
Chapter 13

Chapter 13 digital image restoration

Outside the heyday electronics repair shop, an ordinary middle-aged man pointed to the A4 printing paper that was posted shortly.

Shi Lei lost the mouse and keyboard and turned and walked out.

“Yes, we offer professional level data recovery and image processing!”

It is Sun Feng, staring at this ordinary middle-aged man, revealing the look of thinking.

The middle-aged man took the initiative to introduce himself: “My name is Feng, I need you to help me recover some digital images.”

“As long as you can recover, money is not a problem!”

Shi Lei smiled.

Luck is coming, the door panel can’t stop it!

Only earned a thousand, and there is business!

“Hello, Mr. Feng.”

Shi Lei reached out and held it together with the middle-aged man named Feng.

“Mr. Feng, in advance, we provide professional-grade services, and the fees are a bit high!”

“If you are just a simple data recovery, go to the fourth floor and look for other studios that are working on data recovery.”

Sun Feng suddenly took a hand and looked at the middle-aged man surnamed Feng. He smiled and said: “General Feng!”

“Nice to meet you!”

The middle-aged man surnamed Feng, looking at Sun Feng calmly, did not show dissatisfaction or smile.

Sun Feng introduced himself: “Feng, I am a little grandson!”

“Last time, your party, my father and my grandson Sun Chenghai, participated together!”

Feng thought for a moment and showed a smile.

“It turned out to be the kid of the old grandson.”

Sun Feng took a shot of Shi Lei’s shoulder and introduced him: “Stone, this is a well-known entrepreneur in Shuangqing City, the CEO of security guard, Mr. Feng Ke.”

“General Feng, this is my buddy, named Shi Lei, you call him Xiaoshi, or the stone is.”

Feng Ke nodded slightly.

“Mr. Shi, hello!”

Sun Feng said on the side: “Is there a stone? Are you sure you want to help Feng?”

Shi Lei shrugged: “I haven’t seen the situation yet!”

“General Feng, come in together and talk about what digital images you need to recover.”

Sun Feng was eager to enter Feng Ke, and then told Xiao Liu to make tea.

Feng Ke took out a U disk and carefully handed it to Shi Lei.

“Mr. Shi, I need to restore all the data and images in this U disk!”

Taking into account the identity of Feng Ke, Shi Lei hesitated in his heart, not a criminal record or a photo of what to do in bed, it would be bad!

Feng Ke has been shopping in the mall for decades. From the face of Shi Lei, he knows what Shi Lei is worried about.

“Mr. Shi, please don’t worry, there is nothing in the U disk.”

“It’s a photo of my father’s life!”

Feng Ke sighed and looked stunned: “In the beginning, my father went in a hurry, so my father’s photos are basically digital photos.”

“I originally planned to transfer the data of the USB flash drive to the computer. However, when I plugged in the computer, I was prompted to be unable to read it, and the U disk data was wrong.”

“I want to come up with what kind of virus, or other reasons.”

“I have found several studios for data recovery, and they can’t do anything about it.”

“I hope Mr. Shi, try his best to help me and restore the data in the U disk!”

Sun Feng is helping the side: “Stone, do your best!”

Shi Lei took over the U disk and tweeted: “Feng Ge, fortunately you are here, there are two computers that you can see!”

Said, Shi Lei sat back in front of the maintenance desk, Feng Ke got up, followed the past, standing behind Shi Lei, his face showed a nervous look.

Insert Feng Ke’s USB flash drive into the USB port of the computer.

‘ ’

In the speaker, the sound of the USB connection is heard.

Then, a window pops up in the lower right corner.

‘Unrecognized device! ’

Shi Lei opens the device manager, finds the device management options for the USB drive, and selects ‘Start this device’.

But still prompted, not recognized.

In such a situation, there are generally two possibilities.

First, the U disk has hardware damage, such as water, internal circuit damage, or other reasons.

But the chance of hardware damage is very small!

In addition, in the U disk, there are photos of the fathers of the people, and people will definitely protect them with care.

That is the second case, the virus infection, resulting in the U disk can not be identified.

Shi Lei did not use the anti-virus software that comes with the computer.

Although in six years, Rising anti-virus is still in the mainstream, Rising’s anti-virus ability is just general.

Pulling out his U disk, Shi Lei runs the virus analysis software directly in the U disk and starts to analyze Feng Ke’s U disk.

After a while, Shi Lei’s own software immediately detected a virus.

Through code analysis, the role of this virus can simulate the lack of USB power supply, and feedback back to the computer host, causing the U disk can not be identified.

After Shi Lei manually deleted the virus, Feng Ke’s U disk was plugged in once.

‘Hey! ’

This time, Feng Ke’s U disk was successfully connected.

However, after Shi Lei opened the U disk file, he frowned.

In the U disk, there are a lot of messy files, some are system files, and some are just meaningless out-of-order files.

Obviously, the files in the U disk have been deleted countless times and written many times.

It is undoubtedly very difficult to restore data!

Similar to software such as EasyRecovery, it can’t be recovered at all!

