
Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Shuangqing University server fell!

The server of Shuangqing University is in the hands of Shi Lei!

However, Shi Lei’s authority on the server is very loose.

After all, the server belongs to the public use server of Shuangqing University, and some permissions must be released.

For example, the server administrator’s account, Shi Lei did not move.

Administrators can still perform various maintenance server operations, operate forums, and more.

Shi Lei only controls the core of the server!

Unless the intruder wants to get the highest core authority of the server, Shi Lei’s preset honeypot alarm mechanism will not trigger.

The black wolf is not the third leader of the hacker alliance, and the technology far surpasses Zhang Song.

Even if Zhang Song has the administrator rights of the server of Shuangqing University, he can’t stop the attack of the black wolf.

After entering the server of Shuangqing University, the black wolf did not immediately destroy, but all aspects of the system log in the server.

Especially on October 1st, as well as the previous system log.

The black wolf attempted to find traces of Shi Lei from the system log.

If Shi Lei is careless, it is highly probable that the IP address will remain in the system log.

If this happens, the black wolf can continue to track down based on the IP address of the connection to the server.

Until I found Shi Lei’s bedroom!

Fortunately, Shi Lei had expected this situation. In the server of Shuangqing University, all the system logs were completely cleaned up by Shi Lei.

All the efforts of the black wolf are just futile!

The black wolf is very angry without getting the desired result!


“The other party is really a master, and very cautious.”

“In the server of Shuangqing University, there is no trace left at all!”

In the voice chat room, the black wolf said to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng quickly made a voice to persuade.

“Master, don’t be angry, even if the other party doesn’t leave us a flaw.”

“We can also implement Plan 2, destroying it in Shuangqing University and forcing the other party to come out!”

The black wolf smirked.


“Black charcoal, with big eyes open, the master will help you revenge!”

Chen Feng quickly picked up.

“Master Weiwu!”

“Master is invincible!”

In Shuangqing University, in the teacher’s office of the computer department, more than ten teachers are sitting in front of the computer and tapping the keyboard nervously.

“Professor Xia, we can’t stop it!”

Zhang Song has a tired face.

Although it is only a few minutes, Zhang Song, who is highly concentrated, is exhausted.

Professor Xia is the director of the computer department and the vice president.

However, Professor Xia’s knowledge is almost entirely theoretical, and the actual operation is not capable.

“Zhang Song, our server, lost?”

Professor Xia’s face is quite unsightly.

“Not completely lost!”

Zhang Song uses a strange tone: “After the other party hacked into our server, it did not immediately start to the permission group, but was querying the system log!”

“It seems that the other party may be looking for something!”

Professor Xia was relieved a little, as long as the other party did not destroy it.

The University of Science and Technology was hacked and lost more than five million things. It became a big laughing stock in the university circle of Shuanghu District.

Professor Xia does not want to repeat the mistakes of the University of Science and Technology!

However, according to Murphy’s Law, if things have the possibility of getting worse, no matter how small the possibility, it will always happen!

“Zhang Song, did you find the IP of the other party?”

Zhang Song’s face is black!

‘You are a brain! Zhang Song’s heart sighed.

The other party’s technology is obviously higher than him. He has been defending the server all the time. How can I track the IP address of the other party?

Even if there is time, depending on the other party’s technology, may he be traced?

“Professor Xia, I have not tracked it for the time being!”

Zhang Song perfunctori said one sentence.


A young man who appeared to have twenty-seven eight, exclaimed.

“Song Ge, the other party has a new action, and started to start with the permission group of the server!”

Professor Xia was pale and roared: “Zhang Song, lead everyone to block him!”

Zhang Song just nodded and then said to everyone: “Work hard together!”

In fact, Zhang Song’s heart has already had a bad feeling.

With the other side’s technology, they want to defend each other, it’s hard!

The hands of the black wolf, on the keyboard, like a precision machine, are fast and precise.

“The garbage of Shuangqing University, ready to cry!”

“I really want to see, your desperate eyes!”

The black wolf speaks in a voice chat room.

This time, Chen Feng did not flatter and did not tout.

Because, the black wolf entering the state always likes to talk to himself, and he does not like the interruption of others.

In the office of the computer department of Shuangqing University, Zhang Song’s forehead had a dense cold sweat.

‘Damn, the other’s attack is too strong! ’

‘Absolutely not the gang of technology universities! ’

At the forum of the University of Science and Technology, some good computer science students have posted news that Shuangqing University is under hacking.

Suddenly, the students of the University of Science and Technology cheered.

The grievances of the University of Science and Technology and Shuangqing University have a long history. Students from both sides cannot understand each other. It is a common thing.

This kind of thing that Shuangqing University was attacked by hackers, students of the University of Science and Technology, is definitely welcome with both hands!

A large number of students from the University of Science and Technology waited to see the excitement of Shuangqing University and ran to the on-campus forums of other universities to start publicity.

“Forum management authority, coming soon!”

The black wolf sneered.

“Start with your forum first!”

On the other hand, Zhang Song suddenly stopped his hand and said: “The forum management authority, lost!”

