Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 28.2

In retrospect, that time still seemed like a nightmare. When she decided to use suicide to solve everything, she was saved. This was not a happy ending. They were not punished and she was not appeased. Because she wanted to commit suicide, she was sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment. Maybe because her luck was not very good, the psychiatric hospital was not very formal.

During the day, patients would be force fed drugs to sleep. At night, patients would be tied to the bed and waited for the morning in the dark, with open eyes. They weren’t allowed to communicate with each other. Once someone speaks or makes any noise in the evening, if they happen to meet a more irritable attendant, the consequence will be that they would be pulled off the bed, and their heads would be dunked in water until they feel the pain of suffocation and released before they were close to death. At that time, she even thought that they might as well fight with their fists. In retrospect, no one dared to. Although she had no one to visit, other patients did, and if they were beaten, the hospital would be destroyed.

As a teenager, she thought water was the most terrible thing in the world. She had fear of water until now. It was because of this, she never receives any scripts that needed her to be in water. At that time, she did not have much concept of time. It was not until the psychiatric hospital was found to be ill-treating and irregular, the government took measures to check it out and the ‘patients’ were released, that she knew that she had stayed in it for 10 years.

She went in as a teenager and came out as a twenty-something. She didn’t go to school and had no friends. She had a lot of physical ailments because she was fed medicine every day. Before she went in, she didn’t know if she was really sick, but after she came out, she thought she was sick. She was locked up in a hut and not allowed to go out because she was afraid of water and didn’t bathe. She didn’t know how long it was going to be. Her biological brother Zhao Xingguang saw the news about the psychiatric hospital and found her. He took her away, asked a Doctor to help her recuperate her body, and worked hard to make money for her. Then, he took her to the entertainment circle. He carefully read every script and role she received, and gave it to her after making sure that it would not cause her any harm. This microblog was issued after discussing with her brother.

[ My mental condition is still not as good as that of a normal person, but I am also trying hard to treat myself well. With the support of my relatives and loved ones, I never thought that this day would come.]

The response to this long microblog, written by Lin Shiheng, was mediocre when it was first sent out. Apparently, the onlookers who were busy gossiping completely forgot Yun Xiangyi, another party of this story. The amount of forwarding and comments were pitifully small. Most of the comments were comfort from true fans.

An hour later, Lin Shiheng forwarded the microblog.

Lin Shiheng: [The loved one is me.]

The whole network blew up.

Even the media, which had fought several battles with Lin Shiheng from a distance, were excited.

Lin Shiheng is the one who brought it out, this topic would fly!

In particular, he had just finished fighting with several media. It was the climax, when the attention was at its highest that he broke out his love affair.

But his romantic partner has just admitted that she once lived in a mental hospital and even now, has mental problems.

This is simply the biggest news in the entertainment circle right now.

Forwarding! Must be forwarded!

However, this time it is necessary to be cautious and official. Can’t let Lin Shiheng feel that something is wrong and send a lawyer’s letter.

However, when the whole network announced Lin Shiheng’s personal admission of love; One second ago, fans were still exulting and singing loudly: ‘When the elder brother is good, then the elder brother is good, you are our role model!’ were overwhelmed now.

Especially the ‘girlfriend-wannabe’ fans, they were going to collapse.


[Wait, idol!]

[It was agreed that we would not marry. We would go to the end of the world alone together!]

[Idol, you have a vicious and arrogant manner of speaking. You are not good at anything except for a good-looking face and nice voice. How can such a straight man find a girlfriend?]


[We will never accept it!]

[The sea may wither, the stone may rot, idol your singleness cannot change!]

When the fan collapsed in chaos, the media, who were enemies with Lin Shiheng, were so happy they were almost flying.

Who in the entertainment circle does not know that public romance is a big challenge?

No matter what fans think before, as long as you didn’t fall in love and get married before you became famous, then the announcement is definitely a large-scale fan dropping scene.

Especially young stars like Lin Shiheng, whose fans are 80% girlfriend-wannabe’s, are the first to reject the announcement of his love affair.

What is self-defeating?

This is!

Lin Shiheng started his Weibo video post before this group of girlfriend-fans who refused to accept the reality turned to Yun Xiangyi’s Weibo.

In his video, he still looked like a handsome man covering the sky, with a magnetic voice and a smile: “I heard that you don’t want me to be in a relationship?”


[Shi-ge belongs to everyone! We can’t give it to other women!]

[Shi-ge, wake up! There is such a big forest, why are you hanging yourself from one tree?]

“Everyone is my loyal fan, of course I will consider your suggestion, but you can’t bear me not getting married for a lifetime. Can you? ”

Without waiting for an answer from the barrage, he slowly added, “I believe that true fans will not be so cruel, unless you are not my true fan…”

“If it’s not a true fan, then why should I listen to you?”

Fans: “…”

That seems to be very reasonable.

Lin Shiheng already took out a picture of Yun Xiangyi from his table at this moment, aimed it at the lens, and started to wantonly praise without shame. “Look at my girlfriend. You won’t let me have such a beautiful goddess; Don’t you think it’s a pity?”

