Grocery Store No.514

Chapter 3

On October 25, 3020, in the autopsy room of the Forensic Investigator Division at the Police Bureau, Su Ke the Chief of the Forensic Division was dissecting the corpse. Jiang Chengyan⁠—the captain of the Criminal Investigation Team, pushed the door and walked in.

“Su Ke, you haven’t rested for two days. If you continue like this, even an iron body cannot withstand it.”

Looking at Su Ke’s heavy dark circles, Jiang Chengyan couldn’t help but worried.

“I’m fine. But it’s rare that you wear a mask, why are you so self-conscious today?”

Jiang Chengyan subconsciously touched his left face and said, “I’ve caught a cold. I’m afraid it’s contagious. How about it, can you speculate the exact time of death now?”

“The deceased time of death was between 22:00 and 23:00 on October 22nd.”

“And the cause of death?”

“Because there is no head, the neck was cut by a sharp tool. The wound is very rough, destroying a lot of evidence. I can’t conclude for the time being, but there is a 90% possibility that the deceased died because of mechanical asphyxia.”

“Can the drug residues be detected on him? ”

“No. Apart from the cuts injury, there were many struggle injuries on the deceased body. He should have fought with the murdered before he died.”

“Can you infer the deceased age?

“Male, according to his bone age his age should be between 35-40 years old. His fingers were corroded by sulfuric acid. It was impossible to extract fingerprints. Also, his DNA failed to match in the database, making it difficult to identify him other than to find his head.”

“The murderer destroyed his fingerprints because they don’t want us to identify him. I’m afraid the deceased’s head wasn’t easy to find.” Jiang Chengyan couldn’t help but sigh.

“It will be hard for you all to find out about the missing persons. As long as the conditions are met, just try to compare the DNA right away so we can know his identity.”

“Are there other clues on the body that could prove his identity?”

“For the time being I haven’t found it, but I’ll do my best.”

Jiang Chengyan patted him on the shoulder and said, “You’ve done a good job. Quickly go and take a rest. Leave the rest to Hu Yang and Xiao Zhang. It’s been so long, it’s time for them to exercise.”

Su Ke looked at the body while removing his gloves, “Fine. Then leave it to them, I’ll go back to sleep for a while and tidy up at once.”

They walked out of the autopsy room together, Su Ke explained what Hu Yang and Xiao Zhang had to do next and then went straight home, while Jiang Chengyan took Wang Bin to the garbage disposal company to find out the time when they cleared the garbage in crime scenes.


Just as everyone in the Criminal Investigation Team was investigating and collecting evidence non-stop. Ling Hua’an is still sleeping and didn’t wake up until noon. When he opened his eyes, it was still pitch black. He was stunned for a while before he sat up. He looked at Wang Lei beside the bed, and said lightly, “I should have mentioned that you must not enter my room.”

Wang Lei’s body shivered subconsciously, he said in fear, “ Laoban, that headless ghost somehow came out of the bell. He—he seizes the living room, I don’t dare to stay there, so…”

Ling Hua’an frowned slightly, groping to find the bell. Then he remembered when he was taking a shower yesterday, he seemed to forget to take the bell out of his pocket. It must be because the bell touched the water which makes the characters on it get wet and lost its power.

Ling Hua’an fumbled out of bed, put on slippers, and went straight out of the bedroom. Looking at the headless ghost floating on the sofa, he frowned and said lightly, “This sofa is 18,000 yuan. It will be added to your commission later.”

The headless ghost was stunned, then said, “Master, I am a ghost. Even if I lie on it, it will not get dirty. There is no need for me to pay for it.”

“I have mysophobia. If anyone touches anything in this house, it must be replaced immediately.” Ling Hua’an looked straight at the headless ghost and said, “So what else have you touched?”

The headless ghost quickly float off from the sofa and said, “No, no, I haven’t touched anything except the sofa.”

Ling Hua’an returned to the study room, pulled out a wet towel, wiped off all the characters on the bell then took out a box of cinnabar from the drawer. He smoothed it with clean water, picked up a brush, then focussed on writing characters on the bell. When the characters are all written, it is already half an hour passed. He put the bell on the windowsill to air dry then fumbled to get another well-dried bell out of the study room.

The incantation was silently recited, Ling Hua’an pull the headless ghost back to the bell. Wang Lei was relieved and sat back in his special seat in a disciplined manner.

Dingdong dingdong, the doorbell rang, Ling Hua An frowned slightly, turned to the front door, and asked, “Who?”

Ge, it’s me. Hurry up and open the door, I brought you something delicious.”

A familiar voice with an intimate tone, made Ling Hua’an’s brow raise, he opened the door of his room and said, “Today is not a weekend, why are you coming over?”

“There is no class this morning. Ge, I’ve traveled a long way to buy you bean curd and yóu tiáo1, are you blocking the door and not letting me in?”

Hearing his coquettish sounds, Ling Hua’an was helpless. He step aside to open the door and said, “Come in.”

Lu Hao put the stuff in his hand on the dining table, familiarity took out the dishes from the kitchen, and said while tidying up, “Ge, I haven’t seen you for a few days. Why do I feel that you have lost weight again, do you not eaten properly again recently?”

“It’s your delusion.” Ling Hua’an came to the table, pulled out a chair, and sat down.

Lu Hao placed a bowl of bean curd in front of Ling Hua’an and said, “delusion? Maybe I’ve been coming too little lately… Ge, I want to move in and live with you.”

