Green Tea Villainess Fails

Chapter 24 - 24th

The grass looks sparse and sparse, not too high, nor does it look like it can hide a child.

If someone else hears this sound, I might have been scared to the point that the soul is out of possession, but on the left, I have seen many monks and monks, so I am not only afraid but also curious.

555, you just heard the sound.

5555555 I did n’t hear it. It ’s terrible, how could there be a child ’s voice, would n’t it be a ghost?

555, aren’t you a system that is detached from humans?

Facing the question on the left, 555 chose to deny it.

What I 555 will be afraid of ghost host

At this time, the left side had reached the edge of the grass. She squatted down and saw her hand touching the grass.

555 is afraid to shield the line of sight, but the shield is not what it wants to shield. It can only face the things in the grass next to it along with the left side.

Don’t be afraid, I will protect you.

I, I’m really not afraid of the 555 speech with a wavy line, completely supporting.

“42, 43, 44, 45”

The sound in the grass was still continually ringing, not meant to stop.

The left side opened the grass very boldly, revealing the sounding bauble.

Hiding in the grass is actually a small green alarm clock in the shape of a frog. The small alarm clock is round like a ball, the mouth is a cat’s mouth, and the small mouth is counting.

555 was relieved to see the alarm clock. It turned out to be an alarm clock. What strange thing did it think it was.

Holding the small green alarm clock with both hands on the left, I looked it over and over again. It was just like an alarm clock. In fact, there was no hour hand, minute hand and second hand at all. On the left, he poked the small white face of the small alarm clock with his finger, but it was still flexible.

The small alarm clock shook when it was counted by the left, but it returned to normal the next moment, as if the fluctuation just now was just an illusion on the left.

On the left side, I listened to the sound of the small alarm clock quietly.

“98, 99, 1, 2, 3, 4”

“It started counting again, it’s a strange clock. Isn’t this a clock, it’s a repeater” The left side couldn’t help but pinched the face of the small alarm clock.

“You are the repeater 23, 24, 25”

The left side looked at the small alarm clock in amazement, “Wow, actually speak.”

The little frog bulged his cheek and pressed the finger on the left, “31, 32, nonsense quack, the uncle called the frog quack, do you want to be the 100th quack?”

“The 100th” left wondered.

“Uncle Ben, who has been eating people, has eaten 99, 呱呱呱 呱呱” When the little frog was talking, his cheeks were always bulging, accompanied by soft children’s voice, it looked very cute.

Looking at the little frog’s eyes on the left is like looking at the little dumpling doll that Qin Ai gave her.

“You’re so cute. Do you have a master? If not, I will pick you up.”

“Yeah, of course I have a host. Although my host threw me here, I know she will come back to pick me up.”

Looking at the little frog sympathetically on the left, he gently touched the head of the little frog, “It’s so pitiful, it seems to have been abandoned by the owner, then I will take you home.”

Host, do you really want to take it home? Its temper doesn’t look bad at all, and it’s noisy.

In fact, 555 is afraid to shake his position in the heart on the left, because this little frog looks so cute, it is about to move.

“555 you can’t be biased against others, the little frog looks very cute.” Put the little frog into his arms on the left.

The grumpy little frog is miraculously quiet. It has lived for thousands of years and has not been hugged like this before.

In the afternoon, because of filming, the left side can only temporarily put the little frog in the bag. In the evening, the left side returned to the hotel room and immediately released the little frog.

The little frog croaked while counting on the table. 555 saw that the little frog could be very greedy and wanted a body.

“555 before you can invade the phone, then you can try to invade the small dumplings.” The small dumpling sent by Qin Ai was held in his arms on the left.

555 exerted some force, and the little dumplings actually stood up.

“I have a body, Aoao” 555 walked awkwardly on the bed, but unfortunately he was not quite used to his new body and fell a few times.

On the left, the small frog on the table was tucked into the 555 bosom attached to the body of the small dumpling, and he also asked, “555 Do not bully the small frog, I will chat with Qin Ai.”

555 wanted to pat the chest to make a guarantee, but its small hands were soft and short, and the action of patting the chest did not look domineering at all.

“Relax, my 555 is very mature and will take good care of children.”

“Uh huh.” The left side rubbed like 555 white soft round head.

Taking out the phone on the left, she lay on the bed and opened the dialog with Qin Ai. She found a circle in the expression bag and sent a long grass dumpling out of the small gift box.

Your little cutie on the left wants to see you.

Waiting for two minutes on the left did not wait for Qin Ai’s reply, her tilted feet dropped to the bed.

Just when I wanted to get up on the left to find a drink, a pop-up popped up in my phone. I stared at the phone screen on the left for a while and found that it was a video invitation from Qin Ai.

The left foot that had just hung down immediately rocked up again, almost kicking to the 555 and the little frog on the dry frame.

Qin Ai’s picture appeared on the phone screen after accepting it. Qin Ai seemed to be in a study room. Qin Ai’s left side was a whole wall of books.