No wonder the general data recovery studio, there is no way!

Shi Lei sighed.

Sure enough, the money is not so good.

“Feng, you can’t remember, how many photos are stored in the U disk, what is the file name of the photo, and what is the approximate name of each photo?”

Feng Ke thought for a moment, “Mr. Shi, is this information helpful for restoring data?”

“of course!”

Shi Lei began to explain.

Want to find out the files you need from countless duplicates of the written files, if you don’t know anything, the difficulty will be great!

After all, each file needs to be restored for confirmation, and during the recovery process, it is possible to destroy the other unrecovered files for the second time.

“If you know the file name and the naming rules for the photo, you can directly find the file we need from the trace of the file that has been deleted.”

“As a result, the amount of data recovery is much smaller and the success rate is much higher!”

Feng Ke thought for a moment: “The father’s photo, a total of sixty-two, is stored in a folder called ‘Father’.”

“As for the naming rules for photos, I can’t remember.”

“In any case, it is some numbers!”

Shi Lei asked: “Feng, these photos, what equipment did you use to shoot?”

Feng Ke frowned and thought, then took out the phone and started calling.

“Hey? Xiao Zeng, what brand of camera did you take to photograph my father last time?”

Feng Ke held the phone in his left hand and the pen in his right hand.

“Okay, I know!”

Feng Ke hangs up the phone and hands the configuration sheet on the desk to Shi Lei, which reads the brand and model of the camera.

Shi Lei glanced at it and said: “This brand of camera, photo naming rules, is generally prefixed with DSC, plus a specific number.”

“Feng total, you wait a moment, I will first look at the U disk, delete the record of the file.”

Instead of downloading data recovery software from the network, Shi Lei opened the programming tool and started manually tapping the code.

In the past life, Shi Lei not only had a very good hacking technique, but also had unique achievements in graphics processing and data recovery.

Shi Lei’s hand speed is very high, and the accuracy is extremely high, almost no wrong keyboard.

The intensive keyboard ringing sound made Feng Ke’s heart rise a little hope.

At least Shi Lei is not like the data recovery studio. Just looking at the U disk, the lion is asking for money, and then the U disk can not be opened!

After more than half an hour, Shi Lei did not return: “Feng Ge, give me bottle of mineral water!”

Sun Feng turned his head and said: “Xiao Liu, go buy a few bottles of mineral water back!”

Xiao Liu put down his work and immediately walked downstairs.

There is no mineral water sold in the Bainao Building. Only outside, it can be sold.

An hour later, Shi Lei’s voice on the keyboard was still fast and powerful.

Sun Feng and Feng Ke, both of them, are already sitting in a chair, all kinds of boring, and they are having a chat without a ride.

Xiao Liu, who is mixed, stood behind Shi Lei and looked at Shi Lei’s code.

It is a pity that he can understand it without any foundation strength.

Although Shi Lei noticed him and had a good impression on this eager young man, it did not mean that Shi Lei would teach him.

There is no free lunch in the world!

What you need to get, what you need to pay.

The clock silently pointed to 11:30, Sun Feng glanced at Shi Lei, seeing that he is still tapping the keyboard, focusing and investing.

Then look at Feng Ke, “Feng total, or else, let’s go eat first?”

Feng Ke said a little loudly: “Mr. Shi, it is better to take a break, let’s go out for a meal?”

Shi Lei shook his head and refused.

“No time to!”

“Feng Ge, give me a shout!”

“you please!”

Shi Lei did not return to the head, still looking at the computer screen.

It is precisely because of the enthusiasm for technology, Shi Lei has the achievements of the world’s peak hackers!

Sun Feng looked at Feng Ke with an inquiry.

Feng Ke nodded.

“Little Sun, you go to order a takeaway, we will eat in the store!”

Sun Feng coughed, “Let Feng always eat takeaway, how is that fun?”

Feng Ke smiled.

“I am just an ordinary person, how can I not eat takeaway?”

Just after 12 o’clock in the afternoon, three little girls who took delivery, with a hearty lunch, came to the Dingsheng electronic repair shop.

Sun Feng was eager to greet Feng Ke to eat.

Feng Ke went to Shi Lei, whispered: “Mr. Shi, eat first.”

Shi Lei didn’t seem to hear it, and his hands quickly tapped the keyboard.

Sun Feng is not strange, “Feng always, do not care about the stone, he is like this, before I finish, it is estimated that I will not eat.”

“If you call him a few more times, he will still get angry!”

Feng Ke had no choice but to return to the table.

“Then let’s wait!”


PS: At present, it is recommended to be more than 1,300. As long as it is recommended to arrive at 1450 before 8:00 this evening, it will be added to the chapter at 8:06.

There are only a hundred votes, one person and one vote, and it is enough to explode many times!

During the new book, ask for a ticket and ask for everything!

Increase the welfare again, add a chapter to this evening at 12:06!

The recommended votes of the students, the members click, remember that after 12 o’clock, all voted for the mountains, the mountains and the mountains!

In the last book, Shanshan left the scene with 83 people. Can this book be killed with everyone?


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