“Won’t do.” Ling Hua’an firmly refuses, he is constantly haunted by ghosts here also yin energy is heavy here, if normal people stay for a long time, it will harm them.

Ge, you previously say that I was young and I couldn’t take care of myself. Now that I’m an adult, also I’ve learned to cook and do the housework. I can take care of you.”

Lu Hao’s words made Ling Hua’an feel warm inside his heart. Since his father passed away and his mother remarried, his relationship with his mother has become more and more distant. Then Lu Hao was born. For some unknown reason, Lu Hao was very attached to him. When Dòudīng2 was little, he couldn’t speak. He only knew how to look at him and smiled foolishly. Later, when he was able to walk, he will run chasing after him all day long. Holding Lu Hao’s very small and soft hands, Ling Hua’an lonely heart was warmed, and his relationship with Lu Hao was getting closer. Since he moved out of that house at the age of eighteen, this boy from time to time is making trouble wanting to live with him. In an instant, it’s been a decade. But now he is still persistent to live together.

“You’re an adult and old enough to have your own life. Moreover, I’m used to being alone.”

Ge, you’re you’re getting away with something3!” Lu Hao said accusingly, “When I was a kid, you dislike because I was tiny, and you still dislike me when I grow up, I don’t think you loved me anymore.”

Ling Hua’an pinched his brows helplessly, and said, “I’m used to seeing you being coquettish and get away with something!3

Ge, I don’t care. I just want to live with you, and also this place is close to my school.” Lu Hao pulled Ling Hua’an’s hand and said playfully, “Ge, just say yes.”

“No, I have my own private life and it’s not convenient for you to move in here.”

“Private life?” Lu Hao was stunned, and then asked excitedly, “Ge, you’re not dating, are you? Who is the sister-in-law? Is she pretty and what kind of job does she do?”

“What do you think he looks like, can I see it?“4

Ge, sorry. I didn’t mean that.”

“Never mind. Let’s eat, the bean curd is getting cold.”

After successfully calming Lu Hao down, Ling Hua’an can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. The child was good at anything but talking too much, which caused some headaches for Ling Hua’an who always liked quiet.

Out of guilt, Lu Hao quietly finished his meal, enduring his huge curiosity until he finished cleaning up the dishes. He rubbed up against Ling Hua’an and asked, “Ge, who is she5? how did you guys meet, and when can I meet her?”

Ling Hua’an was silent for a while and said calmly, “he is a man.”

“What?” Lu Hao looked at Ling Hua’an in surprise and said, “Ge, did I hear you right? Are you saying that my future sister-in-law is a man?”

Ling Hua’an nodded calmly and said, “I like men. I’m gay.”

“So that’s the reason why you won’t let me move in? Are you afraid I won’t accept it?”

“Did you object it?” Although Ling Hua’an behaved very calmly, he would still be uneasy when facing Lu Hao. After all, he was the person closest to him.

“Why object?” Lu Hao pull Ling Hua’an’s arm and with a smile said, “Ge, you are my closest and dearest relative. As long as you feel happy, whether you like men or women, it doesn’t matter. Also, you’re a good person if we are not related by blood, I would like to pursue you.”

Ling Hua’an feel warm inside and raised the corners of his mouth, stroked his head, and said, “Silly boy, I’m blind and gay. Why don’t I know how good I am?”

Ge, if you talk about yourself like that again, I won’t be happy. Although you have a disability, at 18 years old you are already independent. This house and car, all you bought with your own money, also the pile of donation slips in the drawer. For the past 10 years, you have supported hundreds of impoverished students in mountainous areas, I know all that. In my heart, there is no one better than Ge.”

“You stinky brat. Is there any place in my house that you haven’t touched?” Ling Hua’an slapped Lu Hao on the forehead.

“When I was cleaning, I accidentally see it. “Lu Hao rubbed his forehead and asked curiously, “Ge you haven’t told me who my sister-in-law yet.”

“What sister-in-law? There’s no sister-in-law. I just told you that I like men, when did I say I’m dating?”

“You haven’t? Then that good, I can move in and live with my Ge.”

After talking about other, the topic turned back again. Ling Hua’an couldn’t help but have a headache and said helplessly, “although he doesn’t exist now, it does not mean that it will not exist in the future. It is not convenient for you to live here.”

Ge, tell me the truth, do you have that person in your heart?”

Listening to Lu Hao’s question, Jiang Chengyan’s name automatically popped into Ling Hua’an’s mind.

“Ge, as long as you say you already have someone you like, I’ll put off the idea of moving in here and definitely not disturb your sweet two-person world.”

Ling Hua’an unhappily said, “You save it. If I said no then no. If you make trouble again, don’t come in the future.”

Ge, just tell me. I promise I will never ask any questions. Otherwise, I will stay here and not leave.”


🔔Cafe’s Memo 📝:

Ling Hua’an really straightfoward! hahaha The part he thinking about Jiang Chengyan’s name when his lil bro ask who is the Sister-in-law tho. (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
  1. yóu tiáo = deep-fried breadstick ↺
  2. Dòudīng = tiny bean, his nick name I guess._. ↺
  3. Act unreasonably or shamelessly ↺
  4. Li Hua’an said “He”!! xDD ↺
  5.  tā for men & women is written differently but it has same pronouns. That is why Lu Hao mistook it as she ↺

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