the situation on the field was once again stuck in a stalemate.

Among them, not only Ginger Burning, but also the play of West Valley is also very eye-catching.

It should be said that it is worthy of being called the patron saint of Uno!

Nishitani’s saving technique has reached a point that is difficult for ordinary people to reach.

Especially his net protection!

When Asahi’s slam ball was stopped by Jiang Yan.

Nishiya can often save the ball that is about to land again at that moment.

“A smash at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour or even faster falls at a very close distance of two or three meters!”

“I can save such a ball several times, this Nishitani classmate is very powerful!”

The Uyang Heart on the sidelines also praised.

Slowly, the game on the court came to the second half.

The scores of both sides are deadlocked, each side gets a point, and the other side will always catch up again in a short time.

“What a great high school student!”

“It seems that it is impossible not to come up with some real skills!”

The uncle of the team in Unochi said with a smile.

This time, the serve came to their side.

“Jump the ball!”

But at this time, Xiangyang, who was in the rear, could not handle this difficult serve at all!

The straight ball that was constantly swinging in the air landed directly in front of Xiangyang.

This split uncle also found that Jiang Ran’s ability to catch the ball was not inferior to the earth.

But he approached it differently from that of Kazukawa at the time.

He did not choose the riskier side of Tsukishima, but chose to continue to send the ball to Xiangyang, who was poor at receiving the ball.

For them, a steady score is king!

Two points in a row!!

It’s time to play with the town team!

But just this crucial ball, the earth waiting for the opportunity to move on the side was ahead of Xiangyang and picked up this ball!

“Nice pick-up! Earth! ”

At this time, Jiang Yan was just in the front row!

Seeing that Jiang Yan was ready to slam the ball upwards, the six people on the other side took a deep breath at the same time!

Take this ball!

The three people in the front row were preparing to block the net, and the others in the back were also staring at jiang yan’s location!

Only Shadow Mountain noticed.

Jiang Ran made a secret little gesture to him before slaming the ball.

These were some small code words that Jiang Ran had suddenly found him a few days ago and said to him.

Shadow Mountain looked at Jiang Ran with suspicious eyes, but Jiang Ran just stared ahead without squinting and did not respond to him.

“This bastard… I’ll believe you this time! ”

He gritted his teeth and said.

Next, just as Ginger ignited the jumping slam ball.

Shadow Mountain suddenly used a back pass!

The ball flew to Tanaka, who was in the secondary attack position!

This is something that no one on the field expected!!

It wasn’t Ginger Burning who slammed the ball!!

But now, all the nets jumped up with him in front of Jiang Yan.

Even the three defenders in the back row looked intently in the direction of Jiang Yan in front of them.

But what they didn’t expect was that the ball didn’t come at all!!

“Oops! Empty net! ”

Nishitani’s face changed!

“Long time no see!”

From the side came Tanaka’s excited shouts!

This feeling of no nets and no view…

It was amazing!!

Everyone wanted to save the ball, but this time Shadow Mountain played a fast attack ball!

It’s too late!


The sound of the ball landing sounded, and the score was tied!

“Wow! Shadow Mountain students really dare to take risks! ”

Takeda had a palpitating look on the sidelines.

“It was in this crucial match point game that the ball was passed to Tanaka, who was in the secondary attack position!”

“Instead of the ginger that has always played the most eye-catching!”

“Fortunately, this point was not lost, otherwise the first game would have ended directly!”

Wu Yang, who had been observing the movement of the field from the sidelines, shook his head.

He had just seen jiang yan and yingshan’s small movements.

“Is it really shadow mountain’s adventurous spirit?”

“I don’t think so!”

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