
Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Shi Lei was invaded?

Packed up Chen Ming, Shi Lei was in a bed of joy and fell asleep.

October 1st, Xia Guo National Day.

In 2006, the National Day holiday was still seven days.

Ling Yumo has already returned home. Mushuang was on the plane last night and returned to Shengjing City.

Compared with Xiao Lizi, he also returned to Chang’an and listened to what he meant. He was also prepared to go out with some things in the place where his old man worked.

This child has been completely saved!

Shi Lei is an orphan, no relatives. As for the inexplicable uncle, he does not like Shi Lei, Shi Lei does not like him.

The two have not met for more than three years!

One person stayed in the dormitory, Shi Lei considered some problems.

For example, who is his parents?

Also, how big is the organization he joined in the past life?

The organization ruthlessly abandoned Shi Lei, which caused Shi Lei to die, and how Shi Lei would let them go!

However, the organization is too strong, Shi Lei will not touch and trace them for the time being.

In the past life, as the world’s peak-level hacker, Shi Lei, although in the network, is calling for the rain.

In the real world, he is a small and complete person.

There is no power at all.

After the rebirth, Shi Lei, although he was haha, did not have a formal shape, but Shi Lei secretly made up his mind, not only to turn the cloud into the network.

In reality, it is also necessary to cover the rain!

Turning on the computer, Shi Lei used the server of Shuangqing University as a springboard and landed on the website of the hacker alliance.

The Hacker Alliance is the second-generation hacker organization that created the website of the same name.

The second generation of hackers, rising from 1998 to 2000, as the backbone of the current hacker community, the second generation of hackers with excellent technology and high quality, propped up the hacker circle.

Many of the first-generation hackers have been transformed, engaged in network security, network technology, and even opened their own network security companies.

Compared to the second generation of hackers, the first generation of hackers is even more powerful!

They are Xia Guo, the earliest contact with computers and networks, with a high level of cultural quality and computer skills.

The second generation of hackers, basically along the road of the first generation of hackers, groped out.

As for the hackers two thousand years later, they are collectively referred to as third-generation hackers.

Among the third-generation hackers, there are many guys who are talented, horizontal, and powerful. But more third-generation hackers just copy the methods summarized by the predecessors and the attack tools developed by others.

Compared with the first generation of hackers and the second generation of hackers, the overall strength of the third generation of hackers is really far from each other!

The hacker alliance is the hacker organization established in the second generation of hackers, the famous black knife.

Among the second generation of hacker organizations, the number of hacker alliances is one of the best.

Shi Lei used to be a member of the hacker league. Although he was separated from the hacker alliance, the hacker alliance helped him a lot.

Shi Lei registered an ID called ‘Lu Xi Feier’, which was browsed in the hacker league.

At this time, the hacker alliance has not been snobbish after a decade.

A lot of things, all for free!

Just browsing for a few minutes, Shi Lei’s computer actually started to alarm!

It turned out that the guy who is also browsing the hacker alliance, logging in IP information through the webpage, catching up with the door, has already found the server of Shuangqing University, is attacking!

The public server of Shuangqing University, after the adjustment of Shi Lei, the defense power has increased countless times, how can it be easily compromised?

Shi Lei traces the intruder. Without a moment, Shi Lei easily traces the intruder’s IP address.

Perhaps it is because the other party, too focused on invading the server of Shuangqing University, or perhaps the other side’s technology is poor, actually did not find Shi Lei, has already chased the past!

In the network, the IP address is like the home address of the real world.

If the other party knows the IP address, it will be like being blocked by the police, waiting to be caught!

After getting the IP address of the other party, Shi Lei did not rush to invade, but began to query the IP address of the other party, corresponding to the attribution!

Shi Lei’s mouth is full of laughter. As long as he knows the position of the other party and exposes the other party to the sun, it is equivalent to hacking the death penalty!


Looking at the IP address attribution, Shi Lei showed a surprised look.

The other party turned out to be Shuangqing University of Science and Technology!

The computer department of Shuangqing University has always been in the wrong position with the computer department of the University of Science and Technology.

The students on both sides are black and black, often rushing into each other’s campus servers, and they are enjoying themselves.

Even the leaders of the faculties of both sides acquiesced in this behavior.

After all, this helps to enhance the students’ interest in learning.

Shi Lei was waiting for further progress and suddenly lost his connection with the other party.

In Shuangqing University of Science and Technology, in the campus library, a plain-looking man directly forced the computer to be shut down.

After confirming that the computer was turned off, the man was relieved.

He whispered to himself: “It’s so powerful, I even chased my IP address silently.”

“Fortunately, the public computer of the library is used. Otherwise, it will be dead!”

Shuangqing University, No. 1 Doctor’s Dormitory Building, 501.

Shi Lei snorted.

“Shutdown? Unplug the network cable?”

“Escaped for a while, can’t escape!”

Real hackers, there will never be such a stun.