“I also want to marry her and have a baby, if it gets messed up.”

In the other half of the scene, the man showed a mysterious smile: “I’ll have a vasectomy.”

Fans: “…”


This is a naked threat!

They don’t want this!

Which idol treat fans like this?!

But this is Shi-ge ah… wu wu wu wu… QAQ

When it comes to true fans, even though 10,000 alpaca passes in their hearts, fans still hold it in, and try to argue for it.

(TNote: alpaca translates to Chinese as Cǎonímǎ [草泥马] ‘Grass Mud Horse’= widely used as a euphemism for the cursing phrase cào nǐ mā [肏你妈] meaning ‘F your Mom!’)

[Yun Xiangyi suffered from a mental illness. You should sober up, Shi-ge!]

“I am very sober.”

Lin Shiheng’s ‘fan service smile’ on his face grew larger. “Speaking of it, if it weren’t for this, I wouldn’t have taken the chance to get her. No, I wouldn’t have been able to impress Xiangyi with my true feelings and successfully embrace the beauty.”

[What the hell is this?!]

[Shi-ge, it turns out you’re like this?! Shi-ge, I was wrong about you!]

Looking at the barrage, Lin Shiheng’s facial expression gradually became serious, and even his voice became low.

He seriously asked, “Still not willing to promise?”


[Resolutely refuse to do so!]

[If you want to leave the Single Dog League, you have to step over my body!]

“All right. ”

Lin Shiheng rubbed his face, closed his index finger with his middle finger, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, blew a kiss at the camera, picked his eyebrow and blinked his right eye. “Now?”

[Ah, I promise. I promise. I’ll promise anything!]

[Shi-ge, how about another one?]

[Yes yes, whatever you say!]

[I’m dead. Please step over my body!]

The idol in the camera laughed with delight, “do you have to be so realistic? However, it’s impossible to give another one. In the future, my kiss will only be for my family’s Xiangyi.”

“As a matter of fact, I have already proposed, but she did not agree, saying that it is better to develop my career, it’s too early. So please put in a good word for me. If I can successfully propose, I will thank you all very much.”

[Will there be a kiss if the proposal is successful?]

[Want a kiss!]

Lin Shiheng selectively ignored the barrage of asking for kisses, complaining to the camera about how difficult it is to chase people. A person’s strength is not enough, and Zhao Xingguang, who was originally a fan of his, also turned into a passer-by because of his pursuit of his sister. He guarded against him like he was thief, every day.

“So, please everyone, if you can; I think the successful marriage proposal this year and the birth of the baby the year after marriage would be perfect.”

As he said that, he winked again. “I and Xiangyi’s baby, should be very good-looking.”

“I will take a picture and share it with you at that time.”

Until the end of the live broadcast, fans were still immersed in ‘our idol’s baby must be very good-looking, I’m so happy and excited’.

Under the leadership of the water army, of course.

Lin Shiheng has been lounging on the sofa browsing Weibo since he turned off the live broadcast.

Inspired by a large number of water army, there was a heated discussion in the comment area about what the baby of Lin Shiheng and Yun Xiangyi would look like, and some ‘big sister fans’ have even begun to create a picture of the baby based on their appearance.

(Tnote: Big Sister fans/Boss fans = people who have a say in the fan community. Like Admins and moderators of the groups.)

Of course, this ‘big sisters’ are also arranged by Lin Shiheng, and the picture was made ready a long time ago, waiting to be released right now.

It had to be said that both Lin Shiheng and Yun Xiangyi have top-notch looks, and the picture of the baby, which combines their strengths, has aroused the motherly instincts of a large number of fans.


[This is idol’s baby!]

[Little Idol!]

After the excitement, they calmed down.

Wait a minute, idol hasn’t proposed yet, where could there be a baby?!

Fans are easy to encourage, and as long as people say, ‘idol needs our help’ and ‘fans who don’t help their idol are not good fans’, the rest of them will naturally wave the flag and shout along with them.

In the end, there is no need for the water army to get involved, and real fans would brainwash people who came late, spontaneously.

The ‘marriage promotion army’ soon arrived under Yun Xiangyi Weibo, with their own Lin Shiheng photos and various profiles as if they were introducing a blind date, like a matchmaker.

[Little sister! Look at this man. Isn’t he very handsome? He will be even more handsome when he gets married.] Attached, Lin Shiheng’s handsome photo jpg.

[Don’t worry, we fans are not burdens, they are blessings. Please be together.]

[Xiangyi, you would definitely look good in your wedding dress.]

The media who didn’t deal with Lin Shiheng, were happy to watch the fans frying Lin Shiheng who was digging his own grave, but then they saw the large-scale matchmaking scene. “…”

This star is poisonous, isn’t he?

How come when something happens to him, it’s completely different from the norm.

The media was depressed, they still have to dutifully report a large number of Lin Shiheng fans urging for marriage, as the two stars announced the news of their relationship.

It was a big deal, and it wasn’t long before Yun Xiangyi’s adoptive parents saw the news.

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