“I really saw you.” When he saw Qin Ai’s face on the left, he smiled unconsciously.

Qin Ai saw a little more smile on the left smile, “Because you said you wanted to see me.”

“I forgot to ask yesterday, Qin Ai, how did you fall with Hu Miaofu?”

Qin Aidao said, “She recognized me as you.”

“Ah” The left side didn’t respond to the meaning of Qin Ai’s words for a moment, thought about it and asked, “Why do I remember that Hu Miaofu and I didn’t say a few words.”

“People’s hatred always comes so easily, and excellence is also the reason for being jealous. But you won’t see her soon.” Qin Ai’s expression did not change when he said this, as if he was talking about today’s The weather is great.

Blinking on the left, she lowered her voice and asked, “Isn’t it necessary for you to get rid of her.”

Qin Ai smiled suddenly, a little helpless between her eyes, “I am not a gangster, I just let her be removed from your crew and no longer participate in the show.”

“Oh, then I’m relieved.”

“There seems to be someone else on your side.” Qin Ai frowned.

On the left, he unconsciously glanced at the little frogs and 555 together, and said, “It’s two cute kids.”

“You are a fool, a fool, a fool, a fool, a fool”

“You are an idiot, little idiot, see me not spanking you to let you know how good I am”

The little frog is a childish child. When 555 has a body, he talks with milk and milk gas. The scolding between it and the little frog is not an elementary school chicken scolding.

Qin Ai over the phone clearly heard this naive and insulting scolding, and she smiled on her lips, “It turns out to be a kid.”

Qin Ai has just been jealous, and Qin Ai’s vinegar has disappeared.

“Qin Ai, I seem to have taken too many days off recently, and the crew doesn’t know when to go on vacation. I still don’t know when I can hear you playing the piano for me.” Said gruntingly on the left, with a small expression Lost.

Qin Aidao “can listen now.”

“Really?” The left eye lit up.

“Well, wait a minute.”

Watching the camera move on the left, the picture fell from the thick carved wooden door.

Qin Ai stretched out a hand to open the door, and a pitiful ball rolled into the study room.

Looking at the screen of the mobile phone on the left, I finally saw that it was not a ball, but Qin Tian.

Qin Tian slowly got up from the ground, he snapped on Qin Ai’s lap like a little rice cake, “Sister, why don’t you call me with the sister on the left, I also want to call the sister on the left . “

“Xiaotian, why are you squatting at the door?”

Qin Tian was even more pitiful when he heard the voice on the left. He wiped the saliva he just applied to his face, and said with a cry, “Sister drove me out. Sister on the left, how can you treat her? Is the cute brother so cruel? “

Qin Ai bent down and touched Qin Tian’s head very tenderly, “Xiao Tian is so cute, how could my sister follow you so cruelly to you, help me hold the phone.”

“Hmm” Qin Tianli burst into tears and smiled. He took the phone in Qin Ai’s hand and followed Qin Ai’s **** into the next piano room.

Although Qin Ai has rarely entered this room since seven years ago, this room is still being cleaned every day, and the piano has been maintained as before.

Qin Ai sat down in front of the piano. Qin Tian held his mobile phone in the direction of Qin Ai. He climbed up from the bed on the left and deliberately sat up to watch Qin Ai play the piano.

The bright light fell on Qin Ai’s body from the top, and the long and thick eyelashes cast a shadow on the cool white skin, hiding the emotion in Qin Ai’s eyes.

But the left side can still feel what Qin Ai is missing.

The long, slender fingers were placed on the black and white piano keys, and it took a long time to slowly press down to make the first sound.

It is a familiar tone on the left, simple and cheerful, which does not match Qin Ai’s cold and arrogant image at all.

That’s right, this song is the little star on the left that was once sung for Qin Ai.

This nursery rhyme, which couldn’t be simpler, showed a different color under Qin Ai’s fingertips, cheerful and bright, and every sound seemed to hit the atrium on the left.

“It’s nice.” The eyes on the left yearned, and wanted to play the music with musical instruments as easily as Qin Ai.

Next, I heard Qin Ai play several songs on the left. Qin likes to be immersed in the process of playing, unconsciously late at night.

“You should go to sleep, the last hypnotic song, I wish you a good dream.” Qin Ai softened a little when she touched the piano, with a tenderness that seemed not to appear on her face.

The left side fell asleep in the piano sound like water pouring. 555 and the little frog had long since tossed around. They slept next to the left side of the left and right side, and fell asleep together.

Holding his mobile phone, Qin Tian also laid his head on the table bit by bit. Qin Ai closed the key cover and she took Qin Tian back to the room.

In the past night, although everything was quiet, but her heart was not quiet.

Tonight, she can feel her heart is quiet. Qin Ai smiled and turned off the light. ,, everyone remember to collect the URL or remember the URL, the URL, free and fastest update without anti-theft without anti-theft error chapters for seeking books and chatting with book friends, please add qq group 647377658 group number

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