Professor Xia’s face is even paler.

“Defensively defend student profiles, campus broadband management procedures, and student meal card management procedures!”

“These three permissions must not be lost!”

“Otherwise, the loss of our Shuangqing University is definitely bigger than that of the University of Science and Technology!”

“Understood!” All the teachers yelled at the response.

After the Black Wolf seized the management authority of the school forum, it immediately revised the campus forum of Shuangqing University.

On the forum, all the posts are clear!

Only left a picture!

A black giant wolf, looking up at the sky, angry roar!

Anyone who enters the forum in Shuangqing University will have a huge wolf as long as they have audio, or a headset, headphones, etc.

Seeing this black wolf, some knowledgeable computer science students immediately knew the identity of the hacker who invaded Shuangqing University!

Zhang Song also saw pictures of the school forum.

His face is paler!

“The black wolf of the hacker league!”

“When did we get him?”

“Damn, we can’t keep it!”

Zhang Song’s face was tense, a pair of eyes, watching the computer screen.

After a while, Shuangqing University’s on-campus forum refreshed new content.

Only a piece of arrogant text!

A bold red font with a sly text!

‘The garbage of Shuangqing University, there is an apprentice who bullies my black wolf. Didn’t you plant a war? ’

‘Garbage, Laozi only gives you three minutes! ’

‘Three minutes did not appear, Lao Tzu completely destroyed the server of your Shuangqing University! ’

A three-minute countdown appeared in the forum of Shuangqing University, which was almost exactly the same as Shi Lei’s work at the University of Science and Technology.

Black wolf is a tooth for a tooth!

Zhang Song looked at the black wolf’s declaration and his face changed dramatically.

“Professor Xia, hurry up and find a way to inform the dean of the season!”

Ji Mingyi, the dean of the computer department of Shuangqing University, has the skills of real talents. As long as he is, even the black wolf is not qualified to let go!

Professor Xia trembled with his mobile phone and quickly dialed Ji Mingyi’s phone.

However, in the phone, only the gentle female voice, with Xia Guoyu and English, repeatedly said ‘you call, temporarily not in the service area! ’

In the office of the computer department, I was quiet for a while.

For the three-headed hacker alliance, they know more or less.

Their technology can never block the black wolf.

Professor Xia screamed.

“Don’t we have Shuangqing University, is it really finished?”

“Damn hacker!”

“Damn hacker league!”

“Zhang Song, give me an alarm!”

Zhang Song rolled his eyes.

“Professor Xia, do you think the police can catch them?”

If you can catch, the guy in the hacker league, I don’t know how many times I’ve been caught!

On the campus forum of Shuangqing University, the three-minute countdown was completed.

The black wolf arrogant in the forum, directly announced the core data of the server in Shuangqing University, began to work!

In order to double the core data of the university, you must have the highest authority of the server.

In other words, the black wolf must invade the core of the server and obtain the highest authority of the server before it can operate!

However, the server of Shuangqing University, that is the site of Shi Lei!

Whether it is a black wolf or someone else, Shi Lei allows them to make small noises in the server.

You can even modify the data in the campus forum!

But how can I get permission from Shi Lei to get the core permissions of the server?

Jingyayuan, Shi Lei will fry the pot of pork, oily vegetables, and spinach tofu soup, and put it on the table.

And I also had two bowls of rice and everything was ready.

“Ouyang, come out to eat!”

Shi Lei shouted loudly outside Ouyang Xiangmen.

Ouyang Xiang actually came out wearing a nightgown!

Formed by long-term exercise, slender thighs, exposed to the air.

The healthy skin of wheat color, although not white, has another temptation!

Shi Lei looked straight at Ouyang Xiang and swallowed.

Ouyang Xiang snorted.

“Shi Lei, you little kid, what do you look at?”

“Don’t you have seen a beautiful woman?”

Shi Lei smirked.

“Beauty sees more!”

“But the beauty of the nightgown is really the first time I saw it!”

Ouyang Xiangyi, then realized that he was wearing a nightgown!

“Ah ”

A shrill scream broke out from the mouth of Ouyang Xiang.

Ouyang Xiang’s work today is really too much. He is too busy to go. After he came back and took a shower, he was comfortably lying in bed.

Until Shi Lei called her to eat, she still did not feel that she was wearing a nightgown.

After changing their home clothes, the two started to eat together.

But just started to eat, Shi Lei’s cell phone, it sounded ringing.

Shi Lei looked at the phone.

Ouyang Xiang asked curiously: “Is there something?”

Shi Lei showed a smile.

“It doesn’t matter, just a nasty guy, harassment!”


PS: Currently recommend 4170, target 4300, ask for a ticket! In fact, from the recommendation of the week, less and less!

Don’t forget the mountains and mountains Dear brothers and sisters, let the mountains and mountains kill the guy in front of him. His collection is seven or eight hundred. Why is it in front of the mountains? Everyone is a smart person


[Thank you for your appreciation] The long-sleeved hood is the main lord, and rewards 200.






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