Green Tea Villainess Fails

Chapter 27 - 27th

“Do you still eat chocolate”


Qin Ai personally fed a piece of chocolate on the left, and whined his left mouth to eat.

Sweet and silky chocolate melts in the mouth, and the sweet taste penetrates into the heart little by little.

But the left side is actually a bit puzzled. Will ordinary friends kiss, but Qin Ai just said that, and she asked if she looked very sloppy.

“Qin Ai, can we have dinner together at night.” I want to get along with Qin Ai on the left.

Qin Ai raised his wrist and looked at the time, saying, “I’ll order some work to deal with later, and it may take two or three hours.”

Take out the mobile phone in the bag on the left and smile broadly, “I can wait for you while playing.”

“Good.” Qin Ai got up and walked to her desk, and soon she entered a working state.

The crew on the left is still very busy, so I have two or three hours to play with the mobile phone at night. Now it’s hard to take a three-day vacation, and the mood on the left to play the game has been overwhelming.

However, playing with the left side always couldn’t help but looked up to see Qin Ai, every time he looked up, Qin Ai was either calling someone or looking at the document and signing the document.

Left on the left for a while, thinking about Qin Ai’s serious look really beautiful.

As a bystander, 555 looks much clearer than on the left. This Qin Ai is totally a big-tailed wolf. It’s not a wink to cheat a pure girl.

On the left, Qin Ai was cheated, and he also had a 500-meter-thick filter.

Host, the hero you control is dying, you will see Qin Ai later

555 looked at the game interface on the mobile phone screen anxiously wanting to replace the left operation, but anyway, it is a game scum and can only be used as a gun.

Oh oh. It was only on the left that I recovered, and a wave of super-gods amazed the team.

After playing this hand, the left side felt that this game interfered with her watching Qin Ai, so he turned to play another game.

This game is called xxNuan Nuan, and it is currently the largest mobile game of dress up cards. On the left, as a krypton who has no idea about money, he didn’t feel the dissatisfaction of other players at all.

A new pavilion just opened today. She bought several 648 packages without blinking on the left, and she also made a beating sound.

It would be nice to have a 1296 gift bag directly, or a 2592 gift bag, so one or two is enough.

The host begs you not to say it, you are going to be acid-killed. Ooo, so envious of you. Every time I can only save a few thousand points for one task last night, can you call your mother

I am a person, you are a system, have reproductive isolation, logically speaking, I should not be your mother. The left side analyzed very seriously.

Just kidding. But in this way, it seems that the host you can’t keep up with the trend of the times.

I ca n’t keep up with the trend of the times, so what should I do?

I think about it. Why not read a novel?

555 didn’t dare to say that it actually wanted to read novels. The system wanted to read novels, comics, movies, and other things. 555 is reluctant to spend points, so I want to trick the left to read the novel, so that it can follow along.

You see this president’s sky-high wife is quite good

The left side is not as cheating as before, she asked her own question, but this book seems to be from 2012. If you want to keep up with the trend of the times, should you not read the latest novel

Cough, you don’t understand this. Think about what Qin Ai is

President. Answered on the left.

Yes, then you should read this novel and learn the essence. The Green Tea Handbook is certainly great, but you should also look at other books and discard the dross for its essence.

The surprise on the left is 555. You’re right, I will start watching.

Yes hurry up

The preference of 555 can be seen from the nickname of the second two games from the left. Yes, 555 prefers dog blood Mary Su. The more dog blood, the more it likes.

Looking at the novel on the left is a series of surprises, and the plot inside refreshes her worldview. There is a plot that appears frequently, so that the left side has a new understanding of the mouth.

Every time the heroine said that the president did not want to hear, the president would be forced to kiss, and the heroine initially behaved reluctantly, but in fact she was happily dying.

The host, this is the test site.

Okay, I have written it down.

The time on the left with 555 is extremely fast for reading novels, and three hours passed after blinking.

Qin Ai picked up his coat and walked to the left. “Come on, take you to dinner.”

“Okay.” The left action quickly pushed the phone back into her bag full of drinks.

Qin Ai saw the bag on his left, and the swing of the bag confirmed that the weight was not light.

“Do you want me to carry your bag?” Qin Ai extended his hand to the left.

On the left, I remembered what was written in the Green Tea Handbook. Let the other party do some small things for you, such as carrying a bag to repair the computer, increasing the intimacy between the two, and showing your weakness and relying on the other side.

“Okay, thank you Qin Ai.” He took off the bag on his left and handed it to Qin Ai.

Qin Ai’s wrist sank in a moment, and his expression was frozen for a moment.

“You usually walk around carrying such a heavy bag,” Qin Ai asked.

She smiled and nodded on the left side. “Yeah, it’s filled with drinks that I like, and I’ll plant this bag for you. Don’t look at its small size. It can hold ten boxes of drinks.”