Even if the network cable is unplugged and the other party loses the connection, the person can still trace it up and find a specific IP address.

Therefore, other means, such as in reality, locate the attribution of the IP address, directly to the door!

Therefore, the hacker master will never shut down the cable. Will only try to escape, get rid of the other side’s tracking.

Shi Lei still remembers that in the past life, another world-class hacker hacked into the FBI internal intelligence system.

Although he was very invaded, he knew a lot of secret information.

However, the FBI’s tracking expert, who was hard to catch up with him, ran more than half of the earth, constantly using the combination of the network and reality, and finally captured the world-class hacker in the Gran.

The FBI’s tracking experts may not be able to invade or defend, but the tracking is absolutely tough.

In conjunction with Li Jianuo, a powerful country, people track down experts and wherever they go, they inform the police.

Once the IP address is determined, the police will come to the door very quickly.

At that time, even if you want to run, it is not easy!

Therefore, shutting down the network cable is definitely a bad trick!

Since the IP address of the other party has been determined, Shi Lei has no politeness and started to attack the server of the University of Science and Technology.

Shi Lei did not violently attack, but scanned the loopholes in an attempt to lurk into it silently.

Through port scanning, Shi Lei found that the strength of the University of Science and Technology is actually much stronger than that of Shuangqing University!

In the past, this is not the case!

In the past life, the University of Science and Technology and Shuangqing University, the strength of both sides is almost the same!

How could this be?

Is it Shi Lei, the effect of this little butterfly?

Although the server of the University of Science and Technology has more defensive power than Shuangqing University, for Shi Lei, it is still like a paper paste.

After Shi Lei entered the server of the University of Science and Technology, he began to retrieve the permission user group of the server.

In the server of the University of Science and Technology, the principal is not a super authority!

The entire server, only one super account, in the hands of the administrator, at this moment the administrator is tracking Shi Lei!

Shi Lei looked at the computer screen disdainfully, and tapped the code with both hands.

“Give me down!”

After more than ten seconds, Shi Lei kicked the other super user out of the server permission group and started to build his own super-privileged user.

After locking the user group of the server, Shi Lei began to view the IP address allocation of the University of Science and Technology.

“Small slag, small slag, stone brother will catch you!”

On the campus, the local area network is used, and each IP address has a corresponding realistic address.

Like the network of Shilei dormitory, it is also the campus LAN. If you find the IP address of Shi Lei, you can find the IP-related dormitory in the server of Shuangqing University, and then you can find the identity of Shi Lei through the dormitory allocation record!

Shi Lei is preparing to use this method, at the Shuangqing University of Science and Technology, to find the guy who just invaded him.

Although the guy, just through the hacking alliance page, provided the login IP, tracking to the server of Shuangqing University, even the server firewall did not break.

Can Shi Lei be the kind of person who bullies the door and has no temper?

In the server of the University of Science and Technology, Shi Lei found the intruder IP and the corresponding real address, but found that it was a school library, a public computer!

As a result, the clues are broken!

After all, it was just a common invasion, and there was no invasion. Shi Lei could not investigate further.

If it is to invade the state organs, if people find this step, then they should come to the door to find someone. And will investigate all the people who entered the library during this time, and then ask one by one, and testify each other, the person who used the computer during this time.

If you investigate like this, I am afraid it is easy to investigate, who invaded Shi Lei’s computer.

However, Shi Lei is an ordinary person and cannot conduct such investigations at all.

“Hey, depressed, although shutting down the cable is a bad trick, but it is quite effective!”

I have to admit that under normal circumstances, dealing with tracking and unplugging the network cable is also a solution.

“Although you can’t find who you are, you are a technology university!”

In the past life, the University of Science and Technology also has a master, Shi Lei and the master, often playing.

The computer departments of both sides, under the leadership of the two, often make a big move.

The most serious one, because Shi Lei is not in the school, a kid at the University of Science and Technology, actually in the school forum of Shuangqing University, mounted the Won Sangguo love action art film.

After getting back to Shi Lei, he led the people to kill the past, cleaned up all the things in the server of the University of Science and Technology, and deliberately repeatedly formatted the other server.

Finally, the University of Science and Technology server was completely overturned!

This time, Shi Lei made a provocative post in the forum of the University of Science and Technology.

The content is eloquent and written: The slapstick kid, did not learn what to invade, actually shut down the network cable?

Lose your face!

It’s just waste!

The computer science department of your university of science and technology is all waste!

At the end of the post, Shi Lei left the name of ‘Lu Xifeier’.

I believe that the person who invaded him should understand!

At that time, the two universities, is not going to have another black competition, then I don’t know!

Anyway, Shi Lei is not afraid!


PS: Shanshan cries, the pros should be kind, the recommended ticket can not reach the goal will not vote!

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In addition, the book review area has a small event to give a penguin couple account, the need for a book friend, to reply to the post!

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