Assuming a box of 250 ml of beverage with a density equal to water, ten boxes is at least five catties.

The left side is not the same as ordinary people. Qin Ai knew this from the first side of the left side. These are different from each other, and turned into lovely in Qin Ai’s eyes.

In Qin Ai’s eyes, there is a clear smile, “I like to drink so much, would you like me to pack a beverage factory for you to drink specially for you.”

The left side opened her eyes in surprise, she asked with some excitement and uncertainty, “Is it really possible?”

Qin Ai said this must have considered whether to put into action, she said “Of course, you are my best friend after all.”

When talking about the word friend, Qin Ai’s tone was particularly light, as if she was not talking about a friend, but a lover.

However, the left side was completely immersed in the joy of owning a beverage factory that turned into his own beverage, and there was no ambiguity in Qin Ai’s tone.

Host 666, Qin Ai 666, worthy of being the president. Being rich is wayward.

Everything is perfect except that buying a beverage factory sounds like no other CEO buying a candy factory sounds so romantic

Qin Aigang carried the bag on the left, and the two walked side by side into the elevator.

Qin Ai and the person sitting on the left are naturally the president ’s elevator, and there will be no other people in the elevator. Not many people came to see Qin Ai on the left, but there was a girl who looked like a little fairy and came to President Qin, and after spending several hours in Qin’s office, the matter spread.

How innocent is their Qin President Qin who does n’t know that the legendary Ms. Lin Qingqing, who is the legendary Qin Qingmei, was just sent off after seeing Qin General, and another girl who did n’t even know their name President Qin personally received him and went into the office of President Qin for so long.

According to Secretary Qin’s secretary, Mr. Qin’s expression of tenderness to the girl’s expression was not so tender.

There must be some unknown secrets. But Mr. Qin, who has become a cold king by the outside world, when was it gentle or was it to a little girl?

It’s a pity that they are interested in gossip. Qin Ai didn’t give them a chance to verify. Qin Ai took the road all the way to the underground parking lot, and didn’t let the driver come to help drive.

Qin Ai doesn’t like outsiders to disturb herself during non-working hours. Even if she doesn’t do anything, she wants to be alone, but now it’s a little different.

“What do you want to eat.” Qin Ai asked.

I thought about it on the left and said, “Go to the restaurant where you took me for the first time. I love the food there.”

Qin Ai’s lips were slightly hooked and said good.

Among the Yanyuxuan in Nanchengju, she was ordering on the left. She ordered half of Qin Ai’s favorite dishes and half of her favorite dishes.

“Okay, that’s all.” Put down the menu on the left.

The waiter in cheongsam jotted down, then leaned over and pushed out the box.

On the left, I noticed that Qin Ai’s eyes were on the waitress, who had a delicate figure. She stayed for a few more seconds. Somehow, she felt a little dull and uncomfortable.

“Is her figure good?”

Qin Ai nodded with a smile, “Well, it’s good.”

The left side feels more uncomfortable, she asks again “really good”


Before Qin Ai’s words were finished, the red lips were blocked by the left side, and the left side had no choice but to simply rub Qin Ai’s lips with his own lips.

“I don’t want to listen to you.”

Qin Aiban clenched his fists to cover his lower half of his face, and chuckled softly, “Then don’t say this.”

In fact, Qin Ai is not looking at the waitress, but looking at the cheongsam on the waitress. She is thinking how beautiful it would be if she put on the cheongsam on the left.

Unfortunately, there is a vinegar bag on the left.

However, Qin Ai is actually not much better than the left. The skill of eating flying vinegar can be said to be better.

“When I return to the crew again, will you come back to see me”

Qin Ai replied disgustingly, “I’m very busy, probably I don’t have time. I usually see a lot of people, maybe you have to be behind.”

“Is there Lin Qingqing in the person I want to see?”

On the left, he picked up the lemon slice inserted in the cup and stuffed it into his mouth. It seemed that the teeth were sour. The left face couldn’t help but wrinkle.


On the left, Qin Ai was forced to shut up. Qin Ai licked the left lip and smiled, “It’s sour.”

Qin Ai, who was sullen on the left, opened her bag and took out a box of Wang Zi.

After drinking this cup of Wangzai, I forgot that one.

So sweet, not sour at all.

Cheeks bulged on the left, and a box of Wangzi was drunk in two breaths.

Qin Ai reached out and wiped the milk from the corner of his mouth to the left, saying, “But our relationship is very good, I decided to open the back door for you. As long as you want to see me, I will put you first.”

After listening to Qin Ai’s words, the corner of the left mouth curled up uncontrollably.

“This is for you.” The left side gave his beloved Wang Zi to Qin Ai. ,, everyone remember to collect the URL or remember the URL, the URL, free and fastest update without anti-theft without anti-theft error chapters for seeking books and chatting with book friends, please add qq group 647377658 